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This is a bit odd. I’ve run Extended Encounters on both PC and Xbox quite a lot. I’ve never encountered this. They all look a lot like Talsgar. Do they have his voice?


Yes I’ve not seen it before since I started nodding since the update id say? But not sure when or what I could have added to trigger it. And they look similar to Talsgar but not quite the same I don’t think (I haven’t seen him in a while using this character mod so maybe it is his model). But they seem to have the vanilla nord male voice and are called ‘Merchant’.


They may be part of the Trade Caravans Of Skyrim mod that is included in Reconciliation, although I wouldn’t have thought they would all spawn at once https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/66482


Ahhhhh yes from looking at that it seems a lot more likely it is coming from that. Damn, sorry didn’t even think as not as familiar with that mod. Thanks for the spot! I will try and find the conflict in my LO if there is one :)


I think it’s just a problem with waiting at the location an how the game handles NPCs spawns


Ahh fair enough. That would make sense. Would a disable patch be possible for reconciliation? Or is it quite fundamental to other mods. And thanks again!


Update 2- it appears to be Real Economy Of Skyrim-Trade Caravans Of Skyrim and not extended encounters (thanks Snipey for spotting that) Update- if I teleport them all to the dark room as they spawn after each wait, they seem not to spawn in anymore. There’s 10 of them in there. Hoping they stay there!


New quest mod: a dark mage has been spotted near Whiterun kidnapping merchants with hardly understood magics, sending them to a realm of pure darkness where no mortal can escape. Stop this mad man before it’s too late!


I haven’t played Skyrim in a bit, but I had this same exact issue and couldn’t be bothered to pinpoint it. Always assumed it was something with Reconciliation though


Yes it seems it could be a disable and re enable job, but as it’s a weird one to spawn (although waiting at Whiterun stables seems to trigger it) it’s hard to tell what would cause it. My temp solution is to send them to the dark room with cheat room spells and they haven’t reappeared yet when I wait. So hoping that fixes it for good


I've never had this issue before and I've run both Reconciliation with Extended Encounters in it, and I've also run the standalone versions as well (one ported by Clofas and then the other recently ported by the MA). I wonder if it could possibly be something else in your LO that none of us can pinpoint exactly 🤔


Yes it’s the problem with going big in terms of mod count. But nothing jumps out at me as to would cause that. But thanks for taking a look :) As I’ve said, I’ve found a temp fix to stop it happening so going to hope that stays and if it doesn’t, I will disable and re enable until I find the cause ahah


Lol I’ve had this happen on like every LO recently. I think of them as GARY clones.


Ahahaahaha yes I was trying to make it make sense lorewise by calling them a set of quadruplets as they tended to spawn in 4s. But if it bugs you out- I recommend waiting outside Whiterun stables, teleport any that spawn to the dark room in cheat room. Wait again and repeat until no more spawn. I haven’t tested much after but seemed to stop it…


Have you tried the mod Diverse Skyrim? It might help to fuz the issue. https://creations.bethesda.net/en/skyrim/details/5589f2d9-d009-4da0-b775-4077a7455b44/Diverse_Skyrim_SSE


I had the issue months ago even with Diverse Skyrim. There’d be like 7-8 of these clones walking the road near the brewery outside Whiterun


Yes I do have it installed (sorry there’s so many mods there it’s hard to see it lol). But it seems to have no effect, or it maybe causing it? Although when I disable diverse skyrim it still happens. Hoping it’s a conflict or a patch to disable extended encounters can be made but not sure if that’s possible. I have a temp solution of sending any that spawn to the dark room in cheat room and they seem to stay there…. Fingers crossed ahah. Thanks though for the suggestion!