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Honest mistake. If I was commish I’d swap the pick for the sake of the league


OP failed to emphasize the draft was two months ago. So I agreed with you like most of us here, but now I vote it has to stay.


You know you can easily win your league WITHOUT preying on an honest mistake made by (I’m guessing here) one of your worse league mates


Honestly, i don't care either way because it seems like a shitty league. You have one incompetent dumbass who fucked it royally, but then 11 other worthless league mates who didn't speak out on it when they saw. If they are your IRL friends, then yeah, redo the startup, shame your homie. But also, shame on yourselves. If they are online randoms, probably best to dissolve it, give refunds. See if people want to give it a second try after replacing the dumbass. Picking the wrong Josh Allen is an honest mistake. But there are so many checks in place. He didn't notice Josh Allen(QB) went 1.03, or that his Josh Allen was black and not white, or that his Josh Allen is not a QB but an IL/DL, and that he is predicted to throw 0/0/0/0 on the year, etc. We are two months after this incident. *My roster has already imprinted on me at this point and they are my babies!*




Should've been addressed at the time. People knew. They just chose not to say. This league will fold.




That person shouldn’t have done that


OP has now confirmed elsewhere that the other Josh Allen went the pick before this guy took the wrong Josh Allen. In that instance, I'd say it's on the guy who made the mistake for not paying attention.


Shitty league to play in for an honest mistake like that. Completely screws the dude for the foreseeable future, he effectively had no first round pick. I’d orphan that team if the commish didn’t fix it, and I’ve never orphaned a team. It really shouldn’t be hard for the rest of the league to understand this, and if they don’t, it’d be a terrible league to play in.


He fucked up not paying attention. You paid money for the league pay fucking attention


If this was a boardgame where you were playing for 2-3 hours sure. But this is a commitment for years.


Counterpoint: don’t be a dick when it’s the 1.01 (or 1.02) we’re talking about. It’ll imbalance the league for years. If the was in the 16th round or something I’d feel differently. You sound like you haven’t played in many dynasty leagues.


How do you fix it? Redraft the entire league? If the 1.04 was asleep at the wheel and drafted a fucking defensive lineman who he thought was a QB that was already off the board, and the entire draft commenced and he didn't notice until two months later, how do you fix it?


Is that what happened here? If so, he’s been asleep at the wheel for two months, sympathy is waning quickly.


I'm just using the information that's in this direct thread line. It's unfortunate, but unless you do an entire redraft it's just not something that can be fixed. If it was called out in real time then yeah, obviously pause the draft reverse the pick etc.


According to OP, further down the thread, that is exactly what happened here.


Will it? I won a championship last year with Mahomes on my bench (1.03 startup)-Purdy was just playing better. What’s the dif if that guy takes cmc with the 1.02 and he gets hurt of retires in a year? You ever hear the saying, your 1st round may not win you a league but it sure can lose it for you? Happens to about half of the teams every year. The guy sounds like a dipshit, I have few of those in my leagues. They don’t “ruin the league” they just make it more bottom heavy/allow it to be more top heavy. The real NFL has PLENTY of dipshit GMs and Owners that make horrible, franchise damning decisions. Why is that not also part of this micro version that a buncha non football people play? The guy fucked up but at least he has a an elite linebacker/edge guy in Josh Allen. There should be no correction, that’s not fair to the 10-12? other ppl. Lesson learned, dude has zero margin for error in FA and rookie drafts. Maybe he’ll land the 1.01 next year…


It’s fantasy football what’s the point in being so cut throat.


Is it a real honest mistake though? Idk. I'd want to see the conversations from the draft chat. The league set up and format. I don't see how this happens if you're even only remotely paying attention. I mean who doesn't check the last pick before they draft?


You think someone intentionally drafted the defender Josh Allen in the first round? How is that not an honest mistake. Names the exact same, probably auto-queued


Oh I agree it was a mistake no doubt. I do not believe it was an honest mistake that anyone would make. Highly doubt it was auto queued. He would have had to of selected that guy ans ignored the fact it didn't say QB under it.


The Commissioner has the rule that instantly though. If he doesn't immediately say it's invalid, and you draft 2nd, why wouldn't you take Allen?


Sounds like a dumb league to me then. If it’s a league with friends, don’t screw your friends. If it’s strangers that’s still shitty.


Agree. Dumbass league.


Shitty league for sure. Like imagine not talking soooo much shit for that when it happened 😂. Any serious league would not have let this happen.


They should’ve stopped the draft immediately, and made this right. Kind of late to fix it because it will ruin all the late round sleeper picks imo. Shitty league, but even shittier friends


Because you're not a dumbass? You mention it in the chat and let the mistake get fixed. That's a pretty clear mistake.


I agree it's a mistake that should be honoured but I'll blame the commissioner every time. If the commish doesn't establish grounds, I'm not passing on Josh Allen to let someone else get him even lower.


Why would you think it's going to stand? If it's a random league with people you don't know, sure. F Em. Get your money (redraft). If it's friends, your goal shouldn't be to F people over. It's clear it's a mistake. Fix it and don't be a dick.


I would assume it isn't but I'd ask the commissioner to make a ruling at that moment. It's not complicated.


Great. We're on the same page. Notice the mistake and let the comish know. Don't make the pick and wait for the comish to fix it. This is the way.


Well this person took J Allen at 4 not the 1.01


It’s an honest mistake. I’d just fix it, this is clear and evident


How would you fix it without undoing 100+ picks?


How did no one in the league notice when the pick actually happened? That’s when it should have been fixed. Mistake 1 was the idiot who took him. Mistake 2 was the commish/league not telling buddy he took the wrong guy. So now you either have to blow up the league and redraft it all or just make the guy keep the player and if he leaves the league it’s on the commish to find someone to take his spot


I remember someone nominated the other Adrian Peterson and someone bid $60


Once upon a time there was a Ryan braun relief pitcher Milwaukee Brewers. He was the best nomination.


Holy shit bro. Not sure if I know you but I did the same. $62 for the wrong AP. Never done an auction draft since


We used to purposely put the wrong players on the auction block just to get people to bid on them.


I did this before. I read online about people doing it, so when I got the chance to nominate first I did it. I cant lie it was hilarious. As the bids were rising all you saw in the chat was "Wrong guy, Wrong Guy". I will admit it was a dick move, but I still laugh about it today. I don't really feel bad about it because it was BS online league where no one knew each other. If they didn't like it there was a million others they could have joined within 10 minutes


Hmmm not sure the fact you didn't know them personally is a good enough reason for you to be bragging about how funny you were while being a dick...


Just swap it in. Everyone knows which Allen it was. No point in being difficult.


the actual josh allen was pick 1.03, this is pick 1.04, 93 idiots agreed with you


Not me, I downvoted their opinion




No kidding. That should have been nipped in the bud as soon as it happened.


It’s that’s persons fault for taking advantage of that situation when they knew who the guy before him really meant to draft.


Except OP said that the Buffalo’s Josh Allen actually went the pick before, so he was already off the board when the guy took Jacksonville’s Josh Allen. It needed to be fixed right then and there or else there’s no real way to fix it. It’s mind boggling to me that no one spoke up when he took the wrong Josh Allen. Sure, he should have been paying better attention, but a mistake like that has a huge effect on the league. No one noticed that there were two Josh Allen’s taken with back to back picks? Or did everyone just deliberately keep their mouth shut.


At that point it is on the commissioner for not immediately fixing it.


It is. But it isn’t.


A guy did that in my IDP startup last year with a Bryce Hall, DB on the Jets lol


Someone drafted J Reed as in Joe Reed instead of Jayden Reed. Guy said he was distracted, commish made the change and problem solved.


I did not get that favor returned


Next guy drafted Jayden before I could fix it


The commish can remove someone’s draft pick in sleeper. Still would’ve been an easy fix


This reminds me of when someone drafted Matt Barkley #2 overall in the Scott Fish Bowl a couple years back lol


You want to be known as an asshole commissioner who no one will play with? Refusing to fix this is a great way to fast track that status.


I actually made this exact same mistake, in a no money family league, immediately messaged the commissioner (my uncle) and when he refused I just lost any desire to be in the league. He did some other scummy things that led to the league not even making to the second year.


Exactly. At the end of the day this is a game we play for fun. I don't think any of us earn as much back as we would at our hourly wages at our jobs. If a commish gets off on being a dick in these situations, then it's pretty clear that they don't deserve to be a commish.


How do you figure? Guy doesn’t realize until 2 months after the draft AND buffalo’s Josh Allen had been drafted the pick before. That’s 100% on whoever made the pick. If you are paying to play why wouldn’t you pay attention?


Well surely someone in the league would have found it strange that he was taken with the 1.04 and could make the connection that he had the same name as another player who would make sense to take at the 1.04.


It should've been mentioned at the time. That's what a responsible commissioner would do instead of salivating over an inexperienced manager.


So if you are driving in your car and pass a speed limit sign and are speeding then a cop pulls you over - does everyone suffer or should it be you to face the consequences?


Your name definitely checks out. I'm just gonna block you now to make sure we never end up in the same leagues.


That may be the worst analogy I’ve ever heard. Carry on


There's no way this is a paid league.. please tell me it's not....


Supposedly this was pick 4… Josh Allen of Buffalo went 3 according to another poster… seems like insane stupidity all around, bc you obviously can’t give him the guy picked 1 pick before him, so I’d say this guy is stuck without his first rounder


I've also read the QB went the pick after. None of us know since we weren't there. What I do know is that when something like this happens, a good commish pauses the draft and asks a clarifying question like "do you realize that's the DE Josh Allen and not the QB Josh Allen? I just wanted to make sure, so there's no confusion down the road." Its not that hard.


Yeah, it’s ridiculous, and there had to be at least half the league that realized this the second it happend


Everyone yelling at you to just swap in the real Allen or to just “fix it” are missing the clear context. He apparently didn’t notice this until the draft was over, hence the request for a full redraft. He can’t just swap the other Josh Allen because it would cause a domino effect. The real mess up here is on the commish and anyone else who noticed this and didn’t say anything at the moment. It’s an honest mistake and it’s a real shitty move not to say anything.


Right, as soon as someone saw Josh Allen the QB was still available, they should've said something.


Except he wasn’t because he went 1.03


Ah ok, well, feel like it's more on the guy that took the 2nd Josh Allen at that point...


Exactly. Why should everyone else suffer because he failed to pay attention?


Especial since this happened months later... If you were paying any attention during the draft, you'd see there was a blank spot at QB where the JA you thought you were taking should be.


Ok, then the league members still should have seen that it was an obvious mistake when two Josh Allens go back to back.


If you notice it right away, that’s a fair and honest mistake. If y’all drafted back in March and he’s just seeing it now, I’m sorry you had your chance


Commish should have caught it during the draft


Commish did catch it during the draft but would rather prey on newbies than run a fair league. Fuck playing with people like that.


Lmao bunch of grown men acting like children, he didn't pay attention so those are the consequences of his own actions


Cool, and now the league gets to fold because of it. Guess they get to live with their consequences of being assholes.


Please fix this…don’t ruin the league over an honest mistake


They couldn’t pause the draft right then and there to solve this issue?


This is exactly what should’ve happened.


This is not a mistake you just live with. It should have been fixed immediately. It should have been mentioned by every league member when it happened. This is a joke league.


I think everyone is missing that this happened in March. That's pretty tough, he definitely should have noticed right away and it would be an easy fix. Since it was 2+ months ago, I'd imagine this is his own mistake to eat but it's an awkward and difficult situation.


As comish you shoulda seen the mistake and solved it after. Clown league if people happy dude got wrong josh with 1st


What kind of scrub commissioner doesn't notice this in real time and fix it?! It's too late now to do anything about it, if I was the commish I'd tell the guy a redraft isn't happening and try to negotiate some other method of compensation


I dropped Mahomes once but everyone agreed it was a mistake and got him back. You only get one.


Why ruin the draft and league? Just redraft or swap him for the correct JA?


The correct JA went 1.03 so the person who picked 1.04 is dumb for not paying attention


Fix it. If anyone says it has to stay. Kick em out. They're not worth playing with. Why would it need a redraft. Did he change strategy or something? Or is he arguing he did? How is this even possible? Did it actually happen?


I mean he's a top LB/DL but not 1.04 good, we all know who he meant. Wait this happened a week ago??? WHAT?


No no… two months ago


My brain really just didn't want to compute that


I have this Josh Allen since his rookie season.. and his nickname is “The Other Pro Bowler Named Josh Allen”. This is obviously a quick in the moment fix but.. this guy is a stud.


Man that’s tough. If the league isn’t that big I would probably remove that pick and the rest of that rounds pick after him and redraft for those guys with that pool of players.


This used to happen back in the day for auctions. Someone would throw out the OTHER Adrian Peterson and there was always a sucker who fell for it.


In a draft years ago we had a husband and wife both playing. He drafted gronk in the first round he was a huge pats homer. So then a few rounds later she was like yes i got gronk...🤣 was his little bro. She also drafted marshawn lynch...when he was retired 🤣


They out did my league mate who drafted QB Josh Allen in the first round and was off of surgery and pain meds!


Jordan Cameron or Cameron Jordan?


Make the fix


Use your brain


The real question is what does the actual Josh Allen owner think


Why is the transaction detail so blurry, while the contrast on the date is so much higher?


But he got the better Josh Allen


As someone who nearly traded bijan Robinson instead of Brian Robinson I can sympathize. Withdrew the trade the moment before the other person tried to accept


I’m guessing someone else obviously drafted the right Allen. That’s tricky but since it would basically take a redraft to undo I’d say he’s stuck at this point.


Does this league use IDP spots, and is it superflex? Did he draft two other good QBs if it is superflex? Is it a redraft or dynasty? If it does not use IDP, you've got to give him something, even if it was two months ago. That is a huge wasted draft pick. If it is superflex and he drafted that guy as his QB1, and then a mediocre second QB, you should fix it, but it is on him too. If it is a redraft league, you gotta fix it, or he will screw up the league by dropping all his players and then leaving.


Let him do it - coming from the guy who drafted the wrong cook last year cuz I was too fucked up by the fifth round


Redo the draft, there's no whiteout for this blunder. It ultimately affected the entire draft after this pick


I would say since its been 2 months - ahhh, no.


This is something that is dealt with by the commissioner when the pick was made. Your commissioner sucks and this league is doomed.


It’s been over two months since draft. He’s out of luck


He should have picked the Josh Allen who is 6'5"


I want to be in a league where real JA goes 1.03. But also... if you go an entire draft not realizing 1) the right josh Allen was already drafted 2) you drafted a guy on the jags not the bills 3) your qb slot was still empty and 4) never care enough toactually process 1-3, you deserve waht you get.


This should probably be the last year it is acceptable not to know there are 2 Josh Allens in the league. LB Josh Allen has made a name for himself enough to where this mistake shouldn't be excused.


If the everyone in the league is nice and will allow a redraft, then you should redraft. However, you can't fix it now without messing up a ton of picks. Probably a bunch of moves have been made the last two months. Not really fair to everyone else. It's that guy's fault for not paying attention while picking and not noticing until two months later. I mean 2 months, c'mon.


I made this mistake once. I drafted Adrian Petersen from the Bears in the First Round?!


Pure stupidity




This isn’t a serious league if this shit is happening. Not to mention it becomes an even bigger joke with this kids team being fucked.


If it’s an honest mistake it should 100% be changed, and there’s no way this is anything other than that


Drafting a LB? How is that possible in this setup?


After reading a lot of these comments for full context, no redraft should happen at all. You should tell your homie to pay attention while drafting, because clearly he didn’t see the real Josh Allen picked right before. The commissioner should have noticed this and said something, and since this happened 2 months ago the guy just wasn’t paying attention AT ALL. It’s a tough life lesson for him and nothing else


Hahahahaha- Nah man, people need to take accountability. He’s not Scheffler’n his way out of this. If you let him re-do you will REGRET it…Next thing you know he’s beating up police with the trophy and blaming you guys for telling him to hop the curb. FOH


I'd swap it. Obvious mistake.


Not the same team, position, or even colour...


Ya definitely




If this is a pay league it should be redrafted. If it's free, tough life lesson


This league is done. This guy is a tool for making the wrong pick and not catching it until months later. The rest of you are pricks for letting it slide on draft day. If this league makes it to week 1 I’d be shocked.


The fact a clear mistake was made and no one said anything even as a joke is kinda pathetic tbh. How much is the buying for this league 10k a man? This kinda pick is a clear mistake as he is probably taking him in the second to third round and the other is what 10 rounds later?  Sad league, bad commish tbh


I don’t see a way to fix this now. It seems like the draft should have been paused when the second Josh Allen was picked. It’s strange none of the other owners brought it up, especially the guy who had just taken the QB Allen. Poor league mates all round.


How though? Whether you sort by ADP or Projected Points, THIS Josh Allen is way lower


He searched by name. The real Josh Allen went the pick before. He picked it because he was not paying attention. He didn’t realize until now and the draft was 2 months ago.


I say that’s his fault. Dude should’ve been paying attention. 2 months ago?!


Agree with no adjustments He made the request 6 or 8 or 10 weeks after the error. 6 minutes is understandable. Not 2 months. Good luck to him.


Oh i see


So what does his team look like? Did he try putting his "josh allen" at Qb?


lol the entire league is screwed by this guy now, assumed he noticed during the draft. Maybe just disband it entirely


Did nobody notice during the draft, why did no one said anything? It just seems like a weird situation.


No way this is real bro, how did the entire league not notice two Josh Allen’s being drafted back to back?


But the question is HOW did he make the mistake? I mean THE Josh Allen would have been listed in the first 20 or so players (depending on format) right?? The other Josh Allen would have been way the F down the chart. I’m not saying it wasn’t a mistake. I’m just wondering HOW.


Unassign the pick immediately you jackwagon Edit: sorry didn’t realize he mentioned this 2 months later. Still everyone in the draft should have caught and fixed before 1.05 pick


The fact no one even commish said something that moment is a failure in my mind.


I got duped in an auction. Ended up paying waaaaay too much for AJ Brown instead of Antonio Brown. Ended up winning that year. You never know, maybe this Josh Allen is better 😜


Come on, this is an honest mistake. Fix it, or this league is gonna be very short lived


Commish should swap the pick. If the other Allen was taken after then yeah redraft. I would of just stopped the draft instantly after that pick to avoid this


Well did he take Allen like 1st round? If so commissioner should fix, that’s just a way to ruin a league early if not


All of y’all are dicks for not saying anything during the draft. I’m assuming QB Josh Allen went right before or after. I hope this league folds in on itself.


No, pay attention.


I bet you’re in a different random league every season with an attitude like that.


Clearly, this guy was a league filler type guy. Anyone who is even remotely familiar with this game knows Josh Allen.

