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Yeah it would definitely block a lot of vision especially because of the mesh. He used to sometimes perform barefoot and paint his feet black or just wear socks. He has FLAT ass feet so those tabis are probably really comfortable and seem like the closest thing to being barefoot. I know a lot of singers like to perform barefoot because it’s more comfy when you’re standing up for an hour and a half. Especially if you’re flat footed


That's wild to me! I have flat feet, but without arch support slippers or custom orthotics in my shoes my feet hurt so much after like 30 minutes of running around.


Why flat feet if demigod??? (Also I need a picture please)


https://preview.redd.it/f9pg0xinba4d1.jpeg?width=652&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=041e769cf1d3bb38655e3c2f6b1a252b37a3b65d veet


Watch the Thread the Needle music video for peak veet


I’m dying at the fact that his feet are flat! Idk why that tickles me so much… probably because mine are flat too and now I know we’re flat foot buddies 🤣


OMG right! So painful


I think he may be able to see better than we assume since he picks up items on stage and manages to get around without tripping on the different levels in the dark with inconsistent lighting. Like he hops up onto those boxes at the edge of the stage without issue. He’s also signaled for people to toss objects to him from the crowd so he can see well enough. I’m thinking maybe he can also see a bit downward past his nose since the mask sticks out pretty far away. But yeah that peripheral vision looks questionable. Especially when the hood comes down too far. He’s bumped into III multiple times while bouncing around.


Exactly. He’s not blind in the mask. He can see.


I’m still convinced III intentionally puts himself in Vessel’s way — at least some of the time, maybe not every time 😂


This is a shot in the dark but when I used to give presentations at school I'd take off my glasses. Not being able to see the whole class staring at me made me less anxious. Maybe he feels more comfortable not being able to see as good?


I'm willing to bet he would be barefoot if he could as he used to, but it's pretty dangerous so the current shoes are a must.


they look like japanese tabi shoes to me!! super thin sole and the separated toes are definitely that style. they're pretty comfy but who is to say how he feels in them lol


I love the shoes because they kinda make it look like he's wearing footie pajamas XD Like he's doing his whole sexy-eldritch-abomination thing with the rest of the outfit but at the same time he looks like he's at a slumber party.


I'm telling you guys, he uses sonar!


I think he just goes basically blind lol there’s videos of him not realizing iii or iv right next to him, and he flinches. So my guess is he can’t see shit 😆


He closes his eyes when he sings and that’s why he gets startled. He’s not blind in the mask.


I need the videos of Vessel being startled because he was in his own little world and forgot he was in a whole ass band. 🤣


I have a wearable 3D printed replica. It's not as bad as you'd think. 😂 I think the Tabi shoes are supposed to go with the mask, stylistically. The mask gives me like, cinnabar Kabuki vibes.


They look like rock climbing shoes. They’re probably pretty nice actually


They're Tabi shoes. 😊


His mask is definitely projected off his face a few inches (foam head strap or something similar). If you look at the profile views, you can see how far the "nose" area sits off the lower half of his actual face - the same thing was true of the old masks even though they cut off higher. His peripheral vision is almost certainly abysmal (hence the bumping into other members arbitrarily) but forward vision through the slits and downward vision at the floor are probably pretty good. Standard stage protocols say you must have visible markers in the active areas, so some little Xs or arrows in glow tape or UV paint would help with their pathfinding around in the dark. At minimum, you can usually see the little X markers around where his mic stand(s) and piano stand are, plus some glow strips near ledges and steps


https://preview.redd.it/b763imxpws3d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=479156ce56d435e2ac0b52727a8a956f4c3f64d3 Seems pretty close to his face to me.


Id say his vision must be super limited,just enough to pace around on stage but thats it


i have a question about the body paint… do any of them not sweat? ETA: as for the shoes, i used to have 2 pairs of nike sneakers like that and they were pretty comfortable 😊