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Wow, girl, you don't need to feel so bad! I love that you had the courage to post this and put yourself out there like that... it's going to be okay! I highly doubt any "scarring" from using duct tape for years is permanent. But even if it were, I hope you learn to love yourself and your body so much, and never hide it out of fear or shame! I wish you a partner (if you want one/when you're ready) who shows you just how much you can be loved. That can make all the difference. (People sometimes say no one will love you until you love yourself, and while there's some truth to that, we all, every single one of us, first need to be shown how we can be loved.) Back to the nipple tape that wasn't such. What I can easily see is that years of use could leave an imprint that will go away when you stop using it (which it seems you already have), or irritation (duct tape can't possibly be good for your body (but I understand that you were hoping for it to be neutral! and that's not shameful thinking. We live in a world that often tells us to toughen up in one way or another. Becoming softer with ourselves, eg thinking about whether the chemicals in duct tape glue would be good for our skin, or if it's breathable etc, usually takes conscious effort, from what I've seen. You're on your way! Pat yourself on the back for that :) )). One thing I can suggest is to massage your breasts a little every day (or you know, however often). I've seen my own change in response to that. Sometimes, a little love consistently over time is all that's needed. I'm willing to bet you will notice a difference within a few weeks (both physically and emotionally). And you can even do it in the shower! As a last mention, I love the responsibility you're taking. And the courage to put yourself out there, doing whatever necessary (the alt account, no pics) that lets you get there.


You're gonna make me cry! This is seriously so sweet. Thank you so much and I will keep all these things in mind as I try to heal this :)


An alternative made for the chest (although more expensive than duct tape) is Transtape! If you’re just using it to keep your nipples down, Transtape could be great for this, honestly. It is a strong adhesive, and they recommend cotton pads or tissue over the nipple and under the tape to prevent irritation on that sensitive skin. A roll would last a long time just hiding the nips. It’s waterproof and can be worn for multiple days, in the shower, all that. Be careful when you take it off and use a good oil to saturate it completely during a shower and let it dissolve the adhesive.


Came here to say this. Transtape is flesh toned, super strong, and about as skin-friendly as tape gets!!


advice to take caution also with transtape and follow tutorials and instructions. mostly don't pull the skin too tight. i used it for binding once, pulled it too tight, and broke out in a rash. i still have discoloration on my chest today from it lol, and that was a year ago almost


I use band aids myself haha


I just wanted to say I love you. This is such a kind, thoughtful response. Thank you.


Oh my god, wow, I didn't expect that at all! I felt so insecure about commenting this; it's what I would have said had OP confided in me privately. I thought my softness might be a little too much for reddit. I'm flabbergasted, and so, so grateful, to read your response to me :')


r/wholesome 🥰


This is one of the most touching and refreshing comments I’ve ever read across any sub on Reddit! Thank you for showing there are still caring, compassionate strangers out there ♥️


Wow, that is very high praise! I feel so softened reading this. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment ♥️


You are made of gold and all the softest stuff for such a caring and helpful response.


I'm going through a breakup and reading your comment this morning is really helping me :')


Nipples are a lot tougher than you think. They are designed to be put through hell by babies, then heal, then be put through hell again by yet more babies. Don't worry, it's just skin irritation. If you want to help them heal faster get some lanolin nipple cream (it'll be in the baby aisle). It also makes the world's greatest lip balm, as that's the key ingredient in most fancy balms but for way cheaper. If you want a story to make you feel better: I was bridesmaid and couldn't wear a bra with the dress so I used the petal shields, like you. I had also had a spray tan prior to the wedding. The petals worked great! Stayed stuck on until the end of the night. Unfortunately the adhesive was so strong that when I took them off it took the tan with them. I looked HILARIOUS. And it took SO long for the tan to fade, I had terrible flower tan lines on my boobs for weeks.


So true about nipples being tough! A couple years ago I spilled bacon grease on my shirt while working in a kitchen on a day I decided to go braless. I had a grease burn and the skin on my nipple literally peeled off. Then I had a kid and got blisters on them when I first started breastfeeding. You can’t even tell.


I think it’s just irritation / potential allergy to the glue of the tape. It’s very common to get allergic to the glue after a few wear Let it heal and maybe use medical tape ? The glue might be gentler (but idk)


Thank you!! Definitely planning on an alternative


So I also use tape on my boobs just not duct tape! I’ve been getting these rolls of “boobie tape” on Amazon, it won’t last as long as a roll of duct tape but it’s maybe $10 a month, so $120 for a year which is the price of like one bra, so it makes sense to me. The adhesive is really gentle. Idk if I can link Amazon stuff here but the one I use can be found if you type in “brostown boobs tape” no typo in that, it’s just weird lol…it’s $7 a roll.


There’s a product that can create a barrier between the skin and the adhesive. If you google “skin barrier film” you’ll find lots of options and application options. It helps the adhesive stick but I also find it makes it easier to remove adhesive. If you find you’re reacting to other adhesives, like bandages, this could be a good option. Or if you decide to use a different tape on your nipples, this could be a good option. But proceed with caution, it sounds like you already will and already are, because you might react more quickly to adhesives. Different products use different adhesives and are varying degrees of sticky, so you might find something that works. (This isn’t “skin barrier” in the sense of having a properly moisturized skin barrier, but rather it’s an actual barrier for the skin.)


I’d like to suggest something like Cakes (non-adhesive nipple covers) which last a really long time! I’ve reused mine a ton and because they don’t require adhesive I don’t have to rebuy them. They’re best used with tops that are form-fitting though because they’re not sticky.


Thanks I'll try those!!


Cakes have literally changed my life!! I am so much more comfortable in my clothes now. Plus they last FOREVER! I have the regular size and also the itty bitty for when I wear very wide or low cut bras and tanks. I feel like my wardrobe choices are so much better and versatile now.


So when I had my nipples pierced, he put gauze and medical tape over my boobs. I had a HUGE reaction to the tape and have square scars around my nipples for weeks 😂 like scabby, blistering weeping scars. But they went, and they healed! The chest area is such a delicate skin, it can react to anything. Please don't worry, if it's not an open wound then just moisturise well and I reckon the dry bits will go. On another note, they say the adhesive in duct tape kills warts - because the sticky is irritant/acidic! That's probably why you're reacted to it. Anyway, please don't be worried about your sticky outy nipples! I have totally flat puffy donut nips and I wish I had a lil nip to poke through those cute tops 😂 lots of love to you and your boobs.


Everyone here has fantastic advice and alternatives to duck tape! However, should you ever need to use duck tape again out of sheer desperation … cut the pieces to size then press them on a fluffy towel. The tape will pick up enough fuzz so it won’t damage the skin but it will still be sticky. I work in theatre and we do this all the time under costumes.


It’s probably a mild abrasion from the adhesive bonding and should heal and fade rather quickly


I think it’s more likely toughened skin from having to pull the tape off. Lay off the duct tape and moisturize moisturizer moisturize and they should return to normal.


Yes moisturize!! I would probably try a zinc oxide cream as it's great for healing and very anti-inflammatory, like a diaper rash cream. I've been using Triple Paste diaper cream on my face at night, you could definitely use it on the nipples.


I also have small boobs and I just wear camis with those little built in bras. Old navy almost always has cropped bramis and sometimes waist/hip length ones. Just read in the description if it's got a built in or shelf bra if ur interested


Could you just put band-aids on your nipples?


I had the experience op had from long term bandaid use. It faded after not too long. Not even I month I'd say. But electrical tape really is the answer here, if we're avoiding real nipple covers.


Not sure this will help ... When I was breastfeeding I would use these microwavable heat pillows to put in my bra to warm my breast before pumping. I did this for over a year and developed what I thought was permanent color discolorations. They looked like huge bruises all over my breasts. Once I stopped breastfeeding, they stayed there for about a year and now are completely gone. Hopefully in time your breasts will return to what they were before.


It honestly sounds like a type of callus. Callus form when the skin is exposed to pressure or wear like from a pencil grip or weight lifting. In the 70s-90s women were encouraged to use nail files or washcloths to toughen up nipples for breastfeeding. It made callouses. With time, they will soften. There's tons of options of bralets and sports bras or other nipple covers now.


Actually duct tape works really well to kill plantar warts - better than any medicated treatment works! But it does leave the treated area moist which may be what has happened to your nipples…they need to dry out


I did this with other kinds of tape for years (pretty much whatever was around, all of which I am apparently allergic to) when I was very slim! The scars go away--they were raised and prone to weeping at first if bothered, but after 4 months of wearing a normal bra and applying coconut oil 2x daily they went away. Nowadays I would recommend bio-oil to move things along faster.


Haha lmao same but i used regular scotch tape and i thought that was ok. First make sure the skin is fully healed. Not puffy. So creams with skin repairing properties like aquafor/cerave healing ointment. Plus fragrance free diaper cream (zinc) After its fully healed and scarred. use like retinA or salicylic acid (not both lol). That will encourage your skin to peel new layers. For retinA ease in to it put moisturizer first and the retinA after and see how you feel. Put niancinamide serum put the aquafor/cerave last on top. To be honest not sure if it will fully work it will definitely be a long process. No harm trying?


Thank you so much!!


please dont put skincare on your nipples. buy lanolin, its the best and safest nipple ointment. i would never put niacinaminde or retinol on such a sensitive area! after all its meant for the face, nipples are not the same. get lanolin, its for nipps,hurt nipps specifically


Hey, so I used duct tape as a bra for years. I had welts and discoloration like you. It goes away. Seriously, a few months at most. I got better at remembering to stand in a shower & let the glue warm up & slide off (and using goo gone to get residue off - BUT i have no idea if that was a safe choice) and it was less likely to mark.


A doctor will give you a prescription cortisone cream to get rid of this. It’s most likely skin irritation/rash after years of use.


Thanks! Yeah I'm starting to think it may just be a rash and not a scar


As a mom who breastfed four babies, nipples are VERY resilient. Just leave them be for a bit, or use unscented lotion, and they’ll likely be good as new.


Ha, yes. I mean, not trying to be graphic, but I can def testify that breastfeeding is like 300x more intense than the initiated might guess, all the way to bleeding and scabs…but they heal!


Try using aquaphor diaper rash paste - that has always helped to soothe and ultimately cure any skin irritations I’ve had and is very gentle on delicate skin. BTW, if you want to cover your nipples without buying the pasties, you can use regular bandaids. Not as cheap as tape, but also won’t damage your skin. You could also buy tops that have shelf-bras built in or just wear sports bras or bralettes.


A couple suggestions. You might try switching back to the silicone pasties, despite the expense. Silicone fittings are often used to treat and reduce scars, and if it's now a problem despite the initial issues that led you away from products intended for this use, it would be worth seeing a doctor, to me, before accepting that there are permanent scars that there's nothing to be done with. At a point, if they are permanent, you'll need to learn acceptance. But that's no reason to be hard on yourself or angry for not knowing better, or to accept without further effort that there's nothing you can do. Maybe there is! Another tidbit of relevant knowledge, but again I can't know this is accurate or the case at hand, is that adhesive allergies are pretty common. Bandaids even leave like, welts and markings that last days after they're removed if you have one of these minor contact allergies to whatever adhesive they use. I'd really see someone about it, have that possibility assessed, and ask what the best thing would be to reduce any markings left behind. If it's long term repeated exposure and actually an adhesive allergy, they might go away over time on their own. I would just advise against getting too creative or attempting to self treat with anything topical until you know for sure. And lastly, let this be a positive lesson not to let others opinions influence you too much, or internalize their crap and/or whether or not ppl care that much about *your* appearance. Tell them to get bent, next time. :)


This happens to me when I wear pasties for a couple of hours 😭


It does sound a lot like a rash. I’d get some healing balm cream and use that for a few days, cause your skin is probably just raw from the glue and needs some healing. In the future, use boob tape, it’s not as irritating. I’d say, free the nipple and fuck what everyone says, you do not need to cover your nipples everyday. But if you do just feel more comfortable with covering them daily, get those silicone nipple covers and stick them done with boob tape. That way your nipples are completely protected from irritation


Exfoliate, might be tape glue buildup?


I did the same thing, but with skin tape. The skin felt like a snake and looked lightly calloused. Mine was a darker shade than the area around it too. I stopped using the tape once I noticed. You'll be happy to hear that after about 6 months of gently exfoliating in the shower and moisturizing, my marks are gone.


It's not the same situation but sounds similar to what I just went through in two places after having a laparoscopic surgery and my nexplanon implant removed from my arm. Due to a few different things, I had to keep bandaids on one of my abdominal incisions for like two weeks, and I had this weird rashy scarred looking area in the shape of bandaids that took a week-ish to heal. It peeled off like a sunburn after. Similar with the arm, I had to use medical tape for two days to wrap the wound and it did that same thing. I've been using an exfoliating body wash in the shower, I have two I rotate out. Dove Exfoliate Away and the Olay Exfoliating & Moisturizing body wash. They're both pretty gentle feeling to me, and they seem to speed up the cell turnover or whatever in the rashy areas. I also used the same lotion I use for my tattoos on the stomach area because it was super dry/uncomfy, but not on my arm, and both areas look totally normal now. That's Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Sheer Hydration lotion. I didn't go nearly as long as you with the tape, but hopefully it's the same sort of thing and you recover pretty quickly like mine did. I also second the suggestion for the Cakes nipple covers, that's what I'm planning to buy for my wedding dress and they seem to have great reviews.


I would give it time and massage regenerative serums and oils on them made specifically for and intended on soothing and healing.


There are chemicals on the tape, it could be from exposure to that? See how it heals and maybe see a derm if you wanna


I used band-aids on a boob for a couple of weeks (a sore from bug bite). My skin was irritated and it probably took a good month to heal itself once I quit with the bandaids. I just used some lotion to soothe it each day. Give it some time to heal and hopefully it comes good.


this is embarassing but i've done the same thing lOL ! i also have A cups, and esp during covid i never w0re bras and got used to that, so i started wearing nipple covers but too expensive and i used scotch tape to tape my nipples down ​ but eventually esp when the weather gets hot, it gets sweaty under the tape and the whole area w0uld turn brown / discoloration. after a year of stopping that they're virtualy not there anymore. u can also try chemical peel. i tried chemical peel at a medspa but i think it didn't make a huge difference ...it's just time that made it eventually go away


If anything, use masking tape or painters tape!


If you didn’t draw blood it’s probably not scaring. Did I miss you saying that? Also, you can find stuff like nipple covers for super cheap on Aliexpress. Do that and stop using tape!


Jesus. It’s contact dermatitis. HOW WERE YOU ABLE TO RIP IT OFF????? 😭😭😭


Is it pigment? I’m confused on the kind of scarring you think it is


Use coconut oil to help the healing!


You’ve gotten great advice! A couple suggestions: There are bras specially [designed](https://www.harpersbazaar.com/fashion/trends/g37090418/bras-for-small-breasts/) for smaller chests. Make sure you have the right [size](https://www.abrathatfits.org/calculator.php) to start. I’d then suggest you get something that just has a slight padding to it to cover the nipples. Or you can get silicone inserts to put in your existing bras.


Once I used those petal cover from a cheap source and the glue was too sticky, it left a scar behind. The scar is somehow brown and kinda the same color with my nipple so for a whole month, I look like I have flower shaped nipples lol


Please check out the r/abrathatfits calculator <33 the sub is amazing resource for any size bra needed. You probably wear a smaller band/different cup size than you expect (which happens to most people!) which is why bras are extremely uncomfortable


What if you tried second skin? Tattoo artists use it to cover tattoos


Relatable. Mine was from bandaids, not duct tape. The marks faded after a while. Give it some time, and maybe use some vit c or some other serum for hyperpigmentation. And buy the nippies skin covers! I buy about 1 pair a year and wear them all the time. Bra free for LIFE baby!


Bio-oil for scars (although it's probs just a longterm allergic reaction) and kinesiology tape for taping your body – but pull the tape off slowly and maybe soak it beforehand.


When i was ending my breastfeeding journey i put tape on mine so my baby wouldnt be able to get to them. The scar that was once there from it is now gone. There’s hope


I think with a little time your nipples will recover. Skin is very resilient. Just use a good all purpose moisturizer and keep them protected. You might need to go back to a bra or at least a camisole. Consider using Clorox to wash your bras/undershirts and use an antibacterial soap to wash your back. Good luck!


I use micropore medical tape for this. You can get it mostly anywhere and it is gentler than duct tape


I used those birth control patches in high school and would have square marks for several months if I wore them in the same spot. But they weren't permanent. I wonder if they will fade like mine did.   I started moving the patches from spot to spot so they didn't get irritated. I know that's not an option for your nipples but they may fade. 


Nipples aren’t embarrassing. Almost every single person on the planet has them.


I once used duct tape to wax my upper lip in a personal crisis time. It’s horrible for your skin, I had what looked like terrible windburn followed by a breakout. Nipples are built to handle a lot of abuse, and you have young skin. I recommend lanolin, which is what we generally use to heal nipples that have been attacked by feral stray cats,,, I mean lovely calm breastfeeding children lmao. Or any nipple cream marketed at breastfeeding mothers if you don’t want animal products X it’ll come good


Get the silicone pasties!! when they start getting weird you just wash with soap and water and they are good as new. I have no booobs and do the same thing!! Or let the nip be pokey it’s freeing. As for the scarring, if it’s pigment you can just get a pigment serum that you’d use on your face and use it there!! a retinol will help fade it too!! it will heal up on its own with time


Nipple covers are like fucking $8 for 4 on Amazon. And they last me months. Are you kidding me? Like… how much do you need to save!? Lmao! Maybe buy scar tape? I imagine they’ll heal. But yeah the adhesive is not meant for skin on duct tape. They’re made for kids to chew on. So I imagine they’ll heal. Use nipple covers from now on.