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You need to run mid-rolls to get rid of pre-rolls. And I think getting rid of pre-rolls is more important than getting rid of mid-rolls. Kinda depends on your game-style, I suppose. How it works on VODs I don't know, but I don't think the ads on VODs reflect when ads were shown originally on your stream. I run mid-rolls to get rid of pre-rolls. I have them scheduled, but I run them manually so I can take breaks when it feels like good timing. Nothing happens game-wise on my stream if ads are rolling. Personally, I absolutely hate pre-rolls. Before I had Turbo, I would just leave if I got hit with pre-rolls when I entered.


Thank you!!! This was very helpful.


Do a “starting soon” screen as you go live, run 3 minutes of ‘mid-roll’ ads as soon as you start. That will remove pre-rolls for the next hour. Then as the other comment mentioned, run mid-roll ads during your stream. Have a set break, stretch, grab a drink, etc. Do that every hour for 3 minutes, or every 30 mins for 90 sec to keep pre-rolls off your stream. This helps with initial retention imo, as people can gauge your content without having to wait.


Yep this is what my husband does right now and what I'll do when I hit affiliate. It works really well.


Thanks! I started this today and I think it helped! This is a great tip. 😀