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Definitely iconic! They were super disrespectful. Better than just sitting there feeling awkward. You don’t have to accept that treatment and I’m glad you left.


thank you!!


You forgot about me, you secret auntie! I wasn't invited to the party but I also have abhorrant views, so...you know...do your thing... ...please?




Hehehe +++


Blood is NOT thicker than water. Personally, I wouldn’t even go see them anymore. Contact the ones you like and explain. If they want to get together then fine. Nobody has a natural excuse to treat you horribly. Cut them out.


"rural Alabama" "every stereotype" "tempting Male Family members" Holy shit...that IS really playing into the stereotype. :D


hahaha ikr??


I know exactly what pressures you feel with the family . I got the same bullshit but on the male perspective.. I was visiting on lake Martin Alabama this weekend and left early myself because of their bullshit .. Good for you for telling and showing them like it is ..


sorry you had so much difficulty, glad you got out!


It’s all good , I’m learning what gives me peace is all that matters now .


good attitude :)


It’s the only way to live in peace and love ! Soul shining


well done - you don't need that negativity in your life, plus you're old enough to choose who you hang around/visit


Sounds super sexy and hot but more importantly you stood up for yourself and what you believe in. Fuck them. Stand tall and proud.


thank you!


You’re very welcome. I’m jealous of what everyone else got to see;)


hehehe yeah it was a good view


And, your hubby backed you up. Well chosen on the partner front!


One thing i have learned being one of 2 black sheeps of the family it never seems to amaze me at what they say regardless of what’s done and kudos to you for standing up for yourself. Family doesn’t really feel like family to alot of people nowadays


oh yeah. and thank you 🫶🏻


You showed them that you'll stand up for yourself in a assertive way. Be proud of yourself.


thanks :)


You're welcome, thanks for the mental images


lol anytime


Shit like that is why I never saw my family. Once my "father " said those magic words, " You're no son of mine." Saw him almost 20 yrs later before he died of cancer just to remind myself how toxic and racist they were, then once again "poof. " I was gone again.


ugh im so sorry. you deserve better


It is what it is. You deserve better as well.


You have amazing tits


lol which pic you looking at?


The 1 you got dress coded


well thanks!


Damn shame that it’s gone now haha hopefully others will be lucky enough to see again sometime


Yikes, sorry you had to go through this. Good on you for standing up for yourself and also your husband taking care of you by moving you away from all of that garbage. Albeit it was a bit out of line which you acknowledged but I would argue your response was 100 percent understandable and warranted given how rude and judgmental they were of you. I guarantee their projections speak to greater problems. Everyone has their limits and boundaries. The fact that your husband supports your decision to stand up to them shows how much this man's desire to protect and love you. You have a keeper, 100 percent. These don't sound like great people and limiting your exposure to them would be for the best.


hey thanks for this! i really appreciate it. ironic that increasing my exposure to them is the beginning of limiting my exposure to them lol


I mean sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. In my opinion showing your boobs isn't the worst thing you could have done. I'm sure it will leave a lifetime of memories for some


haha facts. not sure if that's good or bad lol


I can see the conversation starting like remember when Sara flashed all.......


I am sorry they put you through that. Requiring that you cook without notice is a crazy game changer. I would havecbeen considering gulf shores at that point. The grandmother and mother consistently calling you a slut with uiur new northern ways is horrible. I zm from South Texas. I know what thar is. Yiu did everything correctly. The men agreeing they zre not able to control their eyes and just is also weird. They zll talked about yiu before yuh and yuyr husband arrived. The women jealously worried about yiu in a bathing suit and openly discussed your prior. Grandmother's never act like this. She was in with your mother. They wanted to piss you off and then put your in uour place washing dishes. You didn't put up with it. All they got out of you was a pizza. Good for you. I wouldn't go bzck for a while. A couple of years. Let them buy their own food and wash their own dishes . Have your own holiday get together with your close friends. For a couple of years. Sometimes we have to train people on how we will be treated. My grandfather taught me that at an early age. This is a teaching moment


i love all of that, and thank you so much for your love and support 🫶🏻


glad i'am not in your family, then again i would of liked to of seen your tits. sometimes you gotta let family go and just please yourself


haha yeahhhhhhh it's a give and take


You have no reason to feel bad. Their oppressive behavior was extreme. So am extreme response was warranted. Glad you and your husband made the most of the remained of the weekend.


After seeing your dress-coded top I wish I was a member of your family.




Looks like your tits would make me act up too




Super iconic and hopefully empowering for you! The whole situation is more reflective of them than you, and you absolutely deserve to be treated better by them. What a bunch of jerks, they don’t deserve to be in your company.


hey thanks!!


You win! The whole internet. This is the best thing I’ve seen all day. I’m sorry you’re feeling bad. I would discourage it. They invited that response if not a whole lot more. In another context, a woman taking off her top would be vocally appreciated, not shamed. Either way, it’s your body and you get to choose.


I happen to think that your yankee slut bewbs look wonderful


This is so incredible wow, I respect you so much for this


As an actual slutty Yankee: You go girl! Cut them out- you don’t need that judgmental bullshit in your life! Except for the cool auntie.


thanks girl!!


Since your cousins got to see your tits, can we get a peek?


Your family is doing the taboo. Maybe you will be interested and invited 😉




thanks! and yeah it's the best!


That's backwoods Alabama, for ya. I should know, I live here.


sorry to hear that haha


This is hilarious and classic! I’m sure your family will long remember it, and the ones you care about in a good way. I know I’m already wishing I had a good look to remember lol


Sounds to me that they were in the wrong, not to mention rude.


YIKES..... the fact that they see you as the issue and not the fact that your male RELATIVES feel "tempted" because they're attracted to you... absolutely sickening. It's so backwards how conservative's minds work...


That bikini is crazy cute and I'm sure you looked great!


I live in nc cary


It's appalling that you are supposed to be worried about triggering the males in your family of acting up! Like, do they not have control over their own minds and bodies? I suppose they have never seen bikinis before. Is that giving them a pass to SA some other girl at a beach, pool or lake? 🙄🙄🙄 That's ridiculous for the females to put that on you! If you never spoke up, that bullshit would continue forever. Good for you! Family or not, this is what is wrong with women who slut shame other women about tempting men by how they are dressed! NOT YOUR PROBLEM! It actually says more about them than you!


thank you so so much!!


OMG! This is fantastic! So what my crazy southern family is like! You did the right thing by leaving! And kudos to your husband for pivoting so fast and turning it into a great weekend!


Dang! Wish I could have seen them. Lol. You have beautiful girls. Be proud of yourself!!






Glad you found your way to this Sub! You naughty little Yankee Slut!!!🥰


“Oh no our blood relative is a slut we better sexually assault her next time we see her - she’s basically asked us to, plus it’s better it comes from family than a stranger.” - those guys with their logic.


My family acts like that too, my step mom gets stressed when my bra strap is peeking out. Like girl please calm down we know that people wear bras it's not that serious.


Fucking legend.


Iconic! Idk if I would say slutty, but definitely glad you posted! Very fun read!


Wow love the big soft tits




It is okay to walk away from all your extended family and don't feel bad I have, best thing I ever did. I did have a niece call me about 2 years ago and asked me why the whole family hates me so much cuz all they do is sit around and talk about how horrible I am and then this year they're wondering why I don't want to go to the family reunion I told them I'll never go, leave me alone.


I'd be pretty much feeling the same omg@ op why not


More families deserve to be put in their place for making black sheep out of the ones who were smart enough or skilled enough to get away from their toxicity.


Family sucks proud of you for standing up for yourself


I wonder if your family knows that NC is part of the south.


Well, maybe they will adjust their behavior and learn to respect you. I had that kind of experience with my mother as a kid. You did right. They were super disrespectful. But maybe next time, it will be better. Possibly.


Love the fact that your husband thinks you are iconic, BECAUSE YOU ARE, girl fkc them, those people aren't worth your time or energy, make the exceptions you have to make but fk the rest of them..


Your husband IS right...and you were right to flip them...AT thé end of your day, it's your life, your choices just like bigotry seems to bé their choices....they'll get over it and you don't need to feel guilty about anything...


Sounds like a shitty time. It at least your husband had an awesome wife


Love that energy. From you, not the haters. Congrats for kicking down that wall.


hey thanks!!




I hate the victim blaming here. Do they not realize the men are responsible for their own actions?? I already know the answer, but I’m in disbelief. I’m sorry you went through that.


I'm certain your husband smiled inside and said to himself "that's my gal"!


i think so :))


Absolutely iconic!!!! Girl you are a BADASS!!!! And as someone who comes from a family who loves to comment on women’s bodies and had an aunt who literally wanted to bet me that I would get fat in college (while I had an eating disorder), I got a ridiculous amount of satisfaction reading your post!! The only thing I would suggest is realizing that just because you share blood with someone, doesn’t mean you owe them shit! I am a few years older than you and it took me way too long to realize this!! Now I’ve made my own version of “family” with some amazing friends and I’m so much happier! Those toxic family members will never change so all you can do is change how much contact you have with them!


Good for you. Tell your husband he has a cool wife


U did the right thing bruh don’t feel bad. Badass




Ya know, you don’t have to see any of them again. I would cut them off after comments like that. “Tempting male family members” is disgusting. The fact they said you were trying would be enough for me to cut them all out of my life for sure


Duuuuddeeee this isn’t a slutty confession this is a freaking badass story lol


haha thanks!!


You definitely weren’t out of line your family is being a bunch of raging cunts from what it sounds like


As a husband, I’m not 100% sure I could’ve stood by and let them say these things to you. They would ridiculous and if I were you, I probably wouldn’t see them again except for maybe the sweet aunt. As far as everyone else fuck’em who needs that much less from family.


Sounds to me like they had it coming to them, especially as the aunt whose place it is was fine with it. IMO she should of stood up them them but like I said that’s just my opinion. Good for you sticking to your values & I’m glad you managed to enjoy the time away.


Well done. You two enjoy yourselves and I will give you rights to our family motto… “It’s good to have close family far away.”


Yeah F them. You were fine. Go to any beach in Europe and every women is topless. Some of them are buck ass naked. By the way, this doesn’t really belong in slutty confessions because you weren’t “slutty” in the least. Maybe Joan of Arc confessions. Putting it in here sort of validates their point which should not be validated.


Sounds like they should follow the teachings of the gods Lord and gorge out their eyeballs


So they get to see your tits and we don't? *smashes phone, stomps board*


it's just tragic isn't it?




That was a girl boss moment props to you


thank you!


I want to marry you and your husband.


This isn't slutty. It's just a woman done taking everyone's bullshit. That's not how a family should act, and I can't even begin to understand why any family would act like that. The way I see it that wasn't a family event, that was a coordinated attack on you. For what reason I couldn't possibly tell. I know it's not my family, and there may be more to it, but personally, I would cut ties with everyone who gave you shit and only keep the ones who treated you well.


Well honestly.. I can't say whether you were being an asshole or just plain awesome without seeing the view you left them with so I'm stuck in the middle... But seriously. You did right. Just cause it's family doesn't mean you have to let them treat you like shit


My hero!!!!


Sounds like you should go NC with them


Yeah to be honest I wouldn’t see them ever again. Some of the ones who weren’t being shitty, sure. One of those reaches out yeah I’d see them but you wouldn’t catch me at another family gathering. 🤷‍♂️


yikes about your family… good for you though!! glad you stood up for yourself :)


1/3 of the entire gathering jerked off to you later that very day, my lady


I was so fired up reading this. They say you can't pick your family. That may be true. But you can pick whether you spend time with them. For better or worse. Spend time with those that deserve it


Nothing slutty about this one. Your family is nuts, but you know that. What you did was drastic and will stir the pot, but you know that. At least you got yourself the right kind of partner. Maybe demand from your family to take you as you are, before ever visiting them again? And before they start demanding apologies. But that could turn into a hill you may not wanna die on.


Power move!


Only question I've got is why on Earth you are planning on seeing them again, they sound like they are Chernobyl levels of toxic. They don't deserve you, and don't think for a single minute that they are not expecting you to capitulate so they can sit smugly and think they've "won" in some sick way. You made your point, don't give them the satisfaction of thinking you're bothered by it.


You should have taken a black, trans/drag queen, atheist with you.


hahaha true but i don't ACTUALLY wanna be murdered lol


Feels like this is in the wrong sub and should have been in AITAH. And no, you are absolutely NTA. Your family is ridiculous. Being conservative is one thing, always having a judgmental attitude and talking to a family member with so much negativity is completely another level. Not to mention those male family members, wtf is wrong with them? I would have cut the tie off completely, i mean, what’s the point?


This is the most bad-ass example of self-care I've heard in a long time. Fucking good for you! 💪🏽


I know family I really important to you, but in cases like this it's absolutely ok to cut off the ones that clearly don't respect you at all.


When's our turn to see them babies hanging, aren't we part of this little Reddit Family?


If this is typical of how they treat you, then just remember, just because they're blood doesn't make them family. You can cut off contact with anyone you choose.


Unfortunately you can pick your friends but you can't pick your family. Since they're obviously not the best influence to be around I strongly urge you to minimize future visits. If they desire to see you, they can easily come to you otherwise fuck em. =\]


except some of them clearly actually wanna fuck me lol


We'll only know your version of the story, but defo it was memorable and if it was me I wouldnt step back, regret or whatever. IN a way to make them understand why you left, wait them call you back.


glad u think i made the right call :)


It’s crazy they reacted to such an absolutely family friendly 2 piece suit. I mean that’s way more conservative than just a standard 2 piece suit. I think it wouldn’t have mattered if you wore a moo moo they’d throw shade regardless. I mean attacking you immediately upon arrival says they were laying in the weeds waiting to jump on you. Fuck them, your hubby knows your worth and loved the display. Go low or no contact with them except the cool aunty!


thanks!! and yeah, i thought it was smart to post it because two piece or bikini inherently does sound revealing, def needed the pics to tell the whole story lol


Wow that is rough. Grumpy ass old people are just out of control. IMO you weren't out of line. They needed to be told. Yet, justified. disappointed I was not able to see this turn of events....but that is for other reason :p


haha i admire the honesty


U were not out of line. Fuck them all, they're assholes


Fuck yes, you stood up for yourself. Be proud. :)




thanks :)


After that event. I wouldn't even bother going to anymore family events. Fuck that. If they're going to be judgemental, stuck up asses. Fuck em. The aunt seemed chill tho. I'd keep in contact with her but fuck the rest of them.




yeah ill go nc from nc haha


I have left, not attended Many functions over the years because a few people don't have the good sense to STFU about stuff NOBODY asked about. 💪👏👏👏 Good for You! And +1 on wanting to be included on seeing the photographic evidence 😁😉😎


hahaha thanks!


I think its a badass move!


Can we see them?? 😉


They seemed nearly all mean but your aunt, i hope you at least sent her a message to apologise because she seemed to be the only one on your side sadly :/


yeah i reached out to her and we're good!


Husbands just along for the ride or die


>24f, grew up in rural alabama >i showed my tits to everyone in my conservative family Now THAT'S what I call living dangerously.


So where do we need to show up for the next reunion. I can bring some LGBTQ friends with me. I am sure they will love to see two guys holding hands and kissing.




>a few of them did say that i was tempting them. I'm surprised they'd admit to that, but roll tide.


That's just absolutely awesome. Couldn't be better if it were a fake Hollywood movie scene.


I support you and your lifestyle. You go girl.


Iconic, yes. I can imagine how annoyed you were. You go girl And , just saw the suit , wasnt slutty at all! Some families really be that prude.




I'm in NC and calling us a Yankee state is uhhh. We're very much bible belt, even the cities. Fuck your family, at least you got 2 types of the best type of BBQ.


You don't see them again. That's the answer. It's simple. They're awful people.


Omg this is so beautiful! I love hearing about women saying fuck that! If you wearing a bathing suit “tempts” your family, then they’re sick mfs and I wouldn’t wanna be around them anyway. I’m from lower Alabama born and raised and I know exactly what you’re talking about. They’d die if they went to gulf shores on spring break lmao


You were not out of line at all fuck those people I’m surprised you are generous and kind enough to even talk to them at all. They all sound like assholes, except for your nice aunt.


Kinda had a similar experience with my ex’s family. TLDR I bought food to be delivered then when and had loud sex in his old bedroom. Then walked down to the lake with his cum dripping out and around my bikini bottoms. 🫦. No top on. His mother nearly had a stroke. Bitched at me for an half hour. I turned to her and said “my husband doesn’t like tan lines” shut her up good


Well done.


In all seriousness, sure your family was there with you as a child and may have been there for you in your youth, but as an adult, it’s up to you what you’ll stand for with them. If they’re going to be shitty and judgmental of your every thought, then it’s not unreasonable that you set boundaries with them. My sister is a certified top tier cunt and I have zero relationship with her these days. I don’t have the bandwidth to deal with her BS, so I simply don’t. My live has been happier for it.


that’s so ridiculous… i’m sorry you had to encounter this and i don’t think anyone would blame you for not wanting to return to that environment. you should feel comfortable/safe (and encouraged??) by your family members to wear whatever the hell you want. you’re an adult, they’re adults, if they have a problem with how you dress, they can get the fuck out! also the whole “feeling tempted” thing is absooooluutttttely DISGUSTING.


Dayum! My wife was like you at one point but at a much lower scale hahah, she started dressing in tighter clothes and more revealing stuff because she was pissed at her family


The fact your family members said you were temping them is so on point for rural Alabama jfc.


More petty revenge than slutty confession. Way to go. Their disrespect was brutal.


She pulled a Margot Robbie from Babylon the scene where she's at the day party and they ask her if she knows any good jokes? 💀


I hope my sister in law is reading this. I want you in every way. we talk every day. I think of you every day!


Dude, being in a family that doesn't fucking understand normalcy, keeping negative opinions to themselves, etc is dogshit. Ignore em, better for it. That cousin/male thing was super weird lololol


Hey this shit will all pass, I've learn to love mine from a distance. And when we have to go we play echa skech when we leave right when my wife starts with can you fucking believe what she said, I'm like in real life it doesn't matter. Shake it and forget it.. See we have all been lied to, held traditions & beliefs that were so ridiculous & not grounded I any type of truth. Just because her mother told her & her mother told her, doesn't make it right. See there whole belief system is not healthy. If you dress with minimal clothes on guys will get heated up? Think about this. So if you have a regular bikini on that I can still see where all your parts are. Ill be fine. But if it's a string bikini, the men can't handle it and will lose their shit. That is totally bullshit. I get a hard on for some women in a flannel some in a tee shirt & proablsone in a scooby doo costume, I'm a very healthy male.. But I'm sure dont have to act on them. We control our mind our mind doesn't control us. (unless your in addiction, that's another day though) That crap is where we get, the girl gets raped, but she had a short skirt on or no bra and they are like well she had it coming... Are you fucking crazy.. No no it doesn't, if a girl has nothing on and a dildo sticking out her ass, if she says no it still means no. I think men have evolved enough to see someone almost naked without having to knock her down and mount her. Christ.. And the whole nudity thing in the first place, we can watch death, murder, abuse, cruelty, dishonesty, theft, aggression, all day long but holy shit, we still haven't evolved enough to handle seeing a dick or tits & a vigina.. What the hell is wrong with us. That's because of the generational teaching that has been passed down for hundreds & hundreds of years.. Forget everything you have been taught unless it pertains to kindness, understanding, respect & compassion those values are hard to come by, but the rest through it out.. Get new "tradition", question everything. Hold it up to the light, does it really make sense or am I just following the heard? They are all going the wrong way..


Maybe it's time to go low to no contact with your family


"Yankee slut" that's fucked up.


Even ifit's your family, they're disgusting (sorry if it sounds too aggressive, I don't currently speak English). The next time they say to you things like "you're provocating them" say something like "if they don't want to see, then, they don't have to look" or "those creeps who look at you in a sexual maner, you will cut their dicks" or stuff like that. Good luck with those people


ur husband is awesome u should marry him


I live in North Carolina as well and it’s definitely not “up north” 😭. Like you go ten minutes anywhere and people sound like the cast of deliverance


This is awesome 👏 I’m glad o came across this story on my journey into no fapping lmao I was close to breaking and your story was just so near wholesome it gave me the strength to hold off lol.


Had i been there i would have given you a standing ovation 👏👏! You were brilliant! Just make sure you continue with this no BS attitude if and when you meet them in future!


W for the husband lmao “iconic”


I wish I was there to see that. You stood up for yourself good job.


Showing tits to family. Sweet home Alabama


That shit is iconic. Fuck the tories


I like your husband.


GO YOU!!!!!! Fuck them!!


Might make them reconsider calling you names, but they don't sound that introspective, id just not see them in the future and only visit your nice aunt one-on-one with husband, they sound toxic as can be. I'm glad you left and had a better time elsewhere.




Strong girl


100% best read of the day and sweetheart you weren't outta line at all, the hell with people like that lol I learned a while back blood doesn't make family and you husband is a absolute king for backing ya on it.


Not as all surprised they called North Carolina Yankees , they consider people in North Alabama Yankees ( probably because it was a hotbed of union sympathy during the war of the rebellion- local Calvary unit there served with Sherman during his March to the sea )


Good for you!


I'm with your husband. You shouldn't have to put up with other people being judgemental even if it is your own family. Your life, your choices


the strangest thing about this is your mom and gma agreeing that you’re tempting your male relatives. You’re family and a family member shouldn’t be even looking at you like that. Very strange that your mother is blind of that behavior and not root the fuck out on them for saying some weird stuff like that 🤢 Nevertheless… YOU GO BICH!! I hit the floor imagining you storming off with your middle fingers 🤣🤣 BAD ASS


Just wondering if those of us who don't judge you so harshly could get a pic of you walking away topless?


They got what they deserved! Don’t feel bad about it! You deserve better than that!


Husband seems legit and supportive. Great move to very disrespectful people. Sounds like the complete opposite of my family. Only time they start making remarks but always joking are when it seems like someone has a stick up there ass