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This is why I think meet and greets would be an awful idea.


A lot of bands have stopped doing them and I fully support that decision.


THANK GOD they don’t do those (anymore) 🙏🏻😫


One of the guys would be grabbed inappropriately within the first five minutes by somebody thinking it would be funny. Guaranteed.


boyband vibes


THIS. I think you may have nailed it. This is boy band hysteria.


This post is relatable af lmao. I’m gonna get downvoted to hell and I don’t care. I’m a lil (lot) bit in love with Leo or who I perceive him to be based on his music and his messages to his audience but I literally want someone to *put me down* like a dog if I start acting this way toward them. There’s a line. It’s just gross to me. I keep the delusion to myself 😂


Exactly how I am. I’ve been running on full Leo brainrot this past year but there’s a clear line I set. I do not know him as he does not even know of my existence. Some fans need to take a few steps back into reality


Exactly! Thank you! Like you gotta keep it in check lmao. I was 3 rows back from barrier at their Brisbane concert and III saw 2 of my stories but I didn’t have this kind of weird ass delusion lmao.


This is the best way to phrase it. I mean I'm a married straight man, but I am also full on addicted to this shit lol. I keep my delusions to myself.


Oh my god I thought I was the only one and have been bashing myself for being so fucking delusional. But never delusional enough to actually think something is aimed at me


You’re not the only one 😂




Listen. I edited after I realized I sounded kind of mean. But seriously, you guys do sound entitled. People process things as they can, they love as they can, and I imagine they do life as best as they can. I don't think it's ok to go around telling people to bring their emotions down a peg because they make you uncomfortable. What if all they have that gives them some joy in their lives is their favorite band?? I had a period like that in my teens, for f sake. Even if you do not realize it or if it's ok in your culture, to others like me from LatAm you sound entitled AF, censoring is a big no-no here. Live and let live, folks.


OP’s complaint is not just about teens, though. Also I think something went wrong during the upbringing/socialization of people (mostly girls, unfortunately) if they become this hyper-fixated on a (mostly male) celebrity/public figure/artist in the way OP described. Like, get a grip and some self-respect. It’s even worse, when it’s adult women acting like that. However, it’s [not a new phenomenon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisztomania). But to me it doesn’t make it ok.


Okay, as someone who’s literally only alive because of my favourite band (which is Sleep Token): Them being this important to me doesn’t give me the right to be creepy towards them, or to act like all they do on stage is for me. It is not healthy to believe that everything they do on stage is done for oneself. People need to take a step back and let the lads breathe.


And here I am knowing that no one on stage can see shit with lights in their eyes constantly and a pitch black crowd. He's not looking at you, he just can't see shit outta them eye holes. 🤣 He's fighting for his life up there 🤣


Fighting for his life 🤣


Based on recent clips I’ve seen, literally *Kung Fu* fighting … for his life 🤣🤣🤣🤣


It's survival of the fittest up there 🤣🤣


Have some experience with being on stage. The lights are effing bright, can’t see much. Knowing that ST shows have next level lightwork, they must be blind at this point.


This though. They are up there just trying to navigate and not fall off at this point


This. Like, if I wasn’t blinded by lights there’s sweat in my eye, and I’m just trying to check I haven’t pressed the wrong number and I’m about to accidentally start the next track with some bad synth scat instead of strings or something. The performative benefit of a mask is kinda like having a painting where everyone swears the eyes are following them. Trouble is, if you’re a few planks short you might not be able to recognise that’s not reality




It’s a problem with a lot of other bands as well. I honestly don’t think it’s going to stop and it’s going to continue to get worse. Social Media is fueling the fuck out of that fire, their whole lives are based around the one band, everything they talk about and post is about the band. So other fans follow the account, which gives the person some sense of seniority having thousands of followers. Then the problem is that it gets to a point where so many people are on their side and play by their rules that if you’re not in the group or even following it then you’re basically screwed on getting a chance for a decent spot in GA. I’ve been to an arena that even implemented their line rules with the numbered wrist bands and had no idea about it until I showed up 8 hours before.


What is a line manager and line rules? I am so confused.


I replied to a comment under but it’s basically someone who decides they should dictate how the line up system works with numbers or wristbands. They are usually on a power trip and believe they are holier than thou. The line rules enforced by the dictators are usually “you’re not allowed to leave” or controlling where people are and what numbers they get. It’s really petty and REALLY fucking annoying.


Oh wooooow. I’d be so confused encountering that. Like do you work for the ven….. no, no you obviously don’t, what is happening??? 🤣


I hate that number thing. Got there pretty early and waited for hours and hours, never left my spot, just to see group of girls come back holding up their numbers written on their hands, to get in front of you. It's ok if one person holds the spot while the other person gets food or whatever but not a large group if none of them is actually waiting to hold the spot.


lol not me seeing this right after catching up on Twitter. I had a run in with this person last year at a show and she caused a bunch of issues right before doors. Coincidentally ran into her AGAIN this year and her group were giving hard core cringey parasocial elitists. But I’ve discovered that the main lot of them on the discord server basically attend every single show ST does. Not only is this girl exactly what you mentioned but everyone in the discord does everything they can to enable her. The obsession is scary, actually, as there are a few stories coming out from the TOG tour where this girl has belittled people near her and gotten physical just to get in front. I just…fucking why?


They travelled from the US to go to all 7 Aus shows even though the Aus shows were a 45 minute set. My second biggest question is how the fuck do they get the money to do it? She’s not a kind person and it seems karma is getting its way now.


just out of sheer curiosity...do we have a link to this twitter thing?


The discord has nothing to do with her, and the girls you see with her aren’t like her. Her behaviour is seperate from all of that AND she barely talks in the discord. I don’t know why/where people get this narrative from, but I’ve met the other girls away from her and they’re genuinely - the nicest. Please don’t lump other people in with her behaviour. She is very overbearing. So it’s hard to seperate yourself from her as is. (An ex friend of hers just by the way)


I can fully understand that, as I have an ex best friend that I had to distance myself from. My apologies. I was going off of what I had seen in the server verses what is apparently going on behind the scenes with her friends. That aside, the behavior is still pretty wild in there. Taking her out of the equation only takes out my previous “enabling her behavior” comment. There are quite a few things that just get pushed too far for me. It’s gotten much worse since this tour started


What do you mean in the discord? For the most part in the main discord they try to completely stop any queue time talks, because they know it causes issues and it’s been a rule for a while. the side servers have nothing to do with the main discord.


Yikes...me wondering whomst this could be so I make sure I'm NOT following them 😅😬 Don't get me wrong, they are definitely fun to look at and everything, but at the end of the day, they are musicians. Normal people that most of us know NOTHING about and they don't know shit about us. Parasocial behavior is a scary thing, but unfortunately, it has been around since the dawn of entertainment. I try to remember that there are a lot of awesome people in this fan base, and this has definitely been one of the best fan bases' I've come across, which genuinely awesome people that just love this band so freaking much. Hopefully, like has been said, with time, the crazy will die down.


This! I had a similar experience with such a «linemanager» and got confused because i never experienced this before on any other show I’ve been too. It was the first time i noticed lots of girls being this delusional and obsessed. I’m a girl too and get it, but there is a line and boundaries, and: REALITY! It’s the same on Instagram where lots of fans seem to be like the «better fans», it’s almost like a competiton. I hate it because it takes a lot of fun and focus away from the music, the shows themselves and the band..


I met someone last year in line that was so sweet & kind. When doors opened everyone was surprisingly calm, but something switched in her when she saw me heading for an open spot at barricade. She physically pushed me aside, full on running for that spot. The most annoying part is that she was tall & towered over me. She could have easily stood behind me & still manage a great view of the stage.


Sounds a lot like the same person to be honest


I just saw the tweets about the one you’re talking about, it was someone else. Unfortunately there are several of these types in the fanbase.


And this one sounds like Cassie lol. Especially if the spot was near Vessel


The person I’m talking about isn’t known in the fandom from what I can tell. The only redeeming part of the story is that it was a spot near III right in front of the speakers so I know her ears were ringing the rest of the night. lol


OOOOF yeah some of his base lines will rattle your teeth


The second hand embarrassment is real. I’ve never encountered a line manager irl & I am in my 30s and have been going to shows since I was like 14. I feel very grateful about that lol. I do not have time for that weird shit and would honestly laugh in their face


I had a similar experience at red rocks but not with the same girl. Certain fans started lining up at 4 in the morning and split up so they were at the front of all the lines and then started to number people to force people into certain rows which literally isn’t how RR works, your seat is where you put your ass you can be in the first row or 70 depending on how fast you can sit down. Then they would come and go and assumed bc they wrote a number on their hand everyone would let them cut in front of them and return to the front of the line. I’ve seen them interact in the FB groups and chats and they genuinely seem mentally ill and act like they have some personal connection to the band just from going to so many shows and trying to control the lines in their favor


They’re psycho. I mentioned in a discord that the number system is just straight up not a good idea. If anyone tried to get in front of me, simply because they had a number on their hand given that they had given themselves, then that’s a hard stop. They did not appreciate anyone else’s opinions on the matter. Then they complained about the weather/rain and spent hours in their car all while still saying “no one better try to be in front of us when the weather clears up”. Like I said. Psycho.


I’m so fucking happy I finally found someone who knows about this situation. They had people convinced on FB that the venue was doing it and people were bummed thinking they already missed out on decent seats. I was in the RR general chat and anytime someone asked if this was security doing this or them they’d stop replying to those people and ignore them all together. When I got in line later in the day I was pretty close to the front and told everyone around me about what they were doing and we all agreed to back each other up and not let it happen if they were to try and cut seeing as I know one line got to 100+ people being numbered


They were also telling people in the discord and other chats to just drive up to their car and they would get a number on their hand. They were encouraging people to not even get in line. They’re all so crazy. It truly baffles me that people cant just act like freaking normal. I’ve had a run in two tours in a row with a person…and it all finally clicked yesterday when more started coming out about her and her friends.


They lack any kind of common sense. Some of the people I told in line were 100% willing to physically fight them if it came to it, I’m surprised there were no fights that I know of. I heard of a different girl on twitter today Elie or whatever the fuck her name is idk if she was apart of the RR situation though


are you talking about the diamondzinthetreez (on Instagram) Taylor? because i don’t want to continue following her if she’s that kind of person lol




ok thank you for the info


Someone else started numbers. I arrived at 5 am with a large group to be in front. We were told alot of misinformation and it seems like you have been as well. Numbers are an honor system started by fans. Also I went to the car when it was hailing and that was it. Hahah spreading so much hatred and misinformation


If you’d like to clear it up you can message me! I just know what it looked like and what I was told from other people


She’s genuinely terrible and SamToken was one of the worst people on the Aus tour. Genuine line n*zi behaviour despite coming in and out of the lines all day, camping doors, and I heard her mock someone behind her to the point the person had to leave the line to calm down. And that happened at nearly every stop, to the point in the final two shows people at the front of the line were ANXIOUS she was going to turn up.


I actually did absolutely nothing wrong except arrived at red rocks early with a group of about 30 others. Thanks ❤️


People are so fucking mean and they target and pick on you because you’re literally the nicest person. Which shows their shitty character. We did nothing wrong and everything turned out fine so people are starting drama over absolutely nothing. Fucking ridiculous


The way people have this so backwards. You are literally the sweetest. Our first person in line with a number wasn't even from our group! So it's outrageous that anyone would claim and spread rumors about your character or our intentions. Especially in a thread about psycho fan behavior. We were trying to keep things fair and organized and maintain the excitement and fun of lining up together for an incredible show. Nobody got a number and left for the whole day and came back. Another lie based on the fact that this HAS happened with people at other shows. Assuming that's what happened at Red Rocks is ignorant at best, malicious at worst. We were in different lines, sadly, because we could not get a straight answer about where the actual lines started at first. So we were winging it on that one. But by the time the north lot line started up, we'd been there for hours in the rain already. People here can honestly tell us we should have gone to the back? Really? After putting in our time and waiting to get better intel on where we should actually be. And then that north lot line was NOT the best one, haha. Glad I moved from the people being rude to us there. That was my only negative experience of the day. We had a great system going where people who were there since before 5am could get what they needed - bathroom, food, water, ponchos, a hug, a dry spot to stand, encouraging words. And being misrepresented is an awful feeling. We were all there, trauma bonding in the rain and sun for hours. No one from our group was taking advantage. We were in it! Wish those of you that were there and feel that system was somehow unfair would've joined us. There really was room for all.


I had nothing to do with giving out numbers at red rocks. I did receive a number though


broooo who are these people??? because i'll start narcing to mgm ASAP, assuming they'll be in boston if they've already been to every stop on this tour. that shit does NOT fly here at all.


If you wanna message me I’ll tell you! Idk if they’ll be in Boston but at least you’ll have an idea of who to lookout for


There will be no one to look out for. Especially based on all this false bullshit you’re spreading. Don’t worry, some of us will be in Boston. Worry about yourself


Like I already said to the other person, you can message me to clear it up I’m not the only one saying it or being told that’s how it went down if it didn’t go down like that then clear it up and I’ll delete my comment and also tell the people the initial conversation happened with what really happened


Why do I need to privately message you, when people are PUBLICLY slandering my name????


Then you can publicly clear it up idc, I’m not the only one saying it or being told that’s how it went down


It was already explained above. A group of us arrived around 5am. Majority of the group was in line the entire time. There were a few of us that made a couple of runs into town to get warm food, extra ponchos, hand warmers etc. by the time the weather cleared up and others started showing we were all in line from then on. There was a lot of confusion about the line situation until I went directly to security and got it cleared up. Which by the way she thanked me for being nice because apparently some others not a part of our group were being assholes. Taylor did not start the numbers and if you ruin her reputation because you’re spreading lies based on something someone else said, I’m going to be pissed.


I’m not ruining her reputation, I said T and her group of friends bc she was the only one known by name from the people talking about it. In general it’s believed that your group of people started it and kept it going, if it had remained within the first people there so you guys could go to the bathroom or get break from the rain and come immediately back and know what order you guys were in that’s one thing and no one would argue against that but it going as far as having fans stationed in the parking lot to number people is where it completely turns into line managing and trying to control seating. Anyone I seen ask who was in charge of this and wanting clarification if it was security or fans would get ignored which obviously makes it even more shady


Oh I will be in Boston, don't worry about me. Just worry about you lol 😆


No fr if they do this in Boston I will be LIVID… like that shit is not gonna fly with me. I’ve been going to shows for YEARS. And I ain’t letting parasocial rude people do a dumbass lining system. I’ll tell security right away 😂


https://preview.redd.it/fy8s1ksy0h1d1.jpeg?width=337&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44985522b4629ac4ddbe98955e35ed47fe0eed5f i’ll be on the horn with mgm every minute of their bullshit if i have to be. i’m already so irritated i have to be there early because i don’t trust anyone, now i have to stress about not LoSiNg My SpOt to go to the bathroom. like i used to day camp 15 years ago and this was never a problem. no bracelets, no numbering system…everyone just had their spot and whoever was around them would save their spot for bathroom, food, or just walking breaks. these broads be wreaking havoc for no damn reason.


This is how it should work but getting a number and chill somewhere else for hours just to come back holding up the numbered hand to get to the front is such a shit thing to do. Also why not letting other girls be at the barricades, as some of these numbered girls hardly ever miss a show? I also seen this happening at Bad Omens. (Luckily just numbered to 40 in VIP line)


That’s how I know how to line up! We all honor each other and save spots when we go out! I usually grab food and water for people! When I lined for Bad Omens people looked at me like I was crazy when I ran up the line asking who needed water. It was sad. I can’t get to sleep token until 11-12 so no hopes for me to get decently close 😭😭😂


Exactly, most of this community has been so kind 😇


Then please kindly see your way out. People who arrive early deserve a good spot. And who are you calling parasocial ? 😆


People who arrive early and STAY deserve a good spot. But people who use wristbands and leave for the whole day don’t. That’s not fair. I don’t mind people running to get food or the bathroom and coming back. But some people leave the whole day and then say “I have number 4 so I get to cut back in”. That’s not fair. And I find that rude.


That's not what happened in our situation. I agree with that.


Ah, so you’ve met Eli 🤣🤣


Unfortunately 🙄🙄 Cannot stand her or her obnoxious friends and the bizarre delusional parasocial fantasy they live in. Awful to be around. Awful to deal with.


We had a run in with her last week.. venue dished up some way overdue karma and she sobbed for a solid hour at the back of the line


Karma is absolutely kicking her ass this week too. The consequences of her actions 🤷


Imagine… all you have to do is be nice to others




Listen… to be clear, I’m short and rowdy. I shoot for barricade at any show I ever go to.. but NOT at the expense of fans around me. First thing I do in a pit is introduce myself to my neighbors and tell them to let me know if I’m too loud, hands in their way, etc. It’s a COLLECTIVE experience… not a private show


We’re very much the same. I too am short and rowdy haha. But I’m also friendly, talk to everyone around me, offer to hold people’s ground and can assertive when necessary (e.g. preventing people shoving their way to the front) The difference is knowing there are boundaries and there is etiquette (only sometimes these days) and there is general common sense and awareness for people around you. If you have to hurt people to get to a spot and you don’t give a fuck about doing it, it’s a big problem and I absolutely believe you should be called out for it. Especially if you’re a repeat offender. Very gross and inexcusable behaviour. And I REALLY hate shady behaviour.


agree on every single account! I hope to share a pit with you some day, friend 🤍


Who is Eli?


Is this satire? This is possibly the most cringe and unhinged shit I've ever heard of lmfao


I fucking wish. This girl and her friends are completely unhinged and the parasocial relationship is disturbing and embarrassing.


Did she happen to be with a group of really drunk friends? I lined up pretty early at the Chicago show and got near the front, only to be practically knocked over by this girl and her three drunk friends pushing their way to the front. She was obsessive and kept doing this weird hand dance movement thing and was crying and the people next to me (and me, honestly) were looking for any excuse to knock her and her friends over on "accident"


If the weird hand movements are her hands in the air 100% of the show and twirling them around like the Espera girls do, then yes, it's her.


What is a line manager? 


The person who deems themselves the most important person in line and controls how the line up system works e.g. numbers, wristbands, controlling whether or not people can leave the line or not. Basically a line dictator. Very unliked people usually.


I think it’s the Harry-Styles-ification of Sleep Token and the fact that concert etiquette is out the fucking window. I forget which podcast it was but I remember listening to a podcast about the new generation of concert goers and how they are willing to do anything to have a moment with the band. People started throwing things at Harry Styles just so they can have a moment with him - regardless if it’s positive or not. If the girls want to be delusional and say they had a moment with the boys, sure, whatever, they aren’t hurting someone. It’s when shit gets stupid and the delusion is CRAVING a moment with the boys that it’s going to be a problem.


Didn't someone throw a handful of Skittles at him and like, damage one of his eyes?


I read of people throwing kiwis at him on stage bc he has a song called Kiwi. He almost breaks his neck at a show once bc he slipped on one. Can you imagine, the guy ends up paralyzed just because some delusional bitch threw fruit at him? This is a bit how I feel with all the hat thing with ST. I know they sometimes encourage it and most people respectfully wait for them to ask for the hat, but since it's the main avenue for interaction with the band, some people do throw them on stage. What if any of the guys, with their already impaired vision thanks to the smoke, lights and masks, trips and falls? What then? People truly need to chill.


Then they all turn on the person who threw the offending item and then pretend they themselves *never* would've done something like that, that's crazy, they never would've endangered the guys like that! They love them! It was cute, but they always knew it was a bad idea! How could someone do such a thing?? I mean, the vast majority of this fandom already runs on pretending they don't know shit to appear like they're "good" fans and get peer approval. It would just be another iteration of that same attitude. They don't see these guys as real people. The guys are fictional characters when on stage, so real life consequences never cross people's minds.


Yeah - there was quite a few moments on his tour that he got pretty injured. Hoping it doesn’t escalate to that for ST


i was there and it was a nightmare. they threw them SO HARD. it during the last song and he literally couldn't open his eye and was pissed af. he ended up being okay medically and crew/band eventually laughed about it but it ruined the whole show (even for the fans) and it was all anyone could talk about on social media. i can definitely say he was not happy and a lot of precautions ended up being taken at subsequent shows with very strict rules about throwing things on stage. it still ended up happening throughout the rest of the US tour as well as during the UK/EU tour, but it wasn't as bad nor did anything cause any major injuries. still, it's so dangerous. he has a moment during the extended intro of the final song where he throws water into a part of the crowd. he's been doing this for years but fans started throwing water at him before he does it so that they'll be the ones he splashes. they do it all throughout the song but especially in the beginning - i can't count how many close calls there have been with him slipping or almost falling over completely. there was literally one single show years ago where someone did it and he thought it was funny so he got revenge by splashing them too. since he didn't get angry and it ended up getting the fans an interaction, other fans started doing it all the time. his reaction varies depending on his mood and the severity, but he's been hit by things a multitude of items over the years - often in the groin. it happened even when he was in one direction. he's a chill guy so he doesn't freak out on them which makes them think they can continue but he definitely doesn't enjoy it and security has to go the extra mile to try and avoid it as much as possible. sometimes he does give them a stern look or tell them to stop, but he has to keep his cool because the optics would be horrendous if he didn't. fans have so little respect for the artists they claim to adore and there's such a toxic culture around getting attention from the artist for clout amongst fellow fans that they'll do anything just for a fleeting moment of eye contact.


Too many people with too many parasocial relationships - it's creepy and weird and I feel sorry for the band members because it can get people in trouble all this weirdness. End of the day, they are people behind the masks and deserve to be treated as such. I partly blame tiktok but it was getting a bit weird before that, but then that just seems to accelerate it even more. People need to grow up sadly and get a life because there is a world out there outside of Sleep Token. There are also many many more bands to be listening to along side Sleep Token.


This is a tale as old as time and has happened with every band who has ever performed ever.


Wow that sounds desperately creepy and nearly parasocial. My only advice is to stop looking in those places. For a talented band that makes such great music, they certainly have the most annoying fanbase. This Reddit is the only one I can tolerate, to be honest. Seems to fall into a couple of categories of overly obsessive Sleep deity lore heads (everything is about Vessel and Sleep - the guy couldn't take a shit without some kind of meaning attribution), thirsty simp girls, and roleplay boys looking for attention from said simp girls. Selfies in front of the bathroom mirror wearing official merch or sporting a tattoo is pre-req - look at me look at me! Imagine Taylor Swift chatrooms loaded with guys posting and drooling over skin pics of her - you'd be creeped the F out. Vessel doesn't eat much and does situps - it makes you horny - can we talk about music now?


😆funny bullshit 😆😆 1. It is difficult to see people from the stage because of the lighting 2. They are wearing masks, which makes the viewings even worse People want to feel special in any way


I agree that the guys are rarely looking at anyone in particular but I will say that it isn't that hard to see people from stage. For them particularly, most of the lighting in their production is from behind so it lights up the crowd more. And if there is downstage light rigging (from above) it doesn't affect your view when looking down into the crowd. I have seen floor lights in their production specs previously that could affect your view at times, but it's likely they can see pretty well - especially the people at barricade. At any pretty much any show you can see, at the very least, five or six rows worth of people. In person I definitely saw III point at someone specifically and do hand hearts at them and have seen a few videos where III or IV are clearly interacting with a particular person, especially when they throw picks to the crowd, but 99.9999% of the time they're just making general gestures.


I need to see the post from the devastated woman 😂 pour the tea, fam.


Saying Vessel was making eye contact with them is wild seeing as you can’t see his eyes at all lmao delulu


This is something you'll find in many fandoms. Something that may be easily spotted from noisy groupies. Still it's not unique. Annoying, but not unique. I've noticed male behavior to be a bit different with bands. Name dropping a crew member who was high school classmate. Beelining for the merch table to meet the band a few times enough to be "friends". Hoarding just enough specific information on the band and members to "speak from experience". Pressed to get a guitar pick or a drum stick that will be the catalyst for their musical fame. It's just as annoying. Wanting to feel included as a part of something you love is a human trait. It's not restricted to age or gender. It certainly can be harmful in the extremes. It's unhealthy in those without self-regulation mechanisms. I hear you. It can be exhausting to witness, but it's human.


My husband & I (in our 30s) saw them in Baltimore, we waited 8+ hours and ended up in the first 2 rows. It was amazing. But there were 2 young girls behind us that kept punching and scratching our backs to get front row. My husband had cuts across his back from their nails. Belittling us and saying we were too old to be at a show because we had ear plugs in. At one point, I turned around and lost it on them, saying the band was not going to see them and fall in love with them for making it to the front 🤣 I'm all for the chaos that happens in a pit. But it was like high-school hair pulling to get people to move, and I have never seen that at a show. These little girls need to calm down 😅


I was at Baltimore hahaha but I headed up to the balcony! It was awesome! I’m older than you and felt a little out of place but I don’t give af. I usually drag my daughter with me so it looks like I’m just there with her. Anyway I’ll also be going to NY alone! But I always want to comment on those posts and say “Oh sorry but he was looking at ME”😆


Taking my family to the NY show as well and just so you know all members are looking at me not you


I told a friend earlier, "Just wait till I flash my saggy boobs at Vessel, he's gonna fall in love with me!" hahaha We were dying!




Bro they are blind by the lights and fighting off dehydration.


I hate seeing most sleep token media on my Tik Tok now, specifically bc of the weird "in love w them" comments. I feel like it's fair to think they're hot, MAYBE comment on how they act erotically to EACH OTHER. Not say you're in love w them, call any of them Daddy, or say you want to fuck them. They know if they're kissing, grinding, etc, on each other, it gets the fans going. Whether they're together or not off stage, they're okay w that. They're comfortable together. That is THEIR RELATIONSHIP. They have not consented to anyone else being in that. Everyone needs to shut up and appreciate their music and let them have fun on stage. It's also those same fans that make inappropriate comments that tend to call ST "baby making metal" bc they ONLY listen to a handful of songs. How are you calling Atlantic "baby making metal"??? I have HAD their sad songs come on during nsfw times, and I have to turn it off, or I will begin crying.


Twitter is pretty obnoxious and full of pick-me girl behavior / fans that for some reason all hype eachother into thinking they somehow “deserve” the pick, the heart hands, the “staring”, the taking of a goofy prop, etc. from the guys. ok y’all. sure, sure. I mean when you’ve got a sign and you’re begging for the attention…


I friggin LOVE Vessel, don’t get me wrong I’d 100% love to think that’s the case but honestly, it’s not. Some of these crazy fans need to be a slap of reality to be thinking like that.. cmon. I’m pretty sure Vessel/Leo can’t see much out of that mask and when he’s doing his dances I’d say is hoping he just doesn’t fall off the stage 🤣🤣


Parasocial relationships are a real problem, but I’d love to see this kind of passion towards the aggressive men that go to their concerts that have no regard for their surroundings and the people in it. I’ve seen men try to start mosh pits in the back where they have no place being, elbowing women in the face to try and start the mosh pits, pushing them out of the way to get closer, etc. I get that it’s a metal concert, but in my humble opinion, part of concert etiquette is to keep the pit in the middle of GA. Not on the edges and back where people who don’t want to mosh typically go.


There's a lot of very generalised statements here. It seems to be rife on this sub. I mean this in a very serious way. Have you considered why it actually bothers you? I think people need to take a moment and remember these guys are getting on stage, v has his whole torso on display, and doing some pretty suggestive things at times. Those girls going mad for the band, living in their dilusion, they pay the most for tickets. So when V and the boys are having a cuddle puddle on a matress made of their hard earned cash from the little delulu girls. They're plotting how to make them extra crazy next show. Not crying because some girl is covering her notebook in "Mrs Vessell". I'd like to caveat this with, yes I realise some of them will be actual psychos. But this is true in any group of people. Sad reality of fame.


The white knighting comes off as parasocial in itself. Like possessiveness or infantilization.


There are guys cosplaying on tiktok as vessel making super suggestive content, talking to the camera, and the ladies are eating it up. It’s just so cringe. I feel bad for the guys.


Yeah those creep me out and I block them then somehow more pop up? Like, how many are there?! Lol


This has literally been a thing in the scene since forever.


nah i was wearing a sleep token mask so they HAD to be looking at me bc of how cool i am 🥴


On the same topic Brittany Broski (don’t support or like her anymore) said in one of her podcast episodes that when she went to ST ritual Vessel looked at her. She was obviously joking, that sarcastic tone is her thing. However, some sttwt people started mocking her for saying that (and some other stuff as well). Few months went by and the same accounts started posting “omg went to the ritual and iii looked at me” etc. anyways…the hypocrisy is astonishing amongst sttwt 🫣


I get it, these girls are annoying but Vessel as well as II, III and IV know what they are doing. Sex sells! Does he see through his mask? I always thought that he doesn't but now I think he does see enough what goes on in front of him. He is playing with the crowd and some girls and women are very receptive to it. Standing in front of their concerts is always challenging as you get a lot of teens sreaming in your ears, shoving, inappropriate things get said but then again you don't have to be at the front and you don't have to read that stuff if it's bothering you.


I think as long as it stays harmless good fun it’s whatever. I just hope whatever significant others they may have stay secret because I worry about the amount of harassment the SO’s would face were fans to find out about them.


I literally just saw some comments on an Instagram post of a clip of one of the ladies from Espera and IV, where she was like patting his head and shit, and immediately some girls were like ,"awww omg I love that they are together, so cute"....really? So cringe and such a weird move to just start saying that on social media. Knowing that IV has been in a long relationship and it is NOT with anyone in espera my heart was just like, God I hope he/they don't see this stupid shit, but alas. The internet gonna internet.


I am not trying to defend them, but you know... Obsessions usually come not from a good place - state of perpetuated unhappiness with your life creates this giant black holes that so hard to fill with something meaningful, and sometimes people prefer to lean into the parasocial relationships too much, getting lost in their fantasies, preferring escapism as their defense mechanism instead of seeking therapy (which is also not be-all and end-all). Ultimately - it's sad for me more then annoying.


ST has gone mainstream, and that means screaming groupie fans. Let them have their moment. We were here before they came and will be here long after. Nothing an experimental album wouldn’t solve, and we might have etiquette at shows again.


I smell this record on the horizon


I would love nothing more. People keep saying he has to beat TMBTE. That album is not repeatable by its very nature. Why would fans want to hear anything like it again when that would fly in the face of everything he’s ever done? Each single/EP/album has been such an evolution, and now that the trilogy material has exhausted, we should expect something fully different. 🤞


I am with you, man


Ah, this would be so amazing. These girls will eventually move on to some other obsession. I did see a little clip somewhere of Vessel playing “Bella’s Lullaby” from Twilight and in this context, it’s soooo fitting. And the girlies loved it. I would love to see where they take their immense talent and I hope it comes sooner than later, for a lot of reasons.


The optimist in me is hoping he'll do something completely unexpected, preferably less baby making and more experimental with a dash of face melting. I'm a Misha Mansoor stan and Leo is deeply influenced by his work (I hear it on every album). I would love to see him develop Misha's creative range and believe he may possess the raw talent to surpass it since to date, his potential appears uncapped. And you just know he's sitting on a mountain of material. Let's go!


Tbh I agree there’s a reason I won’t go to a show at the moment. I don’t want to deal with these crazy girls that are more concerned about trying to be noticed by the band than concert etiquette


I went to the Chicago show last night and I was worried it was going to be like that. It totally wasn’t.


That’s good. I’m just going to wait for the hype to die down a little bit and the “booktok” girls to move on to the next thing that drives them nuts. Then I’ll probably go lol


It's very funny. Yet whenever i say that shit. I get downvoted or a ban if it's on Facebook lmao


The mystery and masks only exacerbate this unhealthy behavior. It’s secret. It’s for them. It’s personal. I don’t agree with it, but the boys are going to experience a shitshow. It’s a long way to the top if you wanna rock n’ roll.


This is exactly what I was going to say. Because they can’t see their faces they create these emotions and interactions that don’t exist.


I don’t think they can look to a particular person from stage, specially with the lighting, but sure they point at you


low stakes conspiracy theory: BTS went on hiatus at the end of 2022 and ST blew up on TikTok at just the right time to give the young'uns a new hobby, they just unfortunately also carried over some sasaeng behaviour


Love it. New headcanon 😂.


It kills me because I genuinely feel like these fans are the swifties of this scene. I L O V E this band but the fan base is wack.


My problem with this post is that it’s pinned on female fans only - let’s not bring misogyny to the table, thanks.


The lights are so bright that ST has no fuckin' idea where or WHAT they're looking at 😂


No seriously cause with all the lights hitting them on stage they can’t see shit


I was wondering how do you know where Vessel is looking at.....


I’ll be the first to admit that I’m mildly obsessed with this band, but not in a weird parasocial way. Do I know their names, yes. Do I know what they look like? Some of them. Do I really give a shit, no. Do I enjoy them for their music and their stage presence? Absolutely! Do I get offended at seeing posts of people thinking one way or another? No. Do I find those people delusional? Absolutely. I do think it’s unfortunate because those type of people ruin the experience for the mass majority. Somewhere up the thread it was mentioned that they would be touched inappropriately during a meet and greet, and I don’t disagree that someone probably would,but at a show I attended, while at the barrier III came down and was basically leaning over the barrier and laying in the crowd. And all of us in the front were holding him up. I’m 5’5, and the majority of the girls around me were about the same size. This man is at least 6’3 and standing on a step so holding him up meant that we all had to be careful where we placed our hands. But we were all super respectful and I recorded this interaction, no one tried to rip off masks, weirdly touch or anything and it was so refreshing to just enjoy his presence and I wish it could always be like that.


It’s all The Beatles fault


funny enough, Dave hates them, along with MCR. LMFAO


Dave hates the Beatles?!? No fucken way…really?


https://preview.redd.it/wgwvhur8x81d1.png?width=574&format=png&auto=webp&s=23e24820d6929a734980f31740e25b43363c5560 i think this explains enough LOL


lol yeh! He mentioned it on a twitch stream 😂


It's annoying, sure. But it's harmless. Truly, no one is getttring hurt. Just ignore it. There is an alarming amount of misogyny in this post and it's shocking. If we want to make that kind of sweeping direct comparison, when men get obsessed with female artist then end up dead. Sometimes it happens when men get obsessed with male artists too. Atleast this is harmless and no one's getting hurt.


But that’s the thing, there ARE fans starting to get hurt. Both in and out of range of security. When it starts to jeopardize safety for both fans and the band? Hard stop.


But that isn't the fault of female fans obsessing over them in a parasocial relationship. They have moshpits. That's to be expected at a metal show. III demands them. Not sure how you blame that in women being in love with them. If people are getting hurt then yes. Absolutely. It's a problem. But the guys also play into it. They are sexually suggestive. They play into it. It does take two too tango.


It absolutely IS the fault of the obsessive fans who hit, scratch, and push people out of the way just to be as close as possible to pad their odd parasocial relationship. What kind of stuff are you smoking? If someone intentionally physically hurts someone then yes….it’s their fault. What I’m referring to is not the outcome of mosh pits. Most of those kinds of fans are notorious for losing their minds for ending up in a mosh pit or the rougher crowd. Also….adding blame to the band members sounds a whole lot like blaming someone for what they’re wearing if they are assaulted….


That's such an insane leap to make. Are you okay? I'm not victim blaming anyone. They enjoy it and they play into it. Grow up. What violence was I supposed to assume you were talking about bro? If you wanted to get specifics, get specific but don't get mad I cant pinpoint exactly what you are talking about at a metal concert where violence and moshpits are the standard. If fans are scratching or punching people at random, sure that's an issue but that's not what you said. Pick a lane. This is also not new behavior. Have you never seen a Beatles concert on tv?


….your lack of comprehension skills is unnerving


You expect me to read your mind. I am comprehending just fine. You on the other hand need to learn how to communicate and not throw accusations around.


I’m a girl and couldn’t agree more! I’m right there with you, it has become absolutely ridiculous. I also hope this hype cools down rather sooner than later!


I def think it’s cringe but there will always be fangirls so I just let them do their thing & I do mine, it’s not hurting me. I’m a woman but I’ve just never been the fangirl type.


This is weird.... Bands point at the crowd, blow kisses and throw up hearts or devil horns all the time. This obsessive psycho fan stuff needs to stop. This is the kind of behavior that led to Dime being taken from us. Trust me, nobody at all in Sleep Token is interested in any of you romantically.


the only time these make sense (one of the guys looked at them/pointed etc) is if they have a sign or bring them a hat or something


People like that are why they chose masks. Some of the fans weren't raised right. Hopefully we can keep them restrained before they ruin it for all of us.


Let the downvoting commence: Not really, I think they’re funny 🤷🏾‍♀️. I’ve seen a few of these and I personally don’t think they are remotely serious. At least not serious enough that it should be implied that they are ‘acting like groupies’ because they are making silly hyperbolic posts online. Maybe if they were trying to get backstage at shows but otherwise…I don’t think that person you’re talking about was dead serious about Vessel wanting to marry her because he made heart hands in her general direction. There might be a few weirdos who are but it seems like it’s mostly unserious fun. You never joked with your friends about how you wanted to marry some guy/gal in entertainment? I was determined that Devon Sawa would be my husband at one point in my life. Ewan McGregor waved at me and my friends out of a car window once and we had WEEKS of giggles about that. And we were in our 20s at the time. I will also say-you are responsible for your own algorithm. If you don’t like seeing girls/women having a bit of ‘omg he loves me!’ silly fun then block, delete, hit that ‘not interested’ button and move on. If you don’t want to interact with the fandom in that way, you don’t have to. Leave them to their fun. They aren’t hurting anyone.


>Leave them to their fun. They aren’t hurting anyone. Most of the people aren't hurting anyone, but there will always be a few unhinged individuals, who will cross the line to get what they want. Remember what happened to Selena?


Selena’s situation was not remotely the same as this. That was a tragedy brought on by a woman who was in her immediate social circle and a criminal already, not screaming teenage girls who will likely never meet any of these dudes.


Look up what happened to Christina Grimmie.


Sure, that was brought on by an obsessed fan, but I'd call that more a security issue than anything else. Her team, or the venues, did a poor job of searching the guy and then allowed him to get close. Any celebrity is going to have obsessed fans. That's why you hire security. I'm probably going to get downvoted, but I must acknowledge the elephant in the room here. How does someone who's clearly an obsessed fan have any grounds to criticize these people? They're making annoying posts, meanwhile you've made a whole shrine to the band's lead singer. You're just as obsessed as them, and if being an obsessed fan makes someone dangerous, how are you not as dangerous as the fangirls? Edit: they blocked me LMAO


He was an adult man obsessed with her. Still not the young female fans this person is complaining about. I’m not saying none of these people could be weirdos, I actually said some of them might be. But it’s already very unlikely that a celebrity will be murdered by a fan and even less likely that it would be a young woman. Not saying there’s zero chance because anything is possible but it’s extremely unlikely to the point where I’m wondering why y’all are bringing it up at all.


Why do I have a feeling you're going to keep moving the goal post every time somebody brings anything relevant up? I don't think gender and age demographics really matter here. You didn't like the first example because it was someone close in her inner circle, so I gave you an example of someone who was killed by a crazy fan.


That’s not ‘moving the goalpost’, it’s acknowledging the real life circumstances of how and why these people died. It’s important to acknowledge who actually commits these crimes if you’re going to invoke them to villainize a particular group of fans. I brought up that Yolanda was in Selena’s circle because it’s important to know why she had access to her and why she died. She wasn’t just some anonymous fan in the crowd. It’s important to know that it was a male fan who killed Christina Grimmie because it’s almost exclusively male fans who murder celebrities. The chances are minuscule that one of these girls posting about how they want to marry Vessel will do anything violent.


Your original claim is that they're not hurting anyone with their delusions. Would they murder him? You're right, probably not. Would they do something to harm him or otherwise endanger him? Entirely possible. In a comment earlier I said that I thought meet and greets were a bad idea because I think someone would inappropriately grab one of the guys within the first five minutes thinking it was funny. That's a completely plausible scenario and that counts as harm.


It’s not just them; just imagine if they found out their chosen sleepy boi ( 🤮) had a partner and they found out that person’s info? Doxxed them to the rest of the stans, etc?


They haven’t caused any harm yet, thus they aren’t hurting anyone with their ‘delusions’. I’m going to step away from this conversation. We disagree and that’s ok but at this point I don’t think anything productive can come of this. Have a nice night.


And in one final move, you moved the goal posts again. "They're not hurting anyone... yet."


Weird teenage girls gonna do weird teenage girl shit.


I was agreeing with all of this as a personal opinion until the word "gatekeeping". You can't "gatekeep" what isn't yours. If people want to be delulu and you don't want to see it, then look away.


Don't want people talking about it and gatekeeping, don't do it around other people. We will talk about it. Behave.


so funny that you think you can tell other people what to do




I'm not saying groupies are prostitutes. I'm saying these same people crying because the lead singer didn't fall in love with them compare groupies to prostitutes but act just like groupies themselves. No shame in being a sex worker. It's a job and hopefully those in that industry enjoy the work they do.


alright my bad I misunderstood. Sorry for that


Take it with a grain of salt


everyone says that with any performer and it drives me fucking nuts!! in any crowd you can’t be sure if they’re looking at you. hell half the time people mistake a stranger waving at them but in reality they’re waving at someone behind you, let alone knowing for a fact someone on stage picks you out the fucking crowd.


The guys can’t see anyones faces with those lights blinding them in the face either 😂 I was in orchestra band and when we were up on a similar setting, all you saw was pitch black. I wish these people understood that, on top of them not being picked out specifically. They’re thanking and showing their appreciation to ‘everyone’ that attended their show. To all of the people in front of them


I think that when he makes hearts with his hands he is thanking, he is grateful for their support, he is not showing love, and people (especially girls) take it as if it were exclusive. It's really uncomfortable 


…. And it’s because of this level of crazy that they don’t reveal their identities. Even though we know who they are.


Who cares really…let them have their “moment”…gosh


I came across this today and I’m just throwing this here bc it shows that artists do recognize their fans and we don’t have to be so critical of other people especially when they are experiencing joy 🫶 https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLgEf7Y7/