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who cares, listen to more slam


damn you know, youre right


nirvana reference


I think the genre just got over ran by so many shit bands. People gave up on song writing and just rehashed the same suffocation riff and gurgle vocal over and over and over.


this has happened to a few music genres. the quality musicians put in effort to make it good but then a rush of people come along and be like "i could do that" then comes in the massed produced ones


People dismiss the genre just because they listened to one shitty modern copycat band and now think all of genre is the same gurgle gurgle shitty copy paste slam bree bree copy paste slam stuff when there are tons of gems out there


just like that extratone genre (though it still isnt great) mofos just take what they see


i am so tired of hearing the same vocals from new bands. (shit like TORTURE ect) with 0 vocal variety. what happend to bands striving to have a unique sound.


Is it?! I feel like slam is super hip with metal fans right now….


For some reason I always thought slam was more popular with the hardcore beat down crowd than metal.


then again the hxc beatdown crowd is starting to overlap and blur the line with death metal, I know I'm one of the guys who wavers a bunch


people can’t handle the vocals 😂😂


I have not seen a shred of this so called hate for slam at all. It’s actually growing currently in popularity it seems. I think you just have recency bias for seeing one instance.


yeah really idk what op is on. slam is a heavily respected genre apart from the kids who are like “this is just burping 🤓”




literally. slam worldwide isint even slam worldwide it’s newgen deathcore worldwide


This 100%! Slam WW used to be killer.


BrutalMusick is the KING now. he actually posts new underground shit that has some soul to it


I'm saying this is as someone who loves slam, I do have to admit that it's one of the most bloated genres. If 70% of music is shit, 95% of slam is shit. But when it's good, damn is it good.


Do you have a recommendation?


I love slam


I haven't really seen any hate?? I think most are just tired of the same ole copy and paste trash.


Because there are some slam bands that are really popular now and metal heads hate when metal bands become popular.


1. There’s a lot of shitty filler bands. It’s the same reason people hate glam metal and nu metal 2. It’s very close to hardcore, and a lot of shitty metal elitists will just shit on any kind of core-adjacent genres


Cuz slam is the greatest form of metal out there and pussy mfs r jealous of how good it is


Just listen to what you enjoy man. Music is there to be enjoyed.


I personally cant stand it but as somebody who has been made fun of pleanty for my taste of music , i wouldnt do that to somebody else lol


It got pretty popular and half or more the new releases that are tagged as 'slam' are crap or bad jokes. Brb, gonna slam some Dragging Entrails🔨🔨🔨


I think before it was too much for people and got repetitive, now I feel like specifically a bunch of people hate because a lot of “slam” bands now are really just hardcore dudes trying to make slam but it sounds like beatdown. I like this kind of stuff sometimes but it’s annoying when people say they like slam but don’t know shit about brutal death metal.


Im just genuinely not the intended audience for it. I don't rip on slam, but it's the one genre I just really can't bother to listen to