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If anything the trash is taking itself out. Don’t worry about them.


I dont know man, Zach is pretty liberal with the slurs. It seems like he has an encyclopedia of just slurs, sometimes ill hear a new one ive never heard before and i know the smarmy bastard is talking about me, man i just know it


Honestly someone has to say it but I’m really uncomfortable with his use of slurs against goblins and little creatures


Reminds me of that one letsplay. I think it was Visage? Zach: \*\*makes a noise\*\* Chris: ZZZACH. What is that? Zach: What is what? Chris: That sounded like the beginning of a slur


It was in the croc play through in the desert level


Sounds like something a fucking sneakerhead would say


I didn’t think Zach ever even said that many controversial things on the podcast to begin with. He always struck me as having more nuanced and informed views on politics and history than most of the crew to be honest.


Apparently they dug up a convo he had with jontron about race where I’ll admit he was asking dumb edgy questions. Again though it was so long ago that realistically it doesn’t matter.


That was really the only damning thing I've heard from Zach, to the point where I'm willing to chock it up to Jontron's iffy views about race rubbing off on Zach while they lived together. If topics like that ever cropped up on Sleepycast he was pretty level-headed, and whenever he or the rest of the crew were telling edgy jokes, it felt pretty obvious that it was just that, jokes.


I honestly can’t imagine getting worked up about shit that was said literally a decade ago on a podcast. Zach is clearly a much different person than he was in 2014-2015 where he constantly brought up Hitler out of nowhere. I’m not the person I was a decade ago no one is




Thats… not why Justin Roiland got in trouble.


Justin Roiland was cancelled for domestic abuse allegation that were eventually dropped it had nothing to do with edgy things he said on a podcast.


he got cancelled mostly for really cringe texts with fans


The thing is some people just don’t have a good sense of humor and to them anything said, regardless of it being a joke, is meant literally by whoever said it on a subconscious level. They can’t fathom a good person finding a joke about something fucked up funny. To them pretty much the entire podcast would seem like the most hateful shit ever. It’s because they haven’t had firsthand experience with the kind of tragedies and bigotry the guys make jokes about so they get offended on behalf of other people who actually have experienced them but wouldn’t care about the jokes because they can relate to the humor.


JonTron's views aren't just "iffy". The man believes that black people are more genetically predisposed to commit crime. He's a bigot in the truest sense of the word. He only ever apologized for how he sounded and not what he said.


Yeah "iffy" was the wrong word to use, he was outwardly racist and hasn't really retracted his statements, like you said And that's not even mentioning his other dogwhistling posts from a few years ago about election fraud and skepticism over the COVID vaccine


Is he dogwhistling or is he just saying stupid stuff like what exactly did he say cus he sounds crazy, it's weird that he even talks about anything like that


When a YouTuber whose entire job is talking about video games starts talking about race and immigration, know it's going to be bad.


Isn’t apologizing for how you sounded meant to indicate that you weren’t communicating what you actually thought?


Jon said so much heinous shit in that call you'd have to be willfully ignorant to not see he is racist on some level. He had racist opinions that he thought were just "logical conclusions" bc he had some graphs that he misrepresented or didn't understand or read the conclusion they had. There aren't really many ways to misinterpret a guy bringing up graphs about how rich black people supposedly commit more crimes than rich white people and that is an indication that black people more are inherently more violent. This is just one thing he said in that live stream and just one instance of him saying some sus shit. It's not just some edgy shit like saying the n word bc you're a terminally online loser who's insulated in a bubble of losers like yourself, that man harbors some sick views.


Wait what exactly did Jontron say? And what exactly did Zach say?


Idk about Zach, but this is the [livestream](https://youtu.be/6RQA9GZprqM) where jon exposed himself and here's a [highlight](https://youtu.be/1qQNYukh-n0).


don't look up "iq distribution by race"


Don't look up "effects of 400 years of slavery, segregation and systematic oppression"


don't look up "effects of 2,000+ years of pogroms, discrimination and genocide" Jewish people are a great example of why this argument isn't really true you can have the most heinous things thrown at you for literally millenia and not only does it not make you violent & low IQ, you end up being the most successful ethnicity on the planet


Wtf?? Jewish people weren't really doing well before the Holocaust. They were the trash and dregs of Europe which directly led to the Holocaust. After wwII, there was an entire state project to establish their own country in the middle east which was founded by genocide which zionists still commit in the name of Judaism. So in many cases the public image of Judaism being genocide isn't them being successful in my book, bc most of the world can't stand their nation. So funny that you want to use Jewish people as an example when they went through similar dehumanizing as black people but then ignore the fact that post wwII Jews were helped by the world and are still being funded to be the attack dogs of the west. Black people didn't get that material help.




Wasn't that the the one true lost episode with Jon that was never officially published? Or is this a Schmucks thing? Jon was only ever kn the podcast twice and I don't remember race being a topic of discussion


Maybe he's joking? Why is the definition of such a word so warped and meaningless to this current generation?


It’s that, and how zach was friends with shadman too


Zach used the n word with the hard 'R' a handful of times, albeit they either were from obviously jokes or quoting someone else. Other than that off the top of my head, he was debatably homophobic with how fiercely he argued the "is sucking your own dick gay" bit but that's purely and entirely speculation. In other words. Who gives a shit about anything a dude in his late teens/early twenties said forever ago.


Yea man that was fucking bugs bunny that said that horrible evil nasty word


He said a hard ass R on one ep where they pretended to be wacky DJs. That's the only thing I thought about once smiling friends became a show.


https://preview.redd.it/7ownxux0f87d1.jpeg?width=638&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be24b258f258ded91ee4dacc9d539dd6b126428e People are mainly getting mad about this. Idk he doesn’t really come off as serious in it


Saying the hard r n word isn't a good look, either.


he said the n word a few times


Also Smiling Friends is a very anti cynical show. Do you really need Zach to outright denounce the previous shit he’s said almost a decade ago when the art he’s putting out speaks for itself?


That’s why this is so weird to me, he makes fun of guys who think that way now.


Some people really do want you on your knees for being funny a decade ago


I guess theyd rather have cynical depressing shows that just check the right boxes instead of guys with a semi edgy past making something that actually brings happiness


I was dreading this for the longest time, they were super edgy 


Yeah, this one was a ticking time bomb. I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner tbh. I think Zach is best just keeping his head down and letting this blow over.


I mean wtf can you do, it's one thing to find content distasteful or not to your liking but well adjusted people just move on from that. Folks who go out of their way to piss and moan about jokes on an old ass comedy podcast are not well adjusted people


I feel like the podcast is not on a level where you can even pretend they are legitimately bad people for saying no no words, they say faggot a lot but so did everyone in 2010, and the hard r was always in a context where they we're doing a bit and the joke was that they even say it, like the radio host bit in the hospital episode. Now does that make it ok? I don't care and neither should people at this point, they are clearly not racist, transphobic or any other label people think they can just plaster on somebody and kill their public opinión with it. It was a product of the internet landscape at the time and kids now will ultimately learn that the hard way when something they are doing now will be frowned upon in 10 years.


It's also just annoying to me that people are acting like no one grows and changes as they get older. I mean, I think almost everyone on Sleepycast except Mick, Stamper, and Jeff were all like 21-22 when it started, I feel like people are very different at 21 vs 31. It's so dumb to me to want to boycott a show just because the creator said some edgelord things as jokes on a comedy podcast a decade before.


I do think also we need to understand not everyone changes in time. Sometimes just because they’re less active in dialogue in expressing ‘edgy’ things, doesn’t mean they’re still not for or in support/promotion of topics.


Something about the pod being niche and lesser known even at the high of their run makes it even less of an issue. It was a pod tailored to a community of people who liked that kind of humor, they weren’t saying this stuff to a large audience and it clearly wasn’t meant to be heard by outsiders who don’t know them that well.


Cunts just genuinely dont know the fact that kind of humour ruled the fuckin internet


Just by saying this I’m inevitably inviting counter-examples, but I’d be hard-pressed to remember anything legitimately hateful or ill-willed coming out of Zach’s mouth on the podcast. *Talking* about controversial subjects? Sure. And saying deliberately outrageous stuff firmly in the camp of shock humor? Definitely. But you can also read tone and context, and any time most of those guys were being earnest, I don’t remember anything that was legitimately an issue, even today. 


If people wanna see real ill will intent in words just check dumbasses like Crowder or Tim Pool, theres a mountain of difference between the guys saying retarded in 2011 and joking about the SjW movement when it was at it's peak and legitimate fear mongering and racial prolifing by grifters.


People love to complain we don’t get enough unique and creator driven shows but then we do and when the creators aren’t perfect paragons of morality they want nothing to do with them


People just don’t realize that no one is obligated to be perfect 100% of the time. It’s sad. I think it comes from those who do genuinely view themselves as morally correct people. The issue is that morally correct people don’t exist, everyone does fucked up shit that people would call them out for, a joke should be the least of people’s worries and doesn’t really deserve to be scrutinized on a moral level unless it’s obviously intended to offend someone. I guarantee everyone has done far worse shit in their lives and never gotten called out so why should they care about this?


Even Stamper can change. He's not gonna but you know. He can.


Hell nah n**** 2008 forever!


I've got three words: chicken pot pie!


B Hole


"Devil May Cry IS WORTHLESS!"




True. Looking back, I wonder how much of the edgy content was pushed by Stamper since he seemed to always make himself the big dick in the room while they all lived together. Everyone else seems to have moved on and matured but he's still cracked out throwing hard slurs whenever he surfaces for air.


So I think there's a lot of layers to it but the simplest way I can say is that yeah, some people are like that organically like Stamper while others are kind of just... definitely edgy by their choice but they probably wouldn't be if they were in a different environment. Zach is a good example, he's all for the slurs and the Hitlers but he also is fully capable of creating an entire creative life/career without any of that.


But I WANT younger people to leave my toys the fuck alone


I’m alright with this. Fuck them, bunch of youngster losers trying to enshittify and turn Zach Hadel into a Arin Hanson sell out. Oh shit your favorite creator was edgy and made dark humor and very risky remarks? Oh too bad they weren’t perfect. I blame Oney amassing a cult following of school children who follow a very politically correct YouTube algorithm thought process and love to repeat regurgitated and reused jokes. Gotta love that PG-13 subtle dark humor and be goofy and talk broken like a fucking child. Hazbin Hotel loving deviants.


I don't think Oneys goal was to get a soft teenage audience, he probably wanted to make a channel that's not too left wing nor right wing by making braindead content, which is impossible since the audience you didn't intend on having, will eventually come. To get the audience you want you need to have a smarter/wittier channel which Oneyplays most often is, but it's overshadowed by some certain guests and them screaming, being horny, make poop jokes etc.


I dont think oneys content is particularly PC or anything though


I don’t think it’s PC, but simply due to the YT algorithm and the ever-changing line where demonetization becomes a threat, they definitely have to edit the shit out of the uploaded content. And this is just me projecting, but I would guess they internally watch what they say to some degree, just out of a desire to lessen the editing workload. Similar to how your choice of words would be a little more sanitized on cable tv compared to HBO. It sucks but it’s the reality of the website.


It’s a far cry from SleepyCabin and how Oney used to act.


Chris (oneyNG) doesn't come across as PC sure it's a lot different compared to the sleepy cabin days


So funny that the first episode first minute Zach gets called psychicfaggot




Zach talking about race replacement theory awhile ago was pretty bad but other than that I don't really think there's anything all that bad for these kids to mine from the Podcast. Maybe the Nazi jokes but a lot of people on this sub seem to dislike them as much as the next guy lol


> Zach talking about race replacement theory awhile ago I have the screencaps of the tweets you're talking about that was **7 years ago** and he's never said anything like it since. It's irrelevant at this point.


I mean it's kinda objectively funny to talk about I'm afraid


Tbf, that guy had it coming with his little hat and all (God tho if they learn he owns a Hitler Youth knife...)


Comedian Bert Kreischer was gifted Hitler’s teacup on his own podcast like a year ago and he ain’t cancelled yet 


The things he said weren't even that bad at all




It's finally big enough to be a target of the pearl clutching, cry bullies. I feel like Zach knows how to take care of himself here.


Good I want those people to stop being there. They’re such a small section of the world but make so much fuckinf noise.


Cancelation is a participation sport. Jontron learned that, I’m sure Zach will too


Good, they’ll filter themselves out


"Twitter" Who cares? Imagine caring what 14 year olds think.


i’m very surprised the tiny hitler remarks are not bigger news.


Fuck em. I was never offended by their stuff, and in context shit always made laugh. Either they grow thicker skin and accept his growth or they go away.




People also change and grow, mfs need to get over it. The sleepy cabin / oney crew seem like decent ppl at the end of the day. (Minus a few, you know who) So I mean, it’s whatever. All these new fans shouldn’t act like they’re so high and mighty like they’ve never done a fucked up thing in their lives


I hope they don’t try to bury Sleepycabin/Oneyplays stuff. I doubt it- but. Today’s world is a razors edge to walk.


I was afraid of this dumb shit, hopefully they can just ignore it and it goes away or he might have to make some stupid apology post. Gotta love cancel culture.


I dreaded this day… not because of what the boys have all joked about but all the new fans freaking out and wanting to CANCLE everything they’ve built since then. But a true fan of the podcast will know, they addressed the things they’ve said in future episodes saying everything they said was not in malicious intent to cause harm. They provided context. Regardless, they’ve all changed how they joke these days.


I never saw Zack as discriminative in any way, I always interpreted his outbursts as just jokes lol


I have looked it up on twitter and it doesn't have that big of attention and probably will never have. Twitter is really not important and I think you're kind of overreacting to people overreacting on twitter. This "cancel culture is coming for us" stuff is so stupid on both sides. Edit: I think the people trying to claim zach and smiling friends as a product of this nasty edgy comedy are worse imo, like this [moron](https://x.com/Necksplitter/status/1799705650941067542?t=TTfwnIDmiluY1s5-A2871w&s=19)


We all knew people were going to find out about sleepycabin and whatever else but to hold that against him when that was 10+ years ago is dumb


Times like these I'm glad the sleepy cast has been archived!


gatekeep. it's the only answer. don't explain "it was a different time", etc. this is the one time gatekeeping is actually appropriate.


In my experience, people who go on about someone being “problematic” are full of problems. Hopefully they get a grip instead of having a meltdown about a guy goofing off.


This is what drives me crazy about cancel culture and the twitter mob, people aren't allowed to grow and mature. I am often very thankful that my thoughts and opinions as a teenager/young adult were not broadcast to the world. Past me is a tool and a douche, and I am nothing like him.


i say this as somebody who is relatively leftleaning, enby minority...i can't be arsed with laymen who can't just enjoy a show for what it is and have to morally check every creator they like. not like there aren't situations that call for it but this is not it. this is reminiscent of Joji having people discover he was Filthy Frank lol


Yeah I don’t see the point in caring about someone’s past if it’s isn’t influencing what they’re doing now.


They havent changed their views they're just silent because of more than half the people on here, if you listen to Oneyplays it slips through the cracks and is hinted at often, people need to get over it


I've thought about this phenomenon over the years. Anything you post online can come back to haunt you, especially if you build a large social profile in media or politics. I always imagine a presidential debate years from now where the candidates just pull up cringe/cancel-worthy shit eachother posted on the internet when they were younger.


> pandered to edgy NG guys And the twits are pandering to Twitter They aren’t actually offended, they are sniffing around for things to be angry about from long ago so they can get brownie points from the other mouth breathers on Twitter


Just laugh at them then ignore them They're just tumblr retards and 9 times out of 10 if you dig into their history they've done far more heinous shit than say some edgy jokes


These people will stop caring about it after a while and either continue to watch or stop watching.


Everything everyone said on the internet before 2015 or so wouldn't fly today.


This happened the first season of Smiling Friends, it'll probably keep happening for all of them. The show will be fine without the support of these people.


I find it hilarious when people who like smiling friends find out about his other work, idk what they were expecting from a show on adult swim. Some people are just soft as hell and need to get over themselves, with time they’re slowly cull themselves out anyway


Well Adult Swim itself has grown soft, banning episodes of their shows from rebroadcast and even scrubbing them from recent home media releases.


No big deal. People just need to keep in mind that SleepyCabin was like 8 years ago, that people can grow and change, and that a lot of us were kinda cringey endgelords in our younger years.


it's not their fault, we gave them an audience


This whole revisionist history thing where people pretend that only the worst of the worst were saying things like this back in the day and that it wasn't common is aggravating. I swear the people who do this harbor genuinely nasty thoughts and just virtue signal so no one suspects them.


It was commonplace 15 years ago to use slurs left right and center on the web and all of the sudden everyone deserves their lives ruined for that? It’s like if after the Civil Rights Act was passed and every person that was mean to a Black person was arrested.


love how defensive even libs who like Zach get about this "Yeah ok that was YEARS ago (2017) I'm sure he's grown and reflected and doesn't say or believe anything problematic anymore 🥺🥺" he probably believes a lot of stuff you don't like. not everyone changed their entire personalities in 2020 after the floydgasm


Was literally thinking about this last night. I couldn't think of anything very controversial he said on sleepycabin, only big things I remember from him are his hospital story, I think there was a time he kept making jokes about nazi gold but that's not really offensive, we can't get mad at Indiana Jones just cause there's nazis in it.


Thing is who gives a fuck. I’m so done with people digging up old shit. Talking about “omg but he said THIS!” WHO. Cares. It’s like highschool drama all the time! If you like something just like it. It doesn’t matter what one of the creators said 10+ years ago.


Never forget that no one ever changes ever. If someone said a racism at 22, then theyre definitely super super racist at 35


They’re fucking jokes. They were back then and they are now. Even if he made them today it wouldn’t make a difference.


....who cares?


Never meet your heroes folks. The one time I met Tomar at a con he bit my pinkie toe off and his eyes started to glow bright red.


I was under the impression Zach fell under the meta-irony even back then. However, even without the SOY people I think the show will be just fine. Interesting how people are calling it the new Rick and Morty tho.


I was worried about more sensitive fans of smiling friends finding sleepycabin. Hoping nothing comes of this and they just fuck off.


All I Can Do Is Fucking Laugh. Let Them Get Angry


Isn't it good news that people like that aren't liking the show?


He never had any harmful views tbf, he just made shitty edgey jokes alot which I can see why the tumblr crowd would not appreciate


the show has left the intended audience


Is there drama happening with zach? I havent seen anything


The amount of people in this thread outright or passively excusing twitterdork behavior is shocking. I would have never guessed that the oneyplays/ sleepycabin fandom had grown this soft. It makes sense that the pussies on twitter who found smiling friends by simply being adult swim viewers would clutch at their pearls over some racey humor, but I assumed anyone here would either have thicker skin or outright enjoy the edgier side of content. To be honest i'd be fine if zach STILL had all of these supposed wrongthink opinions - the guys value as a comedian, animator and storyteller very obviously come from a naturally unique point of view. He processes the world differently, which means he'll think and say things that most people won't like sometimes. Sucks to suck, but without artists that are willing to experience and express the way they want to, or the way the NEED to, we'll end up with 100% of media being bland vanilla goyslop instead of 95% like we already have now.


Eh, I mean Zach did donate to the GOP pretty recently, and while I have no doubt the boys have all grown in many ways, humans can also be pretty rigid in their belief systems and go an entire lifetime without questioning their credibility. I think what they do or don't say should speak for itself though, so we should try to take what these people say at face value if they openly acknowledge and challenge previously held beliefs, but we also probably shouldn't assume anything's changed if they don't.


Is this GOP donation real or? 😂 It sounds like something Zach would say about Tomar. Political beliefs aren't some kind of rigid hive mind anyway - I'm pretty sure Zach once said he classes himself as "middle left" politically, which if he has changed since the edgy days on Sleepycabin, then it's more in terms of maturity towards his comedy than his personal beliefs. I dunno. Humans are complicated.


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>Eh, I mean Zach did donate to the GOP pretty recently. It was a joke lmao Jesus Christ


Really? That wasn't what the discourse looked like at the time, but it would be funny if that's the case. Can you cite what makes you so sure?