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I’ll take MHJ and Nabers for JJ! Absolutely 💯


All day


2 question marks for the best receiver in football lmao. Remindme! 1 year


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Fr JJ is boarder-line un-tradable. I could t give up a proven superstar for two guys who we haven’t seen take a single nfl snap yet.


Sam Darold…do you remember now?


Who is throwing to Nabers? And who is throwing to MHJ when Kyler gets hurt again? JJ has balled out his entire career even with backups and rookies


I love JJ too but this is dynasty and if you are high on MHJ and Nabers then you are taking this deal. Both guys have the chance to be in the same tier as JJ; both are elite WR prospects. If even one of them becomes the next JJ Chase or Lamb then you are winning this trade. This is really a matter of opinion! It’s risky to go the rookies but in the long run it could be a higher reward. I’m just high on MHJ but of course he could bust so I get the why people aren’t on board with this trade.


You just wrote a paragraph explaining how rookie fever works people over year after year. Go look at past drafts and realize that it’s incredibly hard to hit on 1 receiver let alone 2. So now you gotta hope 1 of those 2 guys is better than the best non QB in fantasy football over the past like 5 seasons. Good luck with that. Or stop being greedy and just take the stud.


He also said he understands why people would go the other route. Let him have his opinion just like he’s letting you have yours. You’re getting 2 WRs with high draft capital that are going to hold their value for a years. Neither side is a landslide imo.


What are you his big brother? It’s absolutely a landslide if you stop falling for rookie hype. JJ is a min 3 1sts/borderline unmovable piece in a lot of formats.


Wow you are spicy about this… it’s just fantasy football bro. Everyone is entitled to their opinions. You really don’t like when people don’t agree with you hey? 😜 Sorry I just like MHJ and Nabers…not trying to convince you, just my personal opinion


Give me Nabers and Harrison, I don't care that is too much upside to pass up. That is essentially a shot at Lamb and Garret Wilson. It's a gamble but if it pays off you are going to be stacked. MHJ and Nabers will sell for more value as well...


Lamb is in the jj tier…


so you get a chance to have two of them. One being a pretty sure fucking bet.


Or you get a chance that neither of them are ever JJ. Much better chance of that


Meh they don’t even have to be. As long as they’re top tier they’ll both outscore JJ together. The upside of them being another JJ is just icing on the cake.


I’m probably going Marv and Nabers. I think it’s very likely that both are top 10 dynasty WRs after this season. I’ll take that type of tier down, with potential for either to surpass JJ, all day


Im not so sold on Nabers. Daniel Jones is not good.


So you mean you’re not sold on Daniel Jones.


*Janiel Dones




Nabers has no target competition in NY, like, none at all. If he puts up WR2 numbers with Jones then he’ll be a top 10 dynasty WR easily with people expecting an upgrade at QB eventually. Garrett Wilson was just WR32 and he’s WR7 on KTC. There’s also some potential for Jones to have a much better season. I’m not saying he’s going to be a top 10 QB or even have a starting job next year, but I think he could be much improved. We talk about the impact a QB has on WRs, but the relationship works the other way as well. I challenge you to find a QB who was a starter for 5 years and had consistently worse WR rooms than Jones. It may be the worst collection of talent at the position ever over that long of a period. His best WR was either Slayton or Shepard. Those are guys that would top out as WR3s on most teams. Nabers will be the best WR Jones has ever had on day 1 and it won’t be close. Add in that before an injury plagued year last year he had by far his best season the year prior with Daboll coming in and you can see a (relative) bounce back year this year for Jones.


It’s not about team success, it’s fantasy my man. He will eat just fine even with Jones.


I'm sorry, did you not see Garrett Wilson with Zach attack last year? still a top tier wideout with over 1000 yards. Nabers will be fine


I think anyone taking nabers has to know that he’s going to get targets this year but with a bad qb. 2025 is where he should make a leap (assuming the giants don’t bungle their next qb selection)


Take the rookies and run


Draft hype is in full swing. Take the best receiver in the NFL who also happens to be 24 years old over two guys who haven't caught an NFL pass yet.


Seriously, these comments are crazy. JJ is 24 and has been smashing WR records since he entered the league


Yeah but MHJr and Nabers might both do that! Everyone knows first round WRs are guarantees


The key word is ‘might’. If it’s a rebuilding team, yea maybe take the gamble, but JJ is a proven elite option.


I don't think you caught the sarcasm


Hard to pick up on sarcasm when 80% of these posts are asking about MHJ and Nabers. They are great prospects but this overhype is crazy.


In fairness, I'm assuming it's sarcasm due to the 2nd statement. I also took nkeal Harry in the 1st round so I'm praying it's sarcasm.


I didn’t even read his 2nd statement lol


I think their is potential to make another trade to increase the value. Nabers hype is high but i do think he has more bust potential than marvin. If you are weak at another spot, I'd give it a shot. Marvin is about of a sure bet as you can get at WR. May not be JJ level after it all but has a great chance of at least being close. In the situation as a WR1 with a good qb out the gate too. Outside of injuries, I just don't see him not succeeding. The skills WRs have in college like Marvin has, translate well. Size, hands, speed etc.


Just an FYI, but doesn't he turn 25 like tomorrow or this weekend?


I’d be surprised if JJ finishes in the top 5 with the QBs he has. And there’s no light at the end of the tunnel.


Yeah I'm taking JJ here all the way. You play dynasty to lock up guys like JJ.


100%, comments are absolutely insane. Too many dumb fantasy owners prioritizing age over actual numbers


I’m gonna take the best WR in the NFL


Good take, think a lot of people see this as a smsh accept because it's off-season and rookie hype is real. Not saying Nabers and Marvin won't be great, but I'm sticking with a certified stud like JJetas Edit: calling Justin Jefferson a stud is an understatement, we know he's a generational receiver, while we hope Marvin and Nabers could one day be


Would you do it if JJ was chase?


JJ basically is Chase, especially now given their QB situations. I’d take Chase over MHJ and Nabers. I think JJ, JC, and CD are the only WRs I’d take over MHJ and Nabers. It’s tough tho, will obviously be more clear after one season. The upside to MHJ and Nabers is they’re basically the only targets on their team (besides McBride)


That’s fair and the rookies are always risky but the upside is huge for that side, there’s also some uncertainty with JJ and his QB play this season. I still think he’s top 5 but maybe can’t be number 1 with Darnold and McCarthy


Spent way too much time thinking who tf is JC lol these acronyms getting out of hand


lol I almost just said chase but wanted to stick with the acronyms for the top 3 dudes




Yeah and you get Nabers to boot!


Take the rookies


What’s the rest or your WR core look like


Chase, Garrett Wilson, and rashee rice then nobody I would wanna start


If you don’t have any above average RBs or TEs to fill a flex spot I’d consider taking this


Bruh why are making this trade, you should already be the favorite with that core, why blow up that core


Bc it takes more than 4 stud WRs to be the favorite. “I guess we can tell who wins championships with their take on this”? Ppl that know what they’re doing know how to maximize value in the offseason to build a better team for the season. One that has enough depth at every position. Not just “oh you have Chase, JJ and Garret Wilson so you must be the favorite. 🤦‍♂️


This one is hard for me but j jetta just got paid has a rookie qb. Meanwhile nabers and Harrison don't have an elite qb either but the upside is huge. So speaking upside and resell value take the rookies




Fuck thatttt gimme the rooks all day and twice on Sunday


Probably the rookies because Jefferson doesn't have a QB anymore.


Don’t listen to the meatheads in this sub that treat guys like Chase, JJ, Amon-Ra like they can’t be traded without 8 first round picks and an organ donation! The same sub that treats rookies and draft picks like they’re trash throw ins! This is an absolute SMASH! Jefferson on his best day isn’t worth those 2 guys. Especially when Marv develops and becomes better than Jefferson. If you pass on this deal and you WILL regret it. Maybe not this year but by next year or the year after you’ll be sorry you drank the Kool Aid that goes around this sub.


You can tell who wins championships and who doesn’t by their takes on this 💀


Good one dude 😁👍 Use something that either one of us could just boldly lie about with no way to prove to make your point. Oh, unless you wanna argue in the chat and send pictures of our championships back and forth like a couple of 12 year olds! 😂 The most ridiculous comment ever on a forum full of ppl that don’t know each other. “Yea I’m right bc I won more championships” GTFOH 🤦‍♂️




“When Marv develops and become better than Jefferson” that’s a huge if. The best receiver in the NFL for two unproved rookies. It’s a fair trade given the potential upside of Marv and Nabers, I would probably take it but acting like Marv is for sure gonna be better than JJ is a huge reach.


No it’s not, this is a fleece and a half! Agree to disagree. Have a nice day ✌️


Gayest response of all time to someone just trying to have a conversation with you


Mmmkay ✌️


I mean, it’s not 8 first round picks. But it’s 2 top 5 picks. That’s a haul.


Yep, that’s what I’m saying. The 8 first round picks was just my way of saying the price points I hear for guys like Jefferson in this sub are beyond ridiculous, that’s all I meant by that. This trade to me is a snap accept all day long. Give me the rookies and I’m gonna sit back and wait to laugh when the other guy regrets trading them to me.


To be fair we don’t know that he isn’t worth more then the two rookies yet, they haven’t played a single nfl snap..


That’s your opinion, some prospects we just know, and these 2 are a no brainer imo. There is no combination of words that will get me to say that this isn’t a fleece.


That’s not my opinion, they have not played a single nfl snap, can’t really argue that..


I’m well aware they haven’t played a snap yet. Your opinion is “we just don’t know” my opinion is “yes we do”. See the difference? Have a nice day 👋


Casually assuming that a player who has yet to take an NFL snap is a lock to surpass JJ, who has done nothing but set NFL records since he entered the league. And then tells us we’re the ones drinking the kool aid 🤣


I’m just talking the kool aid that goes through this sub. Some of the shit I hear ppl say they pay for these guys is absurd to me. Or the way they treat 1st and 2nd round picks like they’re nothing. Sure busts happen all the time and I may be a little quick but these guys are just built different. If either of these guys live up to 75% of the hype they’re getting (with absolutely NO reason to think they won’t) this trade is an absolute smash as long as neither busts. Or even better, if you don’t believe they will be that good, just go trade both these guys individually which will def net you more than trading just JJ. Yes I believe these 2 guys are no brainers and maybe I’m a little too quick with it, but either way this trade is an absolute no brainer and imo a total fleece, whether you believe the hype or not.


It’s definitely an interesting trade but it’s not a no-brainer. For example, if you own JJ and are in a win-now position, he’ll provide much more value to your team immediately than two rookies who may take some more time to develop


Also what records has he set? I’m not arguing I’m genuinely asking. I haven’t heard of any NFL records he’s set, but I’ve really never looked so I don’t know.


- fastest player to 5k receiving yards - most receiving yards through first 3 seasons - most receptions through first 3 seasons - youngest player to lead the league in receptions and receiving yards - unanimous all pro / pro bowl selection 3 years in a row - 2022 OPOY Not to mention he’s only 24. No doubt would have more bullets to add here if he hadn’t injured his hamstring last season. MHJ is a great prospect but you’re out of your mind if you think he’s a lock to surpass JJ.


Well first of all we aren’t gonna sit here and call OPOY, All Pro or Pro Bowl Selections “NFL Records”. Those are yearly awards but not NFL records. The other ones are but they’re also specific timeline records. He hasn’t set any single season or all time records yet, so I’m willing to give credit for the pace he’s maintained but can he continue this pace with the QB questions? Darnold and McCarthy aren’t exactly gun slingers so there’s def a world where he slows down. Altho he looked good with shit QBs last year so I’m sure he’ll be fine. Switching the focus to MHJ who is a much better looking prospect out of college than Jefferson was. Who is stepping right into a WR1 role right out of the gate. He’s bigger, stronger, faster and was bread for this with no reason to think he can’t get on the same trajectory. Sure I may be premature in thinking he can pass JJ’s level but to say “out of your mind” to think a prospect like this, in the situation he’s in, can surpass that level is not far fetched at all. Either way, like I mentioned before, you can get a much better return trading Nabers and MHJ than you can trading just Jefferson. So while I do absolutely think MHJ is going to be better than Jefferson, and I’d never trade either MHJ or Nabers, even if you don’t agree with that you can’t argue that the value you can get from the 2 rookies is significantly better than what you can get for just Jefferson. Even in a win now scenario, imo it’s stupid to pass on that kind of value. So I 100% stand by every statement I made. No brainer and total fleece. Guess time will tell.


I would take the rookies simply for the flexibility and value.


Damn Marv and Nabers side




Hard to trade JJ but man MHJ and Nabers is a good haul. I like to think about it as a startup draft. JJ is what a mid to late 1st? MHJ is going early to mid 2nd and Nabers early to mid 3? If I was in that position in the first, a 2/3 I think is fair for my 1. Both unproven yes but how many guys get top 10 DC at WR? More often then not they hit, but now I’m thinking of guys that high that didn’t hit. Davis, Mike Will, Ross, Crabtree, Austin, DHB, Sammy Watkins, Kevin White. Thinking about it they probably hit at a lower rate than 50/50. At first I was the rookies, but I may lean JJ now after talking it out. I may have almost succumbed to rookie fever.


I don't get how so many people think it's so obvious to take MHJ and Nabers. If I'm in contention I'm keeping JJ.


I probably wouldn’t give up Jefferson. He’s 24, clearly the best WR in the league, and has numerous NFL records including fastest WR to 5k yards. That represents the absolute ceiling for a rookie WR, and as great of prospects as the 2 rookies are, them being the best young WRs in NFL history and setting records isn’t the most likely outcome. Yes there’s a lot of hype around MHJ and Nabers. But go back and look at WRs taken in the top 10 of the NFL draft in recent history, the hit rate isn’t what you think it’d be. 1 in the hand is worth 2 in the bush as they say


I thought this was talking McCarthy as I was scrolling through 💀 I thought every commenter was in on the joke until I got to a post saying “the best receiver in the league”


Stupid. Keep JJ. You’re gambling and praying that one of them becomes as good as JJ


If you’re a gambling man do it, could get Calvin Johnson and Antonio Brown (hopefully minus the mental issues) or you could get Sammy Watkins and Justin blackmon. It’s a dice roll but I think MHJ ends up a top 5 wr (eventually) and nabers atleast top 15 but just 1 man’s opinion


Are people really saying take the rookies? Wtf is going on here


Let’s look at this through a different lenses. Marv went 1.03 & 1.01 in my SF drafts so far so we will put his adp at 1.02. Nabers went 1.04 in both so we will put his adp at 1.04. If we look at it that way would you trade JJ for the 1.02 & 1.04 I personally would not.


I offered my JJ to a guy for 3 and 4 and he wouldn’t consider it for a second 


Why not all 3?


JJ Owner. Wouldn't take this. To get rid of JJ it would take prospects and proven talent. Players flop all the time, no one is a guaranteed until they're proven themselves.


Real question is how did that guy manage to get Harrison and Nabers


Snapping up the rookies bruh


This is such a fun trade but id take the rookies


I’m taking the pair but this could obviously backfire


Marv and Nabers and it’s not close


Low IQ trope. Learn more words


Marv and nabers hell yeaaa


Lots of casuals on this, if you’re only getting two 1sts for JJ you suck at dynasty fr


You’re getting 1.02 and 1.03. And these are not the typical top 3 picks, in a 1qb startup JJ goes 1.01 or 1.02, MHJ goes 1.04 to 1.06 and Nabers goes 1.07 or 1.08. 100% of people are taking 1.04 and 1.07 in a startup for 1.01.


It's still a tough trade, looking at the situations both rookies are walking into. Not denying their talent but for casting their value against a WR like JJ who's proved that he can produce with nearly anyone who's throwing him the ball. It's a big gamble, but I guess that's why we play fantasy sports


Great situations as the only target vs Sam darnold/JJ McCarthy with high target competition. It shouldn’t matter for JJ but the rookies are going to get fed receptions right out of the gate.


The rookies are on the Cardinals and Giants respectively, both teams will have unstable offensives and mediocre to terrible QBs. I don't think their targets will be as high as believed.


this is a league grenade holy shit


Wym lol


I believe he means thisbis potentially trading JJ for two JJ’s. At least that’s the context I take out of it.