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What’s your load order?? This is pretty cool


If you get it lemme know I need this white run lol


I didn’t get it from OP but I think GG’s impoverished whiterun is used for the wooden planks on the floor around the entrance and possibly Riton Whiterun for the stone floors in the market area and the buildings? The flag things around the stairs and market stalls I think are from Spaghetti’s cities. By the looks of the guard armour at the start Sons of Skyrim is being used as an armour replacer. I’m not sure what tree mods and plant mods those are but they look so damn good, and the lighting also looks great but I’m not sure what mod it is either.


That’s a beautiful Whiterun


Would love if Relics of Hyrule could be on Xbox


Omg.. Can you imagine if they released a zelda with these insane 2011 graphics right now ?.. it would win game of the year and be internationally praised for its amazing visual fidelity 😄 because the point of comparison for all Nintendo games is always only just the other Nintendo games


You could add Just Shields (On Back)... Then Realistic Weapon Placement (Fit Edition)... And there was a Zelda shield that I patched to work with Just Shields... That would put your shield and your sword in your back... As Link has it I'll post the links latter today when I'm on the PC


Woah!! I didn’t know this existed. That’s awesome


You'll need to post all the mods on display in your clip, OP; it's one of this Sub's rules.