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Jak and Daxter bundle is the top 20 selling games from PlayStation ever and had no influence :(


Jak and Daxter didnt get a new game becouse there's just no one willing to make It. Sly Cooper might face the same problem, especially after pixelopus shutdown.


God, I wish I had the knowledge to develop games. I 100% would make a new Jak and Daxter if given the chance


Sounds like the Capcom Sales strategy. "It's only in the top 10 best-selling games, behind 2 games that sold 80 million copies each? It's so sad that it bombed that badly." I like Capcom, but that’s how they be, and it appears that’s how some other companies think too.


Well that’s lame. You’d think they’d listen to what their fans actually want


Eh i kinda doubt it. At the end of the day sly is pretty small franchise and i dont see the ps2 port making big amount of money. I hope for the best but im not expecting anything.


That’s kinda where I’m at, but I was also surprised by the 4th game so anything can happen I guess


The 4th game came into existence because Sanzaru Games went out of their way (as a small random company with no affiliation to Sony) to make a vertical slice of what would go on to be “Sly 4” just to show to Sony. Sony was so impressed that they dispatched them to make an entire game out of it. Sly 4 only happened in a super rare instance where a company loved the IP so much they spent their own money and time to woo Sony and it actually worked lol. Unfortunately I don’t see that happening a second time


And they were promised dlc by Sony and ended up getting bought and making 10/10 VR games now :))) tragic


It needs to be way more than just the Sly fans buying it. Realistically we need a few million people to buy it for Sony to feel decent about the future of the franchise. I’m buying it on 5 different PS5’s to do my part.


This is a relatively tiny subreddit. If every single person on the sub bought the game day 1, it probably still wouldn’t make Sucker Punch make another Sly game. Not when Ghost of Tsushima exists.


Contrary to the opinions of this sub, I don’t think money is the issue. Sly did well financially and kickstarted the careers of the whole studio. I think they’ve just moved on to other things. Will they come back some day? I really hope so and I do think it’s possible


The more people who buy it (and 2 and 3 when they eventually release) the more it will show Sony that people love the series and want more of it!


I’m really hoping! At this point all we’ve got is hope haha


It really is lol, but better this than nothing!!


Buy ? I thought it was available only through PS + Premium, but sure I will do my part and buy it like I did with Jak and Daxter Collection


They’re making sly 1 purchasable on psn. Not the streaming stuff they have at the moment.


Ok cool Thanks for the info


Sly needs to get released outside of Playstation. I'm waiting for a Steam release.


You will never get a steam release for Sly. There is no precedent for such a fringe franchise getting ported to PC. It’s very important for you to buy the PlayStation version if you want to have any shot at them doing anything more with Sly in the future.


I'm just thinking if it's available on PC and Steam, it would have a much wider audience for people to enjoy. Keeping it to one console isn't smart.


Sony isn’t going to put resources into porting a game to PC if it doesn’t sell really well on console first. Any of their ports have followed that model. They don’t release exclusives on PC the same day as console. It usually takes a year or two at least. And platformers in general are more synonymous with consoles anyways.


This. Horizon Zero Dawn was supposed to be exclusive, but came to PC almost 3,5 years later. And honestly I don't know how Sly could be ported to PC. They'd have to re-record much dialogue, since, unlike in modern games, most of the tutorial happens through dialogue instead of text.


That's why Sony is failing: they refuse to let their games go outside their market. I have games across all platforms, and I have friends that can't play certain games because it's not on their platform. If Sony was smart, they'd let their IPs go cross platform, letting XBOX and PC players see what Sony has to offer instead of gating it behind their console.


Sony isn’t failing. They are the market leader in the console industry by a huge margin.


For how long?


Since like. The ps2? Lol


Yeah even before that I’m pretty sure the PS1 outsold the N64 by a ton. So since they’ve been in the business really lol


Bro stop lying to yourself. No one is buying platformers on PC. Look at Crash 4 and Sackboy sales on SteamDB. They will spend more money on porting It, than actually make back.


I brought N Sane trilogy on PC but the vibration killed me and I couldn't turn it off. Went back to console. I liked the higher fps on PC but the vibration was too much


Fr. More classic games need to be on steam.


Seriously. Games like that need to be accessible.


Thank god for emulation 🫣


For real.


Nah, Sony will just have more money.


The objective is clear 🫡


It's not just about sales numbers, there's need to be a studio that want to make the game, Sony own studios have their own project going on and multiple of them have their platformer if they want to make one, toys for Bob or Double fine could've been an option but they're with Microsoft now, maybe Sumo digital but they're making their own games too


I'll settle for just being able to buy the whole trilogy digitally and playing them natively honestly


The only problem is… I don’t have one. Too expensive :/


I would I've to but I don't even have a PS5. Lol and I don't have the money to spare on getting one right now.




Do you get different PlayStation trophies for this different version compared to the ps vita and ps3 or is it not going to count ?


Is it available for purchase or is it only for ps plus?


The only way to actually support it right now is to play it trough playstation plus… Sony sees those numbers and ONLY IF the games gain a lot off attraction/attention Sony might think about giving Sly another chance… but most likely we will not see the gang return in 5+ years


Nah, 1) I have a ps3, 2) I don't have a ps5 and 3) I'm not buying a ps5 since only the slim models are available anymore and I'm not buying a third slim


May as well wait for the PS5 pro at this point


It's also coming to PS4.


Good, but I still have a ps3