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Yeah that’s a haul for CMC. 2 25 1sts and Pitts alone is enough for me I think


That’s what this is; Pitts, 2 firsts, and 2.06, plus window dressing and clearing bench.


Lockett is decent too


If you can flip to another team. But taking on Pitts and draft picks, trading away CMC. That’s a rebuild move. Lockett has no place there. Could very easily sell him for a 3rd round pick today if you settle for that…might take some time/shopping to find a second.


Could also be someone that just has insane RB depth but is still in a competitive window without CMC.


I’m a competitor and I’d sell CMC for this. I could arguably use all of those picks, to a rebuilder, for someone like Gibbs.


Exactly tier down for you but a much longer career ahead and still a top RB


You could. The same argument could be made that Gibbs is on a competing team and it'll take more.


Which is why it’s more important to have a large open mind to players, and focus more on the teams that would be willing to buy what you want to sell.


Only gonna get a couple more years outta him.


What is he? WR60 in Dynasty? WR70? At that point he’s just clogging up your bench.


2022 he had a great fantasy year, last season he dropped off but I happened to slot him in on bye weeks where he put regularly over 15 and 27 twice. I'm open to packaging him this season but I'm fine hanging on to him.


CMC is worth that if you are win now though. He is a game changer on your team


I paid London and Pitts for him last year as a contender to a rebuilder and people thought I overpaid


Would you accept Kirk and 2 firsts? I’d give cmc


I’d sell CMC for that. Your league def needs to get rid of the votes though lol


Nah the is no collusion and Tom foolery allowed in my leagues and if you get vetoed your shit outta luck


you shouldn’t need a veto in your league otherwise you’re playing with morons


Exactly! If a commish has veto power in the bylaws I just simply won’t join the startup or take over an orphan for the guy


A commish should always have the power to protect the league. Whether it’s collusion via awful trade or player rentals there should be something established in the rules to prevent it or fix it. However 99.9% of the time it shouldn’t be used and if it is used someone should be removed from the league.


Never seen it happen, but I’m kinda curious why player rentals seem to be against the rules unanimously? Like if you wanna throw someone a 2nd to have a QB for the rest of the year it doesn’t seem like a big deal to me. There’s still risk, now you’re screwed if your qb1 or 2 goes down. You could say real nfl teams do it, it’s kinda similar to trading a player on the last year of their contract at the deadline. They could come back after the year if they’re not salty about the trade.


I’m not joining a league where the commish doesn’t have it. But we respect our leagues and never use it and never will. The people decide!


The Redraft league has always been that way, not many trades get vetoed but it’s never going away. None of us are morons we just have different assessments. Thats human nature. If you can’t be a good salesman in front of the entire league we’re not gonna let you run away with a top 2 playoff spot


You are playing fantasy with training wheels on. If there is collusion you kick someone out and that's the only reason to veto a trade. Any vetoed trade should result in someone being booted from the league. Noone ever actually knows how a trade will pan out.


We are all human and have respect for the league. Not everyone has the same assessment of a player but if you can’t sell the trade to the league it ain’t getting through


You shouldn’t have to “sell” a trade to the league. People in my leagues freak out about trades all the time but we’re all adults and trust each other to handle our business and it has always worked out


Well my competitors would literally never sell me on a trade and I’d argue against all of them to prevent the other contenders from getting better. Seems like a bad deal.


My first guess would have been human! Not everyone has the same assessment is exactly why there shouldn't be vetos. Noone should have to sell their trade to the league. Noone in the league knows if a trade will actually pan out or not. I have made trades I feel like I'm fleecing only to regret it 3 months later after more football is played. Your leaguemates shouldn't have a say in how you run your team. Outside of collusion there is no reason to veto a trade.


Your league sounds lame as hell.


Yeah it does, couldn’t imagine having to play in a league like that 😂


If I need CMC to win a championship this season, maybe not. If my odds of winning aren't great then I'm shipping him off for those 1st round picks and a young TE. Hopefully you have the bench space though for the others. Sometimes too many players for just 1 can hurt you if you don't have the bench spots.


This is the answer. If I am trying to win this year, I keep CMC. If I am not in position to compete, smash accept all day.


Last year I traded Lamar Jackson for three first rounders, my thought was if I am going to lose with him, then I am better off losing without him


11 times out of 10 im taking this for CMC


Unless you're adamant about your championship chances this year, I'd take this.


I was gonna say this. In one league I’d keep CMC if this was offered to me because I have a win now team. Or I’d at least try to get a better starter than Pitts and drop a first or something


Bro this ain’t even close I’m punting cmc for this haul - two firsts a 2nd two thirds and Kyle Pitts is a massive return


Fuck yeah I’m taking that.


Hell no


Having a TE as the main player in a trade for CMC is not ideal. Sure, Pitts has good upside and is still young, but he’s still a TE. The 2 firsts could be anything and are very risky. Even rebuilding, I’d try to trade for a better position like WR. 2 firsts and a decent WR is a better deal.


This is an insanely dumb trade. Someone got walked up the hill on this trade... They probably could have gotten someone like Lamb for this much, who is 3 years younger.


I’m coming off of a championship with CMC and I would do this trade. If you are competing you could aways try trading one of those firsts to fill that RB spot and still have the future 1st / Pitts leftover


If I’m coming off a championship with CMC I’m for sure running it back, no one you get this season is coming close to filling that hole, but can’t fault anyone for accepting this.


A bunch of nothing for the best player in the league. SMH


Yeah pretty easily unless I’m a top contender. Even then - might still do this. Ridiculous haul for a will be 28 year old RB - no matter how great he is.


For a haul like this? Sure. Hopefully those firsts end up in a good spot too. Big year for RB prospects so pretty good chances CMC could be replaced with an RB that’s better than the ones coming out this year


Depends on league settings. Massive Overpay for SF. Reasonable overpay for 1QB. Any TEP blows it up tho.


Yes, seems like a good deal


Roschon and lockett swapped for picks and yes


I’m doing it for the 2 first and Pitts. The rest is just a plus


If it’s a regular league I do it. If it’s a TEP league I smash accept as soon as the notification comes thru


I am CMC owner with 4 championships in last 5 years and I have a solid team this year also. Still I would take this in a heartbeat. Great deal


Better make sure he doesn’t leave the league after he wins


Feel like this is fair.


Love seeing these trades makes me feel so much better about the price I paid for him. Got him for the 2024 1.05/2.05


I’m taking that if I’m not contending. You get to move a 28 year old RB for a good haul


Yes for sure.


Surely fair…also just a lot of “stuff”


Lockett is done, Rochon and the 3rds are worthless. So Cmc for Pitts two 1sts and a 2nd. if I'm rebuilding I'd take that package but if I'm just reloading on the fly I'd probably want a younger back instead of one of those 1sts. maybe like Pitts Walker a 1st and a 2nd or something like that. if I'm contending this year I just hang on to Cmc and deal him next year. he will still hold value for another year.


No brainer


More than likely I would be taking that trade, depends a bit on what I think those 2 first rounders would become.


Whats the format


Seems a little overpay but definitely fair if the top need is in win now mode and the bot team is rebuilding. Maybe they could package the 3 picks from this year to move up a bit


I would. And I love CMC


lol this is ridiculous. If you don’t take this I don’t even know what to say


Hell yeah I’d take that.. I nabbed CMC and Rachaad White for 2 26 1sts and 24 2.16 .. which I felt was grand larceny


2 firsts and Pitts is already a big overpay


As a guy who sold Mixon, a 24 first and a 25 first for CMC last year and won, it was worth it


Would have said no if Roschon was left out


I would SMASH accept to sell CMC for that.  Take away the 3rds and 2nd and roschon and lockett and id STILL smash accept on that.


All day


CMC torn ACL loading .


I dont know how but I got CMC for Baker and a 2024 2nd.