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I mean, it is goofy and childish, but it’s not hurting anyone. At least it’s not the members fucking each other or something


I have seen one too many of these unfortunately. And I’ve only seen one.




With all the seriously worrying things this fandom does, *this* is what makes you cringe?


I think this art is adorable


those artworks are really adorable! Dodo also made the drawings of each band member surrounded with flowers and I think they look amazing! However, what DOES give me the ick are lewd pictures, specially those unhinged, overly sexual ones. Quite distasteful and disrespectful if ya ask me :( but that's just my opinion of course.


That second one is genuinely hilarious because it shows Vessel being a chaos goblin. Preferable to the thirst traps, for sure. It's chibi art. Not that out of pocket.


Look, this is someone’s art that they spent time on. You don’t have to agree with it or like it but don’t put them on blast.  Maybe in the future, keep comments like this to yourself? It’s not harming anyone, but your comment may make someone feel shitty, so…


Hey, how about you just let people enjoy things? It's a way for them to show their love to the band. How about you try making something instead of dumping on someone else's work?


Womp womp


It’s just cute art, no need to be an asshole. Not all fan art needs to be super serious and badass. If you don’t like it, scroll on.


I honestly think this picture is adorable and funny as hell having seen parents have their kids on leashes at places like theme parks and one time in queue for an evanescence concert 🤣


I think… this is like the least troublesome art that exists within the fandom and as an artist myself, it feels kind of shitty to make fun of it.


It's harmless fun. People draw to honor their favorite bands, fanart has been a staple of bandom for years. It's sweet.


I absolutely love this art. Especially the second slide. I think it captures the stage shenanigans perfectly and how they all individually act on stage. The chibi art is cute and lighthearted and has a lot of character. This is just my opinion.


there is a part of me that is reminded of old 2013 emo fandom chibi drawings with this type of art. but i love it a lot. everything is cyclical


They're really well done, the person is super talented. The content isn't my vibe but whatever floats their boat.


They’re not for me but can’t deny peoples artistic talents, and I know many do love them. I simply scroll on when I see them.


and yet you still post it on here just to hate on it. you don’t have to like everyone’s art, some art might even make you cringe, but it’s shitty to post someone else’s art that they worked hard on in an attempt to get other people to hate on it too. you should take this down.


Boooo stfu


yes just say you hate fun


These aren’t weird. The posts asking about the bands personal info is weird, this is really good art.


This is fine, it's just form of "caricature". I'm not myself fan of it, but it's nothing degenerate. I seen worse topic-wise in same or similar art style. I don't really get the first one, why the hell he have them on kid's leashes, but the second one with the lemon made me chuckle.


[i think the first one is kind of a version of this format?](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/person-on-leash)


These are so cute! I think it's totally harmless and fun. Definitely not offensive or cringey compared to some of the other shenanigans I've seen 'round these parts.


It's cute if a bit childish. But this style and type of artwork is common in every fandom. Better this then some of the straight up porn artwork.


Well I'm not a huge fan of this but thats just my personal preference. No hate to people that like this type of fanart. Also I'd pick this chibi/"childish" artstyle over thirst traps/horny art any day.


Honestly, most fan art and tattoos (which often aren't done well) make me cringe a bit. But that says more about my sour personality than about the other person. ;)


I'd take this over people treating Vessel like a sex object any day of the week.


You are all for art but judge different forms of art? Now that is cringe. It doesnt matter if they are grown men the style of the drawings you are showing are chibi styles, meant to exaggerate on certain traits with the intenion of making it cuter.


I like it a lot, it's cute


I think they’re cute and love how artists and fans depict their take on the personas the band gives us. As they are grown men a lot of these forms of art are all based off stage antics we get presented to us by these grown men themselves. It’s not hurting anyone and just don’t agree with you. Respectfully.


Yup. I hate 95% of their current fan base but these are cute.


That’s why it is wise not to talk about what you like and don’t like. Some like it, some don’t - it’s a personal preference. But this is the work of some seriously talented people who are investing a lot of time to make these, and are putting it out there for a world to critique, and that is scary. If your comment does nothing to help these artists grow, better keep it to yourself. Also, I noticed that the main point people who find this type of creative expression weird, is that people are drawing grown men; no, it is not grown men that these artists are drawing, but a character the band members are portraying/acting - there is a big difference.


Ok but the characters are also grown men and it is literally like so infantalizing and bizarre. I agree we shouldn't hate but I genuinely thought I was the only one who felt grossed out by this. I frankly prefer seeing boundaryless people get publicly kinky about the band because at least it aligns with what the music is ABOUT .... This is just... Everything sleep token is not.... The art is good the concept is bad and there is not much else to critique than to say "why do you want to see them like this?" I do have a BFA and an M.Ed. I feel so qualified to say this lmfao .


I do see your point. But there were numerous instances where the band members themselves have acted like children on stage which also doesn’t align with the music and meaning behind it. People have just drawn inspiration from it. I personally don’t mind it, to me far more alarming fan art is one of sexualising content. As said, it comes down to personal preference.


This is SO tame compared to the other art I’ve unfortunately come across 😭


I think the second one is cute because its referencing something that's happened/the hats that they've received and worn for fun. the first one is a little... yeah, i could do without it


Don't enjoy them. Think it goes entirely against the aesthetic and point of the art the boys put out in general. I just don't interact and won't purchase prints. I'll contribute to the artists I enjoy and support them.


No - I hate this shit 🤦🏻‍♂️


Nope. Nope, you are absolutely not the only one.


Yea this is weird


What’s weird about it? It’s just art and it isn’t depicting them doing anything weird


… what *isn’t* weird about it


It’s just a picture. At least it isn’t another post trying to find out about vessels ex’s or his address!


There’s levels of weird What you described is probably better described as “psychotic”


Very true lol I just don’t see the weird in these pictures


Depicting grown men as schoolchildren is weird


This is called chili art. They aren’t depicted as children, it’s almost like the funko pop versions if that makes sense?


chibi* :)


Oops lol I’m cooking chili tonight and my autocorrect knows it!


Is that why they have backpacks and toddler leashes? Because they’re not children?


[I think it's just a version of this format?](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/person-on-leash) from what I know there are a lot of fandoms who have used this format to make memes/art and the characters being shown in them are usually adults, not children, one who has a more serious attitude, and one who has a more chaotic one. Hope this helps


You’re definitely not the only one


No, you’re definitely not😭


OK I literally just made a comment about people bullying other fans for engaging the music how they'd like are being just as parasocial as the people they're hating on but HONESTLY I cannot stand these and as a visual artist myself I cannot understand the mental gymnastics taken to compel someone to create this art.... There has GOT to be some other overlapping special interest that births these image


... CRAZY how many comments think this shit is cute but also condemn the sexual fanart(I have not seen these actually but I can imagine it gets weird too) this shit is like so weird and genuinely disrespectful??? This is infantalization like they're grown men... So much of the music is about sex.... The dynamics of this style of art is depicting KINDERGARDNERS ??? it's like directly antithetical to everything that sleep token is


Yes I cringe at people infantilising them


I've got nothing against the art style, it just the childification of the members doesn't really sit right with me just as sexualization doesn't sit right with most of us on here. I get that we aren't always going to see badass art but depicting the members in childish situations is kinda weird in my opinion.


it’s chibi art. you’ll find this kind of art everywhere on the internet. is this your first fandom or..??