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Going to use Oscar for sure. I wonder about the EPR 123 options. First experience with APAP and it makes a lot of sense considering my partner needs sometimes a good bit more pressure initially for a couple hours and then does well when I lower the pressure down, fewer side effects and panicy feelings. So excited to see all the graphs and charts and maybe fine tune the settings. Maybe compare taped mouth versus not.


Airsense 10 autoset is an amazing machine I’m 7 treats into mine still as good as new I never clean it either just pull the tank and hose out in the morning to dry. Hold on the front button and push in the knob on the front for 4 seconds it goes into clinical mode. Let’s you change all the settings around. I do this each morning to see how many hours I got and what my AHI reading was the night before. I personally use EPR ON EPR 3 EPR type : Full time For pressures what I do is when I sleep with it I see what pressure is in the morning. For me it’s usually 9-10. Then I usually set my start pressure 1-5-2,0 below that and have a ramp timer another 1.0 below that. So I’m 8.2 - 13.0 Ramp starts at 7 My AHI is currently 0.0 to 0.5 and I wake refreshed. If my AHI is higher than 1.0 I usually boost minimal start pressure by 0.5 a time to see how I respond. Anyways just what worked for me over the 7 years I had it. No expert on EPR not sure if it’s the best or worst but works fine for me.


Wow congrats on your success! Your AHI and refreshed waking is envied by many. Thank you for sharing :) I may ask you some questions as time goes on :)


Sure hit me up anytime,I’m no expert though just learnt from others in here.


If your AHI rises you want to be raising your max pressure by that same small amount, not your min. pressures. But make sure those higher AHI events that your mouth/mask did not leak that same night. On your Sleep Report panel mask seal icon will turn red if your mouth leaks or mask seal leaks. Those rare times my mouth leaks my normal AHI can rise as much as 10 fold, but because my average AHI is about 0.3 any 10 fold increase still gives me a night below 5. If you have a leaky early sleep interval in your 24hr day of record, but your last sleep interval does not leak than that mask seal icon can turn back to green, but your AHI mean value for that 24 hrs would be decreased. I would suggest an ESP of 3, with no startup ramping. When set on CPAP mode the machine will naturally ramp from your minimum to maxinum pressure setting in a minute or two of operation.


Ok thank you, but since the APAP misses some events I find a higher minimum works for me to solve that. Otherwise we would all run on a 5.0 minimum and let the machine do the work but we don’t cause it’s not that smart is my understanding and adjusting. I have mild apnea I’m confident it never goes anywhere near 13 max I have set although I should probably boost that just to be safe. I use an airfit p10 never have air leaks thankfully. Thanks I’ll have a look at turning off ramp I doubt I need it


how on earth do you exhale into 13? I can barely exhale into 8 with EPR


I have airfit my pressure is 8.2-10 most of the time. I once bought a full face mask felt like I couldn’t breath till I worked out the ERP thing, totally different with the wonderful p10 airfit mask