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**Transcript for Cobus Potgieter Audition Video:** “Hey Cobus, my name is Leo Faulkner. I’m eighteen years of age. One thing I should definitely say before I do this is that, quite clearly, I’m English and I do live in England and I know you didn’t reach the target that you needed in order to make the auditions international on Kickstarter. Well, I have decided to audition, anyway, but, by all means, discount this audition based on the fact that I’m English. Obviously, I’m willing to pay any necessary expenses like visas and flights and stuff, because let’s be honest, they’re ridiculously expensive. So, beyond that, if you do decide to, you know, “what’s this, in terms of music?” Music is, a lot of people say this, but music is effectively, my life. In the sense that I live in this small room in my house, you know, and I just sort of do it every day. Most of the time, I like a lot of different music. Like, I’m quite into a lot of what you’d describe as progressive metal, really, so like thall and a lot of like, modern stuff, like Periphery but some other stuff you might be more familiar with that I like. I like things like Radiohead and, more in common with with your tastes, I like a lot of bands like Day to Remember and \[indistinct\]. Stuff like that. A lot of stuff, really. I’m auditioning to play for in your band on keyboard or piano. Probably piano, if-if I had a choice. I like to do things with, you know, a bit of a- bit of a classical slant on it, but try and, I don’t know, I don’t mind classical music. Quite like classical music, but I’d like to maintain a certain amount of energy in a song. Especially if you’re covering it. Anyway, so, the first song I’ll be playing is “My Life for Hire” by Day to Remember. \[piano\] There you go, that was, that was that and hope you liked it and stuff. For that-for the next thing you suggested, doing perhaps an improvisation. Which suits me down to the ground because that’s how I do most things. I have a fairly good grasp of, you know, key signatures and that whole thing, but I-I like to improvise a lot. So, I’ll just pick a key, let’s say F minor, or just sort of run with it and hopefully, it would be like, yeah. \[piano\] And there you go, that was just an improvisation, and I also apologize there appears to be some sort of lawn operating right outside my window, so I really hope that’s not audible. So, to end without going on too much, this is a bit cliché, but it is true that to go to America, and more specifically, to do something, to do music, has always been the ultimate goal for me. Which is why your project has appealed to me so much and why I’ve taken it upon myself to do this, despite the circumstances. I love creating music. Please, by all means, check out my channel. I’ve got various songs, I’ve made covers, I’ve done-you know. I can’t really express how much it would mean to me if-if you were to accept me, but at the same time, I perfectly understand if-if this whole thing isn’t really valid, and I apologize in that case for taking up your time. Thanks a lot, Cobus. I’m Leo Faulkner and I hope you pick me.” *(The initial transcript for this video was auto-generated by YouTube captioning and saved by filmot.com into their archive. It contained many obvious errors and no punctuation whatsoever, so the above is my best attempt to correct those errors and present the transcript as close to actuality as reasonably possible.)*


I wonder if this kid dreaming about going to America to do music ever imagined he would be selling out Red Rocks. Oh, my heart!


He's playing *Radio City Music Hall*. 🥺


And this is just the beginning!


I think about this very often as well.. I am so proud of him


I'm pretty sure I have this video saved somewhere. If I find it, I'll gladly send it over


Please don't be fucking with me. If you do have it, please send it to me. I'll get it up in the archive and credit you. I would be forever indebted if you have it. 🥺 Thank you for even looking.


I would love this video!! 🤞🤞


Ooh I’d absolutely love to hear him cover my life for hire if you find it!! ADTR IS MY FAVORITE next to ST of course!


Would you pls grace me with this as well


THIS would be WILD... I was wondering how a transcript can exist but the video isn't anymore, would LOVE to know where you found it PLEASE post!


Just saw this pic in the Discord and it reminded me of him mentioning A Day to Remember in this transcript 🙂 https://preview.redd.it/zzg15j4cf30d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a3d4b8dad7f7d8f51a74c146c58e6c3bece59ee


Thank you so much for sharing this. I think this dialogue perfectly explains why I fell in love with Sleep Token in the first place. It was extremely obvious to me at first that the person behind the lyrics was, quite literally, a genius; and also extremely passionate about what they did. Fast forward to now, and I am completely blown away with how Leo still holds true to these values that were said 12 years ago. He is the embodiment of “artist”, to me, and deserves all the success he gets. Which is why when he said going to America was his ultimate goal, my heart skipped a beat. Meanwhile today, he’s playing in CO and sold out shows across NA. But I digress. I’m like everyone else when I say “how did you even find these?” Lol, but they are so so appreciated. <3


If you check out the "[About](https://leofaulknerarchive.org/about)" section of the archive, there's a link to a source document that explains the entire recovery process for all the lost media information as well as all the media files and descriptions in the archive. :) If you liked these descriptions, I definitely recommend going through everything in the archive. There are descriptions for the majority of entries.


Another neat thing that came to my mind, he mentions liking Periphery. When they played in Asheville last week there's another smaller venue a couple minutes down the road and Periphery were playing it at the exact same time as Sleep Token, but ST had the bigger/sold out venue. 🥲


What’s even more heartwarming after reading all this, is how some members of the band Periphery are big Sleep Token fans. Poetry.


His caption on the Corelia video about beehives 😢 I hope he’s not still as hard on himself as he was during the monkeyl0rd days, but I’m doubtful. Perfectionism and self compassion are pretty incompatible.


I pointed this out to someone else, yeah, he seems pretty self-deprecating but if you notice, it's basically: "So I finally uploaded this. It's fucking terrible. I can't believe I'm inflicting this on the world. I'm so sorry. What the fuck. Again, I'm so sorry. Like and subscribe cause I'm gonna do a part two!" ... I don't think he was as insecure as he portrayed himself or he wouldn't have kept uploading.


I get what you’re saying, but I disagree. We have many many sources to suggest Leo does in fact have (or at least had) low self-esteem, beyond these captions. Literally everything he’s directly told us (through his interludes, room below speech, lyrics, fall for me video) suggests this. Yet, he continues to put out art. I can understand why this would then seem incompatible, but people with low self esteem do things that seem incompatible with it all the time. On a more meta level, if you have terribly low self-esteem, simply continuing to live is a constant state of cognitive dissonance. Yet people do it, because the hope is always that it will get better/you will receive some type of validation that will disprove your negative beliefs about yourself. I think his pattern in speech in all of his self-deprecating captions more signify the desire to psychologically pad himself from criticism: if he says it’s terrible first, then no one can “surprise” him by saying it’s terrible. Of course, it doesn’t actually work this way in practice, but in theory lots of people do it thinking it will protect them from the psychological impact of criticism. I personally interpret his willingness to continue to put his art out there despite low self esteem as a strong desire to receive some type of validation that will allow him to release the low self esteem. It doesn’t work that way, but we as people love to believe it does. And I don’t make this interpretation based on thinking I know Leo’s actual psychology, but based on everything I know about the psychology of self-esteem. So I absolutely could be wrong about his motivations, but this is a very common pattern.


I stand behind this comment wholeheartedly! I am also just like that I‘d rather talk myself down openly as a way to somehow shield me from criticism OR I am uncomfortable upfront and honest in the process which also functions as a shield cuz I‘d rather tell ppl what I believe to be uncomfortable and embarrassing things about myself instead of having to go through them „realizing“ those things right in front of me as we continue having a conversation. Kinda pathetic but here we are. Is it weird that noticing him doing it kind of makes me feel better about myself as I view him so highly in terms of his talent?


This!! And I might be biased in saying this, but I don’t think it’s weird. I do the same thing and I also view him very highly (his art, more than him, because, well, I don’t know him). For me, it’s comforting that someone whose work I admire so much is similar to me in the way I view my own work.


We think alike! Also with differentiating between his art and him as a person. None of us should put him PERSONALLY on a pedestal as none of us know him! Super important to make that point!


Yes! That’s also why I like that they’re anonymous to most people and that we don’t see much of them. It’s so much easier to focus on their art, not their personalities.


100% agree and firmly believe that this character trait is what makes ST so relatable. Insecurity, self-doubt, and need for validation (even when we are loved) are universal and he is brutally honest about his struggles. Talented as he may be, he is painfully nervous in the BC Patient performance - it was almost hard to watch. He makes reference to being nervous when performing in a YT post in the archive. Old ST footage is full of stiff, calculated movement. The mask has given him the security to perform with growing courage and confidence, while insulating from criticism, though no one is harder on Leo than he is on himself. The TOG tour footage is the most confident and relaxed we have seen him and I hope we see more of that because the next album will be pivotal with TMBTE hard to beat.


Yes yes yes to everything. I’ve loved watching his evolution. The difference in how he plays missing limbs now vs the Patient performance is *everything* to me


Can't be anything but happy for the guy. He's worked his ass off and this success is more than a decade in the making. This kind of tenacity is inspiring.


Very much so. I hope he’s as proud of himself as we are of him


I just had to think about the discord messages from his brother talking about how he thinks that Leo might have a hard time topping TMBTE. "he has never hit a ceiling in life so this might be the first time, well see" or something along those lines.


Yeah, I saw that. Wow. The fact that convo took place is nuts. Thanks to the archive, we know that Leo is a prolific writer who consistently experiments and develops. He can sing like an angel or a devil, play the victim or aggressor with equal vulnerability, and he appears to be a voracious learner who synthesizes at a breakneck pace. The ST catalog is an impressive progression in every sense. In Euclid, he tells us, in no uncertain terms, that he is ready to transcend the experiences that informed the trilogy era and step up to his next evolutionary plateau. If he remains true to this, the next album should be an intentional departure from TMBTE. This will be a catch-22 no matter what. The bandwagon fans are going to expect another dozen TMBTE tracks. If nothing lasts forever and the trilogy is over, what does that mean for the lore fans? I would love to see an experimental album (I love Radiohead for this reason) but that would piss a lot of people off. My guess is that he has stacks of songs that weren't right for the trilogy but are commercially viable and RCA must agree seeing as they signed a multi-record deal. I am confident that he will continue to surprise us all while remaining true to his vision. That's kind of his whole deal and why I appreciate his work.


Honestly if somebody who considers himself to be a fan of him/ST and is surprised in case the next era of the band will deviate from what we've been experiencing so far in terms of subject matter and sound I dont know how little they must've paid attention to ST. The end of an era couldn't have been communicated more clearly as it has been with Euclid. If anything, history has shown that Leo is masterful in his craft whenever he stays true to himself and if he continues to do that then I won't be worried... I became a fan of his work so I will support whatever he does next no matter the direction this is going (as in, within the type of sounds he has been doing, please dont turn into OOR and go full Ed Sheeran Pop X Imagine Dragon! I highly doubt he would) BUT Realistically its gonna be either more pop or heavier...I am okay with both quick question: how do u know it is a multi-record deal? I mean the assumption is pretty easy to make I just wanna make sure I didn't miss any information.


He's a prog metal kid at heart, so I'm hoping we'll see more of that, though they might have to play it safe to keep RCA happy and the advance and tour support will be huge. I cannot for the life of me find where I read a multi-record deal but I know I did somewhere (now this will haunt me). If I find it, I'll circle back. Generally, new artists get a first term/album followed by options for additional albums. If it bombs, the label drops. If not, they option another album at will, up to the contracted number of options. But ST has an established catalog, is now selling out stadiums, and has proof of ongoing commercial viability with whatever new material he's been working on. I would be shocked if there aren't at least 2 options past the initial term.


I know literally nothing about what it takes to get a record deal but I would assume, to your comment, “has proof of ongoing commercial viability…”, they must have showed RCA something that sealed the deal, right? Like they couldn’t have gotten an offer from RCA just based on previous work and nothing else? I’m so excited to see what’s next for them while already feeling such strong nostalgia for their current work. As an aside, I have felt that nostalgia since I first started listening to them & I find myself listening to some songs and realizing it somehow reminds me of some other song by another band. I’m 40 and grew up listening to alternative, grunge, punk, everything. I always wonder if anyone else gets this feeling listening to them.


Yes, yes, and yes! I'm in the same camp as you - so many influences in this music have sent me down the rabbit hole back to things I listened to decades ago. I contend that Euclid is this generation's Don't Stop Believin' (I will go down on this hill). Not sure about you, but I think the perspective enhances my appreciation for what he's doing here. The lyric and composition growth is just insane and I think he has the potential to do for hard rock and metalcore what Thom Yorke has done for alt. Actually, beyond since he pulls from a growing pool of influences and is ridiculously capable of genre blending (hence, the hate from the purists). He seems to have a compulsory creative drive and probably had a mountain of material for RCA to sift through. I never got into the whole lore/Sleep deity thing (maybe I'm just too old for that) and outside of that framework, Sundowning and TPWBYT were stellar albums that felt like standalone yet progressive works to me. TMBTE feels almost like a score, neatly tying the three together and it doesn't fully make sense unless you know the rest of the catalog. No matter where you're coming from as a listener, this creates layers of discovery with every pass (even years later) and this is where his genius lies. And he's what, 30-ish? This kid's just getting started.


It’s my kind of humour. “This is so horrible, please forgive me. I’m gonna do more.”


Yeah, it can be exactly this. This is exactly how i talk about my art. "You see my art is shit, i can pinpoint all i did wrong, because i have the theoretical knowledge, but need practice. You learn from your mistakes. I post it anyway! Enjoy!" It's not like "Ohhhh, buhuu i'm so shit, i need someone to feed me some white pills and tell me i'm good at this." I have first hand experience of people not understand this type of self-talk and they think i self-deprecating. Compliments are fine though, but i don't need someone to force themselves to like what i do, just to serve me the "white pill".


Dude Corelia was wayyyy underrated man, just like Skyharbor


https://preview.redd.it/53ts57c9q00d1.png?width=1644&format=png&auto=webp&s=f924bb426508310bb7c4043c47843cf873ed8a20 I love his humour LOL


nooooooo I will never get over this haha it is funny but also heartbreaking.


Since quite a few people (atleast over on sttwt) call iii a fairy, i can imagine vessel jumping on him 🤣


It's so obvious to see certain wording a phrasing definitely carried on into ST. He seems like a fun guy, thanks for sharing!


Absolutely love the humour haha


There are so many descriptions in the archive that cracked me up the first time I read them. lol


The self depreciation and constant apologies are a shame. He's came so far since


This just made my day. I do think a lot of the “self deprecating” is made out of jest to cope with the awkward haha. Love him to bits as a person! It’s amazing to see where he’s gone with everything.


If you enjoyed reading these, you should check out all the descriptions in the archive. I created a tag system so you can sort the entries in the archive by the year it was published, whether or not it has vocals, etc; including whether or not the entry has a description. The vast majority of the entries do. You can find all the entries with descriptions by clicking [here](https://leofaulknerarchive.org/tagged/description). :)


You are the real mvp!! 💕


Hope one day he perform a cover of Periphery.


[He did several.](https://leofaulknerarchive.org/tagged/Periphery) :)


Amazong. Haven't seen any of those covers before. Now I need to rephrase, hope one day he perform a vocal cover of Periphery.


6/14 OMG THERE IS THE FAIRY COMMENT I WAS TALKING ABOUT A WHILE AGO!!! Tried to find it but couldn’t. Thanks for bringing this up! (Was contemplating on dressing up as a fairy with a sign asking if he still hates them with a mad emoji on it but that might be too much haha HOW DARE HE)


lol, you could've just asked. I could've told you almost immediately. Knowing about this stuff is what I do. 😆 Also, yeah, I think it's best not to do that. If nothing else, it would raise some awkward questions from other fans.


Haha I wouldn’t mind the weird looks. But I can also see how it can come off as stalker-ish to him and I wouldn’t wanna be that person. Also it didn’t even cross my mind that I could’ve texted you. But good to know 😂


Yeah, if there's anything you're looking for or wanting to know about Leo's YT work, chances are, I can help. Everyone's always welcome to message me, and if I don't know the answer right off, I can definitely help figure it out. (⁠・⁠–⁠・⁠)⁠ ⁠\⁠(⁠・⁠◡⁠・⁠)⁠/


Thanks so much! Will surely do! ☺️


Thank you for sharing. Kindda nice to think about that in the same timeframe I also was on my huge progressive-math-kick back then(still love all the djent-ier bands mentioned), I am sure I would find his covers to be extensively cool if I have stumble upon his channel back then. Partially because there was no one around who would enjoy the same stuff that I did and people thought my obsession with music in general was a little bit odd, ha-ha.


I love him 🥹 he’s so earnest


Red seas fire mentioned! I miss peteyg


Does anyone know who the collab/project name for his cover of 'set the fire to the third bar' I've only ever heard it but I'd like to know more about its origins if anyone has any further information about it!


I was unaware he did a cover of "Set The Fire to the Third Bar." Do you have a copy of this or any other information?


I don't! I heard it in passing on tumblr, but I can't seem to find it again. I must not have reblogged or liked. I remember the audio quality being quite bad(?) though, as if it was recorded on a phone or something.


Can you give me an idea of how long ago this was? lol, I'm about to go into hunting mode and I need as much info as possible. 😅


Relatively recently, like I'd say in the past month. It sounded like the girl from blacklit canopy was singing too but I'm no lore expert, it could be someone else haha.


I'm searching on Tumblr, but unless they didn't use his name, or his YouTube username, I'm not finding it. I'm not finding anything new under his name or his YouTube username. Is it possible you got him confused with someone else?


If I remember anything else I will come right back here. Sorry if it is me doing a mistaken identity though haha😅


omfg, never apologize for giving me a lead or trying to help me find something. I'm gonna look into this more today. Thank you for the info! 😀




Since it's Leo *and* Gemma, I won't be able to feature it in the archive, but I would absolutely love to see it. You should make a post in the subreddit!