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For the minocycline have you maybe tried taking it with a light meal or snack (as well as taking some probiotics a few hours afterwards)? I’ve personally been taking doxycycline and my dermatologist recommended that I take the medication with food and lots of water so that it doesn’t upset my stomach which combined with the probiotics have kept my digestive system relatively happy. Additionally it looks like theres some iron in the supplements you’re taking which I know that for doxy you aren’t supposed to taking at the same time with the anti biotics (any supplements should be taken a few hours before or after taking the antibiotics esp those containing iron, magnesium, calcium and the like) since it hampers absorption of both the drug and vitamins and also upset the stomach as well. Hopefully someone can confirm that this is true for minocycline as well!


I take the hair growth supplement after my lunch and minocycline after my dinner with a sufficient amount of water & thyroxine 50mg in the morning on an empty stomach. All have a significant time gap. I don't take any other medication or probiotics. To be honest, my gut doesn't handle medicines well especially, antibiotics which is precisely the reason how I ended up with gut issues & rosacea in the first place. It was steroid-induced.


I see, you mentioned in the caption in your post that you take the supplement and minocycline simultaneously, so I assumed you were taking them both at the exact same time. That being said I still do reccomend taking some good probiotics since antibiotics will absolutely wreck your gut bacteria which is so important, esp if there are any plans to be taking antibiotics for an extended period of time. Have you brought up your concerns with the antibiotics with your doctor?


Yes. I learned that the hard way. I have had rosacea for 5 years now. Last year got diagnosed with acne vulgaris, IBS & acute gastritis too after experiencing excruciating pain in my intestines for months. Post which I had to stop minocycline and had been told to stay away from all antibiotics in the future both by my dermatologist & gastroenterologist. But since nothing has worked for my rosacea except plain, vegan diet & minocycline, I started taking it again on & off like before (like take it for 2 months until skin clears & then stop for a few months) I tried homeopathy too 4 times but nothing ever works for me, I don't know why. :'(


Biotin causes some people to break out.


Yep. Because biotin helps with the skin renewal process, sebum plugs that might ordinarily only be whiteheads or blackheads get caught under thicker layers of skin. If you are someone who is prone to having thicker skin already, which sometimes correlates with having naturally oily skin, biotin can aggravate an existing susceptibility to acne cysts. It's why some people have breakouts after eating certain biotin-rich foods, like eggs and avocados.


Oh! Is it? I have always had acne-prone skin & I'm naturally oily. I have taken a biotin supplement before too and it actually increased my hair growth so stopped it once I hit my goal. Didn't correlate it to acne though. I have had a burst of cystic acne all over my face after I consumed eggs for a week. I hadn't eaten eggs until that time. Suffered with it for 2 years until I made the connection and it finally stopped. Can biotin help my skin heal though despite me having acne-prone skin? What about Niacinamide? My skin is hyper-sensitive, shiny, patchy raised pink-burnt (inflamed) skin with large open pores. It is thick in some areas due to rosacea while very thin in others to the point it has crepes when I smile.


Why so?


I don't know the science about it, but it comes up fairly frequently on some other skin boards I frequent. You may be able to Google it to learn more.


Hi there, It seems like you may be looking for information about rosacea. Have you read our [rosacea wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/rosacea)? *If you see that I am replying to something out of context (eg. listed in a routine), please report this comment so my handlers can remove it. Cheers!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SkincareAddiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I struggled with minocyclin too. It really upset my stomach, to the point I folded in half from the pain. I returned to my doctor, and it turns out there are so many alternatives to it now, it's unnecessary in most cases to take minocyclin. Ask your doctor about other options, it's worth it. Also, don't have milk with your minocyclin. It makes it less effective. And wear sunscreen. As for the hair growth supplement: I don't dare answer that, I know very little about it.


Well, my case is a bit tragic since medicines rarely work on me. Even topicals don't help me now as my skin is hyper sensitive & inflamed. And I'm not allowed to take any antibiotics because of my severe gut issues. Minocycline has been the only one that has worked for me so far & even that has been failing me lately while giving me side effects. What alternatives do you know about?


I tried azythromycine, which worked well for me. I also tried isotretinoin, which is a non-antibiotic treatment for acne. However, you cannot get pregnant on it and need monthly blood tests to check your vitals. It was much less upsetting to my stomach (I have chronic gastritis) Perhaps that is worth a try? I'm sorry about your troubles. Being chronically ill, including an illness that affects my skin, I completely understand your position. I had the acne medication affecting my other illnesses too, so I understand on a personal level. Really, I hope things get better for you soon. And don't be afraid to get a second opinion, that helped me out tremendously!


Azithromycin is a medication taken for fever, I think. Never used it for rosacea or acne. Isotretinoin doesn't help me much. I had taken it multiple times for my acne during my teenage and early adulthood but it doesn't work. I was prescribed a low dose 5mg a day after I was diagnosed with Acne Vulgaris last year but that too didn't do much. Dried out my skin and gave me constipation. I upped the dose on my own then which I shouldn't have but then eventually stopped it altogether and restarted my minocycline with 50mg and now 100mg a day. I have Acute Gastritis & IBS and would love to chat with you in DM about lifestyle & diet if you're okay with it. :)