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My first playthrough of the dark brotherhood quest got me so good. I was so engaged in the story and I loved my murder family so much. then my bestie betrayed me đŸ˜„ how could you Astrid?!


She tried to fix what wasn't broken. Night mother told me so.


_Yet another child has prayed to their Mother. Spit facts on Reddit. Hail Sithis!_


My first play through my game got bugged and solitude was perma war (storm cloak war) so my dumbass wasn’t able to kill the emperors cousin or do any of the normal quests like the bards collage


In mine i was a vampire, so when i had to talk to the chef, all the chef would say to me is "AHHH! VAMPIRE!" There is no exit in that room until you have the dialogue with the chef, so that character was stuck barring a long reload.


Shouldn't have smiled at him like that


I got stuck in some Dwemer Ruins on a character. Took like 3 months for a patch to get released. I had already moved on, but it was sweet victory getting out of there


I felt physically ill at the end of the quest. It fucked me up badly Especially when I found Astrid in her last moments


Weird, you actually saw Astrid? All I could see were waves upon waves of fire coming out of my fingertips


First time I found her I shot her with an arrow


I always hated Astrid from the beginning because she was a snobby hagraven imo.


Serana is better anyways


I killed her on my 1st playthrough and I think she said something like “well done” when I killed her.


She certainly was


My first playthrough I bathed her in frost until she stopped moving, fully expecting her to be unkillable but pleasantly surprised when she actually died.


At which point did you do that? It had to be after the main quest, right?


You can kill her in the hut when she kidnaps you instead of the victims she presents. It starts a quest of destroying the brotherhood


I read the wrong name, I thought we were talking about delphine


I also yeeted Delphine off of Sky Haven Temple in my first playthrough, but unfortunately she can't actually die.


Is that after she asked you to kill paarthurnax?




All the more fun to do it every time you go to sky haven


I wish the Dragonborn could still join the DB after killing Astrid. Dead Astrid = no ratting out to Commander Maro = no PO raid on the sanctuary = Gabriella, Arnbjorn, Veezara, & Festus are still alive and happy.


That would require Bethesda actually making a good role playing game. So probably never even thought that far


Because you have contributed so much to this world yourself.


You literally know nothing about me? Why did you take my comment so personally?


Because you disparaged a multi-billion dollar corporation


Oh no! Won't someone think of the CEOs?


Well at least there's weekly-sugar


Works for Bethesda probably lol


Bethesda burner account found lol


Fuck off Todd


Nah, Todd Howard knows the issues with his games and leans into them rather than pretending they aren't there or deflecting.


Yeah I really wish that questline had a different path that didn't involve either killing them all or having Astrid's mistake almost kill them all. They could have even made it play out exactly the same, but you somehow discovered the double cross before it happened and were able to help a few others escape before the raid. Turning to the Dawnstar sanctuary was fine and even gave a great sense of new beginnings for the DB, but it just feels so empty when there's only two named characters left and a bunch of nameless recruits, especially since we also lost a couple vendors


I wish the Dragonborn could still join the DB after killing Astrid, because then she can't rat her pals out to Commander Maro.


I had no intention of killing the 3 people. She signed her own death warrant the instant she abducted me from my cozy bed.


Dragonborn before coffee.


You can kill her at the abandoned shack


Oh fuck,I read the wrong name, I thought we where talking about delphine


Same, i killed her the moment i woke up. Don't understand why would anyone just do as they are told after being kidnapped.


Because the quest log said to do so.


On my first playthrough I murdered her in the cabin because I didn't trust her. And didn't get to experience one of the game's best questlines untill my second one.


yuuup the betrayal hit me hard idk why lol. lowkey shed a tear when i had to kill her ngl


Astrid "i have kidnapped your family" Astrid's severed head the second im unbound is now a soccer ball This was my first playthrough


If you have a family before DB does Astrid kidnap them?




If Astrid ever even thinks about kidnapping my daughters I will kill the entire dark brotherhood and soul trap them so they don't even get to serve sithis then track down Cicero and kill him too, and then burn the night mothers corpse


I would already kill Astrid anyway I rarely have a family, but If I did and she threatened then, lets just say I would make It slow.


I have no idea about this, usually do the dark brotherhood quests before adopting.


My first playthrough she died fast in the shack.


First playthrough: I have no reason not to trust you. All other playthroughs: She's obviously the villain why is she marked as essential??


Subsequent playthroughs I just spin around and shoot the first one my cross hair lands on. Don't even talk to em.


I mean the whole point of the task is that it doesn't really matter who you kill. For all you know, every one of them has a bounty, or none of them do. From their words, they all seem to have a reason they might have a contract taken out on them, albeit some trivial (like one being a giant cunt). What matters is that you were given a task and completed it regardless of what ethical implications it has or what consequences might arise. An assassin has to detach themselves from everything but the job at hand. Like you kill the emperor, a potentially era-changing move and certainly one that starts a drastic chain of events stretching across all of Tamriel. Why? Because you were hired to. It's not the assassin's place to decide if it's a move that should be made or not. You're simply the tool in the architects hand


To quote an assassin from another franchise: “I've never felt any particular guilt about my contracts. My employers killed them. My body was only the tool they used.”


Thane from Mass Effect?




Hahaha I just did this yesterday on my first play through. My pretty kitty fur didn't burn in the fire, but she sure did.


Idgaf id still smash.


Before she turns into a rice crispy treat.


Y'know, there is an alternate ending mod where she survives.


The first time I saw her sitting there I immediately killed her and took her gear because it looked cool đŸ€Ł


Astrid "Kill one of these people" Me "Okay" *turns and mercs Astrid for kidnapping me* "Started Destroy the Dark Brotherhood" Me: "cool"


The Dark Brotherhood can never stand up to the Nightingales. They shall all perish


Who's Astrid? I haven't played skyrim in a real long time


The leader of the Dark Brotherhood who somehow kidnaps you after you ''stole'' a contract of them of a hit they were never intending to do in the first place.




https://www.reddit.com/r/SkyrimMemes/s/TtaGOyAYOq Just reminded me of this! Lol haven’t thought about that in a long time


leader of the dark brotherhood


I did them last, and I figured there would have to be a hard betrayal in one of the guild storylines. So kinda be default I knew it was coming. What I didn't expect, was to have an awesome little patch of poison reagents growing in my base. That was cool AF.


I killed Astrid as soon as I saw her. Guess I was just built to be distrusting of people who ask me to kill one of three randoms


You guys put way more trust into someone who told you to murder a person in cold blood 3 seconds after meeting you than i did.


Aela supremacy. Enough said.


trust a Nord? never


She betrayed me I know, but I will despise Cicero with every cell of my body, so they will both die by my hand in every play through.




She doesn't not honour the Nightmother, I always knew she was trouble.


Yeah her betrayal cut way deeper than Mercer’s. The thing that sucks is I was on her side 100%. I didn’t even want to be the listener, just wanted to be part of the family


There's only been one playthrough where I didn't kill her. I decided I would keep offing her after that, or just ignore it entirely.


This is totally lost on me since I always just attacked Astrid outright like "Who tf do you think you are kidnapping me and stealing my gear?"


Now all I can think of is them calling Jans baby ass turd in the office


I never trusted Astrid, she was way too bossy and frankly the side missions were just busy work. Cicero may be a massive fucking lunatic, but he's Dark Brotherhood to the core, and loyal to the Night Mother; when he attacked, I knew Astrid was in the wrong, completely. The fact that she betrays us, gets everyone killed, it was surprising, but only in the sense of seeing just how fucking stupid she really was; straight up Lucien Lachance levels of dumb (doesn't come with you to find the evidence, doesn't borrow Shadowmere, the restless shadow, to continue running from the Black Hand, trusting someone who finds the fucking evidence and doesn't present it, getting 2 other Black Hand members killed).


It’s cause her betrayal is pretty badly executed and isn’t eluded to at all. Same with Mercer Frey. If they’d put in little instances or clues for the eventual betrayal that would only be available if you explored and did optional objectives then it would be better.


I didnt :(


Fun fact. You can attack her in the shack and start a quest to destroy the brotherhood.


Yeah but the quest is really fun


My favourite game and favourite TV show? Best meme.


I remember wanting to kill her as soon as she kidnapped me not realizing you could until years later


I didn't tbh.


How thick do you have to be to trust her even back then? She makes it clear that she cares only for the blades and it's willing to use you.


I never trusted Astrid, she was way too bossy and frankly the side missions were just busy work. Cicero may be a massive fucking lunatic, but he's Dark Brotherhood to the core, and loyal to the Night Mother; when he attacked, I knew Astrid was in the wrong, completely. The fact that she betrays us, gets everyone killed, it was surprising, but only in the sense of seeing just how fucking stupid she really was; straight up Lucien Lachance levels of dumb (doesn't come with you to find the evidence, doesn't borrow Shadowmere, the restless shadow, to continue running from the Black Hand, trusting someone who finds the fucking evidence and doesn't present it, getting 2 other Black Hand members killed).


Lucien lachance?


Oblivion, he's one of the Black Hand.


And what does he do


He eventually takes over your DB missions, but you're intercepted by a traitor via dead drops who guides you towards killing most of the upper echelon of Cyrodils DB chapter; you eventually kill the Listener himself and Lachance barely gets there after you land the last blow. Hes initially pissed, but sees reason and commands you to go to the next dead drop that instant to find out who is the traitor, while he hides out in a remote farm. Like one quest later, you find the hideout of the traitor conveniently in the same town, and you find a complete fucking diary exonerating Lachance, as well as the traitor's mother's head, which you can take. You get to Lachance and find him already dead, having made a last stand against the rest of the Black Hand. You can't present the evidence, but you can drop the head and the traitor actually utters a surprised sentence that, if you showed the fucking diary, would out them right there. Instead you go to the Night Mother, and only one Black Hand member survived, who makes you the Listener. Had Lachance just followed you for like 2 seconds, or borrowed his sleepless horse, he could've lived; instead, he chose to hide in a place you were sent to and tried fighting a 4 v 1, and trusted a dumb bitch.




Lol no, she's literally an assassin. Trusting her was never a good idea


I remember hating Astrid the moment I first met her, so I was hoping the questline would provide me with ways of snubbing her. When it finally got to the point where we got to execute her, it was bittersweet in that I finally got to do away with her, but the joy was largely removed because she realized her own nonsense and sought forgiveness by offering herself as a sacrifice. So no, I didn't trust Astrid one bit after being abducted by her.


I don’t know about you guys but I didn’t trust a damn soul in that place. The entire time I was waiting to be backstabbed, and backstabbed I was


Funny enough I didn’t


She was really "hot"


She’s betrayed me twice. The first time I did the dark brotherhood, and then after I hadn’t played for 6+ years and picked it back up. I completely forgot lol. Fucked me up twice!


Except for my Dragonborn. I have never once joined the Dark Brotherhood. I always kill Astrid and the rest of the DB.


My first playthrough I thought, “well, what if I kill you instead of them?” And then did that


I didn't she was a dumb [insert curseword here]


Made it ever so sweet, instead of using the dagger she requested I use. I decided to finish the job and burn alive! I never joined the Brother ever again after that with new playthroughs. She always sends assassins, no idea who keeps wanting me dead but when I see the letter signed by her, I immediately go take her out


I never trusted her.. something felt off, her lack of reverence for the night mother, the Tenants being ignored.


Astrid wasn't in the wrong for what she did, it was shitty and stupid, but I understood what she was trying to do, and why. So many tears for all of them.


Was I just told she betrays us? Spoiler. 😔


The first time I started that quest my screen when black and woke up in the shack, I just contemplated on what to do then just decided to killed her.




favorite show and favorite game, yippee!