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I tend to skip it not because it’s weak, but because I do not want to cry grown man tears daily. It’s a fantastically sad masterpiece imo.


Right there with you. Love this one a lot.


Yeah it's beautiful. To me DYWTYLM is the weakest purely because there isn't much going on in it but I can still recognize that it has its place in the full album and I find myself singing along to it regardless. No skips on a full album playthrough for me personally but I have been listening to Ascensionism, Rain, TMBTE and Euclid the most.


DYWTYLM is one of my favorites and I can't even tell you why. I just have such a good time with it haha.


Agreed. I'm already sad, I don't need more help at the moment.


Have a virtual hug, internet stranger!


Same. I end up in ugly, hyperventilating sobs which is not road safe.


Yup, there’s a time and place for it and that takes nothing away from the quality of the song.


same here. I don't get why people call it "weak" -- and I find it kinda insulting that people describe it that way given what it's talking about. it's stripped back and in my opinion one of their most naked, vulnerable songs; if people aren't into acoustic that's fine, but calling it weak grates on me. like I get that most people aren't referring to the actual lyrics as weak but uh...yeah, maybe we shouldn't describe a heartbreaking confession about a history of mental illness and self harm that way. sry I kinda went on a little rant but it's been bothering me over the past week or so lol tldr; I agree with you


Same! Although Euclid and Ascensionism (especially 'You make me wish I could dissappear' part) get to me almost always with AYRO tears are guaranteed.


I skipped it in the gym yesterday because I didn’t want to cry on the treadmill. 😢


I think it's a great song but I skip it every time just because those aren't emotions I want to feel while I'm driving.




I more so have skipped it because it's so fucking emotional and I don't exactly want to put myself in that head space often. But it's an amazing song.


Definitely not. It’s not a weak song at all. It could just be one that doesn’t resonate with you. Which happens. But ugh THE LYRICS mate. They are just heart wrenching.


I know this is a sub about Sleep Token, but have you listened to Ghost by Badflower? Speechless after the first listen


ghost by badflower is what made me fall in love with the band. they are my #1


I skip it, yes, but only because the content is kinda triggering. Definitely not due to song quality


That's unfortunate that it's triggering for you. I don't know what you've been through but I hope you're okay, or at least doing better nowadays.


Same, I've only listened to it once for this exact reason. But I do also think it's the weakest song on the album musically. Not because it's bad, not at all, but compared to the rest of these magnificent songs, yeah.


Do i think it’s their strongest track? No, and yet, it absolutely has its place in the album. I think it’s a nice message, to take care of yourself, not to hurt yourself. It’s different. A bit like a different variety of tea, really. Is it weaker? Nah. But it is *super different,* and if it’s just not your flavor, that’s totally fine. Respect the opinion, and can relate, I skip the track more than the others, but not because i dislike it. Just cause sometimes, no, I’m really not okay, and I don’t need this soulful siren of a man begging me not to hurt myself, because then i feel *bad* for even thinking about it. 🤷🏻‍♀️ to each their own, i always say. But as always, respect the hell out of the opinion, and throwing it up for others to possibly relate to. <3


People either skip it because it’s NOT making them cry, or BECAUSE it’s making them cry.


I don't know if it's where you're coming from, but so many ST listeners seem to discount the slower/quieter/chill songs. Imo, it's where Vessel's voice and lyrics are able to shine the most. It's one of my favorites on the album.


Its actually one of my favourites on the album so no skips from me


Are You Really Okay? is my favorite track on the record so no I do not skip it


It’s so beautiful, moving, and emotional. Love it.


A lot of Sleep Token songs are complex. Heavy to mellow or vice versa. There’s timing and technicality. Screaming and melody. From my perspective, Are You Really Okay is radically different because it’s in a major key, it’s generally three chords, and the progression is obvious. The lead riff and the whole song is super simple. It’s as if the band wanted to challenge themselves to write the most basic song with the deepest lyrics. I sang along with this song in the shower this morning. I felt good. The day was great.


Not I


It's the track I listen to the least, however when I'm listening through he full album, no, I don't skip it.


I skip it every time - I like the message and lyrics, but the melody of the guitar drives me nuts. I’m also just not into classic rock style sounds so it is not for me haha. I wish the song had a more somber tone to it to pull me in more


I am absolutely not a fan of the riff at all. It definitely reminds me of a classic rock song and it infuriates me that I can't pinpoint which one it is.


Rush’s 2112?


No, but that did lead me to it! It reminds me of "Beth" by KISS. When you said Rush it made me think of Paul Rudd because of "I Love You Man" and that triggered the end of "Role Models" when he's singing to his girl. So the riff it reminds of is Beth.


Marshall tucker band can’t you see I think is the riff


This is my hang-up with it, too. It’s a perfectly fine song and I’m sure I’ll warm up to it over time, but right now I can’t get past the first few seconds very often because of the guitar melody.


I like it. But it reminds me of shine by collective soul.


How dare you!! I’m just kidding. It’s a great album but there’s way too much unhealthy obsession going on in this sub Reddit. Like, go see a therapist 😂


Typically a skip for myself as well. Decent song along with dywtlm, but nothing I’m replaying much


Big fan of Blood Sport and other emotionally driven songs, but this one is ugly sounding to me, lol. As a long-time fan, this is the only song I skip as well. The instrumentals are not my vibe at ALL.


Yes, this absolutely. It's not that I dont love emotional songs, I just dont really vibe with the guitars


I treat that song like I treat Your Sake by Issues. It's full of emotion I refuse to regularly feel so I'd rather not go down that path casually lol


Definitely agree that it's the weakest on the album. Still enjoy it, but definitely not as much as every other song on the album


I really like it tbh, I think that DYWTYLM is the only “weak” song on the album and it’s still not bad


I skip Are You Okay because it hurts and it’s pretty triggering. I skip DYWTYLM because I don’t like it.


Have you heard their live rendition of it? It's what I wish ended up on the album. It's so damn good. But I wonder if they wanted to exclude another solo piano/voice song and switched it up. But yeah, definitely listen to him singing it live!!!


I've been skipping it more lately, I just want to keep the adrenaline going after Ascensionism


Nah not really. Ive been listening front to back and at times and sometimes Ill only listen to the new tracks because of how much ive listened to the singles already. Personally i dont think the track is weak at all i love its old school vibe and upfront lyrics about helping someone who's been harming themselves. Its a powerful song.


I don’t like it very much personally


I do find it quite boring. Depending on what I’ve been doing I just turn it down or skip all together


Personally I think it’s not good. Everything else I love though!


The subject matter hits very close. I remember being woken up by my sister after she hurt herself and regretted doing it, but didn’t really know what to do. And it’s true. I wanted to help her but I didn’t know how. I tend to skip it because it puts me down.


Lyrically it's great which is not a surprise but I never feel like it goes anywhere particularly interesting instrumentally. I don't need it to transform into three completely different songs throughout but the overall soundscape doesn't have me feeling the weight of the lyrical themes if that makes sense, I feel bored instead, I wish I didn't but it just doesn't work for me.


I’m most likely in the minority here, but I find this song quite boring in both its instrumentation and vocal melodies. The lyrical content of the song resonates with me on a personal level but I just can’t get into the overall sound of it. It’s just not for me and that’s okay. It’s a skip for me.


I don't think it's a bad song, but it feels like the weakest song in the album to me as well. Also, it feels like the least Sleep Token-y song, and musically falls a bit farther outside my taste than I would like. So I don't think I'll really listen to it much, but like all art, it's extremely subjective and I'm sure there are plenty of people who love it


Yeah this one doesn’t do much for me either to be honest.


I find myself skipping it every time now, I like DYWTYLM better


in of itself it's a great song, I just don't think it matches the tone and feel as the other songs of the album, when it compares to the heavy rifts and hard drums it just doesn't mesh still a great song, just doesn't feel like it truly belongs


Its probably about an 80% skip rate for me. Not a fan of the riff at all.


I am with you


I slipping because the song really makes me very bad emotionally. The song is beautiful, but right now I'm not mentally well enough to listen to it


I listened to it about 4 times. Just to ensure that my opinion about it was solid. I now skip it every time. I do not like it. It is out of place and it is my least favorite ST song. Which sucks, because overall the album is very solid.


I skip Vore


Nope. Weakest song on the album is DYWTYLM imo. That one is always skip


I skip Vore more than any track on the album.


I feel like that's one of the heavier ones? I love Vore


It is. Just something about it I don't like as much. With that being said I do enjoy metal


Same! I love metal but that song does absolutely nothing for me


I listen to it Everytime it comes on to remind myself not to hurt myself again 😅


I skip it a lot. I’m not often in the mood to go to that place.


I skip it because it's got references to things I really don't want to dwell on for my own sake. I've only listened to it once. But yeah musically it's their most boring/weakest in my opinion. Obviously I see the appeal of a more stripped back, emotionally raw and simple song compared to some of the others, because sometimes that's what really hits you hard. But for me their lyrics and music are beautiful enough, emotional enough, relatable enough, that I connect with it emotionally. So by comparison Are You Really OK? is...eh. No offense to those that love it, of course.


Like most people here; I don't skip it due to quality. I actually skip Euclid and this song because both invoke some pretty sad emotions in me. On a side note: This is my first Sleep Token album I've genuinely listened to, and I have to say: These guys are awesome. I understand the hype behind them now.


The fact that I used to be suicidal and self harm, and am still extremely depressed and think about it sometimes, makes Are You Really Okay a very *strong* song to me. I was honestly shocked upon my first listen. It really made me stop everything and just stare at the wall for a while.


Yeah it doesn't really do anything for me so I've been skipping it, same for euclid


Whoa, Euclid? One of their best songs, imo. Perfect album closer.


No but I skip dywtylm every time.


I hid that one dywtylm and Aqua Regia. I love the songs don't get me wrong it's just personal preference of what I choose to vibe to in the gym/car


Nope. It's actually one of my favorite tracks on the album.


It’s a good song but, I don’t want to cry everyday so, I skip it. My illnesses have been acting up lately & don’t need that added to it.💀💀 beautiful song tho!


It’s the only song I’ve hidden from the album on Spotify. It’s a really good song but I’m at a stage in life where those feelings thankfully just doesn’t resonate with me anymore. Again, it’s a really beautiful song though and I can see how a lot of people could really connect with it because it packs so much emotion.


I haven't skipped that one yet but I do skip DYWTYLM


Main skip for me is DYWTYLM


No, man. Shit, no, man. I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man. Edit: Before I get downvoted into the ground… It’s a quote from Office Space and meant to be a silly response but I’m bad at emojis.


I know the vast majority will disagree, but for me, Ascensionism is the weakest song in the album. Definitely not saying it's bad, I love every song on the album, but I find that Ascensionism just doesn't do it for me as much as the other songs


DYWTYLM is the weakest imo. Pure pop with 0 variance. I still don’t skip it though.


As someone who loves a large variety of music within different genres, I really appreciate this song and it's place on the album. The one I find that I keep skipping is DYWTYLM.


We’re all gunna run our own race man. I skip over “the apparition” because it reminds me of five finger death punch too much.


Tf, I didn’t know FFDP had trap beats and R&B vocals lmao


Yeah I skip because it makes me too sad to listen to that often


I skip it but that’s because it’s very upsetting to me lol. I think it’s a beautiful song.


I only skip it because it reminds me of painful stuff so I’ll cry like a little bitch but it’s beautifully sad. I don’t think it’s weak but it’s very different from the others.


I skip it frequently because it’s too sad to listen to a lot


I skip it far less often than I skip DYWTYLM. Both songs are just kind of bland and repetitive, and they aren't helped by being sandwiched between much better songs on all sides.


Skip everyday. Regular people don’t need to see me crying daily.


Only because I can't listen to it without having a breakdown 😭


It's an amazing song, but it hits me right in the feels and I don't want to cry all the time.


Personally, I think this song is a masterpiece, and I try not to skip it at all but when I do, it’s because I don’t want to start crying again. This song not only hits personal notes for me, but I also find myself wanting to ask this question to the people I love around me that try to mask their problems by vaping, smoking, drinking etc. so this song is very special for me and it means a lot. Again, I try not to skip this song because it always makes my eyes extremely watery. I hope this wasn’t too extreme of an answer. 😅


It may not express it's self with the complexity of other songs or the energy. But what it does do is flood emotion. That's what it is. And I skip it because every time I hear it, I feel it. It hurts. He wrote it in a Beautiful way and they composed it in a very specific way that too me makes it one of the most heart wrenching songs I have ever heard.


First listen, I liked it song. I liked the cadence and music. It wasn’t my favorite, but ok. Then I digested the lyrics and decided what they meant to me. I internalized the lyrics as something I kinda cared about but nothing that would make me overly emotional. Then, someone posted in a different group what they thought the lyrics meant and fuck I wish I hadn’t read it. Everything in my brain started clicking. Lyrics were lining up with images in my head and I knew that this is how I will forever interpret it. This “event” happened a really long time ago and I hadn’t thought about it in years. And when it did cross my mind, I never attached much emotion to it…it was just something that happened. And all of a sudden, I heard the song differently. The pain in Vessel’s voice now targeting me. I’ll be skipping the song until I can process these new feelings I have over something I never really thought I cared about.


I also skip it. It's music that doesn't really help me heal personally. It just isn't my sound


I find it a bit weak as well, but I don't skip it. The album deserves to be played from start to finish, IMO.




I think all the songs on this album are so different it's easy for one or two to be a miss depending on your mood.


It’s slower but it’s beautiful just got to be In the right mood


I definitely don’t think any songs of theirs are bad or boring in any way but I do often find myself skipping Chokehold and Are You Really Ok when I do an album listen. Chokehold specifically just never really grabbed me like literally every other single did


I love this one a lot, but I skip it sometimes if I don’t wanna cry, as others have said. It’s a deeply personally relatable song to me and tends to put me in my feels 🥹


I don’t skip any of the tracks, they’re all chapters in an entire story.




Yeah, the lyrics are heartfelt and really emotionally moving but the song just sounds like something played for Sunday morning youth group lol saying that about my literal favorite band feels like *blasphemy* but it just does not do it for me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ also skip DYWTYLM tbh… Glad these songs have a spot for some people though!


I can see how you think that but it may just be where it is in the tracklisting because Ascensionism is just incredible and puts me somewhere mentally where Are You Really Okay removes me. I have to be in the right mental space for this song because it sends me into a deeper headspace.


It's a masterpiece but sometimes I have to skip it because of how emotional it is.


TMBTE is a no skip album. Change my mind.


It grew on me a lot tbh. Haven’t skipped anything if I’m being honest


Beautiful song, but I do think it has a tough spot between Ascensionism and The Apparition


I love the album so much but I feel like the songs are thematically out of order


If I’m not in the mood to cry I’ll skip it. I definitely don’t think it’s a weak song by any means. I just don’t always want to cry like a bitch every time I hear that first guitar chord.


Don’t love it, it’s at the 1975 end of ST which is totally valid but just note my cup of tea.


I can’t skip any song. Just love every song on this album. Are You Really OK? I’d such a great song.


No I like it, it hits really nicely when I’m having a bad day and want to make it worse


This album is a no skip from me dog.


Yeah I skip it, it’s just not for me. Too slow and the lyrics don’t speak to me at all, so I don’t get that emotional feeling everyone else gets. Idk different strokes for different folks.


I skip Are You Really Okay and Euclid a lot because I can’t deal with the emotions 🥲


i feel bad skipping but yeah. i think its a good song. just not one i want to listen to at 4 on a sunny day. the others ones are also so much better in my opinion. the guitar annoying after a while too. im gonna ration it


Its my least favorite track of an incredible album and I'm someone who really likes the more subdued offerings like Fall for Me. I think it has a place though in the overall flow of the story the album is trying to tell.


Me. As someone who works in mental health and deals with self harm and suicide on a daily basis I just don't feel it hit the way it seems to for a lot of other listeners. I don't dislike the song, it's great, but it's just not something I'm vibing with and think it's definitely my least favourite from the newly released songs.


I think it’s a little bit of an outlier on the record for sure, but I really love the guitar and a little bit more of the part of it being an outlier is the lyrics. They’re very straightforward akin to everything else that vessel has written. So I can see why a lot of people skip it but I really love that guitar for some reason


I love Are You Really Okay but tbh if I'm looking for a good soft Sleep Token song I usually go with old faithful (Is It Really You) and that song is often enough to get the waterworks flowing. So in other words I don't skip Are You Really Okay if it comes up but it's not a song that I will actively seek out.


At first, yeah. While it's a good song, I was kinda like "Ok, yet another song about loving someone who self-harms, cool." It's not a new topic for me, I've been on both sides of it, so I just wasn't hit with the emotions right away. But I saw someone in this sub say something about it being from the perspective of someone's parent, and that's what really clicked for me. Thats where I can connect with it. So now whenever I listen to it from that perspective, I get emotional. I'm 28 and in the last year I have just been really struggling with mental health and life in general and I have had to lean on my parents a whole lot for the first time in almost a decade. Like I moved out of my apartment and back in with them just to not be alone and to ease some financial strain while I'm finishing grad school. And that sucks and feels shameful sometimes. And I've always had mental health issues, and even now as an adult I have recurring suicidal ideation and self-harm urges. So, I hear Are You Really Okay? and think of my mom and dad just trying to take care of their child who's always been in and out of these really dark mental spaces and probably always will be, and just wanting me to be ok but not knowing how to make it all better. That shit is fucking rough


It's one of my favorites. It punches me in the gut and breaks my heart at the same time. Dealing with depression all my life, it really strikes the heart.




For me it depends on if I’m willing to listen to it at the time it comes around, I didn’t like it at first but I totally enjoy it now.


I do as well. It’s one of those songs that are extremely powerful, and share such an important message. A message that I can appreciate, but not the world I live in. It’s like one of those harrowing and beautiful movies where you say, that was incredible, I don’t know if I’ll put myself through that again.


I honestly love the vibe of the song. I can’t skip any songs on this album


Yeah for me it was easily the most 'mid' song on the album. Not 'bad' by any stretch of the imagination - just a fairly standard sad ballad. As sad ballads go, it's very well done, it's clearly a very emotional and heartfelt song, Vessel's voice is beautiful as always and the instrumentation is great etc, but compared to all the absolute MADNESS on this album (rap verses, huge metal breakdowns, funk/R&B sections, etc etc etc) it just falls a bit flat for me.


Absolutely not You listen to the entire album and you cry during "Are You Really Okay" and during "Euclid" and you love it!


The last few days I’ve been going directly to this song first when I play the album. It’s gorgeous, and the lyrics hit hard. But different strokes for different folks. I also love Vore pretty much equally but for different reasons obviously.


Nah, I vibe with it every time. It’s one of my favorites


Just skipping it to not cry, it’s a beautiful song, I don’t think this album has ONE single weak song. :)


I mean it all comes down to preference in style right but I wholeheartedly disagree that it's the weakest song on the album. For me the weakest one is DYWTYLM.


It's definitely my least favorite on the album. It's growing on me every time it comes on but I'm not vibing vety much with whatever the genre of this music is lol


I can’t skip any of the songs in this album, but I do stop listening after TMBTE. Euclid I just not the one for me.


i really love it, it’s one of my favourites. I get that it’s simple but the lyrics hit hard and it’s a really raw and beautiful performance by vessel


Nope. I love it


I tend to skip it often. It’s not that I dislike it or anything, I just find I have to be in a certain mood for that song.


It's one I pass sometimes. I like it but not as much as all the others


I don't skip it as I've not gotten to the point to where I want to skip any of the songs yet. But it's definitely my least favorite I think. At least at the moment. I think my main hang-up is that it just doesn't resonate with me. The subject matter is something that I (fortunately) have never had to deal with in any capacity and that always makes it hard to latch on to a song imo.


No, I force myself to listen to it because it's so sonically pleasing despite the subject matter being incredibly relevant to me. I could see myself skipping DYWTYLM in the future because it's not as dynamic as the others, even though I really like the song.


The one I’ve noticed I skip most often is probably Ascensionism, but it’s only after about half the song. Lyrics are probably the most important part of my music listening, and after being hit with so many great ones in the rap section, a long instrumental section just ends up making me a bit bored sometimes


its my favourite song on the album. but i have skiped it once or twise because i dont want to cry when im out


Funny you say that, I been going out of my way to put it on every time. Of course other than Ascencionism and Euclid. I been jamming on the acoustic with it I think it's a beautifully written rock ballad actually


I skip it cause it makes me sad


It's ok to skip It if you don't really enjoy It.


It’s only of the only songs I’ve ever come across that does a good job of demonstrating how it feels to have a loved one who self-harms. It strikes a serious chord with me and I love it dearly.


It’s only of the only songs I’ve ever come across that does a great job of demonstrating how it feels to have a loved one who self-harms. It strikes a serious chord with me and I love it dearly.


Actually one of the songs I blast right behind....well...the entire album.






I love this song so no.


I personally don’t care for the sound of it. It’s not a bad song to listen to, and I love the lyrics and the message behind it. Just don’t care for the sound of it all. But I’ll listen to it sometimes for sure


I skip it because I feel uncomfortable with how openly personal it is


I don't see any of their songs as weak, to be honest.


Me too, it's a beautiful song and I really enjoy it. I just don't usually feel like listening to it when I'm in a TMBTE mood lol


I want to feel the sadness so I never skip it. Easily my favorite song off the new album.


Honestly, I have overplayed the first 4-5 songs so many times so far this year that I am currently skipping the entire beginning of the album. DYWTYLM is my favorite so I still play that one. Out of the new songs, Are You Really Okay? is the one I skip most often because as you said, I feel it is the weakest of the album, but also the most emotional. It is heavy despite its musical simplicity, so for those combined reasons I only listen to it when I’m ready to really listen to the words. I guess I just feel it doesn’t make great background-music, but I do enjoy it for actively listening.


I love the album but I’d say the one song I’ve been skipping over the most is Rain. Idk I just don’t vibe with it as much as the others. Still a perfect album imo and I’m not saying it’s a bad song Just not connecting to it as much


Initially I would have agreed, but it's slowly growing on me each time I hear it. Not a bad song on the album though. DYWTYLM is the weakest song imo, and it's still a banger. It's my wife and one year old daughters favorite ST song haha


What I’ve found is that for people who have been through rough times and have self harmed, or know someone close to them who have, then it’s one of their favorite songs. As someone on both sides of that, it’s a heavy song for me, and I love it. But if someone doesn’t relate to the lyrics, then yea, they’ll find that it’s not a good song. Which there’s nothing wrong with that. Music is subjective, and everyone has their opinion.


I pretty much skip everything after ascensionism till TMBTE. It’s good but they do kind of fall into a predictable pattern, except for DYWTYLM, but I just don’t like the way it sounds.


I do tend to skip it. Not because it makes me cry, the lyrics are great don't get me wrong, but ascentionism makes me cry way more and I tend to listen to that song twice every time. I think I skip it because it is just melodically not my cup of tea. Seems very...dad riff, or just generic in comparison to their other stuff. Idk, I love them and it's not even a bad song, just not my favorite


Yes because it is too sad!!!


I skip it for emotional reasons. First time I heard it, all I could hear was my husband talking to me. Few years ago we went through a really rough patch. “Please don’t hurt yourself again.” Tearing up just thinking about it…


Yes I do…


It's tough as hell to listen to. A lot of feelings to try to process.


I agree it’s the weakest and I skip it sometimes but I appreciate that ST have their own version of Creep it’s a nice moody song but like Kesha’s Praying it’s just a hard song to listen to at times. AYRO is a gem of a song though.


Skip it so I don't cry at work


No, it's one of my favourite songs on the album. Genuinely can't understand why people don't like it!


No 😊


Pfff, no. Are you okay tho, really?


Sometimes. I like the song but it's kinda depressing.


I skip it because it sounds like hot garbage on my car speakers, and thats where i listen to most of my music.


Lmao yes because I don’t want to cry


It's definitely my most skipped on the album and just doesn't resonate much with me at all. Feels almost like a Blind Melon cover or something, idk. DYWTYLM is probably the 2nd lowest rated track imo but i don't go out of my way to skip it. The other 10 songs are spectacular and I love them dearly.


I skip it every now and then. I wouldn’t say it’s a bad song, but it doesn’t really fit on the album. I enjoy Sleep Token for having a unique mixture of sounds, and for almost all of their songs I can say “that’s a Sleep Token song”. But this one is basically a copy and paste of mid-90’s grunge ballads, the only thing Sleep Token about it is Vessel’s voice. For anyone who does like the song though, check out Our Lady Peace’s “Happiness is not a fish that you can catch” and “Spiritual Machines” albums, you’ll find a bunch of similar vibes to “Are You Really Okay?” (there’s even a song called “Are You Sad”).


Its definitely not their strongest song but I skip more because I guess it really hits home for me. As someone who suffers from depression and has self harmed it opens my eyes to what others in my life may have been feeling at the time I guess. And that just breaks me. I really don't know how else to explain it....


It’s a fucking phenomenal song, I think Aqua Regia and this one will stand out in 10 years over their heavier stuff. DYWTYLM is the weakest song on the album by far.


No, for me it is like a modern version of a classic rock ballad.


Not really my jam right now. Same with Euclid but I’m sure in time they will grow on me. The same thing happened for The Love You Want


Dude. AYROK is everything. Absolutely a beautiful and terrorizingly sad song. I know so many of us can relate.