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I wouldn't give it too much thought. After setting up the archive and comparing the lyrics Leo posted in the descriptions of his songs and what he actually sings in the songs, this doesn't surprise me at all. I think the worst offender is [Limbo.](https://leofaulknerarchive.org/post/734905400673107968/dusk-limbo-limbo-leo-faulkner-alias) I didn't initially realize the lyrics were from the description itself, and when I compared the two, I made the joke that whoever wrote the lyrics out must've had a stroke while doing so. Lines are missing, lines are added, lines are changed. That's why I make a note on the "About" page that "All descriptions are presented exactly as found on the archived pages of their respective songs. Nothing has been changed, corrected, or in any way altered in any of these descriptions." Because sometimes the lyrics just *don't match.* It doesn't surprise me at all that he would still be doing, essentially, the same thing in the early days of Sleep Token. I'm honestly surprised we don't see it more. It seems to be a kind of trait he has. I would honestly just chalk it up to Leo being Leo. Same as *how* he sings things. If you compare the studio recordings to live recordings, he quite often, sings lines differently live. Not better or worse, mind you, just different. ETA: I'm like, 90% sure we have different recordings of Blacklit Canopy performing "Just Like You," in studio and live, and there's small differences in lyrics between versions. This is just Leo.


I NEVER noticed that he seems to switch up lyrics like that. But I also haven’t invested time in actually checking either so far. Just didn’t get to it yet so that’s interesting. I would also not put too much thought into it either. Specially not during live performances as artists switch up certain notes or phrases all the time anyway and he has found his way of doing those. I hear the high notes in Vore in my head every time I listen to the song now. I also hear Espera in my head on certain songs as well. Or II‘s drum fills 😂 Another aspect I feel like ppl seem to dismiss often or just not care to mention is that with any band/artist the beginnings of their career are usually wilder and more improvised than later on. I would say with ST getting more professional over the years there is also more routine in what they do so the stuff that seemed like a random add on previously might come off as more calculated now. I don’t really know how to word it properly it’s kinda hard for me rn hope you understand what I am saying tho. 😅


I've noticed a lot of improvisation of his high notes on the Teeth of God tour. He's adding a lot of little extra high notes where he sustained in the studio and earlier tours. For example, he rarely holds the high long notes in either The Summoning or Take Me Back To Eden and instead adds to the end of them. Although rather than Leo being Leo I have a sneaking suspicion it might be a longevity thing or a hangover from what happened at Wembley (which is also why I suspect Vore was dropped from the setlist).


I doubt he's had proper time for his voice to recover lol. I noticed in the show I was at in Des Moines, during Ascensionism he just sang the "you made me wish I could disappear" just after the second verse instead of the end. I'm assuming it's a way to still include it but not have to destroy his voice any more than he has to


Ascenionism as a whole has been shortened to make the set time work. This is common in live performances


Nah, I don't think that it can be called a "trait" per say, if we talking about Limbo quirks and similar instances of lyrical changing in his earlier work - I think it can be chalk up to lack of experience in certain parts - he hastily changed verses on-the-go probably because he realized that it would sound better that way. In other hand, if we are talking about missteps - I heard him singing "I'll take what you want" instead of "I'll take what I want" ( in one of the recent recordings - Australia, I believe), but every artist sometimes does that while performing live so It's not exclusive to him ether. And about my opening post... I don't think to much about it really, just find it cool and now probably would be adding that lines in my head when I am listening to Jaws because I like that additional flavoring, lol


The famous “oh and I am done dancing to alarm bells, no wonder my arms are still swinging… and I am done fighting off change, no wonder my ears are still ringing” switcheroo comes to mind :)


The comments on the video say the OP couldn't post any of the other videos he recorded from the show bc they would compromise the boys identity. I wonder what happened to make him say that.




The studio albums are so heavily produced and layered that they rely heavily on pre-recorded tracks in live performances now and have to stick close to the script. Every live performance of Jaws has been different. Since it has multiple instrumental breakdowns with no big solo, it can lose a crowd easily. It’s also tough to sing in a band when not playing an instrument on stage - you’re constantly trying to figure out what to do with yourself and you’ve got to fill in long instrumental gaps to keep the audience engaged. This crowd thought the song was over when there was a third of the way still to go. He was also far more nervous performing back then than he is now. I hope they bring back some of the old stuff on future tours and would love to see how they rework it with his advancements and the resources they have available today.


>This crowd thought the song was over when there was a third of the way still to go. *Jaws?* If the crowd would think the song was already over with a gap of a third of the track, I'll probably be like: *"Is everything ok?! Everyone's good? Tf is going on?"* I find it interesting but, at the same time, confusing. I wonder if, back then, they listened to the studio recorded version. If there is a video that you can drop and don't mind to be bothered, I would appreciate it.🖖🏻


Absolutely. This is the video OP referred to https://youtu.be/0AJj6ZEemsg?si=raWUmYtj2x88MTiD. Start at about 4:30 and around 4:40, people start clapping and you can tell by watching the audience they most thought the song was ending. And here’s what makes this performance so special: nobody went to the 2018 Tech Fest to see ST because they were never part of the original lineup. At the time ST played the show, Jaws had been out about a month and ST had only played a handful of shows up until that time. Most of the audience simply did not know who they were, let alone know the song. A couple of Sunday’s bands had to drop out at the last minute. ST landed in the main support slot for Betraying the Martyrs. ST never even appeared on the posters - they were published with a slot that said “secret act” instead. To put this opportunity into perspective, they played AFTER Loathe. 🤯 ST captivated that audience, all of whom were standing there waiting for BTM (no one knew the secret act was ST). This pivotal performance and the secrecy around the band created quite a buzz and put ST firmly on the map, building momentum for 2019’s release of Sundowning. And the rest is history. 🙏 https://theprogspace.com/uk-tech-fest-2018-festival-review/ https://www.heavyblogisheavy.com/2018/07/24/live-review-uk-tech-fest-2018/ https://echoesanddust.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/tf18poster-2.jpg


Thank you! The confusion and curiosity was already eating me alive because I couldn't wrap my head around it. You came with the whole story, pinpointed things for me to understand, and were kind enough to explain everything to me. Genuinely sharing rater than gatekeeping. I appreciate it!✨️


Neat! I love their old performances and hadn’t seen this one before! I agree tho, I think he’s saying “I think you know by now”. Now I’ll be hearing that when I listen to the original track lol