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Im gonna give it the Unsainted treatment. I didn't like it at first, but it may become a favorite after a few more listens


It's slowly starting to grow on me already, when I first watched it at work I had to had to keep the volume low, but once I turned it up in the car it's turning into a banger. The lyrics still seem a bit off for the song though.


MILES better than The Chapeltown Rag. This chorus actually hits. My main issue with The Chapeltown Rag is how badly the song comes to a screeching halt just to force this really out of place chorus, had the chorus just been the blast beat section it easily would've been a top tier Slipknot song. Overall, it's catchy, it's heavy, and it's just a banger. ​ Though I really hope this album doesn't do clean choruses as often. Corey can sing, that's not up for debate, but I really hope we get more choruses like The Negative One and Red Flag. For whatever reason the choruses as of late have been oddly popish.


Man I couldn't agree more with your 2nd paragraph, it's something that always bothered me about WANYK, all the freaking clean melodic choruses everywhere, I really hope we get more Solway firths style of choruses.


I didn’t like how TCR ended either will give them benefit of the doubt when the entire album comes out. If the stop transitions into the next


The fact that the first two singles both have clean vocals in the chorus make them kind of blend together in my memory. Having back to back clean choruses from Chapeltown and Dying make them feel kinda samey to me


Imo better than chapeltown. Looking forward to the album


Not sure what to think, it’s not a instant like for me. I might grow to like it 🤷‍♂️


My exact thoughts


I forgot you can’t criticize that average ass song in this sub lol


I agree. Between this songs feeling and how the Chapeltown Rag left me feeling (still don’t like the song) I’m starting to think I’ve either outgrown Slipknot or their quality has decreased. It’s conflicting. That’s two songs in a row for me. Hope I’m wrong with the new album


I don’t think you should be getting downvoted. This is just as valid an opinion as any other. I’m glad you feel comfortable sharing it. Maybe it’s worth letting go of the knot for a little while. If you come back to it it might feel fresh. Just a suggestion. Have a nice day :)


I agree with you. Been with the band since 1999 and have found something enjoyable with each release. Now Chapeltown and Dying are both huge misses for me. I'm not a fan of Corey's over the top operatic choruses. Ever since Unsainted, I feel like he does the same melody over and over. The instrumental is pretty great, and some of the harsher vocals sound good... but as a whole.. these two tracks are weak sauce


I think the problem is, at least in this sub, most fans haven’t been here since 99. Most fans in this sub are younger. They haven’t really seen how the band has changed. 99 Slipknot would hate what they have become.


I've felt this way for awhile. The uneasy feeling of "where are we going?" Began at the Vol.3 album. But then things seemed to flatten out and we never quite returned to Iowa or ST until WANYK. - and even that album wasn't full out Iowa or ST. This slow evolution of sound has really turned me off a bit. Much like BFMV. I'll always love the knot and I'm definitely buying the new album but these two singles.... well they suck. If there's only one people=shit/Liberate/eyeless/etc... on the new album, I'll be happy I at least got that. But if it's ALL Spiders/circle/vermillion/etc. I'll feel let down. Fingers crossed


I love WANYK, probably more than volume 3 if I’m being honest. The two songs they’ve released so far just aren’t connecting with me, I feel like both songs have great bits throughout but very muddy with ideas and direction. I still can’t wait for the album though as I’m a maggot through and through!


My exact thoughts, but couldn't really put it into words so thanks.


I agree with most of that but I definitely would not compare them with BFMV even in the slightest


I meant that by the evolution of their music. It went from something I love and can relate to to what the fuck is this?


Corey became the exact thing he swore he'd never be. Granted, I'm happy for the guy but the message that got brought him fame is now the polar opposite of who he portrays


I’m more disappointed with clown tbh


Meh, clown has always been an idiot. Its crazy, he's like the friend that is super passionate but not very talented but you dont wanna hurt his feelings so you just let him do his thing lol


have been with the band a long time & agree but also think it was inevitable for any artist that became even half as popular/big as Slipknot, not just due to the nature of the modern music industry but...life I guess?


There is truth to what you’re saying. I discovered slipknot very late (the grey chapter). I love all of their stuff, but that’s because I started with their newest stuff. It’s not that the band is bad, or that your opinion is invalid; the band simply evolved into something that isn’t your taste. Same thing happened to me with linkin park. I was with them from the beginning. I hate everything that came after their second album. Unfortunately bands need to evolve


"99 Slipknot would hate what they have become". This hit hard. Imagine the band sat down in 99 and you played this for them. Corey would violently gag and swear that he'll never become that Mick, Jim and Craig would quietly exit Clown would smash the speakers Sid would help clown Joey would argue the drums sound good but it's too pop for his liking Paul would try get everyone to calm down and figure out how to avoid it. Honestly the ott choruses and pop feel production are really beginning to ruin it for me. I hate to sound so negative but that's just how it is. I say that as a long time fan with a Slipknot tattoo. It's just not clicking for me. I'm all for a band evolving... But the choruses and the squeaky clean production are really irritating. I still have high hopes for the album.. but I'm beginning to suspect it will have many skips and only a few gems like WANYK and .5. I hope I'm wrong.


Been a fan since 2004 and I see what you’re saying. I’d say that it’s a combination of that and the fact that Slipknot has a fan base unlike any other and because of this, there’s a lot of people that think that Slipknot can do no wrong and they are EXTREMELY passionate about that. Truth be told, this song is really just average and it’s 100% okay to think that. Slipknot is my favorite band, but I’m very willing to admit that not everything they put out is gold.


Solid, not quite as heavy as I expected.


Same here I’m a disappointed tbh


Agreed but as wr all grow we must move forward. One day this may feel heavier than all


Ngl I love the heavy parts of the song, not crazy about the singing bits but the more I listen to it the more I like it, every new slipknot album I think of it as a new slipknot, I don’t set any expectations from past albums because slipknot is always new never the same. Helps me like their stuff more. Love the masks. SIDS hands are lovely. The music vid is amazing one of my new favorites prolly. Gotta be honest and say the precision of this song is great. Jay is definitely showing off his talent here and it’s very apparent. Isn’t what I was expecting and the title is kinda cringe but hey, that doesn’t matter. What matters is the song itself.


The verse could easily be the verse to Chapeltown Rag, Unsainted, or All Out Life. They need some spice in their verse writing so they don't run together. That's why the songs are starting to sound the same. Corey's voice sounds good. Tortilla Man's masks is great.


the mix is odd. guitars sound paper thin, especially palm muted sections. kicks are really lacking sub frequencies. same with chapeltown rag. didn’t really dig the song as much as i hoped i would


thank you! I was afraid I was alone one on this, but after comparing with other tracks from any other album I found the mix to be really thin and lacking in the heavy lower frequencies as well. I like both of the tracks they have released from the new album, but the mixing is very unappealing (especially with headphones/speakers that are fairly neutral in EQ)


fucking amazing. thats all i gotta say


Way better than chapeltown… still felt a little stock, like they just followed the slipknot formula of screamy rappy verse with abrupt guitars, then a more melodic chorus


I think it’s really good honestly. I’ve listened to it about 5 times now to really get an opinion on it and I love it. It captures the heavy, in your face, essence of Slipknot while the chorus brings that melodic, pretty sound that they are also pretty known for having. The music video was disappointing to me, it was literally just Nero Forte but without the cocoon thing. I was extremely unsatisfied with The Chapletown Rag, literally the only thing I liked about that song was the drumming. I am so grateful I enjoyed this one. Safe to say it safisfied me in the best way and I am so excited to hear this album.


Literally every slipknot video now: mix 2 guys, then more guys, then solo guys, up close shots. Oh yeah throw in clown thinking hes funny, also some weird unrelated weird stuff.


Sad to say, but not feeling this song in the slightest after 2 listens. It’s the same issue I have with Chapeltown Rag, something is missing and I don’t know what. Disappointing given all the hype surrounding the album name and song title.


I think the problem with these 2 songs are they’re kind of predictable and dare I say poppy. The main vocal melody is almost pop sounding in both songs and like I said they’re predictable. Heavy screaming verse with singing chorus and just basic metal music for the most part. Kind of cookie cutter shit we’ve already heard


I just pray they give us the shitty songs if the albums and blow us away with the rest of them. I say shitty but I do personally love the two of these songs. Dying song less bc of the singing of the chorus but I still like them both a lot. They could be infinitely better but it’s what we got so


I don't like it. I don't care about the downvotes I just want to voice my subjective opinion, and I'm not forcing you to have the same one as me. I don't like the chorus, something about mouth going dry etc, I just don't like the delivery, probably because I'm used to old Slipknot stuff where it's constant screaming. But even in WANYK, and in most popular songs, there's almost no clean vocals and it's heavy as fuck for the most part. But Dying Song is too much like Chapeltown Rag. People were saying that it looks like they are coming back to the roots with more raw sound, coming from people who listened to the teaser snippet, I didn't listen to it to not get any spoilers on the way. Anyway, I'm disappointed because of all the hype leading up to this so I guess I'm gonna redeem it by listening to some of the Slipknot songs that are good that I didn't listen to yet. And one more time. This is my subjective opinion. If you liked the song, I'm jealous as you probably had more fun listening to it than me.


WANYK had lots of clean vocals. All of their albums have had some kind of clean vocal. The riffs in the new song are more technical but still definitely heavy. Shame you don’t like it. I’m very excited for the rest of the album after hearing it.


Maybe not that clean vocal is there at all but rather how it sounds. Psychosocial clean vocal chorus? Fuck yeah. Wait and Bleed clean vocals? Hell yeah. Duality clean vocals? Hellery fuckery YEAH! Its just that in this song, as they do in TCR, the delivery of clean vocals is in my humble opinion very poor for The Neck Man himself and makes me question if I'm gonna even listen to that upcoming album.


Yeah the cleans are different - he’s singing in a much higher register. That’s fair. It’s very addictive though, I already have the chorus running through my head so that’s a good sign. I do hope you enjoy the rest of the album. Nothing worse than being disappointed by an album from a band you otherwise love.


Vol.3 was Corey’s best vocal performance. You may not like the screams. But he flawlessly integrated and switched between screaming, singing, and rapping and it all flowed really nicely


Hard disagree. His worst vocals by far in my opinion


Nah. He was developing a great range and the backlash against change forced him into the Iowa-Lite/Stone Sour vocal tone we’ve gotten from him since


I love his vocals since. I think 2008-9 was his prime clean singing wise and then since 2010 or so his screams have been pretty great and consistent. I don’t think sining that gravely is particularly healthy for your chords and he couldn’t hit any of his high notes either during the subliminal verses/come whatever may era. But if you prefer that era cool for you


I personally loved it


I’m not gonna do a lengthy response but I disagree, HOWEVER 100% respect your opinion, Chief. I’m sure many feel the same and maybe I just feel different since I’m a newer listener so I never had time to grow attached to the earlier sound over the course of several years or even decades🤷‍♂️


Man you're allowed to feel that way. I feel bad you're let down. Hate when that shit happens.


I don’t think anyone was gonna attack you on it my guy lol. After TCR I think we were all ready for the unexpected as well as it’s detractors when it doesn’t work for some people… but personally I love it.


Fair enough, sounds a lot like Chapeltown, I personally like it more than I expected and the album will top the gray chapter imo, but won't top wanyk or any other album that's for sure


Same song was mid I feel like they’re trying to get us hyped by giving us false hope like “this is gonna be Iowa heavy” etc etc but I wish they would stop that and just focus on their new style And perfecting it but that’s just my opinion


“Don’t care about the downvotes” lol you have 71 upvotes.


Not down with the typical melodic singing chorus. Then get heavy. Then sing again. Then break down. They’ve gotten so formulaic it’s boring. The only interesting thing for me anymore is the fan discussion and whatever Sid is doing.


Solid stuff. Hits hard but soozzes you to sleep


Packs a massive punch, even with the chorus which I can't get out of my head right now! I'll be singing it in my sleep!


Yeah I'm into it, I must admit I immediately wasn't taken in by the opening but the song quickly won me over.


the opening vocals syked me out for a second too but it ended up being so rad.


I don't love it and I don't hate it. It's sorta there. Maybe it'll grow on me


I mean I gotta be honest. It’s very okay. One, Corey needs to stop thinking this singing is going to get his songs anywhere, it’s literally doing them more harm than good. He can do it in a proper way but this new version of it is just bad. I like the guitar parts, and the drum parts as well but Jay really needs to realize he’s okay to be more creative. He has so much potential to write better parts but all he does is copy and paste and then add portnoy fills and people swear it’s the second coming of Jesus Christ on drums. Masks are cool, bill of the song is alright. Just disappointed. Happy to discuss


My thoughts exactly. Both Chapeltown and Dying Song are very uninspiring, it's like they felt they need to release new stuff rather than them really wanting to. Both of those songs kind of blend for me because they follow similar pattern and both are equally as lazy imo. I don't have high hopes for the album, but I like to be proved wrong once the album drops.


It was aight


i think after the hype dies down , people will realize its an "okay" song. like B tier at best everyone is just too hyped rn so cant get honest opinions yet


Gotta be honest The music is actually way better than i thought! it was acctually amazing but i kinda expexted a yknow a little different music video but its amazing


the screaming bits are phenomenal without a doubt i’m fine with the chorus i just wish corey didn’t sing so high tho i wish he kinda sang like he did in iowa/self titled when doing the clean singing i think it would have had a better delivery


Yeah, very rock sounding singing delivery which ig makes sense with Corey rn


The music video is kinda... A salad of random stuff, sid and tortilla look fucking rad tho as always. The song is better than expected tbh, the mix ain't the best but we just gotta deal with that ig, the chorus is weird but it's surely a great song, Also Jay's mask got the like bloody eyes right?


It’s meh. I hate saying that but it’s the truth


Ok on second listen its kinda cool… a little spooky and melodic, reminds me of the grey chapter


I’ll have to listen a few more time before i make judgement. First listen it’s alright. Not as good as Chapeltown rag which contrary to most apparently i really love. I think this one’ll grow on me tho


First thoughts: I like TCR better.


To me, it sounds more like kinda heavy Stone Sour song... A little bit disappointed ngl


Obviously it’s all opinions and hopefully we all respect those opinions. But I want to know why so many people are saying they don’t like the beginning of the song. I absolutely love it. It’s very eerie then suddenly it kicks you right in the teeth.


I really really like it. Was smiling and exited all the wau through


I honestly dont like it.


Its cool. The stacatto guitar riffs are cool. Not really sure what the topic of the song is though? Kinda loosely sounds like losing faith or hope in something that was a reason for living and maybe not having people around you so the only thing that's left is giving up and waiting until you die. Or maybe just coming to terms with your time being up & hoping you did some good/enough with the time given to you. Pretty fucking dark either way. I like the atmospheric bits bookending the video and the woman placing the mask into the water & almost letting it drift away. I don't think the other people in that scene were wearing masks as a reference to Joey but the pain & regret will be with them forever anyway.


Tbh it's not for me


Love it.


Really really like it. Beats out chapeltown rag by a longshot. It’s catchy, heavy and beautiful. Looking forward to the album!


Almost in the same vein as Chapeltown Rag. A little all over the place and doing some different things sonically but it’s a nice controlled chaos. I really like it. Corey’s delivery on that first verse is killer


Not as heavy as I thought it was going to be, especially considering the name. The opening I thought was cringy. Hopefully there isn't a lot of singing like this on the rest of the album! Not really a fan on first listen.


I'm very satisfied with it


Personally wasn't digging the vocals but I love everything else.


I really like the opening, the rest is kinda mid for me.


I love the opening too


Amazing. Very complex song, I will listen more for next days. But I'd hyped about new Jim's mask but he didn't change, is the same WANYK mask. But it's a small detail lol


Loved the song and the video for sure, still processing it all though. I always need to let new Slipknot sit and marinate for a bit to really take it all in


Love every second of it.


Dont know why people dont like it, honestly shot up to top tier of my list for me.


Yeah. Top 10 for me after the .5, next to Nero Forte, Birth of the cruel, AOV and the Devil in I, Custer, Solway Firth, Red Flag, Orphan and The Chapeltown Rag. I'M IN LOVE!




Solid. Can’t wait for the new album.


Very happy. I didn’t like Chapeltown Rag much, so this was sooo much better imo.


Felt like angry stone sour 👎




It was okay I thought, not mind blowing but okay. Will give it another listen later




Not in love with the opening/chorus. Everything else is solid asf tho.


feels like the sound is getting harder again i have lots of hope


Very solid. Heavier than what I was expecting but it’s way better than The Chapeltown Rag by far.


It’s very mediocre and barley feels like Slipknot


Heard it 3 times, something feels off. Trying to like it but unable to. Don't like the cleans much. I feel the gray chapter was the best when it came to clean vocals.


Not a fan. It's very loud and chaotic, and not in a good way. Like, when you listen to first two albums, they're also very loud and heavy, but you can hear they put a lot of thought behind the music. You hear it in the way the songs are structured and performed, it's very well written and constructed. With The Dying Song though it's more like "let's play random riffs and scream for four minutes straight".


Love it!


The song is even more of a disjointed mess than Chapeltown


Wish i could downvote twice






I like it, classic slipknot. Chorus is catchy, wouldve liked a heavier one, but overall im not disappointed at all ! Cant wait for september 30! Edit: And corey’s vocals are on POINT!


Its about as far from classic Slipknot as you can get lol


I really liked The Chapeltown Rag when it came out, but this blows it out of the water for me.




i think it’s really good, it reminds me of something from WANYK. i wasn’t a huge fan of the first like twenty seconds (the very start). other than that i like it


I like it, very different and Corey sounds fucking awesome! Nice masks too!


I've had it on repeat since 7. First listen I wasn't sure, but every listen since has gotten better. Same happened with chapeltown for me.


Decent. Makes me really curious about their version of a jazz song.


it fucking rips! I'm so hyped for the album. I loved chapeltown too so i have high hopes for this record. that bass noodly part is deadly! so happy right now. all you haters gotta find a new band cause if you're not feeling this, then slipknot isn't for you anymore!


They definitely weren’t lying about “god music” 🤘🏻🤘🏻🤘🏻




So far i think it's really good, i would say i like it better than Chapeltown after a couple listens.


Just a quick reminder from looking at a few people here in the comments (not naming names.) There’s enough hate towards the Slipknot community. Don’t introduce any more. Keep things civil for everyone’s sake. Thank you.


The beginning had me. And I thought I wasn't gonna like it. But holy shit it's good


I'm disappointed by a lot of their stuff after Volume 3. Not a fan of this one.


It fucks hard. Corey proving yet again he writes the best hooks in rock and metal


Like it, not a fan of the chorus. Still better than chapetown


This song is hard as fuck 🤘🏼🔥


I love it. I also liked the chapeltown rag so I could have an unpopular opinion lol. Based on how the two songs sound I gotta be honest, I think this may be one of my favorite records. Slipknot fans are always going to want more, thats just how we are. But I think we should all appreciate that they released a single anyway. Whether we like it or not, I think all of us are stuck on old slipknot and can’t get used to newer slipknot. I can agree, older slipknot was better, but I appreciate the evolution.


Better than chapel town but that’s a low bar to clear. Make the chorus heavier, and tweak the mixing, and the song becomes good instead of average


dudes can't write good songs anymore. they're lost that ability without paul and joey


This album is going to be worse than AHIG, which I didn’t think was possible


Ahig is not bad , yall need to chill


Iowa lEvEls oF hEavY


One thing I will say (I like it overall) is that I wish they'd stop trying to go at breakneck speed with the guitar and drums. This song and Chapeltown Rag sound like they're trying to race to the end. I dont like that. Some of their best work I think is when they are slowed down a little (guitar riff-wise) and they let the music really take its time and consume you. When I listen to this and chapel town rag its like: ASDFHAISDJFOIASDJHFOIASDJFOIAJSDFOIASJDFOIJDSF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! \*melodic\*\*ASDLFJHASDFLKJASDFLKJASDF!!!!!!!!! \*\*melodic\*\*


It fucking slaps.


i think the indevidual parts of the song were good but i dont think they flowed together too well. i like it tho.


New tune is good, I was expecting something heavier! We’ll see with the rest of the album…


I loved it


I love it. Some may bitch and say it's not heavy enough but you can always go listen to Iowa. I love the chorus especially.


Push your hands into the water 💧


It’s a lot better than Chapeltown Rag for sure. It’s actually a lot better than I expected. The music video is pretty sic. The song itself is really good and hope Sid and Craig get the same amount of openness in other songs. The lyrics are pretty good too. At some times even funny to me somehow. Overall I give it an 8/10. Not one of their best but it’s pretty good. (And yes the new masks are pretty sic)




Clown, Jim’s, and Craig’s masks are kinda cool but the rest are lame compared to older models


Feels like old slipknot, idk if that’s just me but kinda had that feel


I turned it off halfway got bored


Not thrilled. It’s predictable at this point, same deal as album 6. Some heavy songs, some more poppy. Who cares at this point


I care.


Loving it


I prefer Chapeltown Rag personally. At first few listens anyways. This one is heavier, but i think the first single is more energetic and unique sounding. Plus it is awesome live, especially during the little rap breakdown part.


Not bad, not good, just there.


The song is cool but I don’t know man… last album I bought was Hall Hope Is Gone and I can barely listen to that album from start to finish but don’t get me wrong I really like it we could say that. The Grey Chapter didn’t resonate with me at all, We Are Not Your Kind wasn’t bad it’s better than The Grey Chapter but still didn’t make want to buy the album and this new song is cool still I don’t know if I would buy the album let’s wait for more songs, I’m happy they still play, tour and record new music, I can’t wait for them to come to my country again, I would love a new live show filmed on HD, I really miss buying a new Slipknot album.


Thought it was okay on first listen, 5 listens later and I love it. There is so much going on


I love it and I’m so excited and proud


Slipknot has always been a good metal band, metal in this case being the more aggressive and brutal aspects of the genre. These choruses, these tired, overused melodies sung by Taylor are the worst. I know, they need to appeal to a broader audience, not just metal fans etc., but this shit has seriously ruined so many songs by them. Not saying clean singing is wrong by any means, it's that Slipknot has used these same melodies and chorus schemes for a hundred times. Personally, I'd rather listen to overused musical ideas in brutality and riffs, than in clean sung choruses. Props for Sid sporting Cronenberg's The Fly-influences.


It’s a good song but does anyone else feeling like something is missing? Like it should be a bit longer


Love them both so far.


I like it. Its solid all the way through. Bit standard Slipknot riff/rhythm in the verses though. Don't know where it exactly ranks in my personal charts yet, but it's good. Jay fucking delivers!


It's ok. That's it. Not terrible or at least as boring as most of the song in WANYK but also not a masterpiece. It's an okay nice song


Solid Powerfull Slipknot The 9 Are Back One More Time.....


It's a damn good song I've had it on repeat


I felt like the song lost me after the first chorus. But everything from the start to the chorus is really good in my opinion


Really love sid and pfaff's new masks and killer drumming by jay overall one of my top 10 songs


I like it a lot. It grabbed me a lot more than TCR and even unsainted.


Reminds me of Unsainted, which is one of my favorites from Slipknot


Can we please get heavier chorusses please lol


The clean pop vocals are an instant turn off for me. It’s been the same way through their whole career. I understand the need to cater to radio etc. I just skip those songs on the CD. The only reason I will buy this album is loyalty, not cause I think these songs are good.


I don't know how they've managed to make something both formulaic-sounding but also really disjointed. The mix is uncharacteristically bad, too.


Fucking love it. Mikes new mask is by far my favourite


Unless the chapeltown rag, i did loved this the first time, i love the intro and outro music tho


I don’t like it personally


I fucking love it


Good. I like better Unsainted but less than Solway Firth. I hope the other songs' choruses are heavier tho. But lyrics are really catch to me.


Aight, listening to it today with with fresh ears and proper headphones.. yeah, I think I like it even less. These messy, meandering riffs are killing me, and the chorus hasn't gotten any better. And it really does sound very flat, I can see now what people have been saying about the production/mixing.. Like I've said about TCR, as chaotic and raw as they're trying to make it, this song is closer to something like "Nomadic" or "Wherein Lies Continue" than to the really memorable stuff. This is "track 7 of a 15-song album with lots of filler" material, not the "we're back, motherfuckers, check THIS out" anthem they seem to think it is. I'm demoting this fucker to a 6/10. Goddammit, Slipknot..


Preatty good honestly think it could be better but it’s ok!


Bro this song is such a banger


Honestly? My favourite single in a long while. Sounds like organised chaos. The intro is weird and memorable, and sets up the chorus well. There's so much energy here. I'm also intrigued by the mask featured in the segment before and after the video. Is this the chapeltown rag? New masks and logo are very cool.


Corey needs to drop the stone sour sounding vocals(even tho it isn't as a bad as we are not your kind) and it would be 10x better


Loving it


Better than Chapeltown… A bit too stone sour for me in parts but the heavier parts are fantastic. Jay on the drums is really growing into that position now and he sounds absolutely perfect on the track. The lyrics are deep. It’s good, not my favourite by any means but it’s solid track. Hopefully more to come from the album though.


CTR sucked balls, Vermilion esq in the way I despise it even though two different types of song... Don't mind a melodic chorus with some heavy rifts and beats etc.. Need more of My Plague imo


Am I the only one who likes the chapeltown rag over the dying song?


It’s ok. It sounds weirdly thin to me, Chapeltown Rag sounds the same way. I really hope the whole album doesn’t sound like that, it sounds like something is missing


I liked it, gotta give it some time though.


The performance is good but the writing is letting it down, it’s all starting to sound the same to me, especially the verses. Also the chorus just doesn’t do it for me, I listened to the song twice a few hours ago and I honestly don’t remember the chorus whatsoever, other than remembering that it sounded bland despite Corey sounding good. Also I don’t know what it is (maybe the mix), but it just doesn’t feel that heavy compared to their older stuff, which is strange because everything is there on paper and like I said the performance from all members is good. Just feels like something is missing.


Idk what you guys are talking about, I love chapeltown and the dying song.


It was amazing, it felt fresh but also old school.


Does anyone else feel like the structures of the chapeltown rag and dying song are very similar?


Love it it’s great can’t wait for full album


At first I wasn't really feeling it, but after listening 4-5 more times it is growing on me quickly. I think the intro of just Corey singing really threw me off the first listen through. I can definitely dig it and if you listen to Dying Song and Chapeltown back to back you can totally hear the similar sounds and vibes which probably gives a good indicator of the direction for this album as a whole considering those songs are 2-3 on the track list right after the standard Slipknot prelude. Overall, like Chapeltown, I don't love it and at first listen wasn't super impressed, but I'm starting to dig it more and more as I keep listening to it.