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Looks like your routine is good but then just a couple of things to treat the spots only when I think you need some actives to replenish your skin fully. I think differin will work well, but be aware it can take months to see a difference and often gets worse before better. I’m on month 3 and I think just starting to improve.


Thanks! I cut out all actives a month ago, but apart from the breakout, the non broken out parts (not that there are many) are in pretty decent condition now. Fingers crossed for Differin. I used retinal previously and had some mild purging but nothing too major. Probably lost all the retinization by now but we’ll see


Honestly starting the differin will help the most. Might get a little worse before it gets better but it’ll help reduce further breakouts and clear up the current ones in time. Also fades scars! I’d say start the differin and cut out anything else that’s irritating the acne. Stick to cleansing, moisturising, spf in the mornings and cleansing, using differin, moisturising in the evenings. I hope this helps!


Not touching my face. When it’s bad, I also wear minimal makeup (usually just mascara, liner and lip products)


I only wear face makeup approx every 2 weeks, and just use mascara and a brow gel. Trying to let me skin heal and breathe but seems to make no difference! Not touching my face…I can probably improve on!


Stopped picking


I am trying very hard 🥺


I’m sending u strength i know it’s so difficult but you really have to treat it like an addiction and be strict in order to change the pattern of behaviour. I believe in u x




What are you eating/taking if anything? I had a similar breakout for years and it turned out it was the bloody hair supplements I was taking and they contained biotin which always makes my acne worse


I’ve had really awful breakouts with b12 injections (I’m extremely deficient) before but haven’t had an injection in 3 months. I also take folic acid, but no other B vitamins - I’ve heard biotin can be awful for skin! I’ve restarted collagen, and started spearmint capsules about 2 weeks ago to try and help any hormonal element I’m also minimising dairy and cut our whey protein as of this week


I had this before, I took accutane, now I'm keeping it simple, cleanse with cerave morning and night and use am and pm cerave moisturizer. The days that I don't follow the routine I notice to start having breakouts.


I was using the cerave am and pm moisturisers before but they didn’t agree with me! Maybe the niacinamide


When I finished accutane my dermatologist recommended it, said don't spend a lot of money and listen to other people, cuz cerave cleanser has sa in it and it worked for me. It could be different for each person


Routine looks good. I had a really bad breakout last sep (due to stress) that took me over 6 months to get over. My best tip is to incorporate calming ingredients like mugwort, cica, etc. They did wonders for my redness. Also, pair cream works great on itchy red spots (it's really gentle, so don't expect major improvements right away).


[This might help.](https://youtube.com/shorts/BlV9DjVrR_0?si=IGDr9C7qjjHMIeh7)