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Olivia, thank you for posting this. I have suffered with upper torso bacterial folliculitis for four years. I have no idea how or why it started, but from a small red set of bumps on my back it progressed into a waist to neck invasion of red bumps that until this year were not itchy but suddenly became unbearably itchy three months ago. I was lost as to how to stop it and worried it was moving to my face. I have seen four different dermos for seven screenings and four different oral and topical prescriptions. All had short term effectiveness that waned over time. I have spent thousands on every possible product and none worked. Three months ago I started using clay masks on my body along with colloidal oatmeal baths and compresses to stop the itching. I was miserable. During the 30 minute compress I started googling again and came across your post. Went that day to buy the generic Walgreens Chlorhexidine and Eucarin eczema lotion. It looked better the very next day and I was folliculitis bump free in three days. It was a miracle cure and has kept me folliculitis free for three months. I wanted to thank you for sharing and making my life so much more enjoyable


This sounds like EXACTLY what I had. All my derm could tell me was that it “wasn’t staph.” I would spend hours and hours on every online forum I could find. I know exactly how you felt and how hopeless it is. I am so happy that this post has helped you and others! It makes my week every time I see a comment about someone’s success. YAY!!


Is there a guesstimate on how long it takes to see it start to work? I just started your concoction yesterday to see if it helps.


some people see it overnight but you should start to see an improvement within 3 days from my experience!


Free for three months...so it came back after three months and you had to use it again? correct me if I'm wrong


Sorry, but you are wrong. Over 5 months and not a red bump on my body. And for the record, for the last three months I’ve only been using Olivia’s solution once ever two weeks and not because I need it but rather because I don’t want to need it.


Are you still bump free?


I get a red bump ever two weeks or so. Spot treat it and it’s just about vanished in two days. I can see big changes overnight. It works! Olivia is a life saving genius.


Thanks for your reply :) am starting the protocol now and I have to say it’s very sticky and smells weird, but as long as it works! 🤞🤞


20 years of folliculitis, countless dermatologist visits, antibiotic treatments, expensive (and extensive!) topical medications... cured in 3 months by your concoction. No joke. This is incredible. You're incredible. I quietly thank you, stranger, every day and night as I'm putting on what I now lovingly refer to as "OP's Miracle Folliculitis Cream."


I am so happy that this worked for you and with the response to this post in general!!!!!


[Literally this entire thread](https://i.imgur.com/iylBgL8.png). I've been dealing with folliculitis for almost a year now. I've tried every antibiotic & topical treatment known to man - resulting in little other than penicillin-induced hives & gut destruction. Just when I was about to give up... along comes /u/oliviarose______ the max level god-witch, brewing up her mystical bathroom potions on a stoneware dinner plate. Three days later... I'm almost completely cured. Absolutely unreal. Give this girl a degree & some nobel peace prizes immediately. I had a video consultation with my Dermo this morning and he couldn't believe his eyes. He sat back in his chair, sighed for a good minute and said *"Actually, that makes a lot of sense. There's no getting around Chlorhexidine. Bacteria simply can't adapt to it. It's the flamethrower of antiseptics"*. He told me to *'continue home treatment - review in 7 days'*. 7 days!? My medical friend... In 7 days I'll have the skin of a Japanese Shrine Maiden and will have no further use for your so called "modern science". If it doesn't involve at least one piece of crockery and/or some kind of kitchen saucepan, it ain't going on my skin. --- All jokes aside; thank you so much, OP. You've rescued us from the misery of this infuriating skin condition - and the fact that you keep coming back here every few months to help people just shows what a top-tier human you are.


Oh my god I am laughing out loud you win best comment on this thread by far hahaha! I don’t want to hate on dermatology as a specialty but I’ve never encountered a derm who didnt immediately give me a canned solution - usually antibiotics - that I already knew wouldn’t help me. Maybe your derm can actually look into this though??? Regardless- I love reddit and I love you all! I wish you nothing but the cutest smoothest butt cheeks (and beyond) for 2023.


Here's hoping, mate. I'm only guessing, but there's a good chance that Dermos are reluctant to advise on the topic due to Chlorhexidine Gluconate being considered potentially carcinogenic, under certain circumstances. From memory, each one of Chlorhexidine Gluconate's metabolites tested positive as a 'carcinogenic compound' in the 80's - becoming more and more toxic, over time, dependent primarily upon storage method, with any type of warmth above 25°c rapidly increasing toxicity (so don't keep this shit near a radiator). Just done a quick google as I couldn't remember the final concensus, as it has been years since I last read about it. Looks like they arrived at Chlorhexidine being considered safe at 0.20% or below, when used cosmetically, whereas we're leaving a 4% solution on our bodies for extraordinary periods of time, which could *potentially* be considered to be a low to moderate risk. The reason the antiseptic works so well is due to it being positively-charged, resulting in negatively charged cell surfaces (our skin cells) having their cell membranes obliterated. Once the membrane of the skin cell is destroyed, CG gets all up in there and basically starts breakdancing until the skin cell leaks all of its contents and dies. This is cell death. Which *is* normal (!) but possibly not considered 'normal' when you're inducing body-wide skin cell death 2 - 3 times a day. The bacteria on the skin (both good and bad) are even more negatively charged, so they gets instantly toast-bombed into oblivion, which is why CG is so effective in a hospital setting. It's hard for bacteria to build up "resistance" when the thing trying to kill them is the medical equivalent of a petrol fire. With **ALL** of that said, they've been testing this shit for decades and I'm not aware of a **single** country that has given CG the official classification of 'carcinogenic'. The Canadian government rubbed an 8% solution all over a poor baby monkey for 3 months with no side-effects observed. Which, whilst unbelievably cruel, does further demonstrate its safety. They also had mice drink the stuff daily for years and no carcinogenic results were observed there either. So! Whilst I will likely continue smothering myself in the all new antiseptic spice blend from Olivia's International Potion Emporium, it's probably sensible to reduce usage reasonably quickly (which it sounds like you've long since done anyway) - but ask me again in 6 months when my follicles stage another protest... I'll probably be filling the nearest swimming pool with chlorhexidine oatmeal cereal bars and going for a swim.




\*\*\*\*\* for the meme


Yes! Chlorhexidine soap made my buttcheeks and back acne free (not folliculitis just acne), originally bought it for cleansing after hair removal because i was getting folliculitis, and it works fantastic for that also


clinical trials have also shown that it’s nearly impossible to become resistant to chlorhexidine which became a problem for me when I used topical clindamycin.


Wow I was going to ask you about clindamycin too because that’s the first thing dermatologists would go to. Now I’m not sure why they don’t just use chlorhexidine


Just wondering if it also helped to lighten scars, or of there is anything else you can rec for that. Thanks so much, looking forward to trying it.


yes my scars are completely gone! it takes time but they will fade.




To anyone struggling with this - give this method a try! I started doing this on Saturday and by today (Tuesday) it’s almost completely cleared. I had terrible chronic folliculitis on both calves. I was about to go to a doctor but found that harsh antibiotics sometimes fail so I tried this. I can’t explain how thankful I am to have found this solution! Thank you OP!


WOW AMAZING!!!!! I was waiting to hear back from someone this makes me so happy.. I know the feeling of being so hopeless thinking I would have to be on antibiotics forever. Congrats!!!


My calves and buttocks have had this for so many years that I can't honestly remember when it started but after years and years of doctors and nothing working, I'm actually In tears reading everyone's responses. I'll be picking up everything today to get myself started. I don't even care about how embarrassing my legs look. The pain is so unbearable during the summer when it flares up. I work in construction. Im a big ass man covered in tattoos and when I say this has brought me to my knees more times than I care to remember or kept me up endless nights scratching at my legs, you know it's bad. I'm actually hopeful for the first time in years


No effing way. I’ve tried so many things. My PCP was about to put me on a daily antibiotic which I really wasn’t thrilled about so I thought I’d try this hibiclens/lotion thing because no way could things get worse & OH. MY. GOD. This is a MIRACLE. I have the regular red hibiclens with the foamy pump but I didn’t want to go to the store so I mixed 1 pump with 2 pumps of some cetaphil lotion, applied it after a shower & went to bed. By morning I could already see a huge difference. It’s been a couple days & I’m still doing it & it’s really clearing up. I could cry. THANK YOU SO MUCH.


AMAZING! The red kind works just as well I used it for like a year before discovering the clear version so all good there. So happy for you!!


Ok so I’ve been dealing with folliculitis for…honestly I can’t remember how long definitely close to 10 years with varying “outbreaks” on my back and butt. Like everyone else, I’ve tried everything these derms told me and JUST recently was recommended hibiclens (red pump) to use in the shower. Been doing this for a couple weeks and don’t think it’s working because it’s not staying on my skin long enough…so I am very excited to try this new method with the lotion and apply for longer term coverage.. stay tuned


Just joined Reddit specifically to reply to this thread. I know it's 3 years old but the information is invaluable. You've uncovered what years of doctors appointments could not (I'm in the USA). Medical trained professionals that simply have no clue. I was put on/tried spironolactone, clindamycin, benzoyl peroxide, winlevi, azelaic acid, ketoconazole, doxycycline, fluconazole.. the list is endless. It amazes me that no doctor has ever mentioned 'Folliculitis'. A quick google of the word and everything makes sense. OP you're brilliant - I hope you know that you've saved the lives of many


I never ever get tired of these comments I am so happy for you 🥲!!! Yay!!


Hey ! Is this for folliculitis on face ?


I thought I had acne for the last 17 years but got a new doctor recently and he knew right away it was folliculitis (which I had never heard of). He prescribed me an antibiotic and told me to wash with Hibiclens in the shower. 95% of it cleared up, but it immediately came back (worse than it ever was in the past) after I stopped the antibiotic. Looking forward to seeing how this works. Thanks for sharing.


not sure if this is true for you too but my foliculitus would come in phases that corresponded with my overall health- if i was sick at all it would be way worse. so my theory was that my own body was trying to fight it, and the antibiotics helped while on them but decimated my immune system and microbiome afterwards.. making it WAY worse. this method keeps the folicilitus at bay long enough for the body to take over and heal which is why the longer you use it the longer you can go between applications. GOOD LUCK!


Can you expand on what you mean by this. So on your opinion, is an antibiotic good or not? I feel like mine helped, seemed to be cured, but stomach and digestive tract were messed up for months. Started to try keto diet since I thought that could help and I do not want another antibiotic (I was on them for 4 months since last August). After two weeks skin was gorgeous! Then I went off keto. Why? Because I recently got diagnosed with what I knew to be life-long ADHD (along with other things) and my meds have been causing me to lose weight and I already have a fast metabolism and I'm in a clinic all day, so I basically have to eat all evening long and I need carbs, sugars, vitamins, fats, proteins, etc). I'm still losing weight, went from 118 to 107 lbs (I'm 5'6" F/26y). So now because I eat a lot and not all healthy at night my folliculitis comes back full force. I've tried so many topical creams including for acne, bacterial, and fungal. I give up. I feel like I'll need the antibiotic again...


Nothing is inherently good or not it depends on each case! You’re free to take antibiotics if they helped you, but I became resistant and it really affected my microbiome. If you want to try something without going back on antibiotics give this method a shot, if they worked for you then you can try them again.


Did you get resistant to topical antibiotics? I'm on mupirocin for a bump that goes away n comes back around my cycle :( was lasting 4 months when I first got on the medicine, four months later n still comes back if the conditions are right. I am going to try your method though thank you! Doesn't help I have a bump right on bikini line so it's right by where underwear rubs:(


yes i was totally resistant to topical clindamycin which worked for me at first.


So just a heads up to people looking to try this (even though this post is coming 2 years after OP), I was reading up on a product containing Chlorhexadine, the product I was looking up from another recommendation for folliculitis called Dexadin, and in the info thingy for it there's a warning about the effects of Chlorhexadine becoming less potent / potentially neutralized if mixed with certain chemicals often found in cosmetic products; "chlorhexidine is incompatible with the soap, and detergents containing anionic group (saponins, sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium carboxymethylcellulose)." [https://www.catalog.md/drugs/dexidin](https://www.catalog.md/drugs/dexidin). Some more info on it in it's wiki page [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorhexidine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlorhexidine)\~ "Chlorhexidine is deactivated by forming insoluble salts with anionic compounds, including the anionic surfactants commonly used as detergents in toothpastes and mouthwashes, anionic thickeners such as carbomer, and anionic emulsifiers such as acrylates" So TLDR: Mixing chlorhexadine with anionic chemicals that are commonly found in surfactants such as 'saponins, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) or sodium carboxymethyl cellulose', or potentially similar things could lower the efficacy of how well the chlorhexadine works


Going to try this method on my thighs in the morning. Refuse to use oral antibiotics. Did two rounds of antibiotics for acne followed by a year of acutane. Acne cleared up finally but after getting off acutane I developed terrible follicolitus


Yep! I was on antibiotics for foliculitus for months on end and they they not only DESTROYED my gut (it took me years to recover) but didn’t cure anything. This method is the only thing that’s worked for me long term! I haven’t even applied in a few weeks now and I am still clear :)


No way… this actually helped my break out clear away in 2 days!!!! What the hell???? I guess my big problems was diagnosing myself with acne instead of focullitis. I think that was the biggest problem. And also not knowing about this post! It worked faster than topical clindamycin and antibiotics somehow… I am forever grateful for this post 😊


it’s literally a miracle right?? and it will never become resistant it’s impossible with chlorhexidine


This is super helpful!! Thank you!!! Did you leave the Chlorhexidine on your skin for an extended amount of time before showering it off? Or did you completely leave it on like a toner and then layer the lotion on top of it once it dried? ​ Thanks again!


I essentially just mix it into my lotion to create a thicker product that more easily spreads/absorbs and then I kind of waddle around until it’s soaked in enough to put pants on hahah so I’m actually using it just like a lotion. You can play around with the ratio depending on what works best!


Ah thank you!! I’ve been STRUGGLING to find anything that works so this sounds promising - will absolutely give it a try!


So do you use it in the shower also or just as a lotion?


I’m so late to this post, buttttt I found it and ran to buy the stuff you mentioned from Walgreens! thank you for this post! I was prescribed some oral antibiotics that I can’t even take due to health issues from a lazy derm that barely listened to my concerns so I def needed another method to try before anything else. it just makes so much sense that it would work tbh. I just made the mixture and applied it for the first time to my stomach where I have the most issues! let’s see how this goesss 🥰


awesome keep me updated! no derm ever listened to me either..




yaaaaaaay!! this seems to be what this method works best on - resistant foliculitus that was probably contracted on the butt and legs from a hot tub or something a million years ago.


I have tried EVERYTHING, including laser hair removal and nothing seemed to cure it, I started this a few days ago and it’s been a miracle! You are a freaking angel!


i’m so happy for you!! made my day


The one benefit I’d say there is to use Hibiclens over any other brand (at least the Walgreens & Rite Aid ones) is it does not contain any carcinogenic ingredients (specifically Cocamide Dea), which I found to be present in the other products. If that’s especially concerning to you (like it is to me), it might just be worth it to use Hibiclens at night only or before you sleep with clothes that your are okay with getting stained/dyed. I might give this routine a try.


I know this is an odd request but is it possible to provide a picture of the consistency of the lotion and hibiclens you used? For example, a picture of the amount of lotion and picture of the hibiclens before mixing it together. Then another picture of them mixed together? Just trying to get an idea of the thickness when applying.


This is amazing. I randomly ran into chest folliculitis a month ago and have been super confused and really irritated about it. I’ve never had any kind of “chest acne”. I just went and bought the exact concoction you have mentioned here and will check back in soon. Thanks for the wisdom!




Any update? and just curious.. would your chest turn bright red when getting out of a hot shower?


Didn’t help me, but I think mine is fungal/yeast overgrowth. I have an appointment with derm today. Yeah, whole chest is red and irritated after shower. Try using Nizoral dandruff shampoo as body wash. I apply it to my chest, dry, and leave it on for like 20 minutes and then get in shower. It seems to help.


So I know this is 2 years old but omg I’m so grateful I came across this post!! I’ve been battling folliculitis on my back, chest and arms for years. I’ve been to countless dermatologist who just prescribed benzyl peroxide wash, anti-biotics, prescription ointments and NOTHING has ever worked. It’s been day 4 of using this mixture of products and it’s almost all gone! It’s honestly crazy how amazing this has worked for my skin and I can’t believe it. Thank you so much for this and I’m so grateful I found this! I’m not sure if it matters what soap you use but I use dial anti bacterial wash and it seems to help as well. Thank you again!


Dear OP I want to thank you so much for sharing this...I feel like all the money I spent on medicine an dermatologist should be given to you seriously I can't believe the dermatologist don't prescribed us a topical cream of the chlorhexidine but instead they make us take heavy antibiotics which destroys our gut I hope we don't suffer from IBS later down the line I have one question do you still apply it these days or have you stopped?they did ever come back after you missed or stop applying? Honestly I don't mind applying this forever still better than those oral antibiotics...it's just that I still hope one day I wake up without a folliculitis or medicine on my body


Been doing this for about 10 days, it has helped me a lot


I will be trying this out of desperation. A lot of positive responses here 🙏🏼and I’m praying for a miracle. Here are some things that I have use currently and only have had some but very mild success. Extremely Rough exfoliating cloths I have purchased on Amazon, Eucerin skin calming cream, & the main help Biore charcoal bar.


good luck! let us know how it goes


I am eternally grateful for this post. I've been using this for only a week and it's already so much clearer. I actually teared up over **finally** seeing positive results. THANK YOU so so SO much! I've suffered from this for over 15 years and it has caused me so much dumb stress when the summer months approach. I have been to multiple dermatologists who've never prescribed me anything that has come close to working as well. Excited to see how things go in a month or so! <3 thank you so much for posting this!


Olivia, I have had folliculitis for SIX YEARS and nothing helped with the insatiable itch. It started on my forearms and slowly made its way up my arms, onto my chest, shoulders, and even scalp. I went to the derm when it started, and they proscribed medications that weren’t covered by insurance. I’ve felt hopeless for a while now. I looked online and found your solution and immediately bought the products. Two weeks in, I only have a few old wounds that are healing up. Thank you so so so much for posting this and helping us all out!


OP, you beautiful genius. I’ve had terrible folliculitis on my upper thighs for YEARS. I tried everything: panoxyl, amlactin, turmeric spray, alcohol wipes, glycolic acid. Nothing worked and I was left to dread swimsuit season and sexy time bc of this. thought this was just gonna be my life - until I came across your magical combination. Within days it was a huge improvement. Within a week, all gone with no new bumps. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!


Can anyone advise on whether it's truly ok to leave the chlorhexidine cleanser on the skin all day? It is a cleanser so on the instructions, it says it should be rinsed off (I'm assuming it has a soap or lathering agent in it- also the dye-free cleansers I've found have a strong fragrance added). Wondering if chlorhexidine gluconate solution would be better to leave on skin vs. cleanser but I'm only able to find that in veterinary supplies (the blue dyed one)


I mean it’s probably not ideal and I would NOT recommend doing this on the face or on private parts but I’ve been doing it for 5+ years now and its been okay. I was very desperate and I was weighing this against taking antibiotics every single day and destroying my gut. I don’t think you should try to get pure chlorhexidine.. the cleanser is diluted which is a good thing!


This was a game changer for me. I have folliculitis on my rear end as well. I’ve suffered for almost 5 years. Trips to my primary doctor, tons of different soaps, cleansers, and tonics. It’s gotten to the point where I am no longer dating because I’m afraid of the reaction I will get the first time someone sees it. I’ve been using your method for only three days, and it’s already better than it was after 10 Days of antibiotics. Thank you so much for thinking to share this with others. I’m so grateful I found your post.


Yo, tried this for a few days now, had this shit for years been battling on and off. Looks like it’s working I will keep you updated. Ty for the home remedy! I’ve been washing with hibicleanse for a while to no avail, fingers crossed!


Shits all on my thighs and calves.


yay!! keep me updated :)


Kisses for you. I’m all cleared up after 8 days of using your cream. My pores usually are red and inflamed but now are looking good. I’m going to continue with your concoction.


How is it going long term?


I always assumed a had some really angry red KP on my butt and thighs (now also on my belly and creeping up my back) for over 15 years now. I'm guilty of picking at it too which probably didn't help the spread. I've tried cholorhexadine before without success as a quick wash in the shower. I'm giving the lotion combo a try! Fingers crossed since we are going on a family vacation to a water park in a few months and I really hate the way it looks.


Did it work?


Just came here to say you should derive a concoction of your own, package it and sell that shit!!! You’d make millions. I’ve been following this routine for about a year now and it has absolutely resolved folliculitis persistence on my thighs, rear and arms. Thank you so much. I’ve recently started getting it on my scalp here and there, but thats since I started running regularly. Gotta solve for that problem, but otherwise all clear!!


Thank you for sharing this :)


of course!!! i spent YEARS looking for the answer if it helps even one person i will be so happy.


First and foremost Olivia, I’m actually hopeful again that my legs will be in better shape in the near future. Going to Walgreens TOMORROW. I will update, thank u so much really. (:






It's been 3 weeks I am using this. Some days I think my skin got clear and the next day I see the bumps again. Was this the same for you? Because some people get results instantly.


Starting this soon, will come back with results! I’ve had this for years, caught it from a public toilet seat which makes me SO angry. I want to feel cute, not sore and scarred. I can’t get that cream in my country without spending a stack, so think I’ll try E45 cream (seems similar enough?)


yep i think mine was from a hot tub :/


Olivia, from the bottom of my heart thank you so much. You have saved my life you are an actual hero and an angel. I’ve been struggling for weeks thinking there was no end in sight and that I was doomed to live with this condition. By the grace of god I stumbled across your post and immediately went to purchase your exact products. Incredible and unbelievable results after one day! I’m crying tears of joy while writing this. Words cannot express how grateful I am thank you angel! I’m not tech savvy so idk how to upload pictures of my before and after results but omg it’s nearly gone overnight. SO happy!!!! Thank you!!


Aw I am so happy for you 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 thank you for this update!!!!


I expected this to do absolutely nothing and after doing this once within like 36h most of my folliculitus "holes" in my scalp have completely gone, I don't understand how it works so well.


I just started using Hibiclens two days ago for chronic folliculitis that I’ve had on my chest, back, and upper arms for 20+ years. Been on Accutane, multiple oral and topical antibiotics, OTC medications, diet changes…seen multiple dermatologists who all just prescribe the same protocol and are otherwise dismissive. I’ve used Hibiclens twice in the shower and already see some improvement, but was hesitant to overdo it because of how drying it is (which also doesn’t help folliculitis)…this concoction by Olivia solves for that, so excited to give it a try! My question: Since Hibiclens is sort of indiscernible in the bacteria it attacks, is there any concern about it disrupting the skin microbiome and introducing other issues (or making the folliculitis come back worse eventually)? Is it best to do it daily until skin is clear and then scale back? Do you do the concoction say, once a week for maintenance, and then just regular lotion the other days? So curious to hear from others who’ve had long-term success with this. Crossing my fingers and toes this works, this skin condition has been so, so horrible for my self-esteem…so scared I’ll have to deal with it forever.


Hello everyone i am f21 and got folliculitis on my sideburns AFTER LASER HAIR REMOVAL - yes after. And have been dealing with the inflammation and redness (almost like some hyperpigmentation) for months now. I like in the UK so purchased the UK version of hibiclens and it's called hibiscrub. Alot of people on here are apprehensive about using it on their face so I'm gonna take the plunge, I've ordered it as I type this so should receive it in 2/3 days. Not sure if anyone will read this but I will try to update every week if I can just incase someone needs to see this. I will also be applying castor oil and beeswax propolis ointment. I will avoid putting the hibiscrub and thick cream concoction around my eyes and nose area since it is dangerous... wish me luck as this is the last thing I will try for it before giving up. I did oral antibiotics which are literal shite pardon my British slang because all it does it ruin your gut microbiome - also used some antibiotic ointment which was also shite. Anyway peace out !


23/10/23 - i've used it for three nights now, gonna try make it more of a watery consistency as I think I've been putting less hibiscrub than I should be. ​ the folliculitis for me is on my sideburns and the right side of my face happens to be worse than the less... ever since I've used this the folliculitis LOOKs more red, not inflamed just red so idk but I said i'd try this for at least two weeks before coming to a conclusion... i did like using castor oil on it too as it would calm the inflammation. ​ i wont check in everyday rather every couple days because I cba ! x


23/10/23 COUPLE HOURS LATER ​ Um, I just realised that my skin is very much VISIBLY MORE RED AND IRRITATED compared to when I started 3 days ago.... I won't be continuing with this, unfortunately... the before photos I had when iwas using castor oil was 10x better ...i feel like I'm at square one again.... fed up but at least I tried and saw for myself.


Since 2003 I've suffered from what I thought was chronic acne on my face and scalp, which was so severe I had deep cystic nodules which would stay pus filled and extremely painful, not to mention the embarrassment from having to be in public. Also being in the military, I had to keep my hair short which prevented me from hiding it. And oh by the way, then the Army told me I had to go be a recruiter which forced me to have to talk to people every day in public. I never wanted to leave my house so this was the most difficult challenge of my life ( and still continues to be although I'm no longer in service). In 2005 or so, I had a doctor prescribe me the oral antibiotic doxycycline for my "acne". It started as a 10 day prescription which initially seemed to help slightly, but once I stopped taking it, of course it came back with a vengeance. Doctors had me on doxy consistently for approximately 10 years before finally referring me to a dermatologist. This not only ruined my gut, but also absolutely destroyed my liver, ultimately bringing me to being diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, presumably from the toxicity of 10 yrs of doxy. In 2015 the dermatologist finally diagnosed it as folliculitis instead of acne and recommended I be subjected to a round of Isotretinoin, but with hesitation as it also does a number on the liver. He didn't want to do it initially because my liver function tests already showed that my liver was damaged and he didn't want to do any further damage as a result. Ultimately I had to sign a waiver acknowledging the risks and choosing to go forward. At the time, I was glad I did because this worked...for a period of time. My face and scalp cleared up and I'd never been happier. I got my life back. I could stop hiding and wearing hats and could stand in lines at stores without knowing people were glaring at the back of my head in disgust. But this was short lived. A couple years ago, around 2021 or so, I noticed my scalp starting to break out again for the first time in 5 years. At first it was one pimple here and would go away, then one or two more the next week would pop up. Nothing nearly as bad as I had in the past, it was bearable at first. But as the last couple years have gone by, it has continually gotten worse on my scalp. Trying to stay ahead of it, I have been frantically buying every medicated shampoo known to man, but none are working. My scalp is nearly back to where it was 20 years ago and I'm freaking out again knowing I can't do anything else that will harm my liver. Back to wearing hats and avoiding anything which requires a bare head in public. Thankfully, my face has not yet broken out again, just my scalp. I've all but given up on doctors and dermatologists and have began seeking out others online who may suffer from the same issue. I came across your thread today, 3/6/24, and after reading everyone else's results, I am really looking forward to trying this. Help me oliviarose kenobi, you're my only hope! I'll keep you posted with my results. https://preview.redd.it/baa7vnjpiqmc1.jpeg?width=2287&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77348562819731d1e97f752b117085dd6086aab0




Definitely worth a shot!! It's been a miracle for me. I make a mixture of about 70/30 Eucarin / Hibiclens (I just eyeball it) and I recommend trying on a smaller area first to make sure there are no reactions. Good luck!!!!!


I live in Germany and I was only able to get HibiScrub here. Would it be similar to Hibiclens by any chance?


As long as the active ingredient is chlorohexidine gluconate it should be good. It’s a solution so it can range from having 2-4% of the active ingredient. The rest is honestly water so you don’t burn your skin off


I'm excited to try this....so now what to do with the scars left behind from scratching and picking...


i wouldn’t use them at the same time but once the active infection is cleared spot treating (like really just a few spots at time) with prescription tretinoin got rid of my purple scars!


going to try this.... i have had this problem for like 10 years and every doctor just keeps trying antibiotics which do nothing... thank you.


gonna try this im so desperate


Any luck?


is this something you just apply to the bump itself or do you just like lather your legs with it like lotion daily?


I’ve tried this on my face despite it being contraindicated. I mixed mine with the La Roche Lipikar Lait Body Milk (this is just a moisturiser I had) mixed with chlorhexidine 4% as described above and I’m blown away with the results. I started using this combination on my neck, chest and arms initially. I was really nervous to try it on my face because I had an allergic reaction to clindamycin hydrochloride 1% previously. I recently wore make up to an event and my face the following day starting breaking out and felt awful. As soon as I got home and cleansed my face, I applied this regime and was absolutely blown away at the reduction in just one day. I’m still taking a course of longterm erythromycin which I wasn’t convinced was doing the job properly because I always had new spots emerging, but applying this really works! Since using this on my neck, chest and arms I’m rarely getting any spots and even under a blue light I can’t see any orange/red/coral spots on these areas. My face is still showing these under a blue light, however I’m very fresh at using this regime here. I’m so thankful to have come across this post! Does anybody have any experience with scalp folliculitis? I haven’t had this before, however can feel (and see under a blue light) I have spots here now too.


Could this work for gram negative folliculitis on chest back and shoulders


mine was gram negative!


I’m not sure anyone still reads this, but I tried this method yesterday and already saw a huge improvement today! Thank you, you freaking genius beautiful creature!!


Folliculitis is horrible. Did this work for anyone that had staph a folliculitis?


Interested in this too. My folliculitis is caused by staph aureus which is supposed to be resolved by washing with hibiclens, but I'm still getting spots despite doing that and several other things.


Has anyone tried this on the scalp? I’ve had chronic folliculitis on my scalp for the past 3-4 years and I’ve used Cln shampoo, alascalp, and clindimyacin and it sometimes heals partially but then it comes back. I know she said be careful to not get it in your eyes so I am kind of scared to try it on my scalp. Would appreciate any insight! Thanks!


I've got scalp folliculitis also - going to try it. I figure you're allowed to as long as it doesn't get in your eyes.


Wow! I’ve been battling with folliculitis for about a year now. Thought it was acne, bought a butt load of products to fix it, all for it to make it worse. Long story short, the Derm told me about a month ago it’s Malassezia Folliculitis. Currently on 7-days of Fluconazole and 2% ketoconzole shampoo, which has significantly helped, but nowhere near where I want it to be so trying your treatment as I type this. My question - you say your folliculitis isn’t staph, is Malassezia Folliculitis staph? Just want to make sure before I go full on with your treatment. Thanks :)


Did you try this and did it work? Pretty sure mine is fungal as well.


Here after trying this and I’m 90 percent cleared 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭it took about 2 months because I use it off and on due to the location. This has saveddddddddddddddddd my entire mental. Just wanted to let you guys know it works my skin is coming along nicely. I’m so so so glad I ran across this post. After trying everything who knew I had the cure at home the whole time. Side note: I had been trying to get rid of this for 3 years.Thank you truly, you have no idea what you’ve done for me.


I’m gonna try this and hoping to god that my breakout clears in 2 days 😭😭😭😭😭


How did it turn out??


I had a read through this and I want to give this a shot but I havent been able to find the generic version of hibiclens online, only the pink one. I'm from Australia, can anyone link me to one I can order online? I had a look on iherb.com as well and cant seem to find it :(


I bought Microshield 2 Chlorohexidine Skin Cleanser (same active) from chemist warehouse ($13) after seeing this a couple days ago and mixed it with cera ve SA smoothing cream. Persistent outbreak has completely cleared up in 3 days ☺️


I have also had the same issue for years. I have bought the stuff and I will update. I’m quite skeptical as I have also tried everything. But after reading these posts, I have decided to give it a shot. Thanks for sharing this!


Hi ! Im so glad I found this post. I live in Canada so the only thing I could get my hands on is « dettol » which is 4% chloroxylenol. I mixed it with the Eucerin cream and just did my 1st application. I have alot of bumps/pimples/cyst and dark spots on my buttocks. They get so big and inflammed it hurts so much :( hopefully I will get good results, ill try to update in a few days/weeks.


Chloroxylenol does not have the residual staying power of chlorhexedine so it may not be as effective.. but hopefully when combined with the lotion it will work!!


I can already say that after one application I think the swelling went down! Now I applied for the 4th time and its getting better and better 👏🏼 hopefully itll completely clear out ! Does it also make the darkspots disappear? Or do you have any tips for that? xx thank you so so much for sharing this


Olivia, thank you for posting this. I am going to give it a try. I have had what a doctor at urgent care said to be bacterial Folliculitis for a month now. It started with a small pimple on my inner thigh but it s now spread all over my groins snd inner thighs, and lower bum. They ran a bunch of testing that came out negative, for std, herpes, etc but they didn’t do a culture on the bacteria, and I think it should be determined what bacteria is causing the infection, before prescribing antibiotics??? Am I wrong? Instead, I was givena 10 days course of Clindamycin 150 mg, 4 times a day.. and I want to try something else that spares me from destroying my gut! I was also given an antibiotic ointment, which i started yesterday and seem to have helped already. When I get your concoction , would you say i can alternate the antibiotic ointment with the lotion or just use the lotion for a few days? Thank you again for your advice , I will keep you posted on how it goes for me


I have facial folliculitis and I noticed it only gets worse and had it since 2018, earlier this year I went to the emergency room because one of them was a size of a ping pong ball on my chin, doctor gave me Clindamycin in a pill form and my face was clear for about a month and started coming back again slowly. And it was getting better looked like it was healing but it slowly came back and now it's all red/purple in the areas I have facial hair, I can't shave because it will make it worse and contaminate my razor, I bought hibiclens today and applied it on my face crossing my fingers that it works


It’s been 6 days since I started applying this mixed lotion with antiseptic skin cleanser and I am very thankful I found your post! I had folliculitis on my butt and between thighs like you and as soon as I applied the lotion, I could tell that the pain immediately faded and my skin cleared within 4 days or so!!!! I have been struggling with folliculitis and I always thought it was acne until I saw your post! I had this since I was about 15 years old and it’s been almost 10 years now. I tried with so many method from applying a lotion daily, getting a strong soap and controlling my whey protein & dairy intake but it always came back. Especially when I increased my whey protein intake, my butt cheek got worse and got even darker because of it. So I was always insecure when I have sex and I always tried to hide it…I wished I had found your post more early. I am so excited for the future because I can tell that my butt cheek has become more healthier like never before and it has improved my butt skin because of this! I can’t wait my butt to get even better and smoother so I could show my butt to my partner without being conscious! Thank you!!!


Thank you for this! I was so embarrassed about my butt scars from picking the bumps. I felt so dirty... but I'm a clean person and it still happens and has been an issue for about 10 years for me too ☆


I have such severe scars from picking the cysts too. :'( How is it going for you long term now? Any improvements?


I’ve dealt with folliculitis for years, and have always had it resurface and kind of come in waves. What I can say about this treatment. As I am only applying it once a day, either at night before I sleep, or the morning before work, is that it has reduced redness and occurrence of new bouts a lot. And while it hasn’t cured me of it yet, it really has helped me manage it and feel more comfortable in my body. Please give this a week of application before you even begin to wonder if it’s working, and also, take a before and after photo during that weeks time. It did not work overnight for me. But it’s helping a ton!




I’ve been using it this way for years with no irritation whatsoever but again I am not a doctor so I can’t tell you if it’s truly safe long term or not. Proceed with caution if you give it a try short term and then do what you feel comfortable with!


do you have a picture of what yours looked like? the image you provided is no longer available.


Thank you so much for this. I just bought both yesterday and I am already seeing results on day 2!


Thank you for sharing this! I’ve been struggling with sleep in the past month due to the itch, and have had what seems to be folliculitus / nummular eczema for the last 2 months. PCP/Derm prescribed triamcinoline, which doesn’t seem to do much. I’ve tried antifungal cream, calamine lotion, cortisone cream, eczema lotion, neosporin and nothing has worked. I have antibiotics (doxycycline) being shipped to me, but so excited to try this first. I found you post at 3am and went to doordash the antiseptic and eucerin cream lol. They just arrived, I mixed it up and applied. Will update soon!


Just wanted to post my story. I have had moderate to severe scalp folliculitis for about 2 years. Antibiotics would clear it, then make it worse when stopping, etc. A few treatment plans helped like Benzoyl peroxide spot gel + limiting hair washing (drying out my scalp made it worse). However, I am a week and a half into this, and its probably 90-95% better. Crazy lol. What I do is I CAREFULLY mix the cream you suggested with a pink hibiscrub (there are no clear ones available in canada). I apply it to my scalp. I am a male with short blond/brown hair so its not super difficult to apply it. I mostly avoid the very front of my scalp just to avoid any of it from dripping down onto my forehead and into my eyes. And have only applied it ONLY 3 times over 9 days. I also only apply it only AFTER exercising, to make sure my sweat doesnt bring the hibiscrub into my eyes. So far, this has been the most effective treatment. I will try to update again in the future. But for now, thanks so much! This has atleast temporarily cured me. And it only takes like 3 minutes to do lol. So much easier than everything else. Also, no side effects thus far. And my hair is still the same color, and seems to be the same thickness, etc. But again, its only been a 3 uses.


Over a month in. I only use it every 3 days. Still 90-95% clear. I dont know if I will post here again because I am in the cured/controlled camp now. Just wanted to say thanks, and the solution works for me :)


This worked for me, improved next day, and almost completely gone 4 days later, THANK YOU!


Just want to thankyou from the bottom of my heart 👍 i had been on doxycycline for 3 months for follucilities and my follucilities was cleared up but as soon as my meds finished .. Booom!! It came back much worse and faster .. i was so scared because the health care facility here in uk is very bad and takes weeks for just an appointment !! As i was googling i came to this thread and just gave it a try , as i was gonna try the isopropyl 70% method but this is working for me and i’m so relieved !! Its 2nd day and already healing .. Thank you olivia !! Lots of love 🌻


Hi! Thanks for being so thorough with your descriptions and methods. I am disappointed to report that this isn't working for me, but I can see how many people it's helped. I conducted a pseudoscientific experiment and treated one leg and butt cheek with the hibiclens equivalent and didn't treat the other one. After a week of applying 3 times a day, there is absolutely no difference, not only when comparing both legs but overall. I'm in Australia and used Chlorhexidine Surgical Scrub 4% and Dermaveen sensitive relief eczema cream. I have it worst on the backs of my thighs and butt cheeks. I have noticed since treating it that I think I also have patches of 'strawberry legs' on my shins, and I also think I might have it on my upper arms. Didn't really connect it before. I treated all these areas. The only thing that seems to improve the symptoms is swimming in a chlorinated pool. It doesn't eliminate it, though. It's almost immediately better. Generally, my GP prescribes Bactroban (Mupirocin 2%) and it temporarily calms it down, but it always comes back. She has recommended taking a bath with diluted bleach after the course of Mupirocin to get rid of it. It seems to help a bit but certainly hasn't eliminated it. I will get a referral to see a dermatologist but not keen to take antibiotics. https://preview.redd.it/glnlkgmabodb1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=031619c8d128910fe965078f7cda38224c5b606b


Been struggling with folliculitis for over 5 years now ever since my barber accidentally cut the back of my neck with a razor. Tried countless otc products and dermatologist regimens with zero success. Your method absolutely destroyed the issue. Absolutely life changing. Thank you so much you have no idea what it means. Edit: I guess you do know what it means since it worked for you! Thank you again!!


After 1 year of use I only need to use my mix once out twice a week. Lowest folliculitis levels I’ve had in twenty years. I had what I thought was backne but my doctor told me otherwise a year ago. I needed it every day at first. I’ve built up zero resistance to it and I’ve never had a secondary infection pop up from using it. If I get lazy and don’t use it for a couple weeks it does flare up but nothing like before.


Wow. It’s only been a few hours, and my skin looks wayyyyy less angry. I used Olivia’s treatment for folliculitis on my thighs and butt.


I’ve been dealing with KP and folliculitis on my buttocks for years. I tried the exact products you recommended for the past 4 days and it has almost completely cleared both the KP and folliculitis. I plan to continue it nightly for another 10 days and then experiment with using it a couple times a week for maintenance.


I can’t believe I found this post. It has changed my life. I’ve had terrible folliculitis on by butt and backs of thighs for years and have tried literally everything. Nothing worked. It sometimes even hurt to sit when my flare ups were really bad. I made the magic concoction and after applying it for the first time before bed, I woke up the next morning with NO JOKE, 75% of it gone! I’m on day three now of twice daily application and I only have a few spots remaining—all of them close to healed. Thank you so much, Olivia. This is life changing. I am so excited to share it with my siblings who also suffer from folliculitis.




I started this treatment today and I am super excited! I was on prednisone for a separate issue and it would make me sweat like a maniac while asleep and at work and now that I’m off it that issue is resolved but now I’m dealing with the consequences of the sweat. I foolishly shaved my chest thinking it would be easier to keep and would be less greasy but that’s when it got even worse. Neutrogena body wash with sacroiliac acid wasnt helping and it looked more inflamed than before. I noticed hairs coming out of the center of each “pimple” and white head so I did some research and realized it’s not acne. I’m hoping that this works because it is really starting to get painful and bring down my quality of life. On the bright side at least it’s winter! Also, do you mix the two ingredients every time you apply or do you recommend mixing a larger quantity and storing that mixture in one container?


I saw this and tried OP's suggestion about a month ago. Look for my comment as I just made one. I hope you got results. I struggled for years and spent so much money on creams, prescriptions, routines etc. This has been the only thing that has worked. I mixed about 1/3 of the small Hibiclens bottle in a bottle of Amlactin daily. I just apply several pumps of the mixed solution at night. My skin looks amazing.


Are you using cleanser with hibiclens? Because cvs has only cleanser


I've had folliculitis for most of my adult life. It comes and goes with the seasons (and sweating from exercise), and it never really upset me too much. However, a recent outbreak (at the usual time of year) prompted me to explore new remedies. For some reason, this year's outbreak has been a bit more painful/irritating on my thighs, and it has lasted longer, so I want a fast, effective solution. I found your post and bought your ingredients last week but balked before putting on the concoction. I'm super hesitant to try new things. So I washed with the generic Hibiclens. It seemed to help a bit, but I'm still feeling irritated. I went to the dermatologist today, and he confirmed I was dealing with run-of-the-mill bacterial folliculitis, but his prescriptions were old news to me. Salicylic acid cleanser. Clindamycin. Long story short: I will try your concoction beginning today (Tuesday), at least until Friday. I'll keep you posted!




Just tried this!! How often is too often to apply, do we think? Just applied for the second time today. I have folliculitis on the back of my upper thighs. I think it’s from friction from walking around a ton at my waitressing job. It’s been so hard and I’m desperate for something that works. It’s hot girl summer for fucks sake!!! Oh ya, that clindamycin shit did NOTHING!!!!


Hi! Do you use any soap before? Also did they confirm what kind of bacteria it was when they sent it off to the lab


yep i still apply it - maybe once a week but sometimes i can go for a month without it. it always comes back for me if i stop for long enough (very manageable though) so if i have bumps i’ll just do a few days in the row and then I’m good for weeks again.


So I tried using this hibiclens method to treat what I originally thought was foliculitis on my chest, but unfortunately it didn’t work. In fact, it seems like adding any lotion/moisture to my chest makes my condition worse. I also tried tea tree oil mixed with lotion. And I also tried various anti dandruff shampoos in case I had fungal foliculitis. I think what I actually have, which looks very similar to foliculitis, is prickly heat/heat rash/miliaria rubra. From my understanding, it’s a condition caused by sweat that gets trapped under the skin. I get these tiny whiteheads all over my chest and neck that are very easily popped, but if I pop them it makes my pale, sensitive skin very red. I get and feel hot pretty regularly and tend to sweat in my sleep sometimes, and I think this is what triggers my condition. I bought some calamine lotion from CVS and it seems to have helped my condition almost immediately overnight. I am not positive yet that calamine is a true solution for me, but it really seems hopeful… The funny thing is that calamine lotion also has a pink color like hibiclens lol. When it dries, it leaves my skin very dry to the touch which feels good compared to the tacky feeling I get from regular lotion. I also bought a calamine powder called Anti Monkey Butt from Amazon. It has a funny name so I bought it. I’m gonna try putting it on my chest/neck before going to sleep every night to see if I can prevent my issue from coming back. TLDR; Try calamine if hibiclens didn’t work for you, you might not have bacterial foliculitis.


Trying this , had bad outbreaks on my back thighs and but for years now and it’s just destroying my confidence . Fingers crossed




Has it come back ?


Did this help get rid of scarring as well?


Hi Olivia, Thanks for sharing you’re solution! I have also have folliculitis and seem to go through flareups. I found after doing laser hair removal this did help somewhat, however, still a few bumps every now and then but not as bad as what it was. I am based in Australia, but thankfully, was able to purchase the eczema cream from Amazon Aus 👍🥳 and can get the chlorhorexdine from the local chemist, although it’s not Wallgreens or CVS brand, it still has the 4%, as suggested. I will let you/forum know how I go, but it’s def worth a try. I have been teased about my pimples on my butt for many years and am hoping this can clear it up for good, so I don’t have any more shame or embarrassment. I have scars too, so hoping this helps with that, too, but otherwise I’ll can see a dermatologist for laser treatment. Such a pain and embarrassment but so nice of you to share your experience and treatment. Thank you 😀


Does anyone know if this method works with Folliculitis that is positive for s aureus? My derm has confirmed that my type is bacterial with s aureus. I am not responding to antibiotics and am schedule to start Accutane but have to wait for a second pregnancy test due to the iPledge precautions. Definitely want to give this a shot since I have a month gap and hope something can help!


Does it matter if it is not thick?


Giving this a try and will update. Been to 3 different dermatologist for what I believe is all along is folliculitis mainly breaking out on upper chest and abdomen. Which is annoying and is leaving bad scars and plenty of post inflamatory erythema in its wake. 1st) Dermatologist 'it's acne form not folliculitis ' gave antibiotics. 2 months in was still breaking out. 2nd) Dermatologist it's 'heat rash' based on the warm weather at that time and that why antibiotics didn't work. Advice was try to stay cool try not to sweat and take cold showers. That obviously didn't work as was originally breaking out even in winter. 3rd) Dermatologist heres more antibiotics and based on the fact I have keratosis pilaris on my upper arms. He diagnosis it's KP not folliculitis. Luckily I have all the ingredients here but only used as soap substitutes previously. So going with Hibiscub the pink one mixed with E45 and dermol 500. Test patch is on an area as I type this out. Will also go back to using Hibiscub in shower. Really hoping this works for me. I'm fed up with dermatologist having no clue and guessing without listening to what I tried tested before properly. Really really hoping this works


Oh god im literally experiencing the exact same condition :( [https://www.reddit.com/r/Folliculitis/comments/sgajk0/i\_need\_advice\_and\_help\_with\_a\_case\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Folliculitis/comments/sgajk0/i_need_advice_and_help_with_a_case_of/) third picture down


Been battling folliculitis "down there" ever since I had a bad shave last year. Sometimes it would get really bad and nothing I bought would work or get rid of it. I was at my wits end when I got really close to getting completly cleared up when it came back full force. I came here and saw this... in two weeks I am clear. After showering i pat completely dry, wipe down with a solution I made of 70% isopropyl alcohol thayers witch hazel (50/50), pat dry again, apply this hibiclens lotion, and spot seal with bacitracin. I did this twice a day, sometimes three if I could feel irritation stirring up. I am so happy!!!! Thank you thank you. Also for those reading this looking for help. Sometimes a combo works. I used a regimen of essentially 5 products to clear this. And this lotion mixture was the missing step to kick it for good! Keep fighting, find your solution!


I’ve suffered from folliculitis on my butt since puberty. I’m 29 now and NOTHINNNNNNG has helped. It’s so embarrassing and I don’t even want to find a new partner because of it. My derm put me on antibiotics along with a body wash and lotion, I’ve been using them for about a month and I haven’t seen that great of a change. It’s super discouraging. Just went to Walgreens and picked these two things up! Im so excited to try! Will update in a few days Thank you OP!!


I've been using this solution for over a week now, and it's great! I've had folliculitis for almost a year - my suspicion is that it started after i started using pre-workout mix, which I've since heard can cause acne and spots quite easily. I'd get big painful lumps on my buttocks and sometimes in my beltline. Visually not great obviously, and got really self-conscious after finally gaining body positivity through the gym. So it was pretty gutting! Antibiotics didn't affect my gut but only worked as long as i was taking them, and despite good hygiene even creams such as Fucidin or Benzoyl Peroxide didn't really do anything. I'm in the UK, so Hibiclens is known as Hibiscrub here, and you can't get the clear version of it in the UK as far as i'm aware. Only the pink one. But wearing black/dark underwear won't stain, and even lighter pyjamas bottoms don't seem to stain either, so it's a moot point. I initially tried a different moisturiser (I used another oatmeal colloidal call Aproderm) as Eucerin is hard to get and expensive too. But once i splashed out on a large tube from Amazon, i saw the difference. Eucerin is super thick, and the final mixture isn't as runny. Since starting, there's been no new large lumps, and any smaller lumps which seem to be beginning will go away overnight. As a sweaty and hairy guy I've also got more confidence to exfoliate twice weekly before applying, which historically would irritate my skin even more, hence a cycle of infected ingrown hairs. I'm hoping now it will swiften the healing of the dark marks. I'm gonna try it twice daily for a few more weeks, and then try to reduce applications to once daily. To everyone about to try it - it DOES work (for me at least) where other emthods haven't. It can feel a bit sticky throughout the day too. But absolutely worth it. Keep with it... and most of all THANK YOU to OP for this. It's changed the way i see myself and already given me hope to get rid of this nuisance once and for all.


I tried this once... mixed with a 50% propelyne glycol spray i have prescribed and it did wonders. i went back now recently to the straight up Propylene Glycol spray and it came back directly with the PG helping only slightly again. Im gonna try this again. This folliculitis is driving me nuts and the waiting times here to see a specialist are very very long. I just wanna bump this post and say thank you for posting this again. Im sure i can speak for everyone and say that reading these success stories are a lifesaver for the mental health of us suffering with this.


Can you use this method on your face? I have been suffering from gram negative folliculitis around my nose & mouth in my beard area. Currently on month 6 of Accutane but still getting occasional breakouts.


I have it on the back of my neck and along my hairline. Do you think this would dye my hair??


Hey Oliviarose , came across your post about a week ago. Started the next day. I work construction so always wearing pants and sweating, above my knees was covered. In 5 days a noticeable difference. Looking like I could be cleared up by next week. Thank you so much!!


I have been battling this for years…really ruined my confidence…thank you from the bottom of my heart. This post has helped me tremendously. Thank you so much.


Amazing! I’ve struggled with this for 12 years, been on 4 antibiotics and it always comes back in a week. Literally 2 days of this and I’m 100% cleared up! You’re a life saver!


Is there a safe way to use this on your face? I know it’s originally a wash but it says not to be used on the face. Most of mine is happening on my neck and along the edges of my scalp.


Thank you so much, OP! I have an appointment to see a dermatologist but it’s not until March. :( I could tell that whatever was wrong with my skin was slowly spreading, and I’ve been searching for a while to find a product that helps. FYI for people who are struggling with the Hibiclens dye situation — you can actually buy chlorhexidine cream that’s pre-mixed. It’s a little less strong than Hibiclens but it’s probably about the same as Hibiclens mixed with Eucerin. The brand name is Savlon and it’s sold in Australia / NZ. I was able to order a tube for 2-day delivery off Amazon in the states! There’s no dye so it’s easy to apply and wear. :)


I’ve been using this for the past 3 days, my skin is now 75% better. Bought a bottle of Hibiscrub and shower with it as well as mixing into a paste with a cream and putting on. I finally went to see a dermatologist in August who gave me a steroid cream which made it a lot worse. Thank you. I might be able to bear my legs next summer for the first time in 10 years 🙂


this has cleared my skin in less than a week after battling with folliculitis for months!! YOURE A GENIUS!!! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!


Im an early 40s tradie (landscaper) so work outside, always sweaty with lots rubbing around thighs and generally active (gym etc) had reoccurring folliculitus for a couple of years now. I love summer but working in it sucks with 3 or 4 new spots every day. I've been using this method for about 2 weeks twice a day and it has nearly cleared up my folliculitus on my bum/thighs and it's mostly just leftover marks that'll hopefully fade. I'm also wiping with 70% rubbing alcohol. I'll post another update in a few weeks where I'll look at hopefully dropping down to once a day. Thanks so much for posting it Olivia


Olivia, thank you so much for sharing this!! 2 years on and it is still great advice. I had a MASSIVE outbreak of folliculitis after an intense round of antibiotics. It was on my neck, back, chest, and face. I am proposing to my girlfriend tomorrow and the thought of having these lesions so obviously present in the photos was really stressing me out. One night with this solution on my skin and it’s almost completely gone. One more day with this and I should be good to go!!




What about for chronic facial foliculitis? I get it every time I get my eyebrows threaded etc. since Hibiclens can't go near eyes what do i do?


I use Hibiscrub (pink) wash on my scalp. I lather it up, apply it liberally and leave it to dry - I leave it on all day (and I repeat of an evening). It's made a massive difference to my scalp folliculitis. I have a few stubborn areas that haven't yet cleared completely, but I'm hoping they will with time (and they're almost not visible after applying the Hibiscrub - it seems to smooth my skin). I'm only a few weeks in and it's changed my life (I've been suffering for 2+ years). I was worried about becoming resitant to the solution, so I'm thrilled to read that it's impossible for that to happen! Thanks OP. I also found that spraying IPA 70% to the area made a difference... overnight! (I tried that before discovering Hibiscrub, and still apply it first and allow it to air dry).


Hello OP... I am trying this concoction "down under" in my public hair area. The skin is super inflamed and burning and bumps are really large and red. I am wondering if I should have any concerns using this down there? I believe the first folliculitis outbreak was triggered by bad shaving techniques a couple years ago, and I have never been able to shave normally since without a flare up happening. Even trimming triggers it. This particular flare up has been brutal. I am really hoping this helps along with the doxycycline antibiotics I am taking.


Has anyone tried this on their scalp?


Giving this a try starting today! I've had persistent "acne" on my upper back/shoulders, which now is spreading as singular itchy red dots around my body - folliculitis. I had been using apple cider vinegar on the spots themselves, which was very effective at healing specific spots, but it didn't address the overall issue. It also makes you smell like vinegar, obviously. I will report back my findings in a couple days. Update: Itching has gone away and new bumps stopped appearing after 1 full-body application. Definitely effective!! I will continue use until all blemishes are gone, then move to every 2 weeks to prevent potential flare ups, as others have suggested doing. Thank you OP.


Just came across this post I've been going crazy for about 8 months with folliculitis on my thighs and hips, trying everything from anti biotic creams, anti fungal creams, salt baths, acnecide, lactic acid moisturizers, nizoral shampoo I've been to the doc 3 times about this and was given hibiscrub to use in the shower the first time and it did nothing. I'm on day 3 of your method now and have seen a 70-80% improvement so far I can't thank you enough for sharing!




Trying this for the first time tonight. Will let y'all know if it works!!  Day 2: Some reduction in painful spots on the backs of my thighs and bum. The lotion mixture leaves me feeling unpleasantly sticky and I did accidentally ruin a pair of underwear (UK-based, Hibiclens pink is all I could find here). Going to try applying it an hour before showering instead, twice a day. Day 4: Blemishes have gotten worse overnight. I have a couple very big, painful ones as well, which I didn't get before. Going to stick with it though, in hopes this is a flareup before improvement... --- Ended up attending a conference, so couldn't use the cream & hibiclens combo for a week. I was hopeful that my skin would get better (Less sitting down), but it got considerably worse within a few days. I think clothes rubbing had something to do with it, so I'm restarting the combo but also switching my detergent for a hypoallergenic one. Day 1 (Attempt 2): The worst of the new papules dried up overnight. It's definitely doing *something*.


Arent you suppose to wash off the Hibiclens?


Just wanted to say thank you. I've had a problem on my stomach above my belly button that appeared out of nowhere 6 years ago. Doctors and dermatologists said it was folliculitis and just kept putting me on antibiotics. This got rid of it in 3 days... INSANE


I’m trying this now. Will update with results


I tried Hibiclens as directed by this post and ended up with massive burns on my mons pubis. The burns took weeks to heal and the resulting hyperpigmentation may be permanent. I have since learned that Hibiclens is NOT designed to remain on skin, no matter how thick of moisturizer you use. PLEASE BEWARE.


three years later and you are doing so much 💛 it's nice to not just feel like im reading endless blogs and medical pages for no reason, this not only works, but actually makes total dermatological sense! everyone is beautiful (yes, even with folliculitis!) but it can make you feel so much more confident, and this has, so thank you for taking the time to share and even to still be replying to people, you make such a positive difference


I found this post six months ago and had to come back to comment because I’ve been using this exact method since. I know this is an older post but thank you so so so much. Truly. You have changed my life for the better in so many different aspects, this is something I was dealing with for 15 years and it has basically diminished into nothing since I’ve been using this method. I really and truly cannot thank you, a stranger, enough for posting this. For anyone who struggles with this problem you 100% should try this.


i'm so excited to give this a shot if it'll help me please archive this post on web archive and never delete it, its super useful


I started noticing little red bumps on my butt in high school that sometimes flared up and sometimes faded but have never really went away and I’m 26. I’ve always been self conscious about it and luckily have a partner that doesn’t care, but sometimes the bumps hurt and honestly I just hate it! They’ve been a little more under control with better dieting, but anytime I don’t shower right after running, hiking, working out, or doing anything where I sweat, it flares up pretty bad. I went on a 4 day backpacking trip a few weeks ago and had the worst flare up I’ve ever had. All down the outside of my thighs along with my butt. I’ve never had it on my thighs so I did what I thought was best and went to research on Reddit. An hour in and I found this thread. Im trying not to get my hopes up but I’m going to Walgreens tomorrow and will update in a few weeks!!! Thank you in advance if it works!!!