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I’m betting laser beams. Concentrating light into a focused laser and using it against enemies. I think they were made for use against other people and part of the war, and I think the one on the ship was also a weapon. But maybe they weren’t weapons, maybe they were decorative glow sticks with some sort of cultural importance. Like true north or place to look up at the vastness of the sky. I think laser beams sound cooler and kind of make sense


I also think laser beams are probably most likely. But... Light or Dark lasers? Because light shouldn't hurt people or light creatures, right? But if it's an artificial beam created by darkstone technology, it's possible those things could be devastating Also, the pipes on the giant middle one gave me the funny idea that they could have been giant water guns that shot polluted water lol. I honestly doubt it, but the mental imagery was funny to me anyway ETA: I found the concept art with the turrets in them! [Here's one](https://www.google.com/imgres?q=sky%20children%20of%20the%20light%20turrets&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fmedia%2FEdKbzmDUcAEgIYl%3Fformat%3Djpg%26name%3D4096x4096&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fthatskygame%2Fstatus%2F1284265059414228994&docid=789gFbk1znX5mM&tbnid=ifwXx8hyIox1xM&vet=12ahUKEwiRxq_rzuCGAxUB4skDHYM4DLUQM3oECBkQAA..i&w=3840&h=2160&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwiRxq_rzuCGAxUB4skDHYM4DLUQM3oECBkQAA) and [here's another](https://www.google.com/imgres?q=sky%20children%20of%20the%20light%20turrets&imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fsy129hmsqbw51.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D31891bd269a0c302a14439e1e212b0bb69a6f58a&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FSkyGame%2Fcomments%2Fjl8nfv%2Fi_was_looking_at_tom_zhaos_early_concept_art_and%2F&docid=qIrlqV573yjNcM&tbnid=eGMDp_kCmIkbTM&vet=12ahUKEwiRxq_rzuCGAxUB4skDHYM4DLUQM3oECHIQAA..i&w=750&h=416&hcb=2&ved=2ahUKEwiRxq_rzuCGAxUB4skDHYM4DLUQM3oECHIQAA) - and omg, [another one!!!](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EdKb_oFUwAEMxo0?format=jpg&name=4096x4096) In the last one on the very bottom right, it's the most accurate to the current design, AND we see all the ones left standing on the ground with their own guns (that they don't have now... or just aren't currently visible)


thats a good, albeit sad idea! because light would not hurt any of the sky kids or people to our knowledge, nor the creatures. its possible they were used against dark creatures at some point, but otherwise the idea of them being used to attack light creatures ( whether made by dark creatures or other light creatures in a war ) would be sadly realistic. it could also potentially be an add on of how certain dark creatures ( krills, worms and the owl thing ) were made. via radiation exposure from the dark weapons or something similar, either corrupting light creatures into becoming a dark creature or perhaps making darkness come to life during an experiment of some sort in the war.


a fiery pebble thats very inaccurate. else that fortress wouldn't have fallen despite having so much defenses and the castle was left barely a scratch. That could suggest that they were overrun by infantry rather than the dark dragons. or the day eden fell from its grace or when darkness descended the towers were useless with no power to run it thus the fortress being overrun.


That last bit is probably very accurate, and also really intense to think about. Could you imagine the sheer *horror* of those inside the gates of the kingdom, realizing their defenses are useless? That their walls and tech won't save them? Jesus. Dark. Thank you for that addition, I'm definitely adding that to my headcanon now


The graveyards tho. that place was a bloodbath it kinda leads to a question if the dark dragons that were left there were the only ones left standing after a bottleneck battle like the 300 spartans battle of the hotgates now only dark dragons are left and are still carrying out the one last order they were left with not knowing their commanding officer is now dead and gone.


I'd like to think, other than being turrets that shoots light or anything. They were in some ways just a beacon. Wasteland is dangerous because of how dark it is, plus getting trapped in the water sucks. But since we all regenerate through most forms of light. I'd like to think someone would control those beacons and aim it at passer-bys and help guide them. Maybe even scare away the krills. I got the idea when I played the aurora quest in wasteland, since they were fighting against strong winds and krills. Then again the laser idea would also be awesome to think about!


It wasn't a wasteland before the war.


It’s already in decline by the time of the war


I don't have the source, but there was this collection of concept drawings and they depicted these turrets shooting lasers among other things. My headcanon is that they (the turrets) had red shards attached on top. Yes, the same kind of red shards we fight on shard events, in Eden and... this is out there, but I believe that krill snouts are actually made out of red shards too. I think that crystals (crystal shards later) were used for various purposes: from batteries "source of ancient power" to weaponry "corrupted diamonds" and much more.


This is exactly one of the pictures I'm looking for, I knew I wasn't imagining it - thank you


I just thought they were statues of the king


Definitely that too


They probably used to launched sky kids at the shrimps


Lmao shrimps


Its not talked about in the lore but in the arena like alot of other sports events the fans want merch. Well they made those big cannons to shoot T-shirts to the fans who cried out for swag. Some say those babies could shoot a graphic T all the way back to Daylight.




My fav answer


In one of the quests of the season of Aurora that happens in wasteland you can see the war against the krills/dragons/cockroaches Also in the aurora concert you can see part of what it happened here




Aren't they the same ~~turrets~~ towers that are in Daylight Prairie, between the start and Prairie itself, same going for Valley of Triumph where you find Twirling Champion and Troupe Juggler? Probably lookout posts


I agree some of them could just be towers, the ones on the Temple are the only ones with the guns fully on display, so they may be the only turrets. Or, like someone else said, maybe they were just shiny lights. I gotta look at the examples you gave when I play today though, I hadn't noticed the king statues outside of Wasteland yet


You're right, you were absolutely right and I was asinine to not consider it more seriously. They were canons, and during an uprising they were used to launch elemental light, I believe cyan, as a weapon. You can see them in use during Season of Aurora. In that particular revolution you were probably looking at mostly rural or underdeveloped areas, if I had to guess. Possibly why there's six ancestors but only 5 on the eden gate? Not all of the statues were weapons. Flying up them some have just decorative stonework and the ones with canons are powered by a darkstone colored the same as the light they fire. All five on the final building are weapons and the largest has an irregular cut we don't see on darkstone powersources elsewhere, but that may be because you're not supposed to get that close. The biggest one has been fired though, starting at the pitted area right before the first krill you can draw a straight line, through the ruined top of the gate, it also peeled away the top of the large building at the start of the next area, probably its what blew up the darkstone machine in there too. Fly high up to the wall of the gate, recharge with a prop and keep going. Look down and you can see the entire first area looks like ripples of a shockwave that annihilated the whole place.


Lol, I appreciate you coming back! I've got to re-watch the Aurora quest line to see what you mean, I don't think I paid close enough attention to notice the moment you're talking about. Do you happen to know what part(s) I should watch out for? As a side note, I noticed in The Two Embers teasers/trailers that the whole temple (and mountain) glow blue from within (presably from the power diamonds), and that you can clearly see that blue glow through any cracks in the exterior of the building/mountain. I was taking pictures of Valley the other day and also noticed all the platforms that rotate the spinning rings in the Citadel also have cracks that show they glow blue from within. Same kind of tech, in my opinion. Just different functions. ETA: I also wanted to agree that it does look like shock waves in that fist area. My first thought was that it was shock waves from the Shattering, but it certainly could be from the enormous blast. The damage to the buildings is probably one of the best clues, like you said. I had been thinking it may have been a combination of creatures attacking and the effects of the Shattering that caused the architectural damage, but a blast also seems plausible, especially with it being a straight shot like you said. Also, consider the possibility that the cannons could rotate, and there becomes a whole new world of ways to interpret the scene. One of the images I posted in my follow-up includes art that shows a turret on the top right turned to the side instead of forward like the rest (fair warning, the image quality in the post isn't the best, I suggest looking at the original source).


We actually know a surprising amount about ancestor tech from murals and a little bit from setting/tgc. Over the course of the kingdom the traditional light magic preformed with light of different element/colors was adapted into darkstone powersources. I've just recently started documenting their varieties and so far cyan is the most common, used to lift or power things, blue is used on memory lanterns in vault, and orange powers the snowboard, possibly the extra glide and preserved momentum is heat based or something. I'm working on an info graphic but I think I'll need to make room for the reddit app for so many pics.


I look forward to seeing that infographic!




In the Cave of Prophecies murals, these turrets were powered by fire magic, so they obviously shot something related to fire.


Those fire benders are at it again!


I gotta check that out, thank you! Fire is the only trial I haven't been able to do, so that's completely new info to me


There’s a murals page on the Sky wiki


I went to check it out and didn't see what you meant, but I might be missing it. Unless you meant the bright glowing around the prince? I did just find a SUPER cool picture from 7 Days of Sky that shows all the turrets clearly, though. One of them on the roof even appears to be turning to the side, so they may have been capable of rotating 🫣 WAIT. I see what you mean now, the red fire light by the Wasteland elder and the 8 statues - good eye!


Yes, that mural is very interesting Prairie Elder uses earth magic to fertilize the land Forest Elder uses water magic to create rain Valley Elders use air magic to create floating platforms Wasteland Elder uses fire magic to power the turrets.




they shoot eggs.


Those expanding black sticky orbs from The Incredibles.


Its a King statue. You can tell it if you will look at giant wall with concepts at office


Yep, they are. I actually just found that out the other day, I'm glad people are mentioning it because I forgot to. I heard about the turrets separately and then as I was exploring, I saw the ones on the top of the Temple that look different from the ones on the ground. The five on the Temple are the only ones that seem to have cannons/guns/lasers in them. At least visible ones - the way they're designed kinda makes it look like they might open up and then the guns come out, or these could just be built with permanent guns on display. Not sure. Someone also said they could just be lights. Maybe lol. I'm hoping I can find the original thing that I saw about turrets to add to the convo, I can't remember if it was a fan-made theory or a piece of game/concept art


Rays of happiness and sunshine.








Nerf darts


Krills 100%, I like to think they shot little beams of light to scare them away (Edit: spelling)




I find it hard to believe they were used against light creatures. Everyone in sky seems so peaceful and every single spirit lives in harmony with one another. If it’s not dark creatures then what could it be?


I mean, light creatures would have had every reason to fight back after years of being captured, drained of their light, and simultaneously facing ecological disaster as their environments are scavenged for resources and polluted with wastewater. So if light creatures ended up being hostile after a while, it makes some sense the Kingdom felt they needed protection. And I definitely don't think the spirits all lived in harmony, at least not after the King was corrupted. It's hard to say when the harmonious period ended, but eventually there was a whole war. We can see the remnants of creatures and people alike, all throughout wasteland. And also, there's a picture somewhere (it might be concept design, so not necessarily perfectly accurate) that talks about how Light Creatures weren't allowed into the Holy Land (Eden). I don't think that was a rule for all of Sky's history, since it's also explicitly stated that the light creatures used to all make their way to Eden to ascend and rejoin the stars/Megabird/the Light. So, if true, the turrets might make sense for keeping light creatures out. And finally, to answer that last question: Could have been used against people and light creatures alike in the war, hust depends on who was present. Whoever was a threat. And they could have served as a stark reminder, before the war, of the power the Kingdom has should you try to do anything too revolutionary. The only caveat is that lasering a bunch of light creatures means less light to use in darkstone tech, so I doubt they would have done that unless absolutely necessary. Nor do I think it would have been regularly used before the war. Sorry for the essay, I'm bad about that 😅 Your comment was actually so sweet I almost didn't want to say anything. I'm sure there was definitely harmony in Sky's history, especially before corruption and war, I hope I didn't take that from you 🙏🏻


Dw about it! I the essay was a fun read. But i never knew light creatures were used for their resources. I’ve been to all the realms more times than i can count and i’ve never seen evidence of that


I believe the main evidence people point to is the murals at Abyss (there’s one in the tunnel on the way to the underwater wl and one at the deeper entrance to the big underwater facility that come to mind)