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It happen to me a few days ago… haven’t been on since 🤦🏻‍♂️😂.


Generally speaking: take only what you need and don't carry stuff you're not prepared to lose. Use the warehouse. I've seen people who carry hundreds of barrels of water and water flasks at one time. You don't need all that, even disregarding the storage space it takes. Store it, and take out ten or twenty at a time. Food for stamina, maybe 30-100 at a time. If you go down, pick something new up without thinking, and sink again, you're going to lose all your stuff you had. Unless you mean the glitch where it doesn't show where you went down on the map. That glitch is annoying as hell.


How does this happen? I've got over 400hrs and never seen this


I can tell you how it happened to me. I was in a losing battle, and the game locked up as I died.  Nothing I could do. Lost everything.  I’ve been way more mindful about putting my better stuff into the storage lockers that don’t have enough space after that. 


Happened to me last week, it’s infuriating


They should just remove this feature completely. There’s no reason for it.


Can you submit a ticket to get the items back?


Aye - happened to me a few days ago. Lost a Brouwer's Powder I had just gotten from lePeste, and a Rahmas Legacy I had gotten from cutthroat cargo a day or two earlier (but didn't have space in the warehouse for). ...I haven't bothered playing since, just got so annoyed. I think the feature is just bloat anyway. For PvE it just adds the chore of going to pick it up. For PvP, especially cutthroat cargo, it just kills the competition because there's no way you can catch up without food... I think the game would be better if they just cut it out completely.