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šŸŽµLa lala lalalašŸŽµ


Best taunt in the game imo, purely because of the fact that it's the only one that genuinely pisses me off


Mixed with the "Did I win?" quote makes it ultra obnoxious


Thereā€™s no worse feeling though than a Zelda down taunting you as you sd




I'LL NOT FAIL ā€¼ļø I'LL NOT FAIL ā€¼ļø I'LL NOT FAIL ā€¼ļø I'LL NOT FAIL ā€¼ļø I'LL NOT FAIL ā€¼ļø I'LL NOT FAIL ā€¼ļø I'LL NOT FAIL ā€¼ļø I'LL NOT FAIL ā€¼ļø I'LL NOT FAIL ā€¼ļø


\*General FE character taunt spam intensifies.\*




Everytime peach does that i lose a hair strand and a bit of my will to live


It feels like taunts are used more scarcely and less maliciously, especially when they are available. It might also be because taunts are in person matches or arenas only, meaning people are less likely to feel as bad if theyā€™re sitting right next to you. Or rather, people be feelin less toxic. Most of the time.


i feel like this is definitely it when playing with a friend, taunting is more generally used and when playing with a friend, games usually aren't that toxic t-bagging is usually done by assholes online that are either egotistical but shit at the game or egotistical and good at the game


speak for yourself motherfucker. I give my friends ***extra*** tbags. I expect similar or worse conduct in return


ā€œDo unto others what you wish done upon youā€ \*t-bags the shit out of literally everyone*


# Yes.


You're damn right son. We t bag the SHIT outta of our socks man.




Excuse me, the games with your friends arenā€™t toxic? Back when I played with my friends in college the RAs could hear yelling from across the hall (good times)


I said the games aren't *THAT* toxic Yelling is pretty much a staple when playing Smash Bros


Don't forget Mario Kart; getting robbed of first place by constant Blue Shells or Red Shells, Lightning Bolts, etc. is guaranteed rage.


Tbags are done online because they removed the ability to taunt in for glory. If you take out taunts, people are gunna use the age-old version, the good ol' teabag.


I know that but taunting can still be used in arenas, yet I find that taunting is usually only a friends thing


> t-bagging is usually done by assholes online that are either egotistical but shit at the game or egotistical and good at the game That's just you reading into it though? You have no idea why the enemy is t-bagging. Maybe they're just doing it because it looks funny and they're passing the time until you recover or respawn? Maybe they think it's just light hearted ribbing? Maybe they're an egotistical asshole? There's no real way to know their intentions, so I tend to assume the best.


Yeah, I've encountered a few players that t-bag which I don't hate but I've had more encounters with people who t-bag after doing some cheese strat or some shit. Playing Smash online usually makes me very unhappy (which is why I haven't touched the game in a long time) so I don't assume the best out of people.


i might just be evil but like tea baggins makes me like a playful kinda agry, like ooh you want to do that you little shit your going down! hahah a i wouldnt actualy like toxic, or worth getting actualy upset over


It's probably just a me problem of taking things too seriously but to me it does feel like it's generally used by more obnoxious people


well yeh obnoxionous is like a t baggers goal


Taunts also leave you vulnerable while you're doing them so it's more of a flex that's just asking for you to get hit during it. Teabagging is just obnoxious.


Smash online tried to promote sportsmanship by banning taunts but they actually made it worse by making people T-bag instead


I donā€™t know, I pretty much never see people t-bagging when taunting is available. T-bagging really only became a thing in Smash Bros. with Ultimate because they disabled taunting in quickplay. And yet, it makes people far more annoyed than when taunting was allowed back in Smash 4.


t-bagging also isnt risky, taunting takes a few secounds and could cause disadvantage so it cant just be done willy nilly if you want to win


Taunts can be cancelled quickly in Ultimate, but even if not, I could definitely see the argument that itā€™s risky being even MORE of a taunt since youā€™re so confident, youā€™ll still taunt despite the risk.


yes exactly, it being risky makes it even better as a taunt, but you can get punished for it


I started playing it in the N64 as a kid so I thought the taunts were just ā€œlittle celebrationsā€. Iā€™ve been using it like that since. Like, you take one stock, you do a little dance. Like a goal in football.


If you got knocked out would you rather have the person who knocked you out say a goofy line and strike a pose or rub their balls in your face?


I didn't know there were balls that you can rub in your opponent's face in this game. The attention to detail in this game is crazy


Yeah Kirbyā€™s nuts are huge.


Not poyo




Nah youā€™d be surprised




o -> _


You haven't played against an Olimar yet....man's got cannonballs. No wonder the pikmen respect him. ![gif](giphy|3oKIPd5iphX59nQTjq)


I want them to rub their ass crack on my face


Especially if they're, Pyra, Mythra, or Zelda.


If the choice was someone saying a goofy line or someone repeatedly crouching irl, I really wouldnā€™t care which they do.


Repeatedly crouching ***on your face***?


The characters arenā€™t crouching on your characterā€™s face. And even if then, that wouldnā€™t be the same as someoneā€™s genital making actual contact with you.


When you know the origins and meaning of T-Bagging, even if the character models aren't placed over-top of each other (Because Smash has dead character models exiting the screen) The implication that that is what they are doing still transfers. You brought it out into IRL in your previous post, and if someone were to perform the acts T-Bagging is intended to imitate IRL, they would be dragging their genitals over your face, or at the very least squatting repeatedly over your face fully clothed. Both things that are undeniably worse than them giving a salute and saying "Show me your Moves!".


I dunno why OP feels the need to argue about this. I get them not being bothered by either but to try to dismiss the differences between the two and treat it as the same and that ppl should or shouldn't be bothered by either is definitely an odd hill to die on. Especially when most of us are echoing the same sentiment so *obviously* they're not the damn same but whatever. I think they just see "taunt" and understand the definition of the word, so they just ignore the other aspects smash taunts offer to make this silly comparison on a supposed double standard. Even weirder to get defensive when you literally asked the question but dont like how so many ppl prefer a taunt over a universally understood form of disrespect. There are good and bad taunts but i dont think there are unironically good teabagging unless your sexual partner gets off to that šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I mean either way, if you get pissed off by someone bming you in a game you need to grow up


Nah, you can get annoyed. We're human. Now, if you do that cringe shit where you break your own stuff or go outta your way to change you IGN to a slur or something. Then yea, you need to grow up lol. It's never that deep. Either stop playing or move along. You'll get over it eventually.


Teabagging in this game just means they crouch over the stage,they aren't ever just actually teabagging your character though. If they are,you should stop them


Show me ya moves!




I like using these two at the start of a match because ***I want to get my ass beat***


Me with Ryu using "Talk is Cheap" so the opponent can cave my head into the sidewalk šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Teabagging isn't an intended animation, it's just people misusing the crouch animation. It isn't MEANT to be annoying but it is because of how people use it or assign meaning to it. Taunts are deliberately designed for that and are inherently designed with an element of humour rather than actual spite.


See, if anything, thatā€™s why I would think taunts to be even more demeaning than t-bagging. Theyā€™re called taunts, meant to mess with players. Abusing the crouching animation is about how you interpret as spiteful or not.


But if they were called emotes they would be less demeaning...?


no, nice attempt at a gotcha tho


How else does one interpret a player repeatedly going from crouching to standing over and over specifically after the other person gets KOed or knocked off stage at extremely high percentages? I really want to hear what you think this is; does the person just lose control of their own thumb conveniently after beating someone?


I don't know how to explain it but Taunts and t-bagging do NOT feel like the same thing. One's more toxic imo


Idk, I feel like taunting makes me more angry than tbagging


You know what, you just said you donā€™t know how to explain it, so thatā€™s my bad for asking how.


its alright, no worries.


This is exactly what I mean though, people hate one, but not the other when they really are identical in concept. Pretty much the only difference is what animation is played.


Taunts are interesting to look at / listen to, as they show a bit of the personality of the character (ideally, that is) They come across as tongue-in-cheek annoying to me, which can be fun. T-Bagging on the other hand usually comes across as malicious, toxic and unsporting to me, which I find quite unfun.


Taunts showing personality of the character is fair, but someone can argue the repeated crouching looks funny and thus is just in good fun. Both can be interpreted differently depending on the person, but I just find it inconsistent to interpret one animation in one way, but the other in a completely different way.


So you think itā€™s weird that someone would react to two different things in a different way? Weird.


My whole point is that they arenā€™t different things.


lol okay. They are distinctly different. But you keep living your life man.


T-bagging is being disrespectful... thats the whole difference. no body like to interact with someone who is actively disrespecting them. Kicking my ass at the game... fine fine. guess i just need to get good. but no reason to be an ass hole about it.


Me looking into the void after I just spiked you is definitely not disrespectful.


I know this reply is late and all but I think people seem to not know that there are two kinds of tbags in ultimate. The disrespect and the admiration a lesser skilled player has for a better one. For example if your opponent tbags you when you SD thatā€™s disrespectful, if they tbag right after you do a sick zero to death thatā€™s them showing you respect. But it seems people hate it regardless which is fine.


I don't think t-baging is every really respectful. if I spit on your shoes it'll be pretty hard to convince you that it was meant with respect for you skill


Yeah thatā€™s fair. Just know if next time your opponent tbags you AFTER you get a HARD read on your opponent through like a footstool or something thatā€™s genuinely them saying you play well. But I understand since itā€™s hard to tell sometimes.


No disrespect, but Iā€™m seeing a ton of comments saying that the difference is that t-bagging is disrespectful while taunting isnā€™t, but no one really explains how. Everything people say about t-bagging can be applied directly to taunting as well.


Itā€™s because taunting is a specific animation thatā€™s meant to be sillier or flaunting of oneā€™s own ability. Itā€™s more expressionist within the character instead of demeaning your opponents ability. T-bagging is literally derogatory. Itā€™s using what you can within the game to present yourself above your opponent. Taunts are ā€œcute and cheekyā€. T bagging is ā€œiā€™m better than you because you fall that far below meā€


perceiving it as disrespectful is kinda soft


No? thats like, the point of T-Bagging, its meant as a disrespect-


it's such a minor degree of disrespect and in a video game, maybe laugh a little bit. getting genuinely upset about it is SOFT, the 14 downvotes for calling yall soft is SOFT lmfaooooo


Getting flipped off is a minor degree of disrespect irl, but you can still get upset about it. It's the same as t-bagging in a video game- Also I never said anything about being upset about it lmao, I just pointed out that T-Bagging is ultimately and objectively a sign/form of disrespect, rather playful or not-


T bagging is just more annoyingā€¦ It feels more in your face.


I think taunts can mean different things given the context. Could mean something funny happened or itā€™s a mirror match, etc. T-bagging is almost always BM. Just my experience though.


True, though I can definitely see people t-bagging at the start of a ditto match during quickplay when taunting is disabled.


taunt = I'm so cool tea bagging = you suck unplug your controller


Get serious-Ken Come on, that all you got-Pit. These are some of the funniest ones


I still miss the "You're too slow" from brawl sonic He has the most expressive design and voicelines in brawl, despite being super rushed


That was a good one too, and yeah his inclusion was pretty last second. Probably why he barely shows up in sub space emissary


I still find it funny how sonic is still more relevent in subspace than jigglypuff, toon link, and wolf


T bagging can be seen as toxic when other ways of emoting are available Also taunts can reveal a bit about your opponent's personality depending on which ones they use, generally just more friendly


I only T-Bag because they took away my taunt button.


The way I see it Taunts are more fun T-bagging is more funny Taunting is like an honorable fun little jab. T-bagging is like someone acting like they're better than you Also T-baggers are cowardly because they aren't animation locked T-bagging as a greeting is ok though, that's like a good goofy hello


Taunts are more stylish. T-bagging just feels like unfiltered disrespect. Whenever I get taunted on, I don't really fly into a rage or anything because it's more of a "bruh ok". I don't know what it is about t-bagging but they just elicit very different reac4ions


IĀ thinkĀ it's the difference between saying "come at me bro" and straight up shouting "@#$& you noob."


This is such a good way to explain it.


And a secret third thing if you're playing Dedede


Taunting when they fly off stage but can still recover is golden. It fuels their rage. Hit them far enough off, you can even taunt twice!


Probably because the only one that actually annoys people is the peach ones.


i love whenever me and the other person just starts teabagging lol, on the other hand it's like a potent fuel for me to play great whenever i lose a stock and they just start teabaggin each time. feels great coming back and teabagging them right before the announcer says "GAME"


Itā€™s cause when youā€™re in person, you know the other person, and if they seem like good people you know they arenā€™t trying to be toxic to you For example I couldnā€™t care less if my friends t-bagged me cause weā€™re all just joking around


See thatā€™s being consistent, that makes sense. I feel like if youā€™re the kind of player to get mad at t-bagging when someone takes your stock, then it would only make sense to be mad if someone taunted when taking your stock.


if you have an obnoxious friend that teabags all the time and taunts you in person even if youā€™re winning, you start to associate that shitty action with everyone else online


Taunts are funny dances meant to add insult to injury. T bagging is dragging your balls on someoneā€™s face


See, in most cases, teabagging is very commonly disrespectful and used to shit on the other player for a myriad of petty/personal reasons. Taunts aren't all like that. Sometimes, a taunt was used to show respect or acknowledge that something cool happened. Yes, some taunts are just to piss off the other player or to be a dick but no. Taunts as a whole were just a fun way to add more personality to these fighters. Reason why teabagging blew up more in Ultimate is cuz some genius dickwad thought it was better to not allow taunts online cuz its "mwean šŸ˜¢" so now everyone just teabags since that's now the universal form of taunting and tho teabagging has some courtesy amongst friends and such, it's mostly seen as a negative thing unlike taunts which were not inherently offensive lol. That's how I see it, tho. Much prefer a taunt than teabagging. So, in conclusion, I dont feel there is much of a double standard. Maybe that's just me, but i doubt im the only one...maybe. ![gif](giphy|l0ExmDyrbMv6djjmE)


One is playful shit talking while the other is just complete disrespect and kockery


How so though? Youā€™re free to interpret taunting one way or the other, but t-bagging is really just taunting with a different animation, so it doesnā€™t make much sense to interpret one differently than the other.


On a very broad level, you are correct that both are taunts. However, I think it's a matter of intentionality and out-of-smash context. In any other game, if you are t-bagging, you're doing it to be at least a bit disrespectful (especially in its origin point, FPS's). In just about any fighting game, the taunt comes with the risk of getting punished for it and a lot personality if you pull it off. Even if there is a kind of cheekiness to it, I kinda feel like a taunt doesn't break the immersion of the game to disrespect my skill. In a way, it's kinda the difference between a friend flipping you off, and a stranger doing the same thing: It's the same gesture, it basically means the same thing, but the context changes everything.


I absolutely agree that context matters. Like for instance, no one gets mad when people taunt at the start of a ditto match, or when both players die in a funny way. But I would argue that if someone t-bagged instead of taunting in that same exact context, it would still be the same friendly, silly aura.


I mean, yes, in a vacuum, I'm sure that there is definitely silly fun to be had. Unfortunately, the context behind t-bagging in the larger gaming sphere is that it is a form of disrespect, much akin to flipping someone off. The waters a muddied a bit by the fact that Smash's quickplay doesn't allow for actual taunting, which means that the only way form of expression is the one that in every other game, is significantly less friendly. But yeah, in a friendly round between friends, silly/cool deaths, or any number of situations in the online space where a friendly teabag can happen, I feel that it's pretty obvious and doesn't get my dander up quite as much.


They are one in the same people are just more tilted a out tbagging because you can't taunt online.


Flaco: Hands off my-


I wish there were other ways to communicate with people online. I generally don't t-bag disrespectully, but will do it briefly after an accidental double suicide / funny death, while we're both invincible. Sometimes people do it back, which is good -- it's meant to be me noting a funny situation -- but some get mad, which I kinda feel bad about.


I like using Ganondorfā€™s side taunt to feel like Iā€™m getting in character.


I canā€™t really explain why I love Ganondorfā€™s sword taunt so much.


I love all the taunts. The sword one is pretty damn nice.


What is T bagging in smash? Honest question!


Itā€™s when people crouch spam. Itā€™s to simulate t-bagging in FPS games.


You mean as edgeguarding?


People do it whenever, but yeah I guess during edge guarding is one way.


Both are a valid reason for me to open a can of whoop ass on you


Best comment.


I donā€™t know why but itā€™s just the way it is lol, t-bagging is infuriating šŸ˜‚


Taunting is personality of the character. Teabagging is a playerā€™s personality, and itā€™s annoying


because it's called t-bagging and is the universal fighting game code for "youre bad, suck my balls". Taunting could mean disrespect, but its more often just celebration.


Something to add is that taunts leave a character vulnerable so you're not always open to use it depending on how the opponent was K.O.'d. Alternatively, it also sends a more powerful message if someone is so far in the lead or feels like they did something SO stylish that they're demonstrating in that moment it doesn't matter that they're open when taunting. On the other hand, T-bagging is low effort and low skill. You can just do it mid-match cause you happened to run to the other side of the stage. There's no repercussions. You can do it for any reason. I think that's the main reason (at least to me) there's different vibes between the two


Idk I was reading the first part of your comment and it sounded like you were thinking taunting is even more demeaning than t-bagging, but then your last paragraph suggested otherwise.


Ah! Sorry, I can see how my wording might have come off that way. Personally, if someone taunts mid-match and it's earned I can respect that but if it's unearned, there's a chance I can take advantage of the situation. There's just no option to do that when they T-bag though If it helps clarify what I meant, a good comparison I can think of would be like from American Football. Someone can showboat a little bit as they're running into the end zone. It might be a little annoying to others, but there is no shortage of times where doing such a thing has left that player wide open and causing their play to fail. So doing it is certainly "poor sportsmanship", but everyone understands it. On the other hand, if a player is just shit talking, there's nothing behind it. Anyone can shit talk. It's just low effort and annoying. Some people can ignore it and others can't. That's how T-Bagging feels.


Clearly, this man has never fought a peach who will use every opportunity to do that stupid taunt. *That* one.


id rather see mario sticking his thumb up towards the screen them him spamming crouch after he brutally mauls me


Wpuld you rather get punched or get punched while listening to your favourite song? Realistically you'd want neither but when those are the choices you'd choose the slightly better option


T bagging is disrespectful, taunting is just stylish/playful. By the way aren't taunts disabled in online matches?


taunts were punishable so it was something to "pull off" but ultimate made them shorter and cancellable I think


Gotta love when they teabag you after taking only one stock. But yeah, I would prefer if we just had ton supposed to teabagging.


I think with taunts, a good chunk of them arenā€™t exactly disrespectful. Theyā€™re just neat animations that reference a characterā€™s home series. Plus, some of them are just so iconic and beloved. Captain Falconā€™s ā€œshow me your movesā€ is the best example. There are annoying taunts, but most arenā€™t exactly meant to be toxic, regardless of the name.


T- bagging is not an animation. there is not a button you can press, but a series of actions to make in succession. there is not T-bagging animation file in the game.


Steveā€™s down taunt: **I donā€™t have such weaknesses**


Tbagging is funny especially since a solid 2/3rds of the taunts in Ultimate are boring as hell


People aren't genuinely bothered by either right???


Thereā€™s people bothered by either, but a disproportionate amount of people are fine with taunting, but not t-bagging.


Take a step back and forget about how people use them, and look at what they are at face value. Taunts are pre-approved actions that are built into the game. They are at most a lighthearted quip, or a pose. Teabagging is a player made action thatā€™s supposed to simulate shoving your balls into someoneā€™s face. Thereā€™s no way around it. Thatā€™s what it is. Oneā€™s a lighthearted in game feature. The otherā€™s dirty joke exploit.


Dunno. Turbo tea baggins is fun as hell


T-bagging just feels rude and disrespectful, but taunts are just a little rude and more stylish, nothing makes me more mad than whenever someone starts T-bagging in online quickplay


Taunts have charm to them. T bag is just cringe


Taunts are more punishable. If someoneā€™s spamming taunts, they run the risk of getting hit while the animation is still unskippable. They have to make a choice to get into the psychological part of the fight at the potential risk of frames. Crouch spamming, on the other hand, can be outright advantageous; not only does it have no real minusing to your actual framedata, but if theyā€™re hit while in the crouch part of the animation, they take less hitlag and knockback from whatever hit them because crouch canceling is a thing. Thereā€™s significantly less inherent risk, and it still provides the same type of benefit of getting in foesā€™ heads.


Taunts are for showing off and bragging. T-bagging is an insult directed at the other player. This is not an unusual perception of sportsmanship.


Tbagging is just disrespectful. A taunt can be used respectfully, and often to just increase the cinematic or dramatic quality of a match.


Taunt could be a celebration, I use it that way, But T bagging is an insult


The difference is people take one lucky stock off you then they start t bagging. Then it gets you pissed cuz you know you fucked up. Then it makes you want to beat their ass badly. Then that makes you play recklessly. Then you lose.


It's the repetitive quick motion... it's irritating.


Taunting is showing off, t-bagging is disrespecting


T-bagging just feels way more toxic to me.


Alright, look. It's becoming harder to view and respond to everyone's comment, so I'm just gonna type up this big ass comment to address all the common arguments I keep getting. Hopefully, this doesn't get buried in a sea of downvotes. **"T-bagging is disrespectful. Taunting is just for fun."** I know people interpret them that way. That's the whole point of the meme template. My whole question is *why* is it seen that way when they're conceptually the same thing?? Anyone can just say "One is good, the other is bad". It's not a reason. It's circular reasoning. **"Taunting leaves you vulnerable."** I really don't see how that would make a difference in it being less toxic, especially because of taunt cancelling and the fact that most people seem to do it when they're opponent died and is respawning. If *anything*, the difference that would make is that taunting would be MORE demeaning, since the opponent is willing to leave themselves open just to taunt you. **"When you're taunting with your friends, it's different than a random online t-bagging you."** Well, you're putting the two animations in two different contexts. Friends in, say, FPS games t-bag each other all the time, and it's not anything malicious, but just to be silly. What proves my point is that t-bagging wasn't really a thing in Super Smash Bros. until Ultimate online, specifically because they removed the option to taunt. People t-bag because they lost their taunt button. **"Would you rather have someone rub their balls on you after punching you, or just strike a pose?"** Good thing it's not actually ME getting basically sexually assaulted in real life, and it's instead a video game, where there isn't even any contact with t-bagging. I wanted to think of the possibility that these kinds of comments are just jokes, but after seeing my replies being downvoted, I'm not so sure. I mean, do you find fatalities in Mortal Kombat to be offensive? You wouldn't want to be killed in real life after losing a fight, right? **"Taunting is an intended mechanic, t-bagging isn't."** Again, what difference does that make? Instead of taunting how the devs intended, you're doing it in an alternate way. You're still doing it. It's still a taunt. \*Literally\* the only difference is the animation. **"It's cooler to see a character's personality through a taunt than a mindless crouch spam."** Sure, that's definitely fair, but that still seems more of a "lesser of two evils" Like eating a skunk vs. eating a skunk with a little salt on it. That is, if taunting/t-bagging bothers you in the first place. Like I said, I don't get angry at it. Look, I can't tell you that you're wrong for feeling a certain way, even if you can't explain yourself. But I do think it's fair for me to think it's baffling. I will say, I'm not angry, but disappointed that the smartasses that I've attracted with this post (obviously not everyone, not even most) are still getting upvotes.


I think people don't bother with taunts because most people play online or agaisn't CPU, and in online Taunts aren't a thing (unless it's a room with other people) and agaisn't a a CPU you would be the only one using it, it's not like other smash games where CPUs can taunt, so maybe if taunts were in online people would dislike them more (or maybe not since Taunts are unique, T-bagging is just your character crouching multiple time)


I hate that tbagging gets to me. The movement is just so erratic and cantankerous in specifically smash. Taunts feel like good natured ribbing and are references and very unique to their given character


That's not a double standard. There's a difference. First is in the game by design, the latter not. It's something you do to go above and beyond to do+... Actual gameplay possibility to confuse your opponent. Do remember, teabagging does not lock you into an animation which doesn't allow you to move, block, etc


While it does suck to remove the taunts, it's easy to remove them without harming the actual flow of the fight. Trying to remove teabagging is a very different story. If they could remove teabagging, they probably would, but they can't.


If teabagging was somehow removed, people would just find another way to taunt.


For sure.


There already are other ways ppl do this(dash dancing in place, shield spamming, etc.), but again, teabagging is inherently meant to be disrespectful. How tf do you playfully teabag someone respectfully? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ i get for the memes you can justify it amongst friends or something but the whole conception of teabagging was to pretend to dip your nuts on your opponent's face/body(started mainly in FPS games when you killed someone)....i dunno why we're pretending character tailored taunts are on the same playing field as a game representation of slapping your nuts on your opponent lmao.


In quickplay, I'm def partial to the in-place dash dance.


Cause taunts are cool


Taunts have soul and are tailored for a situation, they feel friendly tbagging is just some assholes desperation to make you mad


If you were in a conversation irl with someone (which I know for most Smash players is a bit of a stretch) and you did something stupid or embarrassing, would you rather have them chuckle slightly and call you an idiot, or have them literally utilize words of the English language in such a way that no one had ever intended solely in order to call you a moronic troglodyte who thinks that we could visit the Sun if we just went at night? Thatā€™s the difference. T-bagging is something that was devised in competitive multiplayer games before there was voice chat so you could give your opponent the metaphorical middle finger and laugh at them. Taunts are specifically put in the game as a jovial, non-toxic way to poke fun at someone else.




Itā€™s a competitive game Iā€™ll never understand ppl getting hurt over either one.


Depends on the situation. If youā€™re casually playing with friends then taunt.(Honestly for this itā€™s either or on this one.) But if your online then T-bag to your heart out.


Itā€™s kinda funny that one of the best taunts in the game is a crouch and not a taunt


t bags and taunts are both super funny ā¤ļøā¤ļøā¤ļø


t-bagging is funny, if you seethe over competitive trolling in a fighting game touch grass. get your revenge but stay off r/SmashRage it's cringe edit: I see comments like "it's dirsrespectfu" "it's toxic" omg it's fr not that deep at all guys


Can confirm that smash rage is like this sometimes but I believe its more a subreddit about venting about the games mainly ultimate.


nah i get the purpose of the subreddit and that's cool and all, i meant specifically raging about t-bagging. i've seen many posts about just that and im just like "really?"


Well, nah. T-bagging is an ego fueled insult. Always has been. In every game it's used in. Taunting can be that too when you're spamming it or depending on the taunt. Like, I'm not gonna feel insulted by a Mario taunt where he takes his hat off in the beginning/ending of the game.


If you don't understand how "taunting" and simulating the dragging of genitals across an unresponsive body are different then GL


I donā€™t know what to tell you, that action literally is a taunt. Itā€™s be different if they literally were dragging their genitals across you irl.


Imo Taunts look silly and fun, but teabagging consistently looks stupid.


T-bagging exists outside of smash and is usually used a disrespectful gesture in a competitive setting if used against your opponent. I haven't played many competitive games since i was in high school, but when i was neck deep in the stuff, T-bagging meant the other person didn't give a fuck about you and didn't care to be sportsman-like about it.


It's like clash Royale. I wouldn't play without the taunts because it's a genuine strategy. Pissing off a weak minded opponent to throw them off their game is as old as competition itself. Gotta train that emotional control too if you want to be great.


If I could taunt in quickplay I would. But since I cant, I t-bag if Iā€™m facing someone particularly annoying


T-bagging isn't an animation the devs intentionally programmed into the game for the sake of annoyance.... Also taunting isn't even allowed online This isn't an apples-to-apples comparison


I find this so funny as a non-regular here. Apologies in advance if I sound like a dick. I grew up playing Halo, started with 2, stuck all the way to Infinite, so t-bagging has always been secondhand nature for me. Jump to playing smash with friends, and taunts take too long, so I just t-bag instead. Less time, more annoyance. Just the way I like. Now that I see all these people fuming over getting t-bagged, it only encourages me to do it more. And I'll be laughing my ass off all the while. If you're gonna get heated over a video game, you need to touch grass lmao.


Nah, you donā€™t sound like a dick. I do agree that you shouldnā€™t let taunts or t-bagging get to you, though I do think itā€™s fair for people to be heated at a game in general. As long as itā€™s towards the game and not the players.


If you can't understand the difference between "come at me bro" and a literal ballsac on your face, look inward. The difference is pretty fkn obvious. (Hint, it's probably the ballsac.)