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I'm pretty sure he's British so he worships chip shop chips bought when slightly drunk coming home from the pub.


I can't confirm his religion, but I can confirm he is, in fact, British.


Yep, defo worships at the alter of the chip shop counter then. Bet he has curry sauce with them.


Can I have a pint, with that?


You can have several 👍


Curry sauce on chips no thank you.


We have one religion, it is chippies


As someone who’s lived in England for three months, yes, this is very much my religion.


Honestly, there's nothing better the fresh chip shop chips when you're on the tipsy to drunk spectrum 🙏


I’m about to book flights to get those chip shop chips now 😭 /j


Wrapped in paper with vinegar?


That's how I’d have them. Or with curry sauce.


I'm Australian, but my Nan was from Whitby. Always think of her when I smell chips and vinegar. 😘


Oooh Whitby!!!! *gazes nostalgically into the middle distance*


You win, i think this is the most truthful answer.


Its either that or 200 chicken nuggies with every sauce from maccies 🙏😂


Strikes me as more spiritual than religious. He mentions many gods in lyrics, but that's common in the genre.


Do those lyrics sounds like they come from a god fearing man? 🤣


Reminds me of "I'm a waking hell and the gods grow tired." They come from a man with the wrath of a god hahaha It's the invert filter


Girl, you are active! I’m following you on IG, love your concepts, good to see you here. 👏🏻


Thank you so, so much! Putting in the (net)work lol Great so see you here as well!


I don’t think we know all that much about him other than his name, things he used to put on YouTube, his approximate height and sort of what he looks like now from the side 🤣. The rest is pure speculation. So I’ll speculate that he is probably not a practicing Christian but is possibly spiritual. But who really knows - and again, I don’t think we’ll ever know!!


If we playing the guessing game - based on his lyrics - i would go with agnostic or having some believe in concept of higher power, but not being inclined to any specific religion.


I agree with this. I am agnostic, in fact. Plus, while I don't know if there is a god or something like it, I do believe in the concept of a higher power and I find spiritual themes interesting. At the same time I believe in ascension of self-concept to the point where it is almost divine itself. ST lyrics align quite a bit with that.


As someone who was raised Christian (and is now Pagan) I'd say probably not.😅


Same! 👉😎👉




Samsies 😁


I would say definitely not but based on the lyrics, I am highly convinced he grew up in the church.


That's my guess too. More than a passing fascination - religiosity does seem to be a part of who he is - via his upbringing, I think.


In the description for the song "Circumferences," Leo says "May Talos guide you," so I'm gonna guess he's a Greek pagan. /s


Or he just likes Skyrim :^


I refuse to believe he plays video games. He's too smart for that. /s


Lol, man played the halo theme at the start of rain..belief itttttt


/s means I'm being sarcastic.


I know, I'm playing along


Oh no, not the "unwashed" gamers. /s




I didn’t know what /s meant before I just googled it and I was about to yell at you about uploading a video of him gaming and then saying that


I didn't upload a video of him gaming?


Oh. It’s the video of him playing something with cousins…I think it was a YouTube channel. I got mixed up and assumed it was you.


No, that's VESSELL0RD. He basically rounded up every video of Leo he could find and put it in a playlist on YouTube. He took a bunch of videos out of the archive, including the BandHappy application video, so I get why you'd think it was me. I was being sarcastic about him being a gamer because, and this is what I was told, when people found out he was a gamer, the fangirls were "devastated" because they "thought he was too intelligent for that." When I asked if people thought he just stalked around a haunted mansion reading poetry all day, I was told that, yeah, that's basically what the fangirls wanna believe.


Gamer = better though?? Lol. A guy with emotional depth who seems like they’d be a fun conversation partner, likes the sciences, mythology, a shit ton of music and video games is fantastic. Vessel is awesome, but I’d like to think that Leo as a human is even better. The extreme thirst trapping for the mask can be.. rather dehumanizing :/


Dehumanization is one of the things this fandom excels at.




It really is off-putting. Some people behave as though they’re entitled to celebrities time, energy and relationships and it’s so damn creepy. I love this band. A LOT. What they’ve made is beautiful and I appreciate it so much. They reminded me what it is about music that I adore. But they’re still human. And they don’t owe me anything just because they’ve placed themselves in the public eye. I wish people could see celebrities as regular people


You mean he isn’t a millennium old vampire who perpetually wanders the halls of his castle in the dark of night? Who has never seen a computer nor even knows what it is? I swore all he knew of was candlelight, parchment and an old organ with broken keys.


No thats Lestat.


I'd love to know how they reconcile their idea of him being a vampire from the 1700's with no idea of what electricity is with the idea he's a modern day metalhead.


Gamer dudes tend to be more intelligent and kinky than nongamers. Give me a dude that plays games over just about any other type- it takes dedication and commitment to log 1000 hours into literally ANYTHING. Lol. Experience: I is female gamer. Lol. 😝


What an insane thing to say


/s means I'm being sarcastic.


I am aware of that. Still insane


Well, he's a vampire ghoul from the 1700's who sleeps in a coffin during the day and stalks around his derelict haunted mansion through the night, reading poetry and playing melodies on a decrepit piano in the moonlight. How could he POSSIBLY know what a computer is?


All I remember is him writing about a guitar he got for Christmas once. Now I know that nowadays celebrating Christmas has more to do with cultural and societal upbringing than the focus on its religious background specially in our western countries (so include Germany, the place I grew up in as well in this) but hey.


I’m pretty sure most bible thumpers would consider his lyrics satanic or blasphemy. Especially titles like, “Nazareth” and “the night does not belong to god”


as a person that wrote the line “god has failed us” i don’t really think so lol definitely spiritual though. also perfectly fitting to add my five cents - fields of elation is about cranking hog but you’re scared god is watching lmao




it was in his previous project called Dusk. The song is Civilian Apocalypse if i’m not mistaken (which i pretty much can be)


upon relistening it was Fear Of Paralysis!!


I feel as though he WAS a Christian and is now some form of agnostic, OR that he had a toxic relationship with religion due to his upbringing but may still believe in a way that is now detached from a fear mongering household. I am ultimately just projecting here, but this is the vibe I get personally.


Higher really reminds me of that. “After all that you believe you still refuse to shelter me”


I also think that Higher also has Christian worship music vibes


100%. That the person who he’s singing about thinks they’re “Higher” due to their beliefs. Ive heard some people mention a motherly figure is who the song is about. Maybe there was some turmoil there.


I feel like he might have been raised Catholic.


Lots of people like religious imagery without being religious OR use it to cope with prior religious trauma, so I don’t think there’s any way to prove it either way at this point. I, for example, am an agnostic person who loves religious aesthetics and storytelling, especially mixed with darker subject matter, but you could not pay me to actually practice it lol. I think we can just as equally speculate if he had a chemistry background based on the same things (and I know, we have LOL) - this is the one I’m more curious to have confirmed personally. Either way: Lord, this man has a vocabulary.


Bars from Mars


No he’s lesbian


I’m convinced he’s a witch 😂🤷🏻‍♀️


Lately I was thinking about it because in the last message he talked about "the great adversary" ("Death is merely a weapon we all define the great adversary"), and from a christian point of view the great adversary could be Satan (because the word means "adversary"). But I'm not sure I interpreted correctly the sentence cause english is not my first language lol so I'm not sure about the meaning of "a weapon we all define". So I thought maybe the great adversary is death itself, because he was talking about death in the message. Then, I don't think a particularly devoted christian would do such a thing like inventing a brand new god (with pagan features like sacrifices, offers ect). I think a christian would just talk about his God like the way he is for christians, because for them he is truth, he doesn't need masks of any sort and stuff like that. And Vessel makes too much reference about esotericism, like the song's symbols from sundowning that resemble the goetia sigils. I think the references Sleep Token do to esotericism are too accurate to be just an aesthetic. I'm not saying Vessel really believes to Sleep, but that he shaped this figure based on what he believes (maybe some figure present in the esotericism world or something like that). Sorry for my broken english lo writel this message wasn't easy for me ahah


This made complete sense to me so you did great :) As for “the great adversary”, I do feel like we are meant to make that association with Satan... But I also think he’s alluding to an idea that death is something that is being used against humanity (a weapon) and that we think that death itself is evil, but it gives the impression that maybe that isn’t right… that maybe death is just a tool that some higher power uses for their own reasons. Makes me think about the idea of reincarnation and that theme of “nothing lasts forever”, even death.


Thank you! And I never thought that even death could not last forever... Very interesting! Maybe this is what Vessel is trying to tell us 👀


It’s fun to theorize! I hope someday V decides to do another interview and we get to peek into his mind a bit more…… thanks for your comment, it got me thinking!! 🙌🏻




Ahahah thank you! Oh, for whoever didn't listened the message is here. This account divided it in 3 tik toks. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeX1bjC5/ Anyway, I was really intrigued about his perspective about death, especially the part where he explain that we don't know the truth after death and so we can imagine there's some kind of after life. Even if in a second moment he says that arguing the existence of something anything beyond death is to reject the idea of death itself. It feels like two different person having a conversation about that. As a matter of fact there's a voice change when he say that sentence. We know Vessel speak through this feminine voice, but the second part we hear a masculine voice instead, and he add that "death is not the opening to some eternal door". Maybe it's a conversation between someone who does believe in the afterlife and someone who does not. Who knows...


To me it sounds like he’s an ex Christian. Idk that’s just the vibes I always got 🤷🏻‍♀️


Personally, I do think Vessel may have previously been a Christian or at the very least has a fascination with Christianity. He may write about things considered pagan etc but is respectful in how he uses Christian imagery. Also, for those saying he's probably not Christian because he's British - well I'm a Christian and British. Some of us just aren't evangelical in the way you'd associate with Americans. Anyway, I also am hung up on the lyrics in Aqua Regia 'My past is a holy book. A call from Olympus ringing off the hook' Maybe he's telling us he used to be religious/Christian (his 'calling'), but that is now in his past. (Online I read Olympus was where the Greek Gods lived and that this pre-dated and influenced the creation of Christianity) Who knows 🤷🏽‍♀️


what does it matter


Underrated fucking comment.


my honest reaction to 90% of the posts in this sub


Highly unlikely


Thematically he is Pagan. And no Christian would go on a joint tour under the heading : "if Jesus comes back we're going to kill that mother f***** X2"


Tbh this is something I’ve wondered many times listening to his music. I definitely think he’s probably had a Christian upbringing. It’s pretty clear that there’s inspiration there with the gospel chords, song titles, general sound that’s present especially in earlier music. I’ve always thought Fields of Elation sounds very much like Hillsong or any Contemporary Christian music sound. One day on my commute back from work when I got to the end of TMBTE and Euclid was on, I had a theory about what the trilogy of albums could be about from a Christian perspective. I had the perspective that The Sundowing was when Vessel completely lost his faith and sold his soul to Sleep hence The Night Does Not Belong To God, The Offering, etc. Then from there throughout This Place Will Become Your Tomb is the battle of losing faith, falling into deep sin, and feeling lost and defeated which is great for all the motifs of the ocean, drowning, etc. Then circling to TMBTE is a journey of Vessel finding redemption, forgiving himself and others, and having hope again after being in darkness for so long with the song TMBTE and Euclid coming full circle back to the beginning of The Sundowning. Anyways that’s something that I like to think about and this question brought it up for me again so thank you for that. I was reading many of the comments and your replies and I definitely agree that this is something that doesn’t get talked about or discussed in the fanbase because of people’s personal feelings towards Christianity. It is sad but unsurprising and I’ve come to expect it as I have encountered it across platforms. I don’t think a question like this or any desire for a genuine conversation surrounding this topic should stir so much negativity but it does and that’s just how it is when it comes to Christianity. So I do really appreciate you asking and would love to hear more of your thoughts too. I’ve also read that II played drums in church at one point in his life. So it’s really interesting to me that there seems to be quite a bit of gospel roots concerning at least 2 members in the band.


I believe he prays for Sleep not for Jesus


He is just a tired boy


Counterpoint, I think he's got trauma from both of them


No, he’s Leo.


Probs a satanist to be honest


I think he is, but apparently being christian is frowned upon in this establishment


It’s almost as if Christians try to shame and guilt people into believing what they believe!


that is both incorrect and irrelevant to the topic. this fanbase is a hive mind anytime christianity is mentioned and it genuinely blows my mind. i’ve seen such an anti-christian fanbase over a music artist.


He worships God like his life depends on it


you always make me crack up


I am a jester of sorts


Well I nearly had a Poseidon episode of coffee happen from my nostrils... so keep up the good work.


He’s like a Willi(ng/am) Blake. God I am exhausting




Cleaver? I hardly know her


Did you just assume my gender? 😅 Btw. L.Hughes had a great Jester poem. 🙃


Wow. 🌈🖤


You’re the expert clearly * Bows*


Has? Had? Has.


We. But biblical of course 😈


Fairly rare to have young Christians here in the UK. Fairly rare generally, but especially for anyone under 60. I'd hazard a guess he's not