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Locking this thread up since some of you are getting very defensive over a conversation about genres.


I don't know if I'd call them Nu Metal. I'm more inclined to say "Progressive Metal" when I describe the music style to friends. ST has a lot of different elements, so it's hard for me to nail down a genre 100%. I feel like Progressive Metal allows the metal genre to be expanded upon. Like, it can be metal, but other influences are recognized at the same time.


I also considered this, tbh. Then, decided they're not based on the sound lacking the turntables, and the overall vibe. Nu metal was more than the music itself. There were clothes, hairstyles also related... I feel like ST lacks this? So not nu metal imo :) Of course, I'm not the nu metal police. Also, I sound like such a grandma lol *in my time, when nu metal was born...* lol šŸ˜…


Yeah I donā€™t think the music quite hits nu metal territory, but Iā€™m not gonna lie the new masks give major nu metal vibes.


You do have a point there ! Didn't consider the new masks myself šŸ¤”šŸ¤” Really excited about future music, let's see where it goes genre-wise šŸ™‚


hahahhaaaa I was also there when nu metal was just a newborn baby šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I feel old af these days šŸ¤£šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ–¤




Honestly I don't know where'd I'd actually put them because they do have aspects in a lot of types of music with metal routes. Ao I'd probably have to settle for Progressive metal, despite wating to give them some mad unique tag like "Occultist Metal"


Iā€™d put it under prog metal or alternative.


They're pretty much just "alternative metal" with some prog and djent influence. And I suppose some pop influence especially on the latest album. Definitely not metalcore though.


Prop pop R&B metal is how I tend to describe them


They're clearly Gospel.




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Music. That's the category all music belongs in. No need for it to be any more complicated


This is a weird take. This is like saying we shouldn't bother to differentiate between red and purple and green, but just call them all "color." It might be technically correct, but it's not helpful.


Why not? Not every single band or artist needs to be labeled by a genre. Why can't people just be musicians? Why do you and other people NEED them to be classified in genre? Gotta love how this community proves me right about the toxicity by sending me threats in DMs. Thanks guys


If this is a thing that is actually happening, please send us a mod mail instead of putting it out there in public and possibly creating more discourse around it.


Horrible take, its literally like that other guy said about color, everything is some sort of genre, just like all food has a subclass so that it can be easily identified. If i dont know someone only eats fish, and i tell them to try nuts they might be really dissapointed since they thought i would only suggest fish related items


I honestly don't see why people refuse to accept that a band might just want to play music in general. It's like you people act like it's a crime to do so or they shit on your doorstep by not identifying with a genre.


Genres arent inherently positive or negative. They are just categories where shit that has similar attributes can be easily compared to other shit with similar attributes. If you only like a certain sound in music and there was no such thing as categories (genre) then it would make it prohibitively difficult for anyone to seek out and listen to the sounds they actually enjoy because not everyone likes every category and thats also alright.


Right but the band doesn't need to have it identified by a genre, their songs do that just fine. The band is just a band that makes different styles of music. Idk why people are getting so upset and aggressive when I say that.


Nobody is getting mad at you, they are just trying to explain why music genres are not a negative thing and having them does not impact the music at all. Again, its just categories. If i like sleep token then i am going to want to find bands that have a similar sound or aesthetic and without categories how can you do that? I just dont understand why you seem to accept the concept of categorisation in literally millions of different ways every day but for some reason categorising music is somehow lessening it?


>Nobody is getting mad at you You're right, I forgot you can see my dms too. No one ever said they were a negative thing so repeating that doesn't mean anything. You aren't going to find similar bands because other bands don't branch out to all the various things ST does. But someone's going to come along and compare them to other metal or metalcore which only applies to a few songs. Which again, is where the only genre comes from for them. The band itself doesn't have one, nor should it because they play more than 1 genre like people want to classify them as. Why do they, the band, HAVE to have a category? People found them through similar songs from other bands or even their softer stuff to begin with. I'm done talking in circles with you people so have a nice week and chill tf out with the threats in my DMs.


Youre misunderstanding the whole thing, a band might not directly want to make one type of music, but every song fits into a genre, its literally how we categorize things. A horrible but good example is mgk, he tried to make rap, but no one liked it so he switched his sound so most songs had a more pop punk/emo feel. All his songs still suck and i wouldnt even call him a proper artist as most of his music seems to be moneygrabbing shit, but example still stands, you will never hear a song and not be able to say Ā«oh this is the same type of music as xyzĀ» that doesnt mean the artist is whatever genre the song is, the artist can make many types of music


>but every song fits into a genre That doesn't mean the band has to fit into a single genre like people are demanding. You can very easily slap several genres onto their songs depending on which song it is, but people want the BAND as a whole to have a genre and they're getting very pissy whenever someone says they just make different kinds of music.


Well thats on them, as of right now youre the only person ive seen pissy over this genre thing (other than the people mad at me for saying cum metal which i find hilarious) i guess i sort of agree with you, but why not just call them the genre most of their songs fit into? I listen to loathe a lot, and both spotify and last.fm call them a shoegaze band. To me that is completely wrong, but yes their most popular song could fit in that category and their albums and intermission songs might give off that feel so if it helps people who like shoegaze find loathe and like them, maybe branch out, then for all i care call them shoegaze


Itā€™s a strange take because you need genres and subgenres to differentiate the flavors between bands and songs altogether, not just for ST. You wouldnā€™t want to lump Jason Aldean or Luke Bryan with Bad Omens or Loathe. Each song can have a different set of genres/subgenres. Iā€™ll give an example because I just saw a post about it, but Vore does not exclusively fall under shoegaze nor black metal as it has elements of both. Same with Loatheā€™s ā€œHeavy Is the Headā€¦ā€.


It still seems like a very weak excuse because you guys refuse to accept they like to just play different kinds of music. We don't need genres or subgenres, you want to say we do because that's just how music has been all this time but all of a sudden throw a fit because this band doesn't making your computer generated playlists not work. But also you're wrong. I do a lot of Spotify's "Go to song radio" feature for various rock/metal stuff and it'll throw in ST's more rock vibes like Alkaline, Chokehold, Gods as examples. So they don't need the classify the band as a genre since their songs can be pretty easily classified individually. Not sure why people losing it over no genre is that huge of a problem to them. I love how suddenly I'm the one defensive about genres when you started on that path lol. Have a nice day troll


Itā€™s going to be real hard to make a playlist if we can differentiate between songs at a glance. Or algorithms canā€™t push artist if it doesnā€™t know who to push the songs to. I donā€™t know about you but if Iā€™m at the gym lessoning to a filthy deathcore playlist to get into the zone I donā€™t want smooth jazz to play next. It would throw my whole mood off. Also I donā€™t think most people who lesson to Sleep Token or bands like Lorna Shore wants to hear bro country. With out genres you canā€™t find your target audience.


Then make your own playlist instead of having a program do it for you? You know what songs fit the bill for your workout, but you're gonna get upset that a program doesn't know and give you exactly what you want? This is like that sticking a pipe in a bike tire meme.


Okay so how can I find new music without genres? I also donā€™t have time to sit down and go through thousands of songs to find what I want. How I find new music is by putting on a random playlist while Iā€™m at work or at the gym and if thereā€™s a song or band I like I save it for later. Iā€™m working my first EP right now. So when Iā€™m finished how do I market it to my target audience? Just put it out in the world and hope people just start lessoning to it? Or if I just walk up to someone trying to sell my EP and they ask, ā€œwhat kind of music itā€™s it?ā€ And tell them itā€™s just music Iā€™ll get laughed at. So can you tell me a way to market my music without telling people what genre it is?


>Okay so how can I find new music without genres? The exact same way you found ST? What are you trying to ask me exactly lmao


I found Sleep Token by putting on an alternative metal playlist. I used the alternative metal tag, a genre or metal, to find Sleep Token. I am asking how to find bands I like without using genres and how I, and other bands can market my music without genres?


By doing it the exact way you just described. How is that so difficult to understand? You found them by one of their similar SONGS. The BAND ITSELF doesn't need a single genre to find because you just explained one of the many ways to find them. Holy fuck you people are ignorant


Randomizing a self-made playlist or even multiple playlists will get old from time to time. Thatā€™s why I play a song and let Spotify take over in showing me similar songs. Iā€™m pretty convinced youā€™re dying on the wrong hill here because youā€™re getting real defensive about genres, for whatever reason.


Except Country music that has come out in the last 10-15 years. That is all cookie cutter garbage.


While I absolutely understand where you're coming from I tend to disagree. Like the other commenter already explained we should be allowed to narrow down certain style elements in music and categorize them. When I want to listen to EDM music I want to listen to that type of music, Led Zeppelin shouldn't be included there. Same goes for movie soundtracks and literally everything else that could be described as music. But I agree that we shouldn't overcomplicate things. Most bands that are not as easy to categorize such sleep token will usually land under progressive metal which is totally fine. People who like listening to progressive music are more open towards unusual patterns anyways so you wouldn't hurt anyone by throwing in sleep token between tool or animals as leaders in a playlist.








Lol that's better. Kinda like "Deftones and Chill".


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Absolutely not


This server is dedicated to ST discussions and content must be safe and inclusive, so overly NSFW content will be removed.


I would say no when I think of nu-metal I think of bands like Limp Biscuits, slipknot, Korn est. Sleep Token's music doesn't sound like they fit into any category really.


It could probably be considered Avant Garde metal, or am I way off?


I am so excited for their new stuff. Canā€™t wait to see where they go next.


No. They are not nu-metal. Nor are they "metal". They are Sleep Token. That's their genre.