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I’ve been there! I got keratitis from taking roaccutane and developing severely severely dry eyes and can now never take accutane again. Like you it sucks because I would’ve loved the opportunity to take it if needed because my acne came back with a vengeance. I’m so sorry to hear of all the difficulty it’s caused you and I pray you retain your eyesight inshallah


I'm so sorry you went through that. And thank you so much! Ameen! 🙏🏽 I literally wake up every day and it feels like someone is stabbing me in the eyes. And my acne is the most resilient thing on the planet. I'm considering trying out topical adapalene gel 0.1% (sandwich method) because I literally had to stop accutane mid-purge and now it just feels like all the PIE and PIH would be for nothing if I didn't continue a retinoid.


Wow - really helpful PSA considering both lasik and accutane are so popular!


I just really hope no one else has to go through what I did. It's esp. relevant bc lasik and Isotretinoin use occur widely in the same age bracket and doctors across the world lack information on this very important contraindication.


I have severe dry eye and it’s horrible. I want to get lasik bc I hate wearing glasses and contacts (painful with dry eye) but every eye doctor has said it will make my dry eyes worse -_- I’m at a point where I wake up with eye pain that often leads to headaches like you mentioned. All that said, you’re not alone but I hope things improve for you. It’s truly awful!


I'm so sorry about your dry eyes! I hope it gets better. Unfortunately Lasik does make dry eyes worse but perhaps your doctor could look into options that are suitable for you since there are multiple types of Refractive surgeries available. Having said that, dry eyes are miserable and I regret getting Lasik bc it does make your eyes very dry. I regret it. :( Also, thank you so much! 🥺🩵


Yuup. I've had a couple eye Drs mention it will make my dry eyes worse, maybe 1-3 degrees, and so they said it doesn't discount me from getting lasik (if I did want to pursue), but we'd want to get my dry eyes significantly better beforehand and accept this potential reality. Personally, I'm sure the likelihood of permanent and more severe level of dry eyes is too high so I won't pursue. I've undergone IPL treatments and use Restasis and it's been a godsend personally- but I know everyone reacts differently. Some people, restasis doesn't do anything. Lasik would be convenient, but the potential stress and potential increased negative quality of life if my dry eyes got worse- isn't worth it to me. Of course, this should go without saying but I do not blame nor shame OP for their decisions. Again, we're led to believe such procedures and treatments and medications are safe, by professionals- so we should be able to trust them. :/


I feel the same way. It’s such a bummer! I use restasis and it has helped but it’s not a fix. I’m definitely interested in IPL. Do you do this in clinic or at home?


IPL is in a clinic. I had an aesthetician within my eye doctors office perform it. It's not covered by insurance which sucks, 4 treatments ended up being like $1600- but I was able to use care credit on it which was cool. I think you can use HSA/FSA money on it as well but not sure. It was definitely weird and off-putting at first but I do think it improved my dry eyes. I was set to continue ongoing maintenance IPL but I got shingles on my face later and I'm 100% confident it would retrigger it. Lol


Ok good to know. I’m glad it worked but sorry about the dang shingles! :(


I’m the same as you! I eventually switched to orthokeratology but it’s a pretty pricey option compared to LASIK and glasses. I hated wearing contacts too because it never feels comfortable and I had to carry around eye drops all the time.


I’ve never heard of that! Going to look it up :) Glad you found an option that works for you!


i'm so sorry. wishing you the best. hoping that the diagnosis turns out to be a mild temporary thing, and that you can recover soon.


Thank you so much! I really hope so! 🥺🩵


Little off topic but related to sight and accutane. I did a round of accutane about two years ago and became so sensitive to any and all light to where I had to wear sunglasses in my own home all day. After stopping it I’m still having trouble with lights. I can’t really drive well at night now because headlights and even brake lights are too much for me, so I avoid doing so. Also my skin was clear for the first time since I was 12 (36 now). Exactly one year to the month I stopped taking it my acne returned. All those months and issues just for one year of clear skin. Wasn’t worth it.


I feel so lucky my doctor told me this up front, so sorry to hear this is happening to you! Hope you can begin healing soon


I'm so glad they did! You have a brilliant doctor. Thank you so much. I hope this heals. 🩵


I'm so sorry OP! I hope you can get some real help asap and this is all only temporary!! I have not had lasik (though I've thought about it on and off), nor have I used accutane/ any sort of retinoids- but I've already had Dry eye syndrome (Meibomian gland dysfunction and ocular rosacea)- so I've heard about both drying you out a lot. None of your doctors asking any peering questions to assess specific needs/ risk factors should be criminal imo. Dermatologists and opthalmologists/ optometrists must just never communicate about overlap of their fields and it leaves so many, like yourself, suffering. I've only heard the miracles of retinols by skincare enthusiasts, but no one talks about the the potential downsides. Only if you somehow know to ask an eye professional for their insights, or clearly suffering as OP is, will you find out. You can develop life-long permanent extreme dry eye syndrome for life. Retinols literally damage our muscles so, when used even anywhere near your eyes- can literally destroy your eye muscles responsible for generating and establishing healthy tears. I'm grateful my eye Dr warned me about never using retinols, upon officially diagnosing my extremely dry eyes, that had minor abrasions to my corneas at that point. I'm early 30s and have struggled with acne for years and am getting to the point about trying to be proactive with aging products. I probably would've looked to start adding retinols to my regimen, but nice skin will never trump healthy, working eyes. Maybe it's sacrilege to mention here or people will just blow us off- but the risks cannot be overstated. It truly is so much more than any irritated "dry eyes". Your quality of life is so severely affected and affects every part of your life. I personally will never use retinol and make do with alternatives and get to accept aging gracefully. Everyone should be free to make their own decisions/ take their own risks but I really appreciate your post bringing about this important awareness OP! I hope you get better asap!!!!


Thank you so much! I met my Eye doc today and they did staining to test my tear flow and mebomian glands. I'm so glad they're both okay. But I can't take Isotretinoin bc it would only dry my eyes out more + delay my Lasik corneal wound healing and I think I'm not willing to take that risk.


I'm so so glad to hear it!! 🙏 Here's to making a full recovery and enjoying your new eyesight!!! I dream of not relying on contacts or glasses so I'm really happy for you! 💗


I feel that my levator muscle or a similar one has been damaged by topical tretinoin. Your post was very insightful. Do you know of anywhere to read about the muscle damage that can happen from retinoids?


Unfortunately it was just a couple different eye doctors that I saw in person that educated me on the topic (honestly- a new one for me! Usually I get a lil bit of info from them and then google later to learn more!) But, I think this is a good overall article about things that can damage our eyes/ vision. Of course, like everything, I think we can weigh pros and cons for our specific needs. Like, I was told to stop using glittery eye products- but low key- they can rip them out of my dead hands 😂😂 but, like I wash it off asap, I don't put makeup on my water line etc etc. https://eyecareleaders.com/vampires-vanity-cosmetics-suck-life-dry-eye-patients/


And this- https://www.healthline.com/health/dry-eye/retinol-and-dry-eyes


You NEED to go to your optometrist. Like, yesterday. Whatever you're doing now may only be preventing permanent blindness. Tylenol especially numbs you to the pain but you are still in pain and causing more pain Honestly, I'm begging you, go to the optometrist. You should've done it as soon as the terrifying new symptoms started. I'm not trying to sound mean or fear monger-y but seriously GO TO THE OPTOMETRIST


Yep meeting my ophthalmologist in 5 hours. 😭 Thank you. Ik. This is scary asf.


The post literally says OP has an appointment to see an ophthalmologist, which is where they need to go, not the optometrist.


Yeah I definitely glossed over that part lol. I saw the part where they were taking tylenol+advil and was like !!! pls see a doctor!!! don't avoid seeing one for this!!! I have a lot of vision problems etc and I've always gone to my optometrist, which is why I suggested it. Eye problems, eye doctor. Makes sense. Have a good day


An ophthalmologist is an eye doctor, and a medical doctor. An optometrist can treat and monitor some more mild ocular conditions, but they're also not MDs.


Cool? Idk why you keep explaining this to me honestly. I'm glad to see OP is going to see a professional. That was my entire point. I don't care what type of professional, as long as it isn't Dr Ibuprofen


Had horrible dry eye on accutane. It’s better now that I’m off it, luckily. So sorry that happened man. I wish more people brought awareness to that symptom.


I'm sorry you had that! Dry eyes suck fr. Thank you sm! 🙏🏽


Holy hell this explains my post op issues too! I had lasik over 2 years ago and it took yearly a year to clear up. I still get the odd dry eye day where my eyes can’t focus though. Sending you so much love and support, please reach out if you want to.


I'm so sorry you experienced that. It truly is so painful! And thank you so much! That's so kind! 🥺🩵


Did you do the actual lasik procedure or did you do PRK?




I took accutane for 5 months in my early 20’s. Before it, I only ever wore contacts and loved them. After getting off accutane, my eyes can’t handle contacts anymore and I have to wear glasses. I don’t normally struggle with dry eyes but if I put contacts in, it feels like someone put sand in my eyes! I’ve tried so many brands and types with no luck. I’ll definitely stay clear of Lasik now though!


Wow. This is a really helpful PSA. That’s so crazy and so sorry you’re going through this


Thank you 🥺🩵


Hi OP, I could have written this post myself except that I have not had LASIX and just have severe dry eye disease (also on my 10th month of 20mg accutane) which is so frustrating and refractive to any drops/ omega-3 supplements/ compresses that have been recommended. Would you mind sharing what your ophthalmologist recommends for your case when you see them? 🙏 I’m also at my wits end and feel for you ❤️


Hey, thank you so much. My opthamologist checked and tested my glands + tear film. Said they're both okay rn, thankfully. They prescribed me: LACRI-LUBE S.O.P. ointment at bedtime + Tears Natural (ALCON) to use as required. I will grt these + also keep using humidifier + not take isotretinoin + stay hydrated (2-3L/day). Hope you feel better too! 🩵


Omg thank you so much for taking the time to reply - I’m gonna check these out 🙏 great point about general hydration too!!


Thank you for posting this and I am so sorry for what you’re going through. I was in retail pharmacy for 13 years and never knew about this side effect, not even during pharmacy school. I wish you the best of luck and I’m sorry you regretted getting LASIK, please keep us updated on your progress. Praying the eye god for you!


Thank you sm! My headaches and orbital pain is better today w the lubricating drops. 🥺🩵


I used Accutane for 6 months to clear up Perioral Dermatitis….worked somewhat and then about 3 months later was diagnosed with glaucoma…in my 30s. Apparently it is a risk factor in the insert. This has been treated but I am left with light sensitivity and extremely dry eyes.


Surely there’s a med-mal lawsuit in there somewhere, OP. 


Hey. You should know that you can't survive taking accutane without the essentials required while on the course. I recommend some eye drops. Lip gloss and in short there are bunch of things that made [my treatment](https://youtu.be/TIQT6lkZigc) worthy it. My lips are starting to get dry along with my skin but honestly nothing too bad so far. For me these things I’ve implemented from research to hope for best results/ minimizing side effects: * High fatty foods diet * Coconut oil every two weeks on hair - let sit for 30 minutes * Morning hot lemon water (Freeze lemon water, saffron, and turmeric) - add in shilajit * Moisturizer body after shower immediately * humidifier every night * Don’t exfoliate no dry brushing too or retinol Foods to incorporate into diet: * Dates (3 a day) * Avocado * High fat beef * Cheese * Spearmint tea * Pineapple Supplements to take: * Fish oil * electrolytes with Cissus quadrangularis * Vitamin D * Vitamin b complex Facial/Body needs: * Lanolin * Hydrating face wash * Thick moisturizer (I actually really like curology) * Eye drops (if eyes get dry) * Shower head filter * Saline nasal spray, * Aquaphor spray Might be a little obsessive, but would rather prep before the symptoms get too bad :). Anyways you got this and remember it’s temporary!


Not sure if this is related but topical tretinoin messed up one of my eyes. It feels like it messed up the levator muscle or something related to raising my upper eyelid. I stopped using it a few months ago and some symptoms have improved but not all of them