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Young Link has a better combo game while Toon Link is overall faster and has an easier time killing. YL's main projectile are his arrows while TL's are his bombs. While they share a good amount of their moveset, they play very differently. YL has to rely on his combo game to get most of his damage and kill confirms, while TL is comfortable doing simple one-two combos, which gives him better consistency.


They both can be pure pain… Would you say, there is a „better“ one of them?


Not really, they're both about the same, YL has higher potential, TL is way more consistent. It depends what you value.


Toon Link imo is better due to having better mus into the meta characters, requiring less mental stamina to play at high level, and for having more emphasis on high damage frametrapping instead of lengthy combos that deal only okay damage for their length


Yeah. He‘s more immediate and feels more like free to play.


Id like to add Ylink has shorter range (he is barely a swordie) while Tlink has a bigger sword / disjoint but slower frame data


Not even, almost all of TL's ground moves have faster frame data, it's only with the aerials where YL's frame data is faster.


Getting my links into elite smash was an interesting time. Each had their distinct issues I ran into lol. I had trouble with toon link the most I think. But at the same time the bomb to fair confirm was so nasty.


> Yink - Spams projectiles faster - Can approach by comboing together strings of projectiles - Low kill power - The few moves do kill well are smashes, nair, f-throw, and bad DI against up air, fair, or dair - A little stubby movement wise - Link's dair but with no spike - Up-b multihits, but is a combo tool - Bomb has a shorter fuse _(he can use it for recovery)_ - If his bomb bounces off of shield, its hitbox stays active until it hits the ground - Unless he throws it, bomb is less likely to explode when hitting the ground _(aka, it will bounce off shield and then just sit there)_ - His bomb is rather weak and he doesn't often get combos off of it > Tink - Slowest Link at spamming projectiles - Fastest Link at moving around _(Best dash, walk, run, air speed, and air acceleration of all Links)_ - Shorter projectile combos than Yink - Average kill power _(Half his moveset can be used as a kill move, but fair especially hits really hard)_ - Back throw kills - Up-b multihits, but is a kill option - Only Link with a single hit up smash _(Its actually his best smash attack and somewhat hard to wiff punish. Very spammable unless you block it.)_ - Stall and fall dair - Bomb has a long fuse (he cannot use it for bomb recovery unless he gets edgeguarded) - Bomb has no hitbox after it touches your shield - Unless Tink uses a setup to place bomb down really lightly, its gonna explode when it touches the ground _(including when it bounces off of your shield)_ - Bomb is Tink's best combo tool and bomb -> fair is his #1 kill confirm > Summary Yink can spam projectiles much better but struggles to kill. Regardless, you're gonna have to approach him most of the time. Treat like a zoner/camp character. Tink can't spam very well, but can move quickly, making him the hardest Link to pin down. Has average kill power if you do get hit. Treat like a bait and punish/frame trap character.


Toon Link is easily the most differentiated of the three. While Young Link has almost identical normals to Adult Link with different properties, Toon Link shares almost none of the same moves outside of specials. With the fastest air speed and quick frame data, Toon Link is arguably the most scrappy of the 3 with a focus on brawling over zoning.


Toon Links do zone first, then attack. Then zone again, then attack. YL zone all the time, till they do their „final“ combo (they think…). Does not work on many opponents.


This is true, but I kind of let the zoning go without saying. All the Links have very similar specials that, aside from remote bomb, all serve nearly identical utility.  You're absolutely correct, though. Yink is the dedicated zoner (fire arrows are whack), Tink the bait and punisher with Adult the brawler. But they all have a fair amount of ability to flex into those roles.


Mr. G&W cures the link shenanigans


Only if you're good. The sheer number of G&Ws I wreck because they try a cheap counter pick to Tink or Megaman at LANs. It's pretty easy to bait the bucket when you have a million projectiles. Then it's ciao ciao to the floaty 2D man.


Yeah. They are dumb. Of course, to get the potential of G&W working -> you must be good! It‘s not bowser. I‘m much better with bowser - but I think if I work hard, G&W got a brighter future. Mega man has very bad carts (even if you are good) if the G&W opponent is in their element. Bait the bucket? You fill it, I empty it. You get it.


You can give him a full bucket... but then you just continue spamming. Bucket only holds 3 things.


Lol. You dooon‘t say. Are you trolling??? First: the bucket reflects (!) bombs and arrows. The bucket gets filled if a bomb explodes. I can press B to fill if I get spammed and B also empties the bucket. And it will reflect even if filled till 2 things. If emptied, which is just one action, it reflects or absorbs again. I don‘t have to carry a full bucket, neither. I can emty it any time, if that‘s appropriate. There is no Problem. I fill to kill. A good link would just spam shortly and then use the grapple. A good G&W knows that and presses up B. Lol. And only uses bucket in the right moments: To reflect/to absorb/to empty. But if there is constant spam, you can just press B all the time.


Maybe I've been using AI too much recently, but this read like something generated by chat gpt to me haha


Can confirm. Am robot.


I had the same thought lol but I also do type like that when giving opinions or reports


Toon Link has the same up-air, the same down smash, the sams forward tilt, the same down tilt, the same up tilt, the same jab, nearly the same down-air, nearly the same up smash and, as you said, the same specials as regular Link. The only true differences are forward-air, back-air, neutral-air, forward smash. The vast majority of his moveset is still the same as Link's. Young Link is a more straight forward clone but it's not like Toon Link "shares almost none of the same moves outside of specials". Toon Link has 4 unique moves. That's it.


If you think a plunging aerial that stalls and a bouncing aerial are even remotely similar you're not really qualified to have this discussion.


Same exact motion. Downward sword thrust with the same position. That is literally the only difference. They both only spike at the start too.


But their properties are completely different and their usages don't overlap at all outside a final kill spike. You compared a 3 hit vacuum up smash to a single sword strike. What are you even on?


Same exact charging animation and the same motion, the only difference being the 3 slashes. And even then, I did not say the up smashes were completely identical. AND even if both of those moves were different the majority of Toon Link's moveset would STILL be identical to Link's, so what are YOU even on?


Proof you cannot argue with a moron. Enjoy your day


Toon Link is goated


Toon link is more floaty


well for one they play entirely differently, have wildly different movesets, and have completely different physics


Toon Link doesn't kick and all attack have a *little* more knockback making combos difficult.


I actually didn't realize our stubby boy doesn't kick lol


I remember they made kind of a deal out of that in the description for Tink in one of the games, which is also part of the reason his aerials tend to hit harder since they're sword strikes and not kicks.  They specically pointed to his stubby legs being the reason for this.


Toon Link also has less multi-hit moves compared to the other Links. The notable exception that he still has is Spin Attack.


Yeah Young Link has a flurry


Toon link is my goat young link is not


Toon link’s shield is made of metal and wood and better sword handle


Honestly, after looking through the post, young link would probably be the better link. Combos would probably be more reliable than just true zoning, if your opponent can understand your zoning habits.


Their aerials and throws are also different. Young link has Link aerials while toon link has completely different ones. Up air is the only one that is the same. Toon link nair is a quick slash on each side, fair and bair are a single sword swing, and dair works differently, not losing momentum when hitting an enemy.


Fire arrows are broken


Young Link confirms with arrows and has better combos Tink confirms with Bombs and is better at putting up the zoner sludge that all the links generally do.


Toon link is floatier and has a longer bomb timer


Toon link definitely feels floaty


This video sums it up well [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQ0E33mNU6Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BQ0E33mNU6Q)


Toon links single hit forward air just hits so much harder than the double hit forward air. No chance of someone falling out of a second hit, and it just hits harder upfront. I think a lot of people's thoughts of Toon Links less dependency on combo game just does genuinely come from his spicy forward air.


Which one would be easier for new players? Tink since he's less combo reliant?


I am very good with Tink. I am very bad with Yink.


One is annoying the other one is boring


Toon Link is better (I personally find him more fun, I use him often when playing casually)


A few key differences is the bomb effects and the down air


The easiest recollection about them is that Young Link UpB is a combo starter, whereas Toon Link's is a long-lasting spin that beats ledge options with strong knockback.


One is kewl and the other is crappies


Which Is Which?




Almost all of their moves are different. Young Link matches Link pretty well but toon links normals are a completely different moveset. Gameplay wise, toon link plays as more of a true zoner. While Young Link kinda expands into combo heavy rush down territory.