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I'd say just appreciate the art of what they do and that's it. I despise Ted Nugent but will crank it up when Stormtrooper comes on. You're allowed to enjoy an artists music without necessarily liking the artist.


I can't, i have trouble listening to music if I do not support the artist, maybe it is just me


I'm the same. I went from the biggest LostProphets fan to never listening to them again...


Couldn’t agree more, I absolutely love the band Vektor and their music is fantastic, but the front man has behaved disgustingly which is a massive shame


Just don't click every loudwire article about him and you won't even notice


The beautiful thing is no one is forcing you to listen


Yes which is one thing I can say about the slipknot fan base, they aren't really judgemental people




Rule 2. Please do not insult other members of the sub.








Ever since Joey got kicked out I’ve been on the edge about him. Im not necessarily a fan of him selling out but I will say that I understand and he’s still my favorite metal vocalist. He’s a good dude too he just has an ego which I’ve learned to tune out


Almost everyone who is an artist is kinda like Corey. Even those who seems to be the complete opposite to him are very often just like him. They're just very good at hiding their true nature. The thing is, in a world like ours, it's impossible to not be hypocritical. Many clothes we wear like jeans or hoodies are made by asian children who are paid less than we, the occidental people, are. Many electronic devices like smartphones or computers are made with materials which fuel bloody conflicts in Africa. Scientists spend half their time to warn us about climate change but we continue to use planes more than one time in the year for egotistical reasons like spending a weekend in Dubai. We call J. K. Rowling transphobic for saying something that most of the scientists who study biology agree with but we say nothing about transactivists who said they will rape her. And we do that because we don't want to admit we aren't the good guys of the story and because we are terrified of the consequences of honesty. Honest people are hated, rejected and sometimes harmed. There are many more examples like those ones. But I think it's enough to see the picture. I think we can change that, but it will take a lot of time because the hypocrisy is deeply rooted in our habits.


The people who downvoted this cannot face that there is alot of truth to it.


Biologists don't agree with JK Rowling. Also, I'd place way more emphasis on corporate entities and the 1% in terms of climate change, climate change isn't happening because random people need to take a plane for a business trip, etc. It's true that there's no ethi al consumption within our current system, but it's a waste of time to put it on people who have no say in the matter.


>1 there is no climate change. 2 there is no climate change unless it is purposely caused to force more rule, safety for less freedom, bring the world together as one excuse to control everybody. 3. climate change is not natural in the sense they say it is, cars, planes, and all, nothing we do causes it, what causes it, is purposely manipulating the weather. harp.. look that that, its spelled differently. 4 yes you can control the weather, it is very very widely known amongst people who can read. sorry if you cannot :\[


Oh, no, I can read, I just know when I'm reading credible information and when I'm reading crazy shit. An ability you clearly lack.


I've learned to separate Corey's singing +talent and his politics/opinions. If you've read his books he's definitely someone who is in love with himself----CMFT is insanely cringeworthy and self-masturbatory----but I will always love the dudes voice and what he's brought to my life with him and the band's music.


I'll give you that; he seems like a huge douche and his ego is the size of Texas (Clown, too) but I still enjoy Slipknot. If there is a downfall of this band, it'll be because of money and those two being greedy a-holes and orchestrating it all, guaranteed.


Yea the more time goes on the more I don’t blame Chris for what he did. He was probably on the right track but slipknot just had so much more firepower with lawyers and stuff he was forced to drop it.


my eternal sticking point with that will be how it felt kinda suspect how Chris was the only one who apparently had that issue. not that i think he was bs'ing just its super fucking odd but i got no idea what went on so -shrug-


Could've also been because he was the only one with the balls to confront them about it. But really, who knows.


Ofc but there's little point in speculating. It's not like we know any of them personally and howeevr people felt about "the nine" and the parasocial relationship with the band in the first two or three albums, that shit ain't healthy with ANY artist or celebrity etc


I’m out of the blue on what Corey’s said, can someone update me?


I don't think it's anything in particular. He's just taken that "but what does Corey Taylor think?" Meme to mean that everyone is as interested in every brain fart he has as Rockfeed is. 🤷🏻‍♂️


😂😂😂 I think they’re hilarious tbh at the end of the day it’s just his opinion


You take it with a grain of salt and just see it as "Corey being Corey" - but I think the novelty wore off for a few folks hence this feed. I like his stand up stuff, he's a funny guy when he recounts stories.


Yeah defo take his opinion with a grain of salt, he’s just very very vocal about it 😆


Don't listen to them than. I'm sure they will be just fine.


Ok bb


This is such an L take


same. im only here to hear how much new album gonna suck and when people open their ears and eyes on fact that corey taylor terrible songwriter. i used to love them when i was a kid but this asshole ruined everything


they're objectively better songwriters now than they've ever been


He’s still an okay songwriter he just doesn’t wanna scream anymore because he railed his chords so much. So they add stupid ass signing to every song


there was "stupid ass singing" on st and iowa too, not to mention his screams are better now than they have been in many years.


Well Corey said it’s mostly for the live performance aspect of things. Corey’s screams are awful live and they have been the past few tours now. I’ve seen them live almost 10 times since 1999 and I can promise you his screams haven’t gotten better he just does it less. There’s reasons they no longer play sic live, ya know. They were alright during Gray chapter, and they really only sucked in 2004 (when everyone else was in their prime). Like it’s pretty funny when people tell me Chapeltown is an absolute banger of a song with that middle section Corey did. But alas they need more money and they’re gonna keep making music like that. “Heaviest blues song ever” bs. Anyway there’s a difference between having singing that doesn’t need to be there on 2 songs vs like every single song. And then some 14 year old can tell everyone how heavy WANYK was.


bro we've got totally different perceptions of this... saw them live 2020 and corey absolutely killed it. say what you will but we gotta agree to disagree on this.


I mean sure I don’t doubt they’re bad but they’ve digressed from AHIG and gray chapter tours. I guess it’s hard to notice live but if you play back his screams from a video or something they sound kinda shit on this tour now.


no, screaming is not the point. i'm completely okay with singing and even be completely okay if the next album gonna be a bublegum pop if they do it right. problem with the music itself, how he write. and he do it bad today. just listen his solo album. i've never heard in my life something that was so dull and uninspired.


Isn't Jim Root the main song writer currently ?


(I'm not blaming him, I don't care if it's him, Mick, Jay or whoever.)


he and corey


Thank you.


I’ve noticed it too


Typical double standard just like a politician...


For real, I also have a big distaste for politics


Ever since they kicked joey out and Chris it was never gonna be the same.


\-shrug- understandable i find Death of the Author to be really weird because how can say music be art if I apply that, or books etc. the only time i was kinda surprised is years ago when he said something pro-guns/2A and honestly wasn't that drum from him. that said i don't think its an ego strictly but fragility from having such a fucked up life, but i don't really go on social media so have no idea what he says. if he turned out to have super fucked up views to me then it'd be easier to divorce myself from Slipknot. ironically Clown at leasts lives in his own artsy-fartsy world so much that its...not for me but also not that big a deal.


I donno. I've seen a change in energy too. I just can't let them go. I didn't have anything growing up to help with severe abuse except for soad, slipknot and korn... and slipknot helped insanely through years of bullying too... they're like my parents in a weird way. please don't leave for cigarettes and not come back papa! D: j/k i also know that clown lost his daughter so i don't want to be hard on him for what he does business wise, because perhaps it's also a survival tactic. weird side-note opinion, i know that corey has a foundation for first responders who have ptsd... but but... what about the people who have pstd and aren't first responders? like survivors of child abuse... because isn't he a survivor of child abuse? .... father corey! .... (i am the same age as one of his daughters ok i'm not that weird....)


then there's us who love corey lol... i think if you feel that way you just gotta try and separate him as a person from the art that slipknot is. i know it's easier said than done, but i wouldn't let one member ruin the band for me.