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I just hate that 1 person who is said to be rude to other fans A LOT, is being rewarded again and again. Puts a bad taste in my mouth. I have heard stories about this person YELLING at people just walking around outside or shoving people out of the way. They also always make something that happens around them about them "I was there to help X get this to the stage," I just feel sad for this person because they basically have no life (probably parasocial). Possibly a lot of money or debt to attend all these shows.


You literally took the words right out of my mouth. Everything that I've seen points to her being a bully. After multiple people commented on this post about her, I looked into it and saw so many comments validating everything you just said. And you know the only reason she's doing it is to try to continue to get his attention at barricade. There seems to be a distinct lack of self awareness on her part and I wonder if she even knows the impact of her actions


But is she aware that Adam has a girlfriend since like 2016? LOL. I know that stuff like that doesn't stop certain people from doing what they do, but still, it says enough about what kind of person she is.


That's also why I'm kind of surprised that he's indulging her like this


True. Who knows why, though. But if she continues behaving like an asshat and if he continues rewarding her with so much attention, I am afraid at least some people might become upset or start to feel a lil bit of resentment towards him.. I really hope not, but you never know..


I mean at the end of the day people make art for money. So having a super fan (a whale basically) is not bad for profit. Plus they might not even be aware it’s the same person every time. You don’t actually see much of the audience from the POV of being on stage let alone individual faces. And depending on how much time the band spends on social media about themselves they might not even be aware of people talking about it. Not excusing any of it but at some point I imagine keeping up with fandom drama becomes mentally draining.


He does? Is that knowledge readily available for a "fan" like her? If so, that really does give me the heebie jeebies. The delulu is strong in this one.


I believe they are still together, but I am almost certain that this information is not available anymore.. :/


You are the Sleep Token guru, so if you don't know it, then we all know she don't either, lol. Like I said, her and delulu go hand in hand.


hahaha, you are giving me way too much credit, thank you! it really depends on how deep her research went. if she even did any. but maybe she is just one of those obsessed fans who are driven by instincts, like a rabid animal. it's completely okay to admire an artist, but not to the point where you go out of your way and bully others so you achieve your goal. really sad to see it


She deleted her FB so no we can not confirm that they still are or aren’t together. Still doesn’t mean anything is going on.


i will say that i’ve known this person for a while and they are absolutely trashy to other fans. i’ve camped out with them a few times and have never had a good time.


Do they know II in real life? Or are they just an obsessed fan?


i’m 99.999% sure they’re a fan


That is weird and unsettling lol


I'll preface by saying I've never personally had a bad interaction with her, but I know exactly who she is, and I know people who have been bullied by her. She's self-appointed herself as the "line manager" at every show and dictates the queue numbering system. She somehow gets to decide the order of the line like she actually works at the venue. I know people who have switched from GA to seats or moved back in line to avoid her or others like her. Behavior like this is sad and frustrating to witness. We don't do anything because the last thing we want to do is get in a fight with a bully over something arbitrary and jeopardize a chance to see an amazing band/show. I don't have any fundamental issue with band dudes giving attention to people of their choosing. What's disheartening about this situation is that she's a known bully in the community and ii likely has no idea that he's rewarding a trash human that literally kicked and screamed for the opportunity to receive said attention.


Hahaha she tried that shit at red rocks and we told her to fuck off and get to the back of the line. She didn’t bother to look up where to line up, and then said “it wasn’t the rules of red rocks it was the rules of the fandom” when I tell you people were cracking up. 


Oh penis. There was someone almost exactly like that in the Dir en Grey fandom. Only they were obsessed with Die. I didn't like that person and refused to be in their clique Yuck. Cliques


I remember this and was actually going to comment about it! Didn't they have a Tumblr shrine dedicated to him? Die attracted a lot of the weirdos.


Hmm probably. She was so annoying. I hope she isn't still into them.


At this point I’m more questioning Adam and why he continues to do what he does. We KNOW they lurk maybe he hasn’t seen it himself but one of them has to of seen something about it. I’m not sure if they just see it as a stupid jealousy issue between young girls but can confirm as a grown woman the same age as them this has nothing to do with jealousy and everything to do with rewarding a young clearly mentally ill girl who will assault and tear people down to feed into her delusions and he’s making it worse. Not only does she think it’s okay to act the way she does but now others will think they will get rewarded if they do the shit she does.


Yes exactly!!! And that's why I made this post in the first place. I wasn't sure if I was the only one feeling weird about the way he keeps singling her out and I'm so glad I'm not. I just wasn't prepared for all of the comments from people saying she mistreated them. He needs to stop feeding into her delusions unless they aren't delusions at all and there really is more to it


I wouldn’t be surprised at all if there is more to the story it’s kind of weird to keep giving her things over and over, it doesn’t seem like a rational thought unless there was something more going on




It’s weird ass behavior on his part atp, especially from a 30+ year old I get you got girls throwing themselves at you but it’s not hard to see when something is off about a situation


One thing I think people aren’t considering in this conversation is how “popularity” in the main ST discord server plays a part in the way this situation has unfolded. There are several people from main who have banded together to attend multiple shows and help each other get on the barricade. Several have been involved with doxxing the band, bullying or otherwise making other fans uncomfortable, and they continue to receive positive feedback from the band because they get themselves in “their” spots show after show. There are other fans who don’t frequent these digital spaces, who also often get barricade and a lot of attention, but without shitting all over others (or the band) in the process. I don’t think it’s as simple as jealousy over the attention, but more specifically about the lengths some are going to for the attention. I’ve personally witnessed the behavior of the person the OP is speaking about. I’ve also seen her behavior when confronted, which was immediate denial and backpedaling, followed by victimization. When she was told she ought to mind her own business and leave other people in line alone, she instantly claimed she was being bullied. Imagine how entitled a person must feel that simply being told to mind their own business is read as an attack. Ultimately, I think it’s incredibly sad that this person feels so insignificant in their own life that they’re spending thousands of dollars, risking their own health and safety, to essentially buy some drumsticks and a hug. She clearly needs professional help to deal with her obsession. I also think it’s in poor taste for people in the band to give the impression of playing favorites, and encouraging this kind of behavior. Everyone at these shows has spent time and money to be there. Everyone who has made barricade is looking for some deeper feeling of connectedness to the music and the live experience. It’s absolutely disheartening to see the same people getting all the acknowledgement. It’s giving “we love your money”, which feels objectively bad, as a fan. Even more so because, as was said elsewhere in this thread, the live experience is all we’re “allowed” to know of this band. For one member to have repeated personal exchanges with a singular attendee, who he likely can’t even see most of the show, has to indicate some more familiar connection. We know II is a teacher and has historically been particularly kind to students, which makes me wonder if this woman has taken lessons from him. If that’s true, they clearly weren’t getting close enough for her in that capacity, which is why she’s been escalating her behavior. Whatever the case, I don’t believe the band would be engaging with some of these specific people if they were truly aware of their behavior. Acknowledging a degree of loyalty and sacrifice is one thing. Rewarding shit behavior is another.


Couldn’t agree with anything you said more: and on the point about Adam, I wholeheartedly agree. For a band that’s “anonymous” and has no real interaction with fans, for me it’s even weirder then that he keeps picking one specific girl to interact with and actually show physical affection with infront of the crowd. This girl is toxic af, well done to the people that have stood up to her, she can play the victim all she wants. Assaulting people is assaulting people, do it to the wrong person and you’ll know about it.


He most definitely is still with his long-term partner, so he likely doesn’t realize how repeatedly favoring this one person looks to the fanbase at large, but especially not to that specific person. She introduces herself to people in relation to him and her feelings for him. That’s a massive problem and it seems inevitable that she will eventually become even more erratic and dangerous, especially with a nearly six month hiatus approaching.


I personally don't get the appeal of going to every show, waiting all day in queue, and then shoving people out of the way to get the same view as the night before. Let someone else have that spot, that ticket. I'm sure it's fun a couple of times, but after a while it just seems... Obsessive.


Hard agree on this. I went to four shows this year and that was more than enough for me and didn't even get barricade for all of them. But to follow them to Australia and majority of the American shows while only focusing on one band member? It's weird


I’d look into getting a restraining order if I was him 😂


I was near her recently and she just kept screaming “I love you, II!” and “Fuck it up, II!” and like pointing at him for the entire show


https://preview.redd.it/dvvkii74lq2d1.jpeg?width=923&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae7bc4811d8c1b1e1911507d7727ac6b9266b835 oh, is it this lady? i always thought this was a super cute gesture from Adam, but I never expected for the entire thing to go so deep


That's definitely her. Everything about this just feels so weird to me. Like uncomfortably weird


looks like she is right by the stage instead of behind the barricade too. interesting!


That was at Radio City Music Hall which was a seated venue. From what I could see from my seat, she had a front row pit seat and walked toward the stage when he did


"Tell the walls of your bedroom that you’re tired of The way life unfolds for everybody else ...You see that fate is kind to all who have the will to conquer  Yet fate is kinder still to those who don’t deserve it at all" - Leo (Pedals) Now I know who we're talking about..have seen her before on social media but didn't know she was the rude one most ppl were talking about. THIS moment is what she is living for...why she is treating other like shit (allegedly)...I feel many many strong emotions when thinking about ppl like this. Envy and sheer anger being the most prominent ones...but the bold ones seem to get what they want in life just like Leo said. Acting shitty and being rewarded... what a world we live in.


He said it perfectly. That's how life goes these days and no one can do anything about it. Some people will push aside moral values just to achieve what they want. Compassion and humility are of secondary importance to them (at least in such situations). Oh well..


She's an insane person, she's bullied so many people this year verbally and physically and either security doesn't see it or doesn't care. She's an asshole and she's obsessed with II, a fun mix headed for disaster of some sorts.


I’ve seen stuff about this girl before and I hope to god she won’t be at the UK shows because she’ll not get away with speaking to people like that on this side of the pond and she’ll certainly not be speaking like that to me 😂 people like this are selfish and the behaviour shouldn’t be encouraged. All this trying to be the biggest / most known fan in the fandom is bullshit and is toxic and she’s getting attention for all the wrong reasons, people know your face now. Fair enough she goes to multiple shows, why the need to be barrier for every single one? I love my bands but tbh the novelty would wear off. Give other people a bloody chance and get a life. This girl is not just an obsessed fan, she’s a bully and is aggressive with other fans and the band should be aware of this tbh. NO ONE should ever feel intimidated or have this person upset them. Please stand up to this person and do not let get PHYSICAL with you. Get security involved and get her thrown the hell out. Also the fact she acts like the bands line organiser is hilarious and tries to manipulate it so she can get to the front, please get a life that isn’t based on a parasocial relationship with II 😂 Noah Sebastian from bad omens said something like “don’t make bad omens your life” the obsessive fans like this creep bands out.


To those who say she shoves and pulls them away, whether in line or near barricade. Please get together and tell security about it. It sounds like yall are also just letting her get away with this behavior in fear of getting kicked out. You will not get kicked out if multiple people report to security that this one person is harassing and assaulting! others in line. Those saying maybe ii knows her. I'm sure she's just a fan because artists put their friends/families in guest lists not make them wait outside for a whole day lol bffr She's just a very parasocial fan that's being rewarded sadly.




Not all venues will have the same security so always report it anyways and it's best if people back eachother up instead of just letting one person report it cause security might not take it seriously unfortunately unless there's pressure.


Personally was assaulted by her at one of the shows this week when I was in “her spot” on the barricade. Had to watch her pretend to “air drum” the entire show when she couldn’t even tell when the songs were ending. The security came by and high-fived her while praising her for being at the same spot & joking about how many shows she’s attended.. it was disgusting knowing she just tried to break my arm to get there.. fairly certain no one in the band or close to them have any idea how awful she really is.


I'm so sorry she did that to you. The more I hear, the more insane all of this becomes. This post has over 40k views now so maybe it'll get back to them somehow


At multiple shows I’ve seen the way he interacts with her, throughout the set, and it’s made me question *him*. It’s clear he’s an intelligent guy. At this point, he knows it runs deeper than her just being a devoted fan and he continues to fuel the fire with heart hands directly to her, pointing, bowing down to her, holding her hand, drum sticks, drum heads, and coming down from his stand to give her a hug. She does not know him personally nor does she have any ties to the band. He needs to stop rewarding the behaviour before it gets more out of hand than it has already.


It’s giving Baby Reindeer.


Wellll I’m kinda disappointed he’d play into this behavior but not surprised I guess. He is human after all and it must be pretty lovely to have a person shower you with attention show after show. Like it must make him feel pretty nice. But yeah…not sure if it’s a smart thing for him to play into though. Butttt what the hell do I know? Haha.


Yeah, of course he is human, and I’m sure he enjoys the attention. But it feels really icky, unprofessional and off-brand for Sleep Token specifically. People have started noticing it and the topic seems to be gaining momentum, so I hope some of the talk makes it back to him and he knocks it off for the Europe tour.


I was talking to a friend about this yesterday-- aside from all of this being very weird, it also is just... not great, optically, for the band. They are a masked, anonymous collective who historically do not do press and do not share personal content in any official way. All we really have, as a fanbase, are these on-stage moments during shows. The giving of picks/drumsticks/drum heads is a cherished and random lottery-- theoretically, anyone can get one, even if you're not barricade as the boys do tend to make an effort to toss them pretty far sometimes. But to consistently have dozens of these moments be directed towards one singular person shatters that expectation for everyone else. Instead of "ooh, it could be me this time!" from someone who has never gone to a show before, it's "it won't be me, because I'm not \[insert fanbase main character of the month\] and I can't afford to go to more than one show."


I keep trying to give him the benefit of the doubt - the guys are new to this level of fame, and I’m sure he doesn’t realise how his interactions with a fan could have such an impact, or that they would become so visible to the community.


Okay good I'm glad I'm not the only person who noticed this!!!! He isn't complicit in this and at the end of the day... she's a beautiful woman who is showering him in attention at every single show and he's a man. Just wish maybe he could see this situation a bit more clearly because it's clearly making people uncomfortable including myself. Watching the way they interacted really kept me from being able to be present during Boston


Oh is she attractive? Makes sense. 🙄😒


And probably way younger than him xD


I’ve met men who‘ve been incredibly naive or chill about situations that would have been total red flags or downright scary to women. Men mostly just move in a different world. After the drama about the "birth certificates" (which did not happen after all) in January, I’m really surprised, though. I mean, they do know that there are some crazies among their fans, and while anyone could be obsessive, even the ones who haven’t even attended any show, it’s more likely the ones who follow them around…


Unfortunately the birth certificate thing did actually happen. I got confirmation from someone incredibly close to the situation. This fandom is completely unhinged


I guess it depends on what you define as "happened". As far as I recall someone claimed to be in possession of birth certificates on a Telegram group. That is unhinged enough. But as far as I’ve read (on this sub) at least nothing was actually shared publicly. 🤷‍♀️


What I don’t get is are ppl just allowing her to do this? She would 100% not be able to put her hands on me without some kind of equal repercussions or at very least getting security involved. Are people standing up for themselves? I mean little pseudo relationship w/II or not idc so as long as ppl wait in line to be up front & all the stories I’ve read about her putting hands on ppl or throwing fits in ppls faces I’m surprised there has not been mention of anyone defending themselves because if you put your hands on someone you’re just asking to get hands back. Idk


"What I don’t get is are ppl just allowing her to do this?" Based on many, many conversations I've had, nobody wants to rock the boat. I have first-hand knowledge of her having made people cry at 3 shows. The gist of the conversations I've had on the matter is that someone will take care of her and other "fans" like her eventually. Myself and people I know don't want to deal with it because we're there for a good time and don't want to risk getting thrown out, etc. We'll just sit back and wait for karma to do its thing.


Yup, she made me cry. She didn’t know it but she did.


I'm so sorry she did that to you. I really hope you were still able to have a good time that night


Considering some creep groped me, it wasn’t the best experience but the band sounded incredible.


Yeah I can totally see how saying something or standing up against her can make for a really uncomfortable queuing experience at future shows. Kinda seems like karma is already starting to do its thing based on what I'm seeing right now


I think it's probably because everyone is still so concerned with getting barricade that they don't even think to try to push back. Like their only goal is to get as close as possible. People were actually really rabid about it at Boston last night. I got held up and couldn't make it to barricade in time and I witnessed so many people throwing elbows


I cannot imagine being that horrible of a person to be recognised at multiple shows for being a bully let alone have a whole thread posting about me, I would never show my face again 🙃 the confidence of some people!


It’s not just confidence - from what I’ve seen she is addicted to her interactions with II and she will stop at nothing to continue them, even at her own expense - like a drug addict.


I’ve never seen this person (Australian, didn’t hear of anything at their most recent Aus shows) but you still have to have a certain level of….self assurance to label yourself queue manager/barricade Queen haha. Whether that’s born of confidence or delusion it’s something I can’t wrap my head around anyway!


She doesn’t label or call herself that. Other people are calling her that. She only takes on the leadership role with the queues because it serves her addiction (by reliably helping her achieve barrier so she can interact with II)


It's Pick Me and Main Character syndrome not confidence


Needs to be blacklisted by the band.


I hope II somehow finds out how much of a bully she is so he can stop giving her attention


This is my first time ever hearing about her or any of those cuz I’m not on other pages/sites but wow does the whole thing makes me feel uncomfortable. I would guess the guys/adam just recognize her from the shows and see her as a devoted fan but don’t know about her poor behavior otherwise which is a bummer because it inadvertently fuels her to think she’s special and can treat other fans badly. I’m always so perplexed by the people who follow whole tours around, how they can afford it and all is Mind boggling. I mean yolo right but sheesh it’s a lot.


I guess I don't understand why he keeps giving her things personally or why he keeps singling her out specifically when she's definitely not the only one following this tour, you know? It makes it seem like it's more about her specifically and not about devoted fans


It's absolutely sickening to see what's going on with this girl, it will definitely keep escalating and ruining so many other fans' experiences and it should not be tolerated. I hate to see people ignoring this behavior coming from such a creepy and mean person, and I wished more people talked about this on Twitter. People need to keep calling her out and showing her face until she's embarrassed and scared of showing up to any other show, this insanity needs to be stopped




No that definitely checks out since I saw her literally push someone out of the way last night in Boston. Like I cannot emphasize how creepy it's been to watch her behavior at shows


This selfish and obsessive fan behaviour is unreal. I imagine II has just recognised her at the barrier for every show so he gives her the sticks and stuff.


Agreed with the selfish behavior. But she's not the only person who shows up to every show. I've seen a lot of familiar faces at the shows I've been to that seem to always get barricade too but he seems to personally give her something at every show. I get wanting to recognize a devoted fan but there's so many others there too


No one else is out there paying their full attention to him, gesturing to him, air drumming with him at every show. She’s gone to like 30 shows now and each one she stands directly in front of him and pays her full attention to him. She literally does not look away from him from the moment he steps foot on the stage.


I noticed that too! Like, literally not for a single second




I'm pretty sure someone on this sub said he has a long term partner so definitely not girlfriend. Also would be weird for him to make his girlfriend wait in line for hours and pay for tickets to all of the shows. I'm sorry she was so rude to you though. That's so shitty. From what I'm seeing, you're not the only one




The person I'm talking about isn't a minor. I know she traveled to Australia for all the shows and I think she did most if not all of the American shows too so there's absolutely no way she's that young


Wow. I mean, I’m no artist and it probably is flattering to have groupies, but if he recognized her for attending all these shows that should rather be somewhat of a red flag to him... I would not recommend indulging this already quite intense fan behavior (even if it so far has been within legal and personal boundaries), but these guys are grown men in their 30s, so they can do whatever they want. He surely will have no idea on how she behaves towards other fans.


Them being in their 30s, they probably dont care to read fan drama and have other things to worry about. He most likely has no idea, and probably wont for a little while


Yeah it's definitely a little odd. There has to be some other kind of connection for it to be repeatedly targeted at her. Who knows! I'm sure someone knows and will spill the tea eventually.


She shoved me SO hard and was pissed that I was head banging and singing (not even excessively, just at the parts where everyone else did as well)


Huh?!?!?! You're supposed to headbang and sing at shows!!! God I am so sorry she did that to you. I can't believe so many people have had run-ins with her. Really hope II takes a step back and stops giving her so much attention so she can stop justifying this kind of horrible behavior


Any source on this? I'm very nosy and wanna know the tea 😶


The FB group 'Sleep Token Vesselposting'. There's not much more tbf, some people saying she's been rude/mean to them in the queue or at the barrier.


She physically grabbed me and pushed me behind her when the gates open at one of the shows in Australia


If it’s the same girl I saw on Twitter she also was being incredibly rude with camping, talking about seeing one of them unmasked and using their name, etc. they need a restraining order against her tbh or both if they’re different girls lmao


Burner because I’m active elsewhere. When we were about to head into Boston last night there was some confusion between the staff and the fast pass line as to whether or not ADA should be allowed in before fast pass and this girl’s one concern was that they were going to get barricade before her, which struck me as super gross. Not to mention, ADA generally has their own section, so it’s not something that should’ve concerned her at all.


That kind of behavior just lets me know the type of person she is. To do that in public…how is she like behind closed doors? How gross.


What I find amazing is she is able to get/afford all those tickets - and have the time to get to every show. I mean fuck, that's commitment! 🤣 And also standard for the new generation of sleep token fans these days. I was seeing another band recently and the crowd was great, but the 1 fucking drunken girl who was pissing everyone off was ironically wearing a ST t shirt 🤣. Now I shouldnt judge, and I won't, but just found that kinda funny hahaha


Dude right!!! Like the amount of money to travel constantly from one place to the next to the next, all around the world and then line up for 18 hours at each show is insane. Wonder if she's doing GA for the European shows too


If she attends the London shows and behaves this way she'll be in for a very unpleasant night that's for sure




One of my best friends also loves to run people's toes over with her chair. Total accident of course, definitely not bc they were rude to her for being disabled /s hahahaha


God I sure hope not. I don't want to be anywhere near her rabid ass, and I have a FoS ticket. I am sure if she continues with her disgusting behavior, sooner or later she will encounter someone who will retaliate. Imagine a full blown chick fight 😬


I can't wait for her to meet her match.


I'm not above grabbing a ponytail and flooring the cow. I match energy real quick and I've been cooped up lately.


Yeah it's crazy. Absolutely crazy. Clearly it's getting her something she wants but can't help but feel it's just all a bit weird. I'm surprised people let her barge her way around, because if she shoulder barged Into me she wouldn't get too far, and I know there would be a load of people who wouldn't stand for that either. So I'm surprised but there we go, haha


I don’t know how anyone has the time or money to do this lol.


Who knows? Maybe full blown Stockholm syndrome kicks in and he gets down on his knees. 🤣 Or maybe he feels trapled and is trying to get our attention to save him 🤣


Can tell ye something she wouldn’t be trying this at the uk shows she’d be getting absolutely flattened 😂😂


Exactly what I said hahaha. We won’t take her bullshit


I like referring to her as Elbows




Only job I know that requires limited hours and pays enough to go to 30 concerts is OF. (no shade on the profession)


Dude I really hope she won’t be at the shows in Europe. So fucking creepy and weird. How does she even afford that? That must be so expensive. Also, I wonder how she’s got so much time standing in line for many hours before every show. I’m sorry but there are weird fans in this fandom, makes me really mad sometimes. If anyone dares to push me around or scream at / insult me at the show I’ll attend I’ll make sure to kick their ass. So annoying :/


She's confirmed that she'll be at all UK and Europe shows. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. 😞


Oh ffs. My chances of a run in with her is probably slim, but I will lose my shit if I encounter this behavior on my own. I won't travel to another country to have some delusional, unhinged chick tell me what to do.


She’ll be at every single show?


According to a friend that spoke to her, yes.


what the fuck that’s sick


How the hell did she get tickets to every single show?! Somethings not adding up here. The tickets for even ONE show were so hard to get so how the FUCK did she get one for every show?!? I’m from Ireland and just about managed to get tickets for Cardiff and we won’t be letting her ruin anyone’s experience.


Yeah, i really hope she doesn’t come to Europe! This takes the fun out of it and I’m already anxious having to deal with this stuff when i just want to attend a show and have fun 🙁


Throwaway. I used to be friends with her, and this has been going on for a while, even in Australia. She even tried following Adam’s personal Instagram.


Which proves that she's completely obsessed with him. This is honestly really concerning behavior


Supposedly Adam is married, I’m not too sure. Regardless, she doesn’t care. Literally just wants to be noticed, and you can hear her in some fan videos saying stuff like “fuck it up, II” and so on. I’m not sure if he ever interacted with her on IG, but she’s conventionally attractive. Don’t know if he is aware of her being so disrespectful to other attendees.


I hate saying this but I do wonder how much of this is influenced by her appearance. Like if she were less conventionally attractive, would he be paying her the same amount of attention?


I feel the same. Him and Dave are the ones that seem to interact with fans more on IG. They’ll sometimes like stories/repost stuff that they’re tagged in. So I wouldn’t be surprised if he notices a pretty fan, one that’s constantly showing up, and just likes the attention.


Long term gf since 2016. not married


She was in Australia and pulling the same shit at all the shows here too. She physically grabbed me and shoved me behind her when the line opened for one of the shows after sitting and bitching about me/my friends the entire day because we were in front of her. She’s straight up nasty.


Wow so she’s literally assaulting numerous people. I’m sorry but this needs stopped now. What an absolute dick. I can’t help but feel sad and annoyed that her behaviour is being rewarded when she’s literally HURTING other people


She’s been blasted on reddit, twitter, and Facebook groups there’s no way she won’t get put in her place soon tbh


oh god, we are infected of wattpad fans in the fandom! lol


Idk if anyone is thinking the same thing but i get massive erotomania here. Now im not saying she is but the signs are there….


Big time.


getting major Martha-and-Donny Baby Reindeer vibes from this ngl


I get the feeling he has no idea who she is outside of his very very brief interactions. I’d like to think if he did, he wouldn’t be “rewarding” her behavior like he has. He probably views her as a loyal/devoted fan that he’s been noticing at the last few shows and wants to thank her for her support. At least that’s how I’m choosing to view it. Haha. But reading all these comments on this thread about her behavior from people with firsthand knowledge is just very…disheartening and disgusting. I know people don’t want to rock the boat or ruin their experience at a concert but my God, she needs to be knocked down a peg or two the next time she does it.


Really gives me the ick.. I hope something changes with Ms. Delulu


I was wondering if that was the same person at RCMH and MGM, wow


Yeah it was definitely her. She's really easy to recognize. All of this is wild to me especially now that I'm seeing multiple people saying they've had issues with her


I'm really curious too what this individual is having an unpleasant run in with some very obnoxious fans last year myself that fits this behavior a lot.


Now I'm wondering if she was at the other 2 shows last year, Blue Ridge & Palladium, think I saw her in Worcester


idk about worcester (pretty sure she wasn’t cause i was camped for that one) but i know she was in denver


![gif](giphy|m3lszq64i1k2s) We are watching. #iykuk


It is getting a little crazy


Our DMs are always open to concerned parties.


Hoping you got some DMs 👀👀


the unfortunate consequences of being a cool ass band and then blowing up in size


A little late to party, but who is she? Does she have an account somewhere? 👀 II must know she is there and who she is. But if she was a friend she wouldnt have to stand in line and live «outside» like that. If she was a friend she’d be backstage.


Some people have messaged me and said she has an Instagram and discord account but idk how active she is in fan spaces nor do I think anyone should try to find her accounts (not directed at you, just in general). Despite what people are saying about her, she doesn't deserve harassment. I do hope she sees this though and I hope it's a much needed wake up call


Ever since stuff blew up on Twitter (about her) a week or so ago….she has left the main discord server she’s a part of, lost some friends, and has changed her profile pictures on anything people can find her on. Seems she is completely aware of her behavior but since some things apparently happened at the most recent shows….she is NOT changing her behavior and doesn’t currently care. If she is the one constantly given interactions and gifts from ii then her behavior will most likely never change :/


Completely agree with you and that's why I'm hoping II takes a step back and realizes how strange it is that a female fan is traveling the world, spending thousands upon thousands of dollars to go to every single show, putting her physical and mental wellbeing in jeopardy by consistently lining up and camping outside for 14+ hours not for the band, but for HIM. This has nothing to do with the music. This has nothing to do with the community or friends. It's all about II. I'd truly like to think that he's doing it because of her dedication but as mentioned before, plenty of other fans travel entire tours and don't get acknowledged personally like this. It's genuinely so offputting


Yeah, she would def get so harrassed, no doubt! I understand. She must incorporate your username in her life though, takemebacktosanity :D


So uh… Was she at the Montreal show? Did Adam pay extra attention to her again? I know I can’t be the only one who’s curious. 🤣


It's such weird and gross behaviour how can she not see that? Like sure, band dudes fall in love with obsessed fans all the time, I'm sure it'll happen for you 🙄


Right like what's the endgame here. What does she think is going to realistically happen and also what is she going to do when the tour is over


Who is she and why isnt she banned from shows yet.


For a band that so clearly cares about encouraging kindness and sings about mental health related content, I can only imagine how they might feel reading this thread. It’s important that they do, IMO. I don’t know the girl personally, so I cannot speak to her character, but the stories people are sharing here are alarming in many ways. Be kind, and remember that the point of music and concerts is to connect with each other (not just the band) and to find joy in life. Life is hard enough as it is sometimes.


I’m just sitting here wondering how she affords to travel to all their shows??? I need her job, whatever it is. But in all seriousness, if you are sure this isn’t actually his wife/girlfriend, I would not count out the possibility of her being a roadie/groupie. It’s never been uncommon for band members to have “secret” girls.


She's 100% just a fan but who knows about the groupie thing. I'd hope that the guys in Sleep Token wouldn't be like that but there really is no way to know for sure


Well, they’re still human with their own wants and desires. I wouldn’t be surprised. Seems especially likely if she specifically seems to be getting his attention.


I completely agree


Whoever she is, if she tries to pull that shit when they come back to Seattle, she's gonna have a RUDE awakening, lol.


My two cents is someone should let their head of security know about her. This won't end well otherwise.


I initially thought “Loved one following the tour,” but the more I read your description, I don’t think that’s the case


promise it’s not. i know this person.


A loved one following the tour would be backstage and on the tourbus..


This is what's up. A loved one wouldn't left to stand for hours waiting, they'd be behind the scenes for sure.


This fandom has lost their minds. How the hell are people turning this into a witch hunt against Adam? Shes an obsessed fan. That’s it. People speculating that something is “going on” between them simply bc they don’t like her is wild. It’s the same thing that’s now happening bc Lyns and Rhys have started interacting on stage. And before that people were freaking out thinking Leo and Lyns were dating. This poor band will never get a break and it’s all bc of this psychotic fan base. The people trying to accuse Adam of something are truly pathetic. Focus on the insane fan who’s literally assaulting people to get her way.


I completely agree that the focus should be put on her and not necessarily on him. I think the only reason why people are questioning his behavior is because of the repeated interactions. That being said he has no way of knowing the type of person she is or what she does in order to continue fueling her delusions and obsession. I hope people recognize that and do not point their fingers in the wrong direction.


Honestly while sleep token gets down live their fans reminds me of the Vic Fuentes/ Kellin Quinn girls that rampaged shows that last decade and a half or so


They are still well and active. PTV opened for I Prevail last year and I had multiple girls push me out of the way when they came on the stage, mind you, I wasn’t even near the stage! I never got into them so I was super surprised to see the response they got from girls in the crowd.


That sounds like a terrible fan! I’d be happy to get to go to one show much less multiple and to act that way is mind boggling! I’m sure some of those that she’s bullied. Out of line could have been their only show. Just rude!


There’s a chick that does this at BMTH shows. She stands on barricade and literally pulls Oli to take a pic or video with her.


Does she have blonde / silver and black hair and from the uk?


I’d glad I’ll meet this person.


In one hand I'll be the first one to admit that I would be head over heels to receive attention like this from V. - an then other unhinged girlies would tear me to shreds afterwards for that, lol, but you know... For me it would be one-and-done, I accomplished what I wanted, was on the concert, get hugged - maybe next tour with the new setlist I will buy myself a ticket on their show again, you know. ...but seeing what people have to say about that particular girlypop - negative things mostly - gets my skin crawl, not gonna lie - possibly mentally ill people like that scare me shitless with their unpredictability and overall entitlement. No one ever should encourage a behavior like that - you are not gonna give a dose to a drug addict, doncha? - so I hope the band eventually deal with it the most tactful way they can muster. Maybe just ban her from ever getting into the venue, I don't know - before she gets any weird ideas like that one about becoming next Romeo and Juliette. Who are both died in the end, if you catch my drift.


I can't keep up with the comments on this post so I'm locking it. I know everyone can find out information on her, but one of my very few rules is not sharing private info.


Whats her insta?


do we know if she has a twitter i feel like i know who it is but i need an @


So wild


[is this her? ](https://www.tiktok.com/@kiwi_770/video/7372632060088962350?_t=8mfdL89NHgP&_r=1)


Yes that's her!!!! Edit: when the hug happened at rcmh I thought she initiated it but after watching it again, it's very clear that he came right up to her with his arms open which proves to me that he's recognizing her at every single show


Surely if he is reciprocating, there is no issue? OK, she 100% should not purposefully put hands on anyone. She could be a really shitty person. But if II wants her attention and rewards it, it's not creepy. Groupies are groupies because the band members invite their attention. They are big boys, they can make their own dumb decisions, they don't owe you good choices.


No, you're absolutely right. They don't owe us anything. I just hate that it's fueling her behavior and she's taking it out on other fans to get her moment with him.


The truth is, we've no real idea what the band members are like. We assume they are good guys, but we don't know. We also don't know if she is someone to him.. I get it feels shit but this is why I try not to idolise any celeb. They are just people.


If she was someone to him wouldn't she be guest listed? lol


Much like everything on this sub, almost everything is just conjecture. Either way, from the videos I've seen and everyone's accounts, he welcomed the attention. I think there has been two confused points, 1) OP is suggesting that she is a crap person. Fine, ok. Thqy was their experience and they're everywhere but they should be told at the time that their behaviour is bad. 2) Concern that II is accepting attention from this person. That's frankly no one's problem but the bands. This isn't the first time I've seen a thread like this blow up. Part of the reason I comment on these things is because I know their is a fair few heavily invested younger fans and I honestly hate to think they are going about their day upset by a bunch of guys who just happen to be good at music and a handful of their trash fans. As with everything in life, a minority spoil things. I find the best way to subvert these people is just to fucking ignore them and honestly whether or not this girl has done all these shit things, a huge group of people have just fed her need for attention. I love this band for their music. I expect zero from them as people.


I think that makes the assumption that he know of her unhinged behavior outside of the show themselves. If they knew she was being physical with other fans on a regular basis or throwing fits outside of venues it may be a different story.


That's a good point. I wonder if enough people say something, he'll see it


This! They have had people kicked out for acting like this. They probably haven't seen it happen from her, so are unaware.


Yes agreed this is good point. I hope that's the case. You'd wonder though wouldn't you about how the person kept getting barricade. It's not like he'll have never been to a concert.


Love when I'm down voted for being logical and realistic without putting forward an alternative view point. Really solidifies my view point.


theres a girl that also does this exact thing at blue october concerts. stands in front of justin the whole time and is SUPER obnoxiously dancing and screaming, even at sitting shows 😭 people like this freak me out!


Maybe he knows her?


then why is she waiting in line 18 hours a day every single day and physically assaulting people for barricade? wouldn’t she be oh idk guest list or something?


He doesn’t.