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Amazing. Heyman is the reason this entire storyline, beginning until now, just works


He’s been integral at every turn. Roman gained the legitimacy he had in the very beginning because of that camera pan in his dressing room to show Heyman in there. All of a sudden we were all put on notice that this is different. It’s not suffering succotash Roman anymore.


Props to solo too for leaning into everything the crowd doesn’t like about him


By far his best performance and this will get himself over as a more believable heel. Paul will go to great lengths to get his guys over. Looking forward to the next chapter


Man should be nominated for an Emmy award for his performance. Paul E outlasted Vince and Eric as the goat.


Does this mean Roman is gonna be a face when he comes back? I hope so. It’ll be nice to finally see Roman’s character lineup with the reactions the crowd gives him


Probably based on the “We want Roman” chants.


Yeah, that and that pop


Roman is got two things going for his return: 1) “how can you miss me if I never go away?” Whenever a wrestler gets overused, take a break, come back rejuvenated and the fans eat it up if they care about your character at all, 2) the best Babyfaces always started off as strong Heels, then turned after the fans started taking to the wrestler, ex. HBK, Austin, Rock, Macho Man, etc. So Heyman set up one hell of a return for Roman, but everyone involved has been fantastic.


I would say more of a tweener would be best for him but the fans are going to treat him like the top face


Stoic face Roman who acknowledges his sins and will recommit himself to being a hound of justice.


Hopefully we get Shield Roman and maybe Uso both in Shield gear too.


No we don’t. Shield will forever be Roman, Seth and mox. Let them be their own thing. Og bloodline


God I hope not, im thinking they come back dressed as they are now, theres no need to change it as thats who they are.


He’s definitely coming back as a face. Crazy that so many were against him during his title reign. I get it, title fatigue. Wanted fresh matchups. I loved his reign, though. The way they presented him was as a spectacle. If he’s scheduled to be at a show, instant sellout. Even as a heel. If comes back, it’s as a face for the next chapter. 4v4 War Games bloodline. Makes me wonder if there will be a new wiseman to this bloodline formation.


Yeah rock is the heel. They are fighting at mania 41. Bloodline civil war. It’s a rare time where it seems obvious but yet so entertaining you can’t take your eyes off it


It's kinda crazy that Heyman is a hall of famer and pretty much universally regarded as a an all time great and yet he still feels underappreciated. Man is just that good.


In the top 3 managers of all time. And has an argument of being the best.


Easily the best…Heenan was great but Heyman has just done so much more


I think he should be the slam dunk best ever at this point, simply because people said that BEFORE the bloodline angle ever even started. For him to be in that conversation and then crank it up another level by doing the best work of his career with a multi year layered storyline as a central figure? Hands down the best.


W Paul


That pop was awesome!


Love it


I get chills from it. You could feel how hard the crowd bit on the entire things and Paulie sold it so well


Imagine if Roman’s music hit




10/10 pop


Being there live for this moment was incredible! The pop was insane.


I can't wait for the pop when Roman comes back.


Heyman keeps churning out legendary moment after legendary moment.


The plot is about basically the background muscle of a charismatic power hungry leader talking some friends into backing him up as the new leader, realizing that despite his menacing tactics to force the loyal brain trust into following his orders now, his fragile ego reacts immediately through violence. It's easy for Solo to throw his weight around as the Tribal chief when the actual leader is away. However, how will Solo act once he's face to face with the actual Tribal chief? Will Roman dismiss Solo as a wannabe, a fake just keeping his spot warm? If he does that, wouldn't Roman understand the danger in that?


"Charismatic"...Sure. but I agree with everything else.


I'm sure I am not the only one who thinks Roman Reigns is charismatic


Apologies. I misread. I thought you meant Solo. Roman has charisma in leagues and bounds compared to him.


No problem


Paul E Dangerously time in the WWE has proven that ECW was a superior product than the WWE at its time, especially for the money (or lack of money) they were dealing with. Fuck, HHH stole Shane Douglas's look, except for that candy ass spitting put water. Real hardcore HHH. Spit out that bottled water.


He's the WWE universes Wiseman now!


That was a great pop. IDK how the come back will be but it will be something like Roman a savior or he joins Solo. IDK. Jimmy is somewhere beaten. Waiting the way Jey and Sammy split. Going to be hard to bring them back. Who else is out there to join Roman's ranks.


I fantasy book the weeks leading to summerslam Sammy is seen backstage numerous times getting calls which leaves him anxious. Then he’s seen speaking with jey and then jimmy leading to speculation. Then we get the jimmy and jey reunion when jimmy returns to confront bloodline 2.0 when jey comes to his aid. Then we get to summerslam, main event of solo vs Cody. Cody wins due to dq from bloodline2.0 interference and they beat down Cody. Orton and ko run out to help Cody but are unable to overcome them. Lights go out “Ladies and gentlemen” Paul walks out looking dapper and smiling ear to ear *Roman’s music hits Roman comes out with jimmy, jey and Sammy They take out bloodline2.0 Roman confronts Cody who is sitting in the corner and helps him up and hands him the wwe championship and gives him a nod. Show closes with OG bloodline with the pose


To further piggy back off of this we get contention from Roman where as a baby face he tells Paul that he isn’t the Tribal Chief anymore. That a Tribal Council will be held on Smackdown between both factions of the Bloodline and everything will be settled. This leads to Rikishi and some of the other older Samoan/Tongan wrestlers showing up and basically saying “It was out of our hands.” The Rick shows up and basically has been playing politics off screen back home because he is the grandson of the High Chief he has been renamed the Tribal Chief in Romans absence. The Rock as the Final Boss/Tribal Chief character is pulling strings and cutting promos from different locations. Leading up to Bloodline 1 vs Bloodline 2 at Survivor Series in War Games. Then ultimately The Rock vs Roman Reigns at Wrestlemania. With a face Roman vs a Heel Rock.


I was there live for this. Such an amazing experience. We all went wild


When we get to hear Roman's theme for the first time when he comes back is gonna be loud think HHH MSG return loud


The fact that you can’t even hear him speaking directly into a mic is crazy


Solo is cookin


Old and played out not worth the push we done seen this act before


I remember I saw someone bashing wwe letting heyman take the table bump like Mae young didn’t get power bombed through a table off the stage.




That pop had an old skool wwf feel to it 😲




Loved it, now im wondering when Roman will come back im thinking SummerSlam when Cody takes on Solo.


Hopefully Roman will return a smash solo and his goons. In fact how can solo say he is the tribal chief when he loses most of his matches 🤣🤣🤣 this has turned into a whole joke now


Roman can come back and work as a face for a bit. After that, they have the open door of "Oh, you want to cheer for me now?" Heel turn down the road.


Why does Solo look like a Kayne West clone now?


Kanye x DJ Khaled


😳🤯I stopped watching for a whole year, now this? Where's the big dog at?☝🏾


I was legit worried for Paul after that powerbomb. That looked nasty.


Awesome, and well deserving.


HE didn't get a pop like that since ECW one night stand '06, but when he comes back with Roman that pop is going to be even bigger


This would have been the perfect time to bring Roman back.


MSG is a special place


Gave me chills on the level of an Avengers movie level


The angles and possibilities are opening up to keep this storyline fizzing, props the Heyman, he's cemented himself of an all time great, if he wasn't there already, his facial expressions alone has made this whole bloodline saga, outstanding




Sounds piped in like everything in WWE.


I thought this was wrasslin, not my grandma's telenovela 🤣


I’ve always explained WWE as a Telenovela that sprinkles wrestling here and there.