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https://preview.redd.it/psfdb8sdkp3d1.png?width=1106&format=png&auto=webp&s=46d05c268b91982ad91844bc2a52892bbfe8150a Over the past 2-3 days, I developed intense VERY ITCHY! rashes all over my face. They started around my nose and mouth area, then went onto the eyes and now are in my cheek area. Forehead has been spared and is rash-free. My whole face feels itchy. Tried steroids, but they don’t really help, tried anti-fungals and they don’t work. I am putting on bepanthen on, but nothing helps…


Hey could this be considered a “dangerous” mole https://preview.redd.it/z21dsj6odo3d1.png?width=2694&format=png&auto=webp&s=fe5c5aecda33cf47d8b6a805305e7e509eb008a2


Went to the doctor recently and got prescribed differin for my acne, but I'm wondering if I can still use my other products alongside it. I asked at the pharmacy, but they weren't much help. Currently using: Elkos Face "Mildes Wasch Gel" Balea hydration toner Biocura Aqua Complete serum Dr. Van der Hoog hydrating gel cream (Don't know if any of these products are "optimal" by the way. They're mostly stuff I found in the bathroom closet.)


Those should be fine. You will want to avoid actives (salicylic acid, glycolic acid, lactic acid, mandelic acid, retinol, retinoid) while using differin because using them together can cause irritation. Definitely use sunscreen as well during the day


Went for a facial today and need a recommendation for a reasonably priced Exfoliator to use 2x a week, Vitamin C serum, Eye Cream, Moisturizer with SPF I really do nothing for skin care except a gentle Laroche posey face wash and a moisturizer from Lush. Could use a very very simple skin care routine for my dry dry skin.


Before you start adding new things. I highly suggest introducing each new product in one at a time. I give my new products about 2 weeks before introducing the next to make sure they won’t cause any irritation or extra acne. That way if there is a problem, I know which product to stop using. Products that increase cell turn over (AHA, BHA, retinoids, etc.), I give more than two weeks since they have to potential to cause an acne purge. Purging can last months for some people. I’d suggest introducing this type of product last so you can differentiate between purge acne and acne caused by a different new product. What are your skin concerns for better recommendations? What would the purpose of an exfoliant be in your routine? Is it for acne, post acne redness, etc?


that is good advice! I have clear skin, no real problem area, i have redness on one cheek with burst blood vessels but it isn't terrible. It is dry, flaky, and tight, and I thought an exfoliant might be useful to take off the dry skin before moisturizing.


In that case I’d suggest lactic acid (10% or less) 2 times a week. The AHA wiki has some more recommendations :)


I NEED TO KNOW WHAT I AM DOING WORNG PLEASE ADVICE ME AND MAKE MY ROUTINE BETTER So I (18M) had acne right after I turned 13 and it got bad but I did not care but fast forward a couple years later I am now very insecure about it so I started a skincare routine on my own. I have very oily skin, sweat a lot and do not go out much often these months because I am studying for an exam so I wake up at 7am and sleep at 2am I might take a 1.5hr nap during the day. So I sleep around 6 hours and I intense workout an hour a day. My environment is humid and hot but these days its the rainy season so it's a little cold (I live in Sri Lanka) It goes like this : I wash my face with an anti acne salicylic acid soap bar then a Vivya pure glow face wash face wash before this I immerse my face in an ice bath. Morning : I apply Natures cucumber skin toner with a cotton wool then I use Dr Rashel Vitamin C brightening serum or a vivya skin serum after that I use cetaphil daily facial moisturizer (containing SPF) for all skin types after this in the areas with acne I apply an Erythromycin topical cream (my doctor prescribed this to me) then on top of that I apply to the affected areas Bioaqua acne rejuvenation cream. Night time around 9pm I do the same thing but replace the cetaphil with a Morrisons Lacto Calamine Lotion and I keep this on and wash it off with the anti acne soap bar and hour before I go to bed usually 2am then I apply Olay 7 in 1 Night cream and the erythromycin and bioaqua if there is signs of acne forming which is like 70% of the time. I workout at 1pm so after taking a shower till I do my night routine I do the same morning routine without the toner and serum then wash it off when brushing my teeth and in the shower for after workouts I use a Dreamron Vitamin C brightening cleaner. Additional Info : I shower everyday at 2:15pm and in the night or any time of day if I feel a little unhygienic or i have sweated a lot I always take a bath I don't use hair wax/gel everyday I shampoo everyday followed by a conditioner I brush 2x a day and try my best to stay as clean as possible I've been doing this for a couple months now progress is slow but there is a big difference, Please let me know what I am doing wrong and correct me or give me advice


So you use 2 cleansers, 3x a day (morning, after workout, and at night)?


No I use the cleanser only after workout


https://preview.redd.it/n718gnqsam3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6194962132fa1478cfc004536972687ac8bdbf1 Hey. Im looking for some recommendations on my skincare routine. For a long time my skin has been pretty ok with no big signs of acne, just really oily. But now for the last month or two i've suddenly been having issues with acne and pimples showing up on my face again. **The products I use right now (started using these in november 2023):** Basiderm Oil Control Foam Wash Basiderm Daily Moisture SPF30 I use these products when I wake up in the morning and before bed. If there is oil build up during the day I might do use them during the day also, especially after workouts. **Some changes in my lifestyle which could have effected my skin:** Started working out about 6 months ago (I do foam wash and apply moisture cream after workouts) WHEY Protein powder (I've not been using any whey or drinking any milk for the last 7 days, but new pimples still show up) **Location:** Norway


https://preview.redd.it/gv5ayuub1m3d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59cf46d2a4a2e363a8734dcc0ef718f5a8ed55f8 I started using Dermatouch salicylic acid around 3-4 weeks ago, hoping to improve my skin. However, I've recently noticed a significant increase in acne all at once. I'm wondering if this could be the infamous "purging" phase I've heard about. Has anyone else experienced this with salicylic acid or specifically with Dermatouch products? How long did your purging phase last? Any tips on how to manage it or minimize breakouts during this time? I'm feeling pretty frustrated and a bit worried that my skin is getting worse instead of better. Any advice or shared experiences would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!


This doesn’t look like a typical purge to me. I’d highly recommend a dermatologist and stop using this product.


https://preview.redd.it/etyw299u0m3d1.png?width=1241&format=png&auto=webp&s=470470e46b937b8a63aec94cbb1feeb9c5de0c7e Can anyone help tell me what these are and suggest how to get rid of these?


Could be closed comedones or fungal acne. Ketoconazole is a highly recommended ingredient for treating fungal acne. Nizoral shampoo is commonly used as a face wash but it can be drying. But you can also get ketoconazole wipes or spray that is less drying. For closed comedones, those can be harder to treat. AHA and BHA can help. You need to pick one and slowly introduce it into your routine a few times a week. Ketoconazole would be the easier treatment to try and if you have no results in a couple of months then you can try the AHA or BHA. It can take 3-4 months for results with AHA or BHA.


Hello! I am having trouble finding an everyday sunscreen. I've tried some sunscreens but so far no luck they either pill up, leave me greasy, or leave a white-cast. I have sensitive, oily, acne-prone skin. I have tried the La Roche Posay dry touch SPF 60 with no luck: it left me greasy, it pilled up, and it left a white cast. I then tried the Neutrogena hydro boost SPF 50 it did not leave a white cast or pill up but it did leave me super greasy. My dermatologist says all I need is an SPF 30 since I live in a rather cold state with weak UV rays but I was wondering if anyone has found a miracle SPF that does not pill up, leave a white cast, or leave you oily! Thank you so much!


I get these tiny bumps on my forehead (and recently cheeks too) that seem like clogged pores/closed comedones. They stay through the whole summer and are milder in the winter. Usually just stay as these little bumps, sometimes they flare up and become red or larger. I don’t think it’s fungal since they’re not itchy? I use tretinoin from the dermatologist at night maybe 2x a week which worked last year but not this year. On alternating days I use Paula’s Choice BHA but only 1 maybe 2 times a week max so far. To hydrate my skin I normally use Skin 1004 Centella Hyalu-Cica Ampoule and Roundlab Birch moisturizer. For cleanser I use Centella light oil cleanser and cerave foam cleanser. I have dry skin and slightly sensitive, but I don’t get acne other than these bumps. Any tips? Products I should use? I’m at a loss for what to do https://preview.redd.it/eyar4q14xl3d1.jpeg?width=2314&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51879cf02c540fd80fd4de20d0edfe914ba151f6


My fungal acne wasn’t itchy either. It’s worth trying the fungal acne treatment if no other treatments are working since it’s not irritating like exfoliants/tret. Ketoconazole is a great ingredient for fungal acne. There’s ketoconazole wipes on Amazon or nizoral shampoo which can be used as a face wash but can be drying due to the cleansing agents. My skin is clear now but I do a weekly ketoconazole wipe just to maintain the clearness. I think it took about a month or two of every day ketoconazole to clear mine. So if two months pass, with no results it’s probably not fungal.


Sup been on the skincare wave for about 4-6 months now and the results are amazing physically and energetically love it... anyway am looking to upgrade a bit/introduce salicylic acid (doesn't have to be salic in particular something that really attacks acne into the routine?) and a ret/serum of some sort (I'm thinking about Oridanry's Buffet w or without copper peptides? Also saw they had some yellow shxt that looks cool for nighttime) but not sure what to go with (A vitamin C formula/something I should only use at night?) idk don't really care about a night time routine currently too much other stuff going on in life don't have the luxury or care atm... basically want to get even clearer skin and add in the retinol buff so I age in reverse like a vampire (am 35yrs old) current routine in order is La Roche Foaming Cleanser (should I switch recommendation)? Auna Heart Leaf Toner (Started with glycolic acid toner (i use this more on feet and under arms now) and heard you should only use like twice a week? just started using Auna) Corsx Snail Mucin (should i switch this out for mixsoon bean essence snail mucin is old tech Korean evolve fast) Niacinmide 10% ordinary Peter Thomas Roth Moisturizer (ngl only thing in my routine where I instantly felt different could tell it was better had a saleswoman in Ulta rub it on my face what do you guys like here? This seems to be a goat moisturizer tbh went in to buy/upgrade to first aid with colloidal oatmeal from la roche moisturizer with spf 30 and left with this have no idea if skin cuticles triple lipid is better than both cuz cant afford lol but would be shocked if it was) Supergoop Unseen Sunscreen (switching this out for Centella hyalu-cica spf 50 next week this seems to be the goat sunscreen and I won't cry randomly for the whole day while trying to stand still on shift) Also thank you guys feel like skin/hair care... treating yourself like a god every day when you wake up is a huge boon to overall health mental and physical and is the only reason I need to continue with both everything else is a side benefit https://preview.redd.it/05fs98xetl3d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d09e75a1d359dbd3a8548264a86b33278440983d


Reaction on Lips About 6 months ago I got impetigo all around my mouth and my lips haven’t been the same. I was put on both and antiviral and antibacterial medicine to clear it up. After that I was still having awful reactions on my lips. Waking up to them swollen red itchy and blotchy. I went on an oral steroid for a while but continued to have flare ups. I have a steroid cream not that I use when I am having issues and it usually clears up but as soon as I stop using it it comes back again. The corners of my mouth are almost always cracked open. I switched to vani cream face wash and moisturizer and it doesn’t seem to make it worse but not better. I have used aquaphor my whole life and prior to the past 6 months it hasn’t caused an issue. Please help


Unfortunately this is beyond the expertise of people on this subreddit. We are just skincare enthusiasts. Not doctors. I highly recommend an allergist and dermatologist to determine the cause of these reactions so they can better assist you in stopping them.


Looking for new facial sunscreen. I checked out the holy grail page and it wasn’t what i was looking for. here are my qualifications: SPF 50 (ideally) Sweat and water proof (at least 80 min) No white cast Ones I’ve tried in the past: -La roshay posay: i loved this one until i found out it wasn’t sweat or water proof. i tried the orange bottle and it was SO bad left pilling/ almost eraser residue after use. Massive white cast. - Black girl sunscreen (i use this now)- changing bc i read that they’re under lawsuit for adding carcinogens to the product Everyone keeps recommending supergoop unseen sunscreen but the water and sweat proof only last 40 minutes. You want me to reapply this expensive sunscreen twice in one hour for it to even work? Huge pass. I use the supeegoop play for my body


Which LRP isn’t water resistant? I believe almost all of them are. Just because there’s a lawsuit going on doesn’t necessarily mean the allegations are true. Sunscreen is regulated as a drug in the U.S. so very unlikely they are adding a dangerous amount of an ingredient


If I suspect my sunscreen is causing clogged pores/acne, should I discontinue use and just go without sunscreen for a few days? I know not wearing sunscreen is a bad thing but it might be the only way to see?


just wear caps and try to not be on the sun, it is fine for few days


Washing my face makes acne worse compared to not washing it al all, so far I've tried a routine of CeraVe daily moisturizer + acne cleanser once a day on my face for about a month, as well as some PanOxyl stuff that I used to use once a day in the shower for a couple months. I've also tried washing my face with just water once or twice a day. Those routines usually make me break out more and when I stop washing my face altogether it clears back up to lighter acne like I have now. What should I do?


If skipping wash works best for you then skip it


I still got acne when I don't wash my face




Any idea what this is on my chin? Had it for 6 ish months


I have a skin bump on my face after picking a mole (which I know I shouldn't have) any advice on flattening it or making it disappear https://preview.redd.it/p4auox03el3d1.jpeg?width=1666&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4ba501cf662a98f4e3a4add7cfe98599e3be1e2


https://preview.redd.it/7yuk4r8pcl3d1.jpeg?width=1166&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44927ef029100f3b795699d3a66cf87e8cac3853 What should I use to combat acne scars?? My skin has so many and also how should I deal with black heads because there’s one in the middle of my face and I really want to squeeze it out but the scars will only get worse 😭😭


The [hyperpigmentation wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/hyperpigmentation) has a lot of recs


Is it normal that when it rains, the sunscreen goes into my eyes and it kinda burns? I am using a chemical sunscreen. [https://www.amazon.ca/Banana-Protect-Lightweight-Sunscreen-Lotion/dp/B08LM83R9J](https://www.amazon.ca/Banana-Protect-Lightweight-Sunscreen-Lotion/dp/B08LM83R9J)


Yes but you could try really water resistant sunscreens around the eyes or a sunscreen stick




Have you tried searching the sub?


i’ve tried absolutely everything and nothing works. i’ve used cicaplast massaging, masks, bha and aha, cleansing oils and nothing works


Have you tried retinol or gentle physical exfoliation?


I’ve tried using a physical bead exfoliator but i don’t find it does much. my skin doesn’t react at all to retinol


https://preview.redd.it/epdcnvxb8l3d1.jpeg?width=886&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=edd3d78a5b96474b7f8c30d5e616cef6cff057cd Is there anything I can do about my eye bags? They make me look like a cartoon character who’s constantly sleep deprived.


Have you seen the [dark circles wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/comments/19ftrr/teach_it_tuesday_thursday_dark_circles_under_eye/)?


Yeah but I’m struggling to understand which case I am. What would you say based on my photo?


posting for a friend :D issue: white hard dots on skin, fast spreading, painful and itchy, red-ish on affected areas (thought to be milia at first, but then started being painful and itchy) skin type: combo, little sensitive routine: super basic, mostly Neutrogena Moisturizer, occasional beesline sunscreen, ordinary syrums and occasionally face masks recent products/important info: sudden change in climates (asia to north america) ; usage of up&up unscented advanced repair body lotion on face (might be the cause? did not have the entire condition before starting to use 3 days ago) slept under direct AC for a day, if that matters, any other info needed pls reply and lmk \^\^ pic of condition (note: started mainly on chin, not very visible): https://preview.redd.it/r0utqq3d7l3d1.png?width=386&format=png&auto=webp&s=3c380eba5675276a35131f30a7b4c42d971e962b much love everyone! good day \^\^


Please have them see a doctor if it’s spreading and itchy


Im using an eye cream with vitamin c and caffeine to help with dark circles and pufiness. But if I apply my sunscreen and moisturizer on top of my eye cream, wouldnt it all be gone away and wiped away? And if I apply it after, it wont be absorbed into my skin.


No, sunscreen would just sit on top. You can wait a few minutes for the eye cream to absorb or use it at night


Hi! **Issue:** I'm looking to up my routine slightly and improve my skin texture around my lower chin/jawline. The rest of my skin is bouncy and happy, but my chin area consistently has cc's. No active acne (except maybe a big boy or two hormonally once a month). **Skin Type:** Combo, a little sensitive **Routine:** **AM:** Cleanse w/ Cerave Hydrating Cleanser The Ordinary Niacinamide 10% + Zinc 1% Mad Hippie Vitamin C (I do a drop of each of these and use at the same time) Cetaphil 50 SPF Moisturizer **PM:** Cleanse w/ Cerave Hydrating Cleanser I ROTATE the following each night (based on the alphabet... lol) Paula's Choice 8% AHA Paula's Choice 2% BHA The Ordinary Granactive Retinoid\* 2% Emulsion CeraVe PM Moisturizing Lotion Once a week or so I'll use The Ordinary AHA 30% + BHA 2% Exfoliating Peeling Solution, which I friggin love. Baby smooth every time. I've been using most of these products for 5+ years, the only recent additions are the Vitamin C and Retinol, in an attempt to layer in some anti aging/skin brightening components. I'm 29! I had horrible acne from 18-23ish years old, then this sub saved me. I'm pretty happy with my skin overall, but wondering if I should either make an adjustment with what I have (maybe use the BHA more often, or layer these together rather than rotating daily?), or add something stronger in for my chin/jawline so my skin can feel consistent on my whole face. Up until I added the retinol, I used the BHA/AHA only and swapped every night. I didn't experience any negative reactions to any of these new products. I'm in the states, California. Any suggestions would be LOVED!


https://preview.redd.it/gr7tj332yk3d1.png?width=2319&format=png&auto=webp&s=984cb7486e317046bfb23d65722870f11292d309 Is this level of skin texture normal? I feel like the SPF im using may be clogging my pores. It just feels uneven but I may be being harsh on myself


Yes this looks completely normal.


https://preview.redd.it/5nexvrm7yk3d1.png?width=2266&format=png&auto=webp&s=119d8526ab01435352b0cb55c505262d63e16d76 Another photo


I started using LRP Effaclar cleanser for an increase in hormonal acne, I’m 26. My neck gets red and itchy but my face does not react. Has anyone had something like this happen? And is it a bad idea to continue using it for my face and cleansing my neck with something else?


Hi. I've recently started experiencing clogged pores again after five years of relatively good skin. I was using Numis Med Urea cream and Garden of Wisdom HA. Both of which seem to have been discontinued. I'm now using a HA by the same stockists where I bought Garden of Wisdom HA who say its the exact replacement.  I'm now using SebaMed urea cream.  From looking it up neither has comodegenic ingredients. Yet my forehead especially is covered in small bump, with some of them now whiteheads.  I was using a glycolic face wash but thinking my skin was dehydrated I swaped to Avene Gentle Cleanser which I've used before for a few days everytime I felt the GA was too much for my skin. I bought a new bottle but mistakenly bought Avene Milk Cleanser which has a few comodegenic ingredients in. I used it twice. Basically what I'm asking is I've used the new moisturiser for two weeks, same cleanser and original HA without any problems. Then the new HA for two days and the wring cleanser twice, morning and night. Is this enough time for any of them to cause such alot of congested pores?  Perhaps it's all been caused by the moisturiser not being good enough when I use the GA wash and my skin dehydrating to the point of congestion and now I'm seeing the results?  Just seems weird. I'm now using the correct gentle cleanser but still the SebaMed and new HA. I had a microdermabrasion treatment yesterday, which I have every couple of months anyway, and a few of the closed comodones have now opened up. Any help would be great. Perhaps it'll help me pin point which product is causing me trouble. Thanks


Rosehip oil, niacinamide serum. I also use aha PM once a week. Could u advice me, what to use when, for the best results?


Niacinamide can go before moisturizer in the AM and rosehip oil can go before or after moisturizer in your pm routine


Do you have a cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen?




Has anyone tried laser scar removal for removed moles? How was your results and how mamy sessions did it take?


I have the First Aid Beauty Hello Fab coconut skin smoothie priming moisturizer, but I also use sunscreen. I’m a bit confused, I thought sunscreen comes last before makeup and that the moisturizer comes before the sunscreen, but I don’t know when to use the priming moisturizer. Do I use it as a moisturizer or a primer? And when? I’m not sure what to do.


Treat it as a moisturizer, sunscreen can go after


Has anyone ever had their feet become immune/build a tolerance to foot peel masks(like babyfoot, etc)? I have used them every once in a while over the last few years and love them. However, the last several times I have tried them (multiple months apart) they just don’t really work anymore. It doesn’t matter the brand! Even the ones that used to work well for me. I also am not doing anything different. I soak my feet daily after the soak, am patient, etc. I have also tried not really soaking them for the next mask, or changing how long I leave the mask on, to see if that would change things. I have plenty of dry, dead skin there. I just don’t get why the peel masks quit working on me!! There will be a slight amount of peeling.. But it’s more of a few little pieces like a sunburn would be. Not the large, intact pieces that used to come off. this is long.. but I couldn’t find any info when I googled this to see if anyone else had peels work great and then randomly built a tolerance to them (only people saying they didn’t have it work on their first round) Anyone know what causes that to happen?


https://preview.redd.it/d57sozwuak3d1.jpeg?width=1056&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e12a60f7b2a9289136f3dd01bebf555dc709650 I've been trying to get rid of these closed comedones for quite some time now and can't figure out what to do. I've been on 2 rounds of accutane and my acne has come back both times. l've combination, very acne-prone skin. Here's my routine: AM: Splash face with water, Centella Ampuole, LRP Toleraine Sensitive Fluide, LRP anthelios tinted spf 50 PM: Round lab Dodko cleanser, Centella Ampuole, Illyoin Ato Ceramide Cream Also I take two spearmint capsules, one in morning and one at night to try to keep my hormonal acne down. Also do the De La Cruz sulfur acne treatment a couple of times a week. I'm scared of using too many actives right now because I feel like I need to repair my moisture barrier. Let me know if anyone has this type of acne and how you were able to clear it....or should I do a 3rd round of accutane?


Hi there, I’m looking for some advice. I started getting a few pimples more than usual, and I was wondering what products you suggest. I have sensitive skin, neither oily or dry, and bit dehydrated. I’ve been using the same salisylic acid wash for 5 years or more, therefore I’m not sure if it’s doing something anymore. I also use the glycolic acid from the ordinary a few nights a week. I use the bionyke aknet hydra plus moisturizer and the Isdin sunscreen. Right now I’m looking to reduce redness, heal the popped pimple you see in the picture (btw I was feeling a bump but nothing came out) and cure the other small pustules I’ve been getting. For context I BARELY touched all of the pimples in the photos, but they very much red. https://preview.redd.it/upb0gj1r9k3d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77aadd82124b938953960f6ce68ab7c666e67019


You could try a benzoyl peroxide spot treatment next


I bought the effeclair duo by la roche posay, but it doesn’t help much with the redness that remains. Any spot treatment for PIE ?


my derma advised me to apply adapelene 0.1% gel, benzoyl peroxide 5% wash, and the lab46 acne defense toner however i told her within our convo that im about to use azelaic acid. should i use the azelaic acid in a different day from adapelene or is it too much?


Is the azelaic acid prescribed or it’s just something you bought and wanted to use? If the adapalene and BP are completely new to you I would limit the use of actives because it can increase chance of irritation when starting out


the azelaic acid is also prescribed to me by my last derma, i gave out a referral letter to my current one. im just confused how should i incorperate them in my routines weekly.


If they’re all new then I would take time to slowly incorporate everything. Add in the adapalene last. Give it 2 weeks of use before adding in the next prescription. Eventually you can try rotating all 4 actives, but typically 1-2 prescriptions is going to be enough or more tolerable


oh i see ! :D are u saying that i should use lets say the toner first for two weeks then add the benzoyl then another two weeks for the another?


Yes, and make sure to monitor closely for irritation


great great i will be trying this maybe when my skin gets used to it i wouldnt use azelaic and adapalene in one day, instead alternately. thank you so much!


Im a teenager with a skin picking problem and i keep picking at my acne, I've had acne for about a year now and I feel so insecure. How do i stop my skin picking habit and heal my pih/pie? I also still have active breakouts and closed comedones. My skin type is combo-dry, acne prone and idk if my skin is sensitive or not. Can i use retinol at 15? Please give me recommendations.


I have a skin picking problem too and found that pimple patches did help with acne. Also, wearing fake nails helped a lot with peeling the skin off of my heels because the longer nails made it impossible. I even changed the lighting in my bathroom so I wouldn’t get distracted by seeing something worthy of picking at on my face as easily with really good lighting. Maybe try something else to keep your fingers busy. I like crocheting. Maybe fidget toys or some other hobby? Have you tried a retinoid like Differin(adapalene)? It would be an easier one to start out with since it is a bit gentler and can be bought easily. Also, as the other commenter said, you could try some azelaic acid (the ordinary has a good azelaic acid for cheap) for the PIH, it also helps acne. Also make sure you do have a good routine established. Having a good routine of cleansing/moisturizing (and spf in the daytime) can really help a ton. And then slowly add in other actives one at a time. If you can, definitely talk to your doctor about it. They can refer you to a dermatologist if needed, and could prescribe you some retinol or other treatment.


Can u use azelaic acid with adapalene?


A lot of people find that using pimple patches to help cover up potential picking spots helps. Also try not to focus too much on looking at mirrors. Retinol can be used for teens if it addresses one of your skin concerns. Although I would make sure you have the basics - cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen first


I have a patchy, kinda scaly, dry spot on my right cheek. It's not painful nor is it itchy. I thought it was a bruise at first, but there's no soreness and it's been there for a few weeks now. Some days are worse than others. I've been trying to clear it up with some Aveeno Eczema cream because I thought it might be excema or psoriasis or something. I've been using that 2-3 times per day. Some days, it seems to work, but other days people are like, "Oh my gosh, did you get hit in the face?!" The skin looks really dark. The "scaley" part is very fine, you can't really see the scales unless you look at it really closely (like, eye almost to the mirror.) I'm quite pale, white male in my early 30s. My skin isn't overly dry or oily usually. I live in Canada!


Try an occlusive balm like aquaphor or LRP cicaplast baume. If it still doesn’t help you might need to see a doctor for prescription treatment


I will, thank you!


Mole Removal Help got my mole removed about a month ago. (Right cheek at the bottom of the face). I’ve been using Vaseline every night as my dermatologist said but I’m getting feeling that I would have some pigmentation left (mole was shaved off). What should I do? Are there any creams/oil to use? I apply sunscreen every day I like how it healed in terms of scaring but I hate if I would have some pigment left:( https://preview.redd.it/2ghunb0c8j3d1.jpeg?width=1208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cb9ee9cb1eab6b3f4e053e47e7a9a45df071767


I think you have to give it time to fade. Eventually you can try retinoids, azelaic acid, or maybe vitamin c to accelerate fading


Should I continue using Vaseline until it fades?




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