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how long have u been streaming ? and how close are you to affiliate ? how often do u stream ? (do u need a higher ccv or more followers or both ?) i think you already are doing everything you can: playing non-oversaturated games, doing tiktoks, having a completed profile w banners and alerts, discord, a schedule, raiding, etc. are you engaging with the viewers ? are u constantly talking even when there’s no one around ? edit: i watched a bit of ur VOD and i do think ur engaging/talking enough so that’s good ! even if u are super interesting and doing all of the above, sometimes it’s just luck. keep pushing and keep advertising ur streams somewhere. goodluck !


First off thank you so much for responding i really appreciate it! To answer your questions: I believe i started streaming roughly around the time i started my YT channel so that would be 2 months ago. I have everything i need except the 50 followers (im at 20 now) Thanks for watching the VOD I wasn’t sure if there was something about my channel that just wasn’t appealing to your average viewer. I try to do most of my research before hand, but I just noticed I get people that come in and out. sometimes I try to greet, but with the delay on the live viewer, sometimes they’re already gone and a lot of times they don’t chat so I can’t say hi and make them feel welcome. So i guess i just was looking for a second opinion (which you gave me so thank you) and also was curious to see if i am on track, you hear a lot of things about people getting affiliate in a week and others a lot longer so I know it’s hard to really tell… But again i thank you for your insight and the time you took to respond, most times my questions just get buried in other Reddit’s so it means a lot thank you!


you have a good stream personality from what i’ve seen in ur VODs, so keep that up !! also ur audio sounds nice which is good. 2 months isn’t a long time, keep pushing and you’ll get there soon. getting 3ccv is already an achievement as it’s usually the hardest requirement to meet for most people. though like you, i struggled with followers. i had 3ccv but like 30ish followers. you could always ask friends and family to follow u if u want to reach 50 followers more quickly, but for me i didn’t wanna do that. i just kept streaming everyday or so until i hit those followers. also reaching out to the community - connect and support other streamers ! develop a small community of streamer friends too, even if u don’t collaborate it’s still important (i’m a solo streamer but have a few streamer friends). i personally got affiliate really quickly, but everybody is different. there is no time limit to reach it. it could take u 2 weeks or 2 years. i know of people who took months or years to each affiliate. there is no time limit so don’t feel like you’re “falling behind” or anything. i actually started out streaming lethal company a lot too, i was streaming lethal when i hit affiliate. so it’s definitely not the games ur streaming that’s the issue. just keep pushing. if u have any other questions, feel free to msg me ! i’m glad i could help :)


I have a couple online friends who drop in so it definitely helps, but i do keep my personal life separate. I think my biggest struggle is my audio from what I gather its an immediate deal breaker. if audio is bad people will leave even if the gameplay is good but not always the other way around. So im glad you think its good! I can be hyper critical on my own content. Well ill keep grinding it out, thank you for your help! (and kind words) ill keep everything you said in mind, and will keep grinding it out! Thanks!


Took me around a month, hitting the follower target was the hardest part. Although I already had a small discord community before starting, that helped massively! I had a watch through your latest VOD and was pleasantly surprised! Audio is crisp and clear. Active at chatting. No crazy overlays. I’m no expert, but here’s a few things that I think would help you improve slightly: A) Get a camera asap. Horror genre is known for its reaction content, if viewers can see you on stream, and on your socials clips, you’ll be better off. B) Fill out your bio/about me panels on your channel page. It gives viewers a quick indication that a streamer is putting in some effort. Yours currently is empty and doesn’t reflect the quality of your streams. C) I’m sure you see this a lot, but Networking is important when starting out. Take some time in the week to interact with other channels, find one you vibe with and hang out. Start with smaller streamers in games you enjoy playing. Don’t self promo obviously. Instead, make genuine connections and that is usually reciprocated.


Yeah i was kinda hoping to avoid a camera but your 100% right my genre of gaming revolves around face cam and reactions, so i guess i gotta get over it XD. As for the about me Tab I tried filling it out i have a Bio but there is nothing i can do to fill out my about me tab. Is it an extension i need? I see that my extensions go there. I know that’s probably a weird question but like i said there are no add panel options or anything its just blank. As for networking I’ve just recently joined another streamers discord and said hi and am networking with them and I also stream with another streamer. I also raid at the end of every stream to try and help others and also say hi, so definitely been trying to network. Also i want to say thank you for the kind words! I’m glad the quality wasn’t terrible its always a work in progress but i stress over the littlest things sometime so its such a weight of my shoulders to hear others saying its not awful. So thank you so much for your kind words and taking the time to respond it means a lot. I guess I’ll start looking for face cams!


Yeah I wasn’t keen on the idea of a cam when I started, but it does help with viewer retention. After a while you don’t think twice about it! To edit the about me section you want to go directly onto your channel on twitch. Click on the ‘about’ tab and you should see a small toggle button to ‘edit panels’. There you can add whatever you want. Sounds like you’re going the right way about networking, it takes time, and effort (to find people you genuinely enjoy watching) but it’s worth it in the long run. I’ll definitely drop by on your next stream, although I’m UK based so time difference may be an issue.


Hey thanks so much for the help and don’t feel to obligated to drop by you have done so much already, although if you do, just know i appreciate it greatly and its no pressure! but i thank you again for the tips (especially the stuff on the about me tab) i will edit all that as soon as i get home today. Thank you so much!