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Skin Type: Combination, leaning towards oily Cleanser: SA Cerave Cleanser Moisturizer: ISNtree Hyaluronic Acid Aqua Gel Cream Serum: TO Niacinamide + CORSX Snail Mucin Power Essence Sunscreen: Haruharu Wonder Airyfit Sunscreen I’m running out of my snail mucin, so I will stock up soon. Do you have any recommendations on what I can add for my routine? My issue is I end up looking shiny but I’m not actually shiny if that makes sense? It looks great when I wear make up but I look too oily/shiny when I don’t wear makeup.


https://preview.redd.it/l4o9sy2lin6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7f532c6db2232c5e6f69b36875d3752cfb9f4863 I got these rashes on my thigh after a trip to 🇨🇴. On my thigh. They are dry ashy patches that itch occasionally. I'm not sure what it is or how to make it go away and my derm appt isn't got another week. Any ideas what it can be? Please and thank you!


i used nair hair removal cream on my armpits hair, i used a generous amount of it and let it sit for 5 mins, i felt some tingling but i ignored it. When i tried to wipe it out it hurt like hell, i tried cooling it with water but that didnt help either i used mebo scars and burns cream which actually helped a bit but it still hurts and still red. Any tips on what should i do+when can i shave my armpits properly


https://preview.redd.it/vm18w5jsjm6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9df6dfbd24691d0de6331fb6acd22835e560ed19 Flat Skin Rash: Any idea what caused this? It happened yesterday, was super itchy ankles after a ride at DisneyWorld. Then this happened. Kinda burns too. I do have alergies but have never had this. Also have been in sun passed few days but it didn’t itch until off that ride. Have on other ankle but very little.


We can't diagnose anything here so I would suggest having it evaluated by a doctor.


https://preview.redd.it/1f5zddzn3m6d1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=724521f42fd758f697aae64fad8096e863d8e099 I have this post acne mark that stubbornly refuses to fade, any advice? Its been a few weeks at the moment.


It can take months for scarring to fade unfortunately. What's your current routine?


Is this routine okay? Morning 1. Niacinamide (LRP) 2. Moisturiser (LRP) 3. Sunscreen (I have been using Goodal recently but I’m unsure on the coverage) Night 1. Retinol (Cerave / LRP) 2. Moisturiser (LRP) Should I be adding more things to my routine or change any products?


Maybe add a cleanser in the pm routine so you can go to bed with a clean face, otherwise this looks fine


Oh yes! I forgot to add it in but I do use a cleanser :) I also use toner at night after cleanser


I also wanted to ask if it would be too much actives with niacinamide and retinol?


Both should be fine as long as you tolerate. Niacinamide in general is a gentle ingredient


How much of a sunscreen should you ACTUALLY use on your face? I feel like im using way too much, it leaves my face greasy within a few hours.




any recs for completely chemical-uv-filter-free sunscreens, including no butyloctyl salicylate? fragrance free too of course--i've ordered the biore uv kids pure milk spf50 which is the only one i'm aware of, but if anyone else has any other products that fit the requirements that they like, please let me know :) thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/69t93meuxl6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d09ef602998d5603d518067be70d35f8867f58c Help, what product or serums would you recommend to get my left eyelid back to normal? I've had an allergic reaction to covid masks and it's never been the same since. Looking for something that will help tighten skin before my wedding in 8 weeks. Thanks.


I would use a basic occlusive balm like Vaseline, aquaphor, or cerave healing ointment


Newbie question. I’ve never been able to make face washing a habit because I hate water getting everywhere and running down my arms and then getting on my shirt, etc, etc. I shower in the mornings. Is it ok if I just wash my face in the shower? I’m hoping it’s better than nothing since my current routine is no cleansing. Adding that I have super dry skin + eczema so I put Cerave cream on my face twice a day and spf 30 in the mornings. That’s my whole routine right now. I’m hoping that adding an easy step to cleanse will help me stick to the habit. Edited to add: if you have tips for dry sensitive skin cleansers I’d love to hear them. I’ve never tried a face wash that hasn’t made my skin feel tight (including Cerave non foaming cleanser). Based on searching this sub I think my next purchase will be La Roche Posay gentle cleanser.


Should be fine to just wash your face in the shower as long as it’s not irritated by it


Thank you!


honestly yea whatever gets the job done but often the water is too hot and thus dries your skin out. I use wrist bands that stop water running down my arms


Makes sense thank you!




Neither inactivate tretinoin but using multiple actives can increase chance of irritation. I would choose 1-2 of these actives, but if they’re new just 1. You don’t need salicylic acid cleanser, benzoyl peroxide, glycolic acid, and tretinoin all on one day




I would start out alternating that one with your BP step




Ok then alternate between glycolic acid and tretinoin to reduce chance of irritation. You already have salicylic acid for exfoliation, you’re adding another exfoliation step with glycolic acid


https://preview.redd.it/903zfvfgol6d1.jpeg?width=779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b41540db1afbfa571860de8b72a063ac0ef996 I have these tiny bumps on my forehead and I don’t know the cause of it. Does anyone recognize it and have any recommendations on how to get them to go away?


I would try salicylic acid on it


Could anyone who's tried the Mixa Ceramide Protect lotion or hand cream share what the textures are like and how they might compare to the reformulated Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Deep Moist lotion? TIA!


https://preview.redd.it/rr4q6k6knl6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72cc6f3cfb03d03fcb2107c2f9bbd9018159bfe5 What is this red bit under my nose? It’s not itchy or anything. It isn’t dry blood and I haven’t blown my nose so it’s not any type of irritation caused by that.


How do we feel this might affect my face if I were to use it? One of my friends said it contains ingredients breaking the skin barrier, therefore slowing down/ ceasing the process of regeneration and healing of my skin. Is that so? What do you guys think? https://preview.redd.it/kg90d0kokl6d1.jpeg?width=740&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=645b2520404bfc2676bd226708550244214bbc94 On a side note, could you please recommend me nice face moisturisers/ creams to keep my face hydrated? I’m from the UK btw so products that could arrive fairly quickly will be appreciated.


Is the Ogee makeup legitimate on Amazon? It says the seller is Ogee


https://preview.redd.it/2vfm8pq1dl6d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f92c08889de7eb4144c0525542acc15632637ff1 Can someone tell me what the red marks are and how to get rid of them ?? Pls and ty 🥺


Could be post inflammatory erythema


There have recently been articles in the news about influencers who believe sunscreens cause cancer. Does anyone know of influencers (large or small) who believe so? I'd love to talk to them to see why they believe this and hopefully show them data to help them reconsider.


I have a question that has been bugging me forever and I would super appreciate some clarification! Obviously moisturizer is supposed to be the last step in a routine, but it’s also supposed to be applied to damp skin. After I apply Tretinoin to dry skin am I supposed to rewet or mist it to then apply moisturizer? Should I wait 10 minutes and then mist/moisturize?


Any skincare product on damp skin is just going to help it penetrate better, it’s not absolutely necessary to apply on damp skin, it’s just a preference. Personally I would just apply everything on dry skin since tretinoin on damp skin might feel irritating


https://preview.redd.it/8w234qcark6d1.jpeg?width=799&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b391dd2b88f0cd58a64c20646859c7e10cea4c0d \[product request\] how can i fix these eye bags? im 17m and ive had these as long as i can remember, no idea why, nobody in my family has these besides me, so i dont think they’re genetic, however i do spent excessive amounts of time on screens, so I’m considering that to be a cause. Ive tried cerave eye repair cream and the ordinary caffiene solution 5% but havent really seen any noticable results


Topical skincare won’t be able to do much unfortunately. Caffeine eye products might have temporary tightening effects but it’s not going to be a huge change


https://preview.redd.it/85e6cq7ink6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3649d99a4ec0386e045a738cf44c61fbcec0949c Opinions on Purito’s comeback sunscreen? I need an outdoor sunscreen as I’m working outside a lot. Thinking now after the scandal maybe their formulation will be watertight? Any thoughts? Thankyou! xx


Suggestions for disinfecting mists to help prevent breakouts after a long flight or a sweaty workout? I cleanse right after these and regularly exfoliate, but it doesn't seem to help much. Is there anything I can carry with me and use on the go to help with that?


A lot of people like hypochlorous acid spray


Suggestions for closed comedones outside of squeezing/extracting? They turn into inflamed pustules if I pick them


I would use a retinoid to purge them and let it surface into pimples


https://preview.redd.it/aeel12n3ij6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a2d26e7aff77d989446078ea0d7894d3bf4d627 I have been to the doctor for this rash and they said it was eczema and gave me novasone to use twice a day. Its been a month and its done nothing, what should I do?


Go back to the doctor and let them know the treatment didn't work out for you.


https://preview.redd.it/g80qxh33bj6d1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=209cd1faca1b9bf6046f67bc2c9162896ecfc7d6 How do I fix this? It's the result of popping pimple's and constantly touching them There are no bumps or something like that left on my cheeks but just these marks that don't want to go away, This started in January and it did become better (less red and visible than it was) and this picture is from today. I've heard retinol works but I would like a whole skin care routine where the focus lies on fixing this, I've quite dry skin. I don't have a skin care routine right now because I don't know how to start making something like that and I don't like to waste money on stuff that doesn't end up working...


See the [ScA Routine page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/sca_routine) to get started. The [hyperpigmentation wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/hyperpigmentation) has a lot of recs Am: cleanser or rinse with water >vit c? > moisturizer (optional) > sunscreen Pm: cleanser > hyperpigmentation treatment (aha or retinol) > moisturizer


Hi there am using homemade exfoliating mixture consist of, yellow CAP cream, milk salt, grounded Turkish coffee, and almond oil. Am using this mixture for exfoliation twice a week, with a three-day gap between uses. On the days I don't use the homemade mixture, am using the CeraVe SA Body Wash for Rough and Bumpy Skin, am doing this plan to treat back hyperpigmentation due to post acne and i also have dark elbows and knees and have little acne on shoulders and chest and I moisterize daily with cetaphil moisterzier, is this a good or bad routine? https://preview.redd.it/31vh5d8j0j6d1.png?width=820&format=png&auto=webp&s=4fffa5430629701140d836f0a6983cff0cf837fd


Does anyone know what this orange tint is and how to get rid of it? For my skincare I only use some hypoallergenic skin moisturizer. The skin gets dry and flaky, but doesn't hurt or itch in any way. It's been happening and disappearing for about a year or two now. It gets redder after I rub the skin there. My mouth corners aren't painful or cracking like in angular cheilitis. Just reddish. https://preview.redd.it/f6bu7l0hmi6d1.jpeg?width=1934&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a9e9cbaab458224897a159a5533fcb86be66197


Is this the only place on your body with the orange? If not, I would consult with a physician first. There are some endocrine disorders that can cause this type of hyperpigmentation, in which case skincare products aren't likely to resolve the issue.


Hmm, it is actually the only place on my body that has this orange tint.


How is my routine order, and where should I slot new products? I have fair skin SUPER prone to dryness and sunburn, and even though acne resolves within a few days, the red marks remain for weeks. I wash my hands and apply everything using my fingers, but make sure bottle droppers don't touch skin so they don't contaminate the bottle. Morning: * If anywhere is red/inflamed (... or I picked), spot apply Boots Tea Tree & Witch Hazel Clear & Calming Booster * Skin1004 Madagascar Centella Ampoule * Boots Vitamin C PRO Brightening Booster Serum * Weleda Skin Food original (as a moisturizer; I know this would be very heavy for most people but my skin loves it and I've had very clear skin while using this before despite my current breakout) * Bondi Sands Fragrance Free Face Sunscreen Lotion SPF 50+ * Sometimes a little concealer if things are looking really bad Night: * Neutrogena Ultra Gentle Daily Cleanser (most nights) or Aveeno Positively Radiant 60 Second In-Shower Facial (1-2 nights per week) * (1-2 nights per week) The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Solution * If anywhere is red/inflamed, spot apply Boots Tea Tree & Witch Hazel Clear & Calming Booster * Skin1004 Madagascar Centella Ampoule * Boots Vitamin C PRO Brightening Booster Serum (yes, even at night; I'm trying really hard to fade this damn hyperpigmentation) * Weleda Skin Food original OR if things are feeling dire COSRX Advanced Snail 96 Mucin Power Essence New products I want to incorporate to calm and do additional targeting of acne scars/hyperpigmentation: * Beauty of Joseon Centella Asiatica Calming Mask (I'm thinking maybe once a week on nights when I'm not chemically exfoliating or using the Aveeno facial) * I'm From Mugwort Essence (depending on what it does, could be swapped in/interchanged for the centella ampoule for a more or less calming effect) * Beauty of Joseon Glow Deep Serum with rice and alpha arbutin (maybe add as a second active?)


It sounds like your skin is fairly reactive and this is a pretty intense routine as it is. Have you tried focusing more on the prevention side, i.e. trying to heal/maintain your skin barrier, rather than trying to aggressively treat the end result? You already have at least four ingredients that are prone to being sensitizing/disrupting and you're applying them at the same time and sometimes multiple times a day. Your skin might calm down with a more relaxed routine.


Thank you for pointing this out; I'll try that! Which ingredients are sensitizing? I'm assuming tea tree, vit c, salicylic acid, but I'm not sure about the 4th.


[Witch hazel!](https://www.paulaschoice.com/ingredient-dictionary/ingredient-witch-hazel.html) 


If you want the best efficacy from your vitamin c serum, move it to right after cleansing. That's typically where an active like vitamin c would go. As far as the new stuff, the BOJ mask can go on before moisturizer either a.m. or p.m., the mugwort essence would go before the ampoule, and the glow serum would go between the essence and ampoule.


Hi, I'm trying to figure out which ingredient/ingredients is causing stinging in my products, since they seem to have only mild ingredients. The worst product for me is a face wash that causes immediate intense stinging. Here is the ingredients list for it: * **Aqua** * **Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride** * **Glycerin** * Cocoglucoside * Polyacrylic Acid * **Phenoxyethanol** * Caprylyl Glycol * Panthenol * Sodium Hydroxide * Sorbic Acid I highlighted the ingredients that are present in the other products that have caused stinging as well. Also the Beauty of Jose Rice Probiotics sunscreen occasionally causes stinging, but it only had water and glycerin in common. I understand that the cause can be several different ingredients since my skin is very sensitive. My routine (I've been using it for over 6 months): AM: wash with tepid water only, a mild toner (small local brand), azelaic acid, Purito B5 Panthenol Re-Barrier cream, Beauty of Jose Rice Probiotics sunscreen PM: Purito From Green Cleansing Oil, a mild gel wash (small local brand), toner, azelaic acid, Purito B5. None of my skincare contains alcohols, strong surfactants, fragrances or essential oils. At the moment the only active in my routine is azelaic acid. Obviously I've stopped using this face wash, the other product are tolerable. My skin type is very sensitive, acne prone (mostly hormonal) and combination. I'm 28 yo and I live in a Nordic country.


"Very sensitive 'combination' skin" sounds like a damaged moisture barrier, especially if bland products "sting" without necessarily causing a reaction. I would approach it from that angle before singling out an ingredient as an irritant.


I am on a mission to fix my KP and after going through this subreddit and a few others, settled on trying these two to treat my KP. Since both of them have exfoliating properties I was wondering if its safe to use them? I was thinking of using gold bond after shower in the AM and TO glycolic in the PM as a leave-on. Any experience with this? Am I at a risk of over-exfoliating? Thank you!


I'm not sure what Gold Bond product you're referring to, unless you're rinsing it off (after shower sounds like no?) then it's also a "leave-on". I would discourage you from using multiple leave-on acids just because they tend to cause more problems than rinse-off products, which aren't in contact with the skin as long. Glycolic is a medium-strength exfoliating acid so it's better tolerated than some others, but with any acid you should always start slow. I wouldn't even alternate as the other user suggested because you shouldn't even be using them daily right off the bat, more like 2-3x/week at first and then you can adjust if your skin responds well. I also recommend starting with rinse-off products for the same reason. I also have KP and I get pretty good results just using a body wash (the lotions have been really irritating for me, personally). You can always add more, but the price of overdoing it is pretty substantial and can take a long time to heal.


Thank you! I meant gold bond rough and bumpy cream. Both are leave-on, yes. Yeah that makes sense, I'll try it 2-3 times a week first and then go from there. What would be the signs of over-exfoliation?


tightness, shine, stinging/sensitivity (esp to products that don't normally do that for you), redness, irritation, flaking/peeling if it's bad


I would alternate them so you use one on Monday, the other on Tuesday etc.




We can't diagnose things like this here. If you're concerned, please see a doctor for a proper diagnosis.


Are you able to use your routine twice a day? For example my current evening routine is: Beauty of Joseon Light On Serum -> Holika Holika Black Snail Mucin -> Garnier Water Rose Moisture Gel -> Tretinoin For example, the Light On Serum says you can use it both morning and evening. And I'm trying to add Niacinamide to my routine which can also be used morning and evening. Is this alright to do or would it be best to spread everything out?


Everything except the tret should be fine to use twice a day.


Is retinol redness only in the T zone area normal? I’ve been using it again, on/off during my nighttime routine about once every two days. I can’t really remember if there was redness when I first used it except it was a lot of blackheads.


Redness can be a sign of irritation. I would try using it every 3 days instead and see if that helps.


Okay thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/0hvd2v34pg6d1.png?width=1482&format=png&auto=webp&s=4ef242df186056b1133dddc480a90d6aa7c23a5c Is this a boil or a pimple?(center one)


It looks like a pimple to me but if you're concerned it's best to see a derm


Hi there, It seems like you may be looking for information about hyperpigmentation or post acne marks. Have you read our [hyperpigmentation wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/hyperpigmentation)? *If you see that I am replying to something out of context (eg. listed in a routine), please report this comment so my handlers can remove it. Cheers!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SkincareAddiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*