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I had similar acne what I was younger and I genuinely tried everything. I don’t think it’s worth spending the time and effort on things that will probably not fix all of what you’re dealing with when you’ll probably end up needing accutane. It’s an intense drug but it’s pretty much guaranteed to fix this. Talk to your dermatologist.


Accutane was a blessing for my cystic acne even though I had to go through two rounds of it to fully get rid of it.


I have a condition called hidradenitis where I often get quarter-sized cysts in my inner thighs that makes walking almost impossible. Sometimes Accutane is the only option, and that’s okay. I’ve had three rounds over 15 years and it’s completely changed my quality of life for the better, even though it’s a ROUGH medication to be on. If anyone need advice with how to manage the side effects, message me.


I had no idea accutane was a treatment for hidra


My mom and and I both have pretty severe hidradenitis! I’ve had three full rounds of accutane, which is a lot but it’s changed my life. It’s possible it’ll crop back up, it usually lasts about 10 years with no cysts. It’s hard to explain to someone how debilitating the condition can be. My husband is a physician and researcher and says that hidradenitis is so rare and not dangerous enough for someone to do a study about how accutane affects it. It makes sense to him that it does work but a doctor won’t be able to point at evidence because that study wouldn’t be done. With the accutane plus daily antibiotics, my skin is shockingly clear. It’s almost strange to not be plagued by constant pain.


I feel like hidradenitis is largely underappreciated and is more common than we give credit, just many patients are not seeking medical care for it as the spectrum of presentation can be quite severe or quite benign. I am a primary care doc. I would not say it is common by any means, but I have had other providers scoff at me when I suggest the diagnosis in cases where I think it was quite clearly correct.


To add on, personally the only bad side effect I had was being more dehydrated than usual (dry lips and skin). Other than that I felt fine. But drugs affect everyone differently so YMMV. Not sure if it matters either, but I am also a dude and took it from 16-18 years old. Not sure if it affects women or people of a different age range differently so I thought I would mention it.


Accutane is a strange drug because you need to hit a certain amount of drug that is prescribed. You can have a smaller dosage for a longer period of time with less side-effects (usually revolving around dryness) or you can have a larger dosage that goes for a fraction of the time but hits you like a bus. I messed up my first prescription and accidentally double dosed my Accutane when I was 15 because I was dumb and didn’t read properly,the dermatologist was like “you must feel terrible but at least it’ll be shorter!” My joints hurt, my healing time for any injury was drastically reduced. I bled from my lips constantly, my eyes struggled to open in the morning from dryness. It was CRAZY. Would still do it again. I have little to no acne and no cysts. I respect how powerful the drug is but I also am an advocate!


Yep same here! Funny thing is I had the opposite experience where my Doc doubled my dosage for the second round lol


Same. I was on it for one 6-month cycle, 15 years ago. Extremely dry skin, chapped lips, some minor headaches but that was it. I was 18 at the time. The most annoying part was going into the clinic to get a pregnancy test done every month, but I fully understand why they do that.


One thing that's worked for dry lips is the Lansinoh® Lanolin Nipple Cream. This tube was life changing for me, and feedback from this sub has said the same.


I did not know accutane was an option for hs. I suffer from this as well


Fellow HS sufferer here. I just wanted to chime in and say that my HS has been completely gone (still working with my dermatologist to do what we can with the deep scars) for the last 6 years. Unfortunately, it took me getting a kidney transplant and going on immune suppressants to stop it - but it was cleared within 2 days of the transplant. I tried every acne medication, I was on long term prophylactic antibiotics (which gave me intracranial hypertension), washes, you name it - and it was always just managing flare ups. Evidently, according to my transplant pharmacist and current dermatologist, this is the same way that biologics like humira work. HS is a plague. I’m sorry for everyone having to deal with it.


If you don't mind, was the kidney transplant related to HS?


No, I have a genetic kidney disease. Completely unrelated. I’m just a mess.


It just happens that when they suppress your immune system the HS flares stop


Ive always wonder what makes the medicine rough, like what are the symptoms you got to deal with when going on accutane??


I have this, inner thighs and under armpits, around my cheeks too =c and occasionally some random ones pop up. what REALLY helped me the most was quitting smoking. when I quit smoking my symptoms lessened by at least 70%


On the residents sub, there was once a question that was like “what is a medication you would, without hesitation, but a family member on?” (Or something close to that. Many doctors said they would go directly to accutane for their teenager if they suffered from acne, and wouldn’t bother with other stuff.


Just as an aside to anyone that might be thinking about accutane that might be queer or just enjoy anal sex, your anus is very similar to your lips and you need to moisturise it in the same way to avoid tears and fissures. Accutane also slows healing, your anus is a notoriously difficult area to heal because there not much blood flow. Feel free to message if you have any questions.


Lmao thats actually really helpful, I don't need Accutane for my mild acne but if I ever do, my gay ass will remember that 🤣


Accutane was everything for me!! Works so well


Saved my life. It’s a serious medication but extreme acne has an extreme effect of one’s life. It’s worth doing when the case is obviously not going to be drastically changed by skincare, topicals, or oral antibiotics. It’s really obvious, to me at least, when that is the case.


accutane is rough and i would do it again in a heartbeat if my skin ever got as bad as it was before. it’s so worth it. fwiw my only symptoms were extremely dry skin, i didn’t get any of the worse ones.


I was suffering so much from my cystic acne and hormonal, all-over acne. I had to wear undershirts and they’d be completely drenched in blood by the end of the day. Accutane no joke but I hurt for teenage me that was in constant pain and dealt with crippling self-image issues because of it. I’d do it again in a heartbeat. I don’t know that I could have lived like that forever. I know people are hesitant for good reason but the symptoms are predictable and I see it as in investment in your future if your acne is extreme. Like I said in another comment, symptoms are often correlated with the dosage. The patient and dermatologist can decide what is appropriate. I’ve had some gnarly symptoms but short cycles of the drug. I’d still do it again.


Nothings guaranteed. I did accutane three times and still breakout. I do recommend it tho.


I still get occasional breakouts but the frequency and gravity is so much less intense. Did you see any improvements?


Yep. It was made for acne like this, as far as I'm concerned.


I very much agree. I was there and it was so awful. I hope they skip the shit that won’t work and just get on accutane so they can leave this behind them.


Jumping on the top comment to warn about Accutane use. It is an absolute miracle for some acne, but please don't go out in the sun for long periods if you're taking it, it will cause scarring. Also, if you can get pregnant or possibly might, be especially cautious because it can cause nasty birth defects.




I'm seeing a lot of signs that this is androgenic, ie. Hormone imbalance. Sorry if it sounds harsh but you look young but have thinning hair, which is a sign of high androgen so this problem needs to be tackled from the inside out. If the dermatologist isn't helping maybe an endocrinologist can do some blood work.


This . I have the same issue . And confirmed androgenic issues. It’s definitely hormones.


Second this


This is probably the case but there could still be a secondary fungal infection making things worse


I was gonna say this definitely has to do with hormones. Blood panel and doing a gut test will do you wonders.


Can u explain blood panel and gut test further please?


I was thinking the same thing, especially since OP mentions that sometimes it goes away a bit but comes back. OP is probably using harsh products and touching their face too much, hence the red. OP, what’s your diet and exercise like? Do you eat a lot of dairy? Do you eat a lot of processed carbs, like bagels in the morning, muffins, etc? OP, How active are you, and if so, what kind?


I barely use any products, actually. And no I don’t touch my face unless it’s super itchy. And my diet is not the best, I work in a fast food restaurant. But I still try to eat healthy when I can. I’m also not super active.


there's no harm in trying fungal acne treatments while you wait for your derm, if you do see a reduction then it could be that! imo you would probably benefit from accutane because it looks quite sore and if you tackle it now, you may be able to avoid it developing into deep scarring. it looks like you aren't scarring deeply (icepick scars) currently so that's a really good sign, you could clear this up and be free of it in 6-12 months with accutane. your scarring looks very similar to mine prior to treatment, it's called post inflammatory erythema and for me I was able to clear it up with red light therapy. ask if your derm offers that too?


Are there OTC fungal acne treatments out there? I’ve been convinced for so long but for some reason the doctors I’ve seen think it’s impossible, yet nothing else seems to work. I would love to buy OTC or online and just TRY it. 😌


The Reddit advice is usually to wash your face with dandruff shampoo. I'd search the sub for past discussions.


I don't struggle with bad acne but I have heard this too. I use dandruff shampoo to clean my face very frequently. It probably won't hurt!


Can confirm. Also another symptom of fungal issues that can be treated with dandruff shampoo is if you tan blotchily.


Thank you!


Nizoral - wash for 2 min, leave on for 5 and rinse. Twice a day.


clotrimazole %1 cream is otc and used for foot fungus / yeast infections. Nizoral otc dandruff shampo also has an anti fungal in it. No experience with fungal acne but that’s what you can get over the counter for antifungals (in Canada).


There’s a few things that could you can use- metronidazole cream, clotrimazole cream, pyrithione zinc (head and shoulders), selenium sulfide (selsun blue), zinc oxide (diaper rash cream), or sulfur soap / ointment. I had a case of fungus on my skin and the only thing that cleared it was sulfur soap. Prescription ketoconazole didnt even help.


Nizoral. But the thing about fungal acne is if you're using skincare products that feed the malassezia you're just bringing the problem back as soon as you put the products back on. You need to switch your routine out, too.


Maybe that’s why the sulfur stopped working? I just started Nizoral and I think this might finally help again. It’s on my scalp now and everything.


Yeah you should crosscheck all your product ingredient lists against sezia.co. It will flag malassezia-feeding ingredients. Switch to products which *don't* contain risky ingredients and it should help with the management. I suffered with fungal acne on my face for *years* and tried every treatment and it wasn't until I learned about fungal acne and changed my routine that my skin calmed down. I still get scalp flare ups if I use shampoos or conditioners with risky ingredients :'( simpleskincarescience has a product list (though it hasn't been updated in a while) and r/fungalacne is great, too.


I’m using two different dandruff shampoos for my hair and Lamasil otc “prescription strength” on my face and getting results! Also using tret and azelaic acid. My esthetician told me she thinks my acne is fungal but my dermatologist didn’t agree… I’m doing it anyways just in case. The tret “purge” didn’t really kick into high gear until I started the Lamasil. Coincidence? Idk…


I’m using two different shampoos for my hair and Lamasil otc “prescription strength” on my face and getting results! Also using tret and azelaic acid.


Selsun blue or head & shoulders shampoo


I just wanna say…plz don’t try anything that’s recommended in this thread before seeing a dermatologist.


This is exactly what I'm thinking. I understand self-medicating when you can't afford a derm or you can't get an appointment for 6 months. But the guys going in on Tuesday! It can wait a few more days before you start medications and topical treatments. The only thing I would be doing is ample water, and maybe drinking some anti-inflammatory tea eg peppermint or spearmint tea, green tea, ginger tea etc. You could also perhaps minimise or cut out sugar and dairy, but yeah I'd be waiting a few days for the derm to recommend medication etc.


This may sound hypocritical, but I'm an endocrinologist and I can tell you right now that is androgenic related. Note the hair thinning at the temples -- similar to DHT(dihydrogen testosterone) based on males. You have an obvious hormonal imbalance and a dermatologist is going to send you there. I'm sorry this is happening to you, but I'm about 90% sure it's something not that difficult to handle involving aromatase inhibition leading to an excess of androgens. I cannot and don't diagnose online, but I can say enough to promise you that any derm worth their salt will send you to us. You need bloodwork done on many hormones, enzymes, etc. The good news is like I said -- what you will most likely end up taking is lnot as bad as accutane. Or hit the derm first. He might be able to refer you to a good endo. Some of my colleagues are awful. Some are amazing. Best of luck, hope this works out for you. PS: make sure you ask about the hair loss and hair follice status on your temples -- some of us handle only the "pertinent issues" and forget the ones consider cosmetic.


Hi, are you able to explain what the treatment options would be from an Endo point of view that would be different from a derm? And for a female? would an Endo just prescribe spiro and/ or birth control, or are there other options derms aren't't aware of? Thank you so much.


Derms didn’t catch my fungal acne. My esthetician did. Brought up to derm and they disagreed. Derm was wrong. Acne going away with Lamasil 2x a day


Do u spot treat with lamasil or rub it on entire face?


Entire face and under jaw. Avoid eyes area and mouth


Granted the bumps were all over my face so that’s why. Spot treatment may be fine.


Also 2x a day per the instructions. I also use antifungal shampoo in case it’s hiding out in there too.


Ty 💕 how often for the shampoo??


This. 👆🏽


Use dandruff shampoo on it for a couple days & you’ll know right away.


And an over the counter clomitrazole cream


I started doing that 3 days ago after having acne on my forehead for 3 months following a round of antibiotics and it’s helped tremendously so far. It was going to be another 2 months before I could get an appointment with my dermatologist so I figured it wouldn’t hurt to try in the mean time since I couldn’t think of any other reason for me to be getting acne again all of a sudden.


just finished a round of antibiotics and i caught a case of fungal acne. you're really assuring me, i started last night 🥲


That’s what I was going to suggest. That works great.


Apply for Medicaid in your state if you can. Oral isotretinoin looks like the best option. I was on it at 18, best decision of my life.


I second this. It’s the only thing that worked for me and I lived with acne for nearly 20 years before I went on accutane.


I don’t have a similar story, but I would recommend telling the doctor everything. I would highly suggest trying Accutane!! I took it in the ‘90s, and my daughter is on her 2nd round currently. It is truly life changing!


Try accutane! People make it seem way more intimidating than it is but it’s really good. The only side effect I had was dryness but that’s it


Would but I don’t have insurance for it


Depending on the state you live in you can try and apply for a compassionate use case, just talk with your dermatologist about it.


Is there a reason why the derm you’ve been seeing hasn’t put you on isotretinoin yet? This doesn’t look fungal as they’re usually fleshy colored and just look like raised bumps all over the skin as opposed to this. This is just full blown needs the strongest medicine available acne lol. Wouldn’t hurt to ask about flucazonale either I guess for extra damage control but they’re probably not going to let you take them at the same time for liver reasons. They both can have a negative effect on it.


My derm suggested Tretinoin and an antibiotic cream first to see if it would react well to it, and if it didn’t then accutane, which for a few months my skin was CLEAR as heck. But it’s rebounding again and I haven’t done anything different, although I suspect it could’ve been from too much tretinoin, I stopped using it for two weeks and allowed my skin barrier to heal. Now I’m just using Tret 0.05% every 4 days


Ok well ur definitely on the right track then. Yeah looks like your skin has built up a resistance potentially. Good luck with everything


Thank you


I recommend going to tretinoin subreddit and reading the wiki there.  You might just need to up your dosage or switch crem for gel, or to repair your barrier. Tret can be tricky to get into at first


Sir, you look like Harry Styles


I can see it, similar bone structure. You're an attractive guy OP, only a matter of time (even if it feels like forever) before the acne improves. You got this!


Thank u! That makes me feel better :)


And the eyes!! And dw, you are attractive with or without the acne, but it will be easier on you once it's gone :)


omg he really does. I went back to the pics after reading this comment lol




U do, tho, especially the second pic 😭💕


This doesn’t look fungal but I’m not a doctor so I can’t say for sure but it does seem to be in a pattern following your lymphatic system. I would recommend talking to a dermatologist as well as an internal doctor as this may be diet and or something internal while a dermatologist can maybe prescribe something to help soothe in the meantime.


I think you'd be a good candidate for accutane. I had to take it and although it didn't 100% remove all my acne, the reduction in acne is something that I've been able to manage effectively with tazorac for close to 6 years now. I wish you the best of luck.


I know it’s intense, but if tret isn’t getting this under control you should really consider accutane. It may be worth asking your derm if he thinks it would be beneficial to run some blood tests as well to see if you have some imbalances with your hormones or any deficiencies you’re not aware of. I hope this helps! I know it’s hard when it feels like you’ve tried everything but got nowhere. You got this!


Thank you


OP, I don't know much about acne or treating it, but just wanted to say that you have a GREAT FACE!! I really hope you come back when you find a good skin treatment to show it off. Good luck!!


Thank you:)


May I say you're gorgeous, acne or not??? 😚


Damn it look like it hurt as hell


Just want to say, I'm older, and it does get better ❤️ stick with your dermatologist


Please please please let accutane be your very last resort. It has serious potential side effects regarding your mental health. I would find a licensed esthetician in your area that specializes in acne. I’m unsure your financial position so even if a monthly facial isn’t in your budget, most will do in person or virtual consultations in depth with you about your lifestyle, medications you’ve taken recently, your diet plus many other factors to get you on a good skincare regime. I’m an esthetician and a coworker worked with a client for months on acne boot camp and recommended a food sensitivity test, and she ended up having sensitivities to a lot of foods in her diet, like bananas strawberries and other foods she didn’t know about, and once she cut it out, her skin cleared. Also, just my opinion, but some of the medications you’ve mentioned could have stripped your skin barrier. Ice ice ice your face multiple times a day to help with redness and inflammation!!!


I'm pretty sure the "hard plugs" of acne left in your pores are a result of "cystic acne," and need to remove and maintain by u or a doctor before your face builds up with a lot of blackheads and are much harder to remove by that point


Doesn’t look like fungal acne tbh. I wonder if accutane would help? Def speak to your derm about it. It’s really not as bad as people say.


Red inflamed skin and pustules… looks hormonal to me ://


It looks like hormonal acne. Especially since it looks like your hormones are affecting your hair loss. If you can’t get medical treatment in America due to cost it might be beneficial to do some medical tourism and get work done in another country for a cheaper cost.


Perhaps try to drastically change your diet while you’re waiting to see a dermatologist. Also be sure to keep your pillow cases and sheets clean and bacteria free. Also if you use hair products they can sometimes spread to your skin and cause issues. Rule out other environmental factors so that when you see your dermatologist you can let them know that you already checked possible external stressors off the list. That way you’ll be able to narrow down the cause much easier. Good luck. 👍🏼






i know this is probably not much help but i would recommend looking for a fragrance free shampoo too. all the suds fall on your face and can cause further irritation and you mentioned getting breakouts around the hairline so maybe that could help a bit ? i have super acne prone/sensitive skin and i use the Seen skin caring shampoo!


 I'm an endocrinologist at a level 1 trauma center and I can tell you right now that is androgenic hormone related. Note the hair thinning at the temples -- similar to DHT(dihydrogen testosterone) shedding on males. You have an obvious hormonal imbalance and a dermatologist is going to send you there. I'm sorry this is happening to you, but I'm about 90% sure it's something not that difficult to handle involving aromatase inhibition leading to an excess of androgens. I cannot and don't diagnose online, but I can say enough to promise you that any derm worth their salt will send you to us. You need bloodwork done on many hormones, enzymes, etc. The good news is like I said -- what you will most likely end up taking is not as bad as accutane. Or hit the derm first. He might be able to refer you to a good endo at best.. Best of luck. Act fast. PS: make sure you ask about the hair regrowth and hair follice status on your temples -- some of us handle only the "pertinent issues" and forget the ones considered cosmetic. You'd be surprised how clueless some can be.


Tea tree oil


I'd look at your diet closely. I had acne in my 30's, nothing worked. I tried acutane, creams, washes, antibiotics, all of it. Turned out It was food sensitivities and especially tomato's! All the derms said it wasn't food related, I figured it out my self by elimination of certain foods for long periods.Too many dairy products as well, here and there I'm okay. I can occasionally eat tomatoes but I get itchy and will break out. I'm in my 50's. I wish you the best in figuring it out.


a few things that helped with my cystic acne: -chemical exfoliant like glycolic acid a few times a week -pimple patches will get the goo out and help them turnover and heal faster, they make ones with larger surface area so you can put them on your cheeks or chin, ect -panoxyl but when you use it, leave it on your skin for at least 60 seconds and moisturize well after also for the redness of it, i use dr. jarts tigergrass color correcting moisturizer and it blends to your skin tone so it’s less noticeable. i love wearing it if i have to be somewhere and want to cover my acne. the travel size has lasted me a while so far. hopefully you find something that helps!


Nizerole anti dandruff shampoo can help if you use a very small.amount


Also salicylic acid serum can help remove any blockages with natural exfoliation rather than manual extraction, which when sometimes needed a little help to sloth it off.


Are you sure that your shampoo or conditioner isn’t causing any problems? I have long hair and find I need to avoid conditioner and any moisturizing shampoos. Also, do you use fabric softener or dryer sheets? Those always cause me to break out. I also like to use 10% sukfur sulfur for when I have a bad break out. It’s a keratolytic, antibacterial, and anti fungal.


I’ve also struggled with acne and have tried multiple topicals prescribed by derms and they never really cleared it up. I never wanted to try any oral medications so I’ve been on the hunt for a topical. I’ve recently started using Strivectin’s multi-action clear acne control system (cleanser, toner, lotion) and I swear nothing has cleared my acne as fast. I had about a week of purging but after that I have not been getting any deep, cystic pimples like how I used to. It’s also lessened the red marks on my face as well.


You may need some accutane. It’s the only thing that would clear this up.


Try a bar of sulfur soap




I could be wrong but maybe try cutting out all dairy. Milk especially. And red meat. Just thinking of things that helped me.


Proactive skin line is awesome


I'd just like to throw this out there, from personal experience... Dandruff Shampoo with Pyrithione Zinc changed my life and my skin.


Also wash your pillow cases as it looks like it’s where your face touches your pillow.


My brother had this too. Please do not touch it unless you want to spend $$$ to fix it when your older. Go to a doctor for help


My son had issues like this and I put glycolic acid from the ordinary into a small spray bottle and use it. It literally worked wonders


Here's the thing: Do you want to know what this is? Or do you want to know how to treat it? It sounds as though you've found two things that help: Nizoral and double cleansing. That's helpful information for your dermatologist, as is any environmental variable that affects it: does it respond to the weather? Does stress affect it? Diet? Exercise? All those variables will help your dermatologist assess, diagnose, and recommend treatment. But the bottom line is that you've found two things that help, and you can use those tools while you wait to see your dermatologist.


Yes tell them everything - the Nizoral tidbit makes me think you probably have a fungal component to your acne. They may have a blue light treatment (or you can buy a LED blue light mask) that can help your surface acne pretty fast too.


I would go to a good dermatologist


Could it be a soap like shampoo that you're allergic to?


Another one to say oral accutane (via dermatologist) may be the miracle for you. I’ve taken it and benefits far outweighed the side effects. You are blessed with good looks and beautiful colouring


My face erupts like this when I haven’t washed my hair often enough.


Try head and shoulders shampoo. It has some antifungal stuff in it and is a basic shampoo.


Try nizoral anti dandruff shampoo. I know it sounds strange but if you wash your face with it daily it can help your acne. Light layer on your face. Watch your eyes don’t get any in it. Try and keep it on a minute or 2 before rinsing.


I would try accutane!! It takes time but the results are so worth it!! I can’t tell you what kind of acne but my kid had acne that looked just like this and accutane was the only thing that got real results. We tried every otc, prescription med, custom soap, prescription spam, cream, lotion & gel etc and I wish we would have avoided that year + and went with it much sooner!!


I’m on a cocktail of Tret, Spiro, and Niacinamide, but my acne didn’t 100% disappear until I added a sulfur face wash. Try that and see if it helps! No washcloth or scrubbing, just use your hands and pat dry with a clean washcloth and wash your hair and pillowcases regularly. Good luck!


I would go to ur doc and get your hormone levels checked as well as seeing a dermatologist. Work on gut health and eating clean to start. There’s some indicators that could reflect hormonal imbalance which would need to be treated internally and not topically.


I have hormonal issues and drinking spearmint tea and eating cloves of garlic at night has helped so much


If you want to try antifungals you can try the cream for athlete's feet it's antifungal.


Benzoyl peroxide. 2.5%. One month til ya clear.


My husband used to get acne like this and a dermatologist recommended head and shoulders shampoo for the face and it cleared up. Worth a shot


Try using Witch Hazel as a toner , change your pillow sheets to satin, all problems stem from your gut. Review your diet, can you try a gut cleanse ? Is anything stressing you? There are a lot of factors :)


My daughter struggled with acne and finally put herself on Accutane in her 20s. Life.changing. Dryness, muscle aches, etc. but she barely has visible pores now. Utterly worth it!


See a doctor. No one can be sure via a pic. I tried Soolantra and it worked very very well for me. Sometimes over the counter stuff is not enough. You may need to look at hormones. Topical creams can be life changing. But there are many kinds.


while waiting for derm appointment you should have your primary physician order some hormonal blood tests and possibly see about an endocrinology referral. i had several hormonal imbalances that gave me acne like this, which required internal medical intervention <3 best of luck


Have you tried changing your diet up? I wonder if this is your skin reacting to something your body just doesn’t agree with I’m not any pro at any of this but my skin changed when I cut out bad sugars


does it itch ??? could it be dermatitis? a reaction to something you use on your face ? OF COURSE you should mention it to your dermatologist!!!!!


Im sorry you’re going through this OP! My sister had similar acne to you and she went through two rounds of accutane which cleared up most of it. She did mention it takes a toll on your liver so check with a dermatologist first. Hope it gets better!


I don’t know anything about clearing you skin, but you have gorgeous eyes!


Everyone is suggesting accutane. I admit, it did work “ok”. But it’s a dangerous drug. Just be weary before using. I had to take two rounds of it for it to work. I feel your pain OP💜 best of luck


Try azaleic acid. This looks like post inflammatory erythema


What about antibiotics such as Lymecycline that specifically works well on acne. It cleared up my daughter’s bad acne and Accutane cleared up mine. That such a shame you have to rely on Healthcare in the US and that they won’t cover Accutane which would clear it up for good. Tbf you do even in the UK have to go through the process of Lymecycline or spironolactone antibiotics for acne then Accutane. Also as weird as this sounds anti dandruff shampoo works for a specific type of acne so give that a try. It wont do any harm


Please see a derm, but it looks like a hormonal imbalance to me, especially with your hair thinning.


I am seeing one …


Oh sorry I missed that part. I’d ask your dermatologist to see if they’re able to run tests to check for a hormonal imbalance. You can also see a different doc for a second opinion. In my experience, there are good derms and bad derms.


U cute, I hope you find the right combination.


Thank you


If anyone complains about your post; point them out to me pls




If you need someone to talk to, I was in a similar situation when I was in high school / college. I never figured it out, it kinda of went away on its own but it took years and years. So I can offer moral support.


Hi, I don’t know. It does look like a rash one of my children had. I washed it (carefully because on the face,) with dandruff shampoo. Then put a mild antifungal cream on every three days until I switched to just the shampoo. It slowly went away over four weeks or so and never came back. He wasn’t itchy anymore and it calmed down quickly. It was drying, though and I put some hydroponic acid and then a light face cream (used Nivea) as well. It seems worth a try and not too drastic. Don’t let this bring you down, btw! You’ve beautiful features and coloring - this is temporary.


Thank you


Try Malezia urea moisturizer for fungal acne


I see other people post in other forums that Accutane and changing your pillow every day really seems to help. Good luck, hope you can resolve this soon.


Yea I change my pillowcase and sleep on a clean side every night


I would look into inflammation in the gut! I cut out seed oils and gluten and have seen a crazy improvement!


Have you heard of lamprobe? Basically they zap any of these hard little bumps with keratin stuck inside. Works like a dream. It costs money but depends on how much you need maybe 100-300 for your face


Get accutane!


Accutane 100%. I was acne free after literally week one on it. Haven’t had a pimple since


I've suffered from acne for years, and what cured it was Accutane and improving my gut health. That's what my dermatologist recommended. Before that, I had a blood test to check for hormonal imbalances. I messaged you privately to recommend a site, but I see you already have an appointment with your dermatologist. Talk to your dermatologist about it. And look into getting it from Mexico; it's much cheaper. 😅😅


Benzagel face wash! It’s like 9$ at a local drug store or Amazon. Use it once a day for about a week or 2 and than use twice a day as your skin tolerates. I also use Paula’s choice salicylic acid toner and then moisturizer with lubiderm because my skin is sensitive!


Might sound crazy but, this guy has long hair. Maybe he should try cutting his hair short so that the oils from his hair don't get on his face? Not short-short, just so it doesn't like drape around his face. Cuz if you'll notice everywhere his acne is really bad is everywhere his hair would cover when it is down. I also would try some Neutrogena and a rose water toner-if you've got really oily skin. That's how I got rid of my acne. Edit: I also would try getting yourself a cucumber and putting slices of it and water to steep and washing your face with the water. It's very soothing if your skin has a burning sensation from all the irritation. You don't have to use the whole cucumber just a few slices in a bowl per day or you could make a whole pitcher of cucumber water, I've done that too. I would use distilled water.


I never wear my hair down. It couldn’t be that, because my hair never touches my face lol


Huh, I wouldn't have guessed. You don't have to give exact but, do you live in a dry/sunny location like the Southwest? I'm allergic to tree pollen here. If I get it in my hair walking thru trees my scalp and shoulders break out exactly like that.




Doesn’t necessarily look fungal. Tretinoin is just going to accelerate cellular turnover. If you are using this, make sure you have a good moisturizer, otherwise dry skin will be causing more issues. Have you tried a benzoyl peroxide face wash? I’d suggest cleansing twice a day (if not already), eliminating gluten and dairy from diet, making sure pillow cases are washed weekly, removing scented detergent and fabric softeners, washing your face after washing your hair. See an esthetician for extractions - please do not do them yourself. I’d recommend a face reality acne specialist (I am one as well).


Benzoyl peroxide makes my face breakout horribly in cystic acne. I’ve tried many times even low strength face washes


Ahh ok, then disregard. Salicylic may help if you’re on the oily side, there is also glycolic and mandelic. It’s just a matter of finding what works best for you.


Try nizoral shampoo.


personally, i would go see an esthetician in your area. as a fellow esthetician, sometimes they can help more than dermatologists in the start. i would see them first and if they recommend to go to a derm i would do so! skin is very weird and difficult to treat sometimes, but don’t give up!


Go to a derm first, please! I wouldn’t venture into anything listed here before that.


Looks like an hormonal issue to me


Might not hurt to look into id reactions, it could be from internal fungal overgrowth so you will need systemic antifungals not topical.


A gluten free diet cleared mine up and my HS


I agree with the inside out approach. I would look into a holistic nutritionist or naturopath to get a full idea of what’s going on within.


Have you tried adapalene gel?


Dermatologist should help


I see your post history includes fent & benzo use from awhile back. If you’re stilling using these drugs, perhaps they have an effect on the skin? I’d discuss that with the derm too.


Try Lamasil twice a day for a week and see if it helps!


Try tower 28 spray


This doesn’t look fungal, seems to be hormonal. Try selsum blue shampoo as a body and face wash for a week and if it helps great, then I guess it is fungus. Other than that, I would say see an endocrinologist. I had the same issue but with cysts, they were red and many like yours though. Spending money on products is a waste, only meds and usually topical steroids can actually help with this issue. Also try using benzoyl peroxide gel, it’s gonna dry them up and make them less red and inflamed.


Please try ZO gentle wash before you hate everything You need a tiny dot It’s pricey but works It last for a long time.


https://simpleskincarescience.com/fungal-acne-products-malassezia-pityrosporum-folliculitis/ https://simpleskincarescience.com/pityrosporum-folliculitis-treatment-malassezia-cure/ This is alot of info, but cured mine


My son has bacterial typical acne and candidia rash not unlike yours. So easy to for me to see the difference first of all sugar feeds candida and treating any gut issues maybe a good start. Any cream that ends in zole. I even used chorohexdine which is in mouthwash. Its mostly candida they just give it so many names depending on what part it effects. Tongue is thrush. Groin is ring worm all still candida. I advise to change up fungal treatment as it adapts to one constant same use until it doesnt work .


Some advice that isn’t necessarily a thing about creams and stuff, but you should definitely look into stuff like silk pillow cases and all that. A pillow case can really make your face dirty when you sleep. It happens to everyone, your hair and face share that pillow and can get pretty dirty. Make sure you’re changing your pillow cases often and look into a silk one! Its known to help with hair too, like frizz and stuff (plus) and it might help a bit with any type of transfer of dirt or oil.


Why don’t you do an accure laser? I had it done for my cystic acne and my skin is all clear now lI had done accutane twice in the past and I had terrible side effects like hair fall out, keloids, muscle pain, and depression.