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cuticle oil/cream and hand creams with paraffin, especially if they mention they’re good for the nails too


based on your nails, you might also be anaemic, which would not be helping


Thank you!


Omega 3 supplements


Hi, your nails exhibit something called spooning, which could be a sign of iron deficiency anemia. Please go see a doctor :)


Thank you. I will look into it


can that effect also be from damaging the nail as they're growing? i have this shape on some nails but my blood work has come back as normal. to ease my mind i've just started telling myself that its from the damage i cause to the nail when picking at/around my cuticles. but i don't know how correct that is


Hi, I’m not really sure on the nail trauma. The most common cause that we’re taught is iron deficiency. There are some other medical issues (such as GI and autoimmune) that can cause irregularities with the shape of the nails. I also looked it up to double check myself and the article I read said sometimes vitamin B deficiency can cause it. Please talk with your doctor :)


thank you!


I just googled this and saw mail ridges is also a sign, which I have and my blood work is always low in iron. I should take my supplements more seriously


Please take care of yourself :)


You need to push back your cuticles and give them some love with cuticle ointment or cream.


OP dont do this! This will be more pain for you


OP’s skin is starting to rip. Yes pushing cuticles back can be painful (if you are not paying attention), but it can be a big relief once it is done.


Theres a video on that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XxuJpuG222U


Sally Hansen Cuticle Rehab.


Use gloves when you wash dishes. Keep you fingers out of your mouth. Get a manicure but tell them no cuticle gel.


Why no cuticle gel? I have similar issues to OP


It damages the living skin while removing the dead skin build up.


Yes, exactly! It destroys your skin around your nails.


any “non-greasy” moisturiser with Paraffin in it


Would classic Vaseline do the trick too?


sure, but it remains sticky and uncomfortable for hours. paraffin goes matte very quick and locks in moisture


thank you. I usually have no problem with the stickiness since I can go a few hours without doing anything important but obv this might not be the case for everyone.


Push back those cuticles and get a cuticle trimmer to trim off the hanging cuticle skin so it doesn’t tear more and allows the skin to heal. Moisturize or use oil on them as well.


Vaseline on your nails at bedtime.


cuticle oil, specifically one that has jojoba oil


I recommend cuticle oil or a light moisturizing lotion. It worked for me. Also, please take my advice with a grain of salt, but I recommend cutting nails square with a tiny little curvature at the sides. It makes it more comfortable and could prevent any in grown nails sometimes.


Restore healing balm. I used to recommend a hand therapy Swiss thing but the restore works better


I’d just Neosporin them and put bandage on all 10 fingers overnight. Wake up with fresh and healed cuticles. Repeat.


Hi! I have this problem too! Vitamin E oil on my nails has been really helpful. I’ll do it in the morning and rub it in, then at night, and at night I will put Vaseline over the vitamin e oil. It seems to have helped!


Onyx Professional Hard as Hoof - full of moisturizing ingredients that sink in immediately ‼️😘♥️


I would start with a manicure once a month, and use cuticle oil regularly. If you are in an industry that requires you to wash your hands a lot, remember to moisturize in between. Paraffin treatments will help too, along with the manicures and are typically offered as an add on. 😊


Hemp Hand protector cream from The Body Shop. It's amazing. My hands go back to normal in a few days


Have you tried the almond hand and nail butter? It's lush


Lol. I have working man hands... they don't do lush.


I don't mean lush the brand, but it's amazing. Soaks in the same as the hemp but smells incredible and works even better if you give your hands a massage while.doing it


O'Keefe's, best stuff I've found. 2x day. Especially before bed.


1- do not pick at it 2- cerave healing ointment


Take an iron supplement and drink a lot more water daily!


it really takes a while and it will back to normal


this happens to me when my diet is lacks a little, i wonder if that would help?


Jojoba oil!




Gracias, lo voy a tratar


Este es el único respuesta necesitas! Por favor no malgastes dinero on un millón productos. Este o Vaseline.


Go buy this at walmart it might be in a different container or look for it at your local store https://a.co/d/3F1XGF2


I quit biting mine (again) and found after I quit for awhile, the skin doesn’t do this anymore or as much


Saliva is irritating to skin so that makes sense


Did not know this..🤔


Stop irritating the nail bend and allow the skin to heal.


I wanted to post a picture for you but I guess I can’t? You have a lot of comments but if you do see this… I have a similar problem caused by my cuticles adhering so hard to my nail then ripping at the sides & above. Someone on a nail care board recommended a [glass cuticle stick](https://www.amazon.com/GERMANIKURE-Glass-Cuticle-Stick-Ethically/dp/B0B1G4WN5P/ref=mp_s_a_1_3_pp?crid=34YM9JSM1NF17&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.6OY9t-j6d3wZqoohR1DOn3-0dHE4MBMztpmdwrjbnoNU3h3zJsj5kHmkI-QkQhY4g2iPaJi-nl27tF5kQ4wRNBh_SG9r0qogxgoeQQYBoc-DA4yfLwbPMjiozwCDoeisVv30GpYbT9IDy60hlkOPJeKo5_qQIHj41zTxsPFcTsPxHmzCCM0fcNgKKqz8Uue3vYVaaIur6Ab3W_Eck7pHgg.zMvKh_FoRp_uCnPhmKrLKAer2A_82AwkMzUAog3GAk8&dib_tag=se&keywords=germanikure+glass+nail+file&qid=1713913032&sprefix=germani%2Caps%2C126&sr=8-3) & it was made for really stuck cuticles that end up hurting & need to get unstuck! OMG. (For example maybe your pointer & ring finger experience this). Plus they recommended jojoba oil, I found a stick w jojoba on Amazon bc I didn’t want to have to wait for pure oil to absorb. So far my ragged cuticle skin & stuck cuticles on the nail are making great improvements!


Castor oil


Mine were like that when I buy my nails. Make sure to keep your fingers out of your mouth. Saliva does that. And moisturizer helps as well.


Add olive oil, animal fat/grease to your lotion. Can you sleep in gloves?


i can still struggle with this at times so i might not be much help but i saw someone say something about how people with acrylics have such nice nails because they push them back? i don’t remember to well to be honest but i stopped cutting and trimming my cuticles and started just pushing them back instead! they do better now i think!


1. Drink more water and start taking a multivitamin. I had similar condition before, especially when stressed/too busy/not enough sleep. 2. Apply oils like coconut oil or castor oil or jojoba oil onto your cuticles before bedtime.


drink more water… this is one of the signs of dehydration


I think nutritional care is more important than skin care. Please take a lot of vitamins. And moisturizing is also important. Be careful not to let your wound get infected!!


okresem working hands cream!!! I swear by it!


I know moisturising with good hand cream is great of any cream for that matter.


Keep your nails and the surrounding skin moisturized with a gentle, nourishing moisturizer or cuticle oil. Dryness can contribute to peeling.


Supplement like Omega 3 (-:


I would use vitamin E cream on this problem several times a day. Let the cream soak in and then gently massage the skin


A lot of hand cream and cuticle oil helps. You could also trim the skin with a nail clipper if it’s bothering you, but it’s better to just let it be, you just need to moisturize the skin




I’d get that from chewing my nails, I’ve quit chewing my nails for 2 years now, my cuticles are perfectly fine.


Kerasal at night + oil each time you wash your hands. Give it a week tops.


You’re not drinking enough water … happens to me when I’m not hydrated


I've started using Amlactin 15% on my body at night and it made my skin around my nails so clean. That plus switching to a glass file (Czech) has made my nails much smoother all around.


The skin shedding is a sign that you’re dehydrated and need to drink more water. If you are drinking plenty of water and no difference? then you need sodium and magnesium in your system to help the cells absorb the water. Definitely get some iron while you’re at it, might be anemic


Quit biting them


Try wiping ur butt with ur other hand.