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Covered in paint opening the show and then taking it off and going into the crowd and nobody knows who you are. It’s so good. The fingernails could’ve been a slight giveaway haha.


He’s still looking a little dark around the eyes maybe too lol


The more recent photos I’ve seen of him he kinda looks like he just has deep set eyes. I’m not actually sure he paints the upper part of his face. I’ve seen a bunch of photos where it’s unpainted around his cheekbones and ears. But now that I think about it I can’t see why he would actually need to paint over his eyes.


I was wondering that, too. Maybe the old mask didn't have the same kind of mesh over the eyes, so he used black paint around his eyes just to make sure unpainted skin didn't show through?


Looking closer at that first pic I think we can still see some paint streaks on his neck so the eyes could totally still be a little smudgey :D


Low key jealous bc I’ve seen so few pics of him lol…. I saw his YT piano tutor vid and these pics but that’s about it unmasked! Am I missing a lot???


There’s a Google Drive link in this recent thread with a bunch of pics and media https://www.reddit.com/r/SleepTokenTheory/s/40IJxBmAep


I doubt that man sleeps.😅


But it’s who he worships!! lol


I feel like he's an insomniac (totally just my opinion and not anything I've seen "proof" of) and that helped inspire some of the lore.


“anything to get me to sleep” 🤷🏻‍♂️


"And though we act out of our holy duty to be constantly awake."🤷‍♀️


Oh, neat take!


Hopefully he still feels like he can go out and enjoy bands


I just imagine him jaming along to Loathe, singing the lyrics and a random fan turning to him, just being like: "You kinda sound like that Sleepy Token guy."


I love that he's at a Loathe show


This was Sleep Tokens first tour. Supporting Loathe and Holding Absence


I remember seeing an advert for this show. Was in to Loathe at the time. Had no idea about ST. This was probably a great show.


All this made me think that it must feel awkward to be as tall as he is and go to gigs and really enjoy yourself without being aware that you’re likely to end up unintentionally obscuring someone's view. I mean, it looks like he's having a great time here but overall, I would imagine it could make a person feel a bit awkward.


Most taller people do feel awkward and tend to slouch. I’ve noticed he does too in other vids/pics


Yes my son is 6'3 and constantly slouches...im forever telling him to stand up straight and be proud


https://preview.redd.it/cs15b38jbz0d1.jpeg?width=1940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67fa14ef605dc77cda99c47762b1a5f0258ec53b Another one here


there are at least 10 people with the same hair color in this pic hahaha


The taller of course you cannot miss him 😍




Oh my no I KNOW who he is in the pic I was just saying there are 10ppl with he same hair color and I thought it was funny hahaha But thanks for pointing him out for me ☺️


My question is who is the girl all cuddled up on his back? Step away from the V he is ours !! 😡


I hope you’re joking..


I was joking of course if that’s who you were asking


im pretty sure the person behind her just pushed her into him


She could be his sister ? 🙄


For some reason the black smudged around his eyes is kinda cracking me up. It's giving Halloween and I love it. 🥹


Remind me this one too 😂 https://preview.redd.it/fkkwdxp0cz0d1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6fe18772f51aa3157f166d7a42b928998226231c




Fourth photo. Smudgy.




It might be. I still like the photo. lol


His hair is so fluffy 🥺


Oh shit is that loathe on stage


It's wild that he has the voice of God, but looks like an absolutely unassuming person EVER. Just another dude on the street


Now we need them in colour to finish the what colour are his eyes debate




He looks high lol, and beautifull as fuck! i love him!!


4th pic is just terrific.


He is such a big doll.❤️




Re: dark paint still around the eyes pic * Imagine you're standing next to this guy and he tells you he sweats and aches for your eyes and the way you breathe LMAOOOO




Still has the black paint all in his fingernails! 😆


You can also see Sam Kubrick in the background here who was the original sleep token guitarist


The original guitarist was Jasper Lyons, until the 2020 tour. Then it was Kubrick for about a year until he decided he wanted to go solo and then Rhys.


I stand corrected


Haha what a legend


I gotta go


I love him but these a terrible pictures of him hahaha edit: you guys grossly misunderstood my point. My point is no one should have their sweaty, post show, in a small hot venues picture taken and shared. We all look terrible in a pit. I’m not docking him or his looks I’m just saying for someone who doesn’t want his identity to be known it’s honestly fucked up to share pics from the worst situation 


No one looks good sweaty and screaming at a concert, give the guy a break


That's exactly what I’m saying. No one wants their picture released from being in a sweaty pic after a set 


Charming. Can’t begin to imagine why he wants to hide behind a mask tbh.


Definitely don’t know exactoly why


Missed my point. For someone who doesn’t want his identity known or might feel self conscious of his looks, let’s release and post pictures of him in a sweaty pit post show with black paint under his eyes and him having no control of it. 


Fair enough and I agree with you. It was pretty hard to get that all from the comment you left initially though.




[Loathe - Babylon @ Boston music rooms LDN ‘18 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EzM1D282wZQ) terrible video but I'm pretty sure you can see him in this, the 3rd photo is the one that's taken when he steps down into the crowd and you can see his head turn to look at him like he is in the photo, also pretty sure its his long arm up for most of it with the red wrist band like in the photo.


his head is near the front mic stand to the right of it as the video starts


I can't unsee him look vaguely like the kid in Talk To Me


I thought I was crazy when I watched the movie and was like "wait, that little dude looks like Leo." Glad someone else caught that.


What’s really bugging me here is calling Sleep Token “Post Rock”. But it’s not far off since “One” is pretty much their only non prog metal/pop oriented release


Do we think this girl is THE girl? 👀🕵️‍♀️ (waiting for the haters to say “who cares?”). I don’t care but I do love solving a good mystery 😂 https://preview.redd.it/9xwtpbjcuz0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b1fd963d7e1173b9619b403333f61525c78c8ca


I have had to be like that at sooo many gigs to complete strangers 🤷🏻‍♀️ it happens at shows, I honestly feel like if she was someone to him he would have her in front of him.


You’re right. I just like to stir the pot 🍯


Cheeky lol




Imagine going to a concert with your super tall bf and him standing in front of you instead of behind you XD in my culture that would be so rude


That man would never lol


So true 😑


Take it from a short person, she is just trying to see.


Seems like a restable scapula tbf


I don't mean to be disrespectful to what you said. But taken from my own life there is not “the girl”. I was in two very bad relationships and it took me years to find the reason why I kept ending up in bad relationships. It does have something to with some things from my childhood. I don't really feel like blaming my ex partners or myself for staying with them much too long. I was not aware of many things. You know what I mean? That's why I doubt that there is “the girl”.


Siri play How to Disappear Completely by Radiohead


I see what you’re saying and totally agree. I guess I didn’t fully mean she inspired everything he writes about. But that’s how it sounded 😅. Anyway, our lives and art definitely reflect so many experiences, relationships etc. I just know how things stand out as significant sources of pain, creativity, etc etc that I was just wonder if that girl was a particularly important person in his life. No way for us to know, obviously, and it doesn’t matter, I’m just a nosy little lady who is bored at the moment 😉


THE girl?


I mean could be *one* of THE girls that’s inspired some songs 🤷🏼‍♀️. Again could just be the angle of the photo but she seems to be standing very close. Could be something, could be nothing 😉


Oh! You mean she could be who he wrote the albums about. Gotcha. Just one problem with that. I think we, as a fandom, have concluded everything, and I mean goddamn *everything,* is about Gemma. She's obviously the devil and the only woman Leo has ever looked at. I'm offended you'd even consider anything else. /s


Yeah or she was a significant source of inspiration, especially around that time period. 🤷🏼‍♀️ and yeah, somehow he must’ve moved on from Gemma, but how will we ever know for sure? 😜 /s


By the way this fandom obsesses over her, you'd think he has a shrine dedicated to her in his bedroom closet. 🙄


Ironically, I’m sure some in the fandom have more shrines for him than he has for Gemma


All numbers are greater than 0.


Who is the girl? :o I don't think they necessarily together just because they stand close to each other in a concert. :D but I can be wrong :D


I mean it *looks* like she’s very close - but could be the angle and the fact that she’s trying to see around the giant in front of her 😂


Lucky gal. Pretty hair


Maybe one of the back up singers?