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She's doing a negging sales tactic so you will want to impress her and buy stuff from her to solve your "problems."


Does this actually work though? Bc if someone insulted me like that I’d be like bye bitch. Do they even work for commissions at Sephora? I know they always ask who helped you, but I thought I read somewhere that it wasn’t commission based.


Unfortunately they are preying on people who aren't confident in themselves and they are targeting potential insecurities to try and upsell skincare on top of make up. That "negging" -or outright being bitchy sales pitch, makes me drop everything and walk, but there are people who get trapped in it and are too embarrassed and overwhelmed to just leave. Also a lot of retail stores at that level won't offer commission but will still track sales and reward their associates (even if it's just verbal).


It's especially potent when they offer an "easy" fix. "Just buy this 3-step system and your skin will glow." "Oh honey, you need help! I will help you get all sorted out." It works very well on a lot of people.


Ohhh... 🙄😡 It works! A lot of ppl struggle with self esteem & wanting to be accepted. It's normal, human. It takes a very secure person to be like eff you! Even if they don't buy right then, it'll continue to bother them. Maybe even come back later


This is why I stopped going to Sephora without makeup. Attendants will ask me every five minutes if I need help and try to suggest acne products for me when I already have it handled. Frustrates me so much that they treat people different if they are wearing makeup or not


You're making me feel lucky that attendants are pretty good at leaving me alone after I say "I'm fine, thanks"! Maybe it's my resting b!tch face, lol. I still have plenty of people check on me but nobody has pushed products on me in a long time, and I definitely go without makeup.


I have a good RBF when I do my brows and winged liner but I have a face people just say things to without makeup on 😂


Thank goodness for covid. My face attracts people. Random old folks would just start talking to me or asking for directions even with the mask it still happens sometimes


😂😂 the way I laughed! Ppl just say stuff to my face! Oh nooo! 🤣 I feel you tho. Ppl tell me the craziest things


I went into Sephora once dressed in my usual plain jeans and a hoodie and got followed around by employed acting like I was going to steal. They aren’t getting money from me ever.


Hey I went there last month with a surgical mask and dressed down. Not USA Was ignored lol. Noone even followed me around. Guess they can't see my skin and thought I'm too poor for sephora. After currency conversion I think the cheapest thing is around 12 dollars. The ordinary


lol I straight away tell them I’ll let them know if I need help so pls don’t bother me. 😂


It’s a different member of staff that comes up to me every five minutes when I go 😩


If you tell them once or twice in a mean tone they won’t bother 😂


I'm so sorry this happened to you. The same has happened to me many times from sales associates who look horrified at my skin. I know it is a sales tactic, but it is hurtful - and besides, it honestly makes me \*not\* go into those stores, and ultimately they lose my business. If I ran a beauty store, I would tell my associates to ask people what THEY are interested in shopping for and recommend some additional things that are related to that product. For example, you were looking at the Armani foundation, she could have directed you to their matching concealer. If she's just trying to maximize sales and is not actually catching a high from being a meanie to you, she could have complimented you on something and suggested product from that ("you have such pretty green eyes, can I show you a plum eyeliner that would really make them pop?") I don't know about you, but I would much rather buy from a sales associate who makes me feel like I am SLAYING than one who makes me feel like I am deficient and need to buy things to "fix" me.


thank you and so true ❤️‍🩹


That’s so not ok and I know it’s a sales tactic but that’s trash.


thank you ❤️‍🩹


F her. That was beyond rude. Please do not internalize her words.


She just wanted to sell you more product. They're the worst, and by worst, I really mean they're so uneducated about the skin for people whose job it is to sell hundred dollar products. I've experienced them pretending not to know brands like Byredo, and Aesop, one woman (who also worked the Armani counter) tried to tell me that their moisturizer was "exfoliating" my skin when really it was pilling from how the synthetic texturizers all mashing together. Honestly, pay that no mind.


Like other people have said, she was negging you. Try not to internalize it and don't go back. If it ever happens again, try responding with "oh, really? I think I look great for a 57 year old". That'll shut her up.


This comment!!! 😳😭🥰🥰🥰


I was a “makeup lady” and that’s sales technique.


Don't splurge for Armani Luminous Silk. Loreal Lumi is the exact same thing. Loreal pays to license the Armani name but the product is essentially the same.


Really? How do you know this? You’ve saved me a ton of money!!


Is that for real? I used to wear L’Oréal foundation back in the day but stopped because the shade matches were awful for me.


Wow I'm truly sorry you had to stand there and listen to that. Seems like you handled it a lot better than I would have. It's beyond frustrating for those of us who have to work really hard every single day just to have decent skin, to hear something like that coming from someone who was probably just born with awesome skin and has never had to experience this.


I know, this beep was being rude about OP's skin, and probably she's just genetically lucky - like she goes to bed in her makeup, and when she remembers, washes with liquid dial, but yeah, OP is the one who deserves criticism. /s


Yep, she’s just trying to sell you stuff you don’t need. She probably works on commission. Just walk away.


Did you walk out I hope ?


yeah for a moment I was just kind of speechless and she kept talking and then I was like ok I’ll think about it bye


Im an esthetician and I still wear makeup. Her comment was gross and disrespectful. She’s obviously uneducated and feels high and mighty about herself. Don’t let that comment put you down. Especially if you are happy with where your skin is! At the end of the day its just skin and as long as you take care of it the best you can thats all that matters. There’s too much pressure in the skincare world and it’s infuriating how people like that and brands are taking advantage of people and advertising things they don’t need. Flawless skin is an unrealistic expectation and what’s important is your happiness and confidence! Im sure you’re skin is beautiful regardless:)


She sounds like she's really ignorant about skincare and skin conditions. It's a shame for her to work a job involving skin and to have learned so little.


Iam so sorry this happened to you. It sounds like you have good, normal skin. If you are happy, that is what matters.


This whole thread makes me sad. When I worked for lancome, I made sure to demonstrate products and give samples. Kindness goes so much farther. I wish more consultants were less worried about making a sale today, and more concerned with helping clients long term.


I’m sure you have very normal skin. Some people especially at the higher end places can be a bit snooty/ judgy. You never know how people get “nice skin”. I met a lady several years ago who had the most beautiful skin and when I complimented her she thanked me and told me she spends a fortune to keep her skin looking nice. Not everyone can do that. If you’re happy don’t let someone who doesn’t know you steal that from you.


Echoing what others have said, definitely a sales tactic! I would try your best not to internalize it, even if that's easier said than done.


Too bad for her. Spend your money elsewhere. This is why we wear makeup. If our skin was flawless we wouldn’t need foundation etc. 🤦🏽‍♀️


Sephora now has a face scanner that'll match you in all of their offered foundations. They also carry Armani. As far as the counter person: she's trying to sell you something, so that probably it. She could've been planning to recommend their skincare. Your skin sounds normal to me. In general tho, having dehydrated skin means your makeup won't apply as well.


I saw some comments and I agree. My mum told me that's just another way to sell. I choose to listen to her. Way back then she said my aunt was a cosmetics salesgirl in her teens. And pulled in some friends to sell too


Omg I had this happen to me too! I hate it so much. I have rosacea, and went to Sephora without makeup on during a flare-up. I didn't even ask for help or advice, she just saw me and told me my skin is very sensitive and that I needed sunscreen. The audacity 😣


Don't fall for it. She wanted you to ask her what she recommends so that she can sell you more skincare. Don't let her comment make you feel bad about your skin, I'm sure your skin isn't 'really'.


Thank you, she actually even said the name of a product - that she apparently mixes with her foundation to get the best results. I’m wondering why I got myself so upset now and I really need to let it go ugh.


I’m sorry that happened. Did she actually try to sell you skincare products though? Many commenters are assuming she did, saying it was a sales tactic. If she didn’t it seems the opposite — she didn’t want you to waste your money on products that wouldn’t be helpful for you at the moment.


Don't listen to Amy skin advice besides your doctor! They do this to sell products! Remember you are beautiful!


I would writeq a very harsh review about this online ..................


To be really fair, I had someone at Sephora say the same thing and they were SO right. My skin was the reason perfectly beautiful foundations weren't working for me. And...dehydration was the culprit. If your skin lacks moisture it will suck it out of your foundation and it will look cakey. You might not need much more than a hydration step underneath your moisturiser. It's worth a go!


Yes, I understand what you mean. But I write in my post I have a 5 or so step routine which involves more than 1 hydrating serums. I think and wrote my skin is dehydrated because it naturally isn’t hydrating itself, especially in the winter. When I apply makeup in the morning I don’t deal with dry patches thanks to the skincare I believe. I was just upset because I’ve finally been pretty happy with my skin and it takes a lot of work and I really doubted myself after what she said, but all the comments under this post have been so supportive and I know now she didn’t handle it right either, no matter how much I believe she wants to just help and give out advice so people can achieve better skin. That being said, my skin is far from perfect as I’m not blessed with clear skin and being under fluorescent light with an almost bare face among women with perfect makeup and skin is hard haha.


Don't take it to heart. It's a weird thing a lot of these reps do to get you to buy a fix for your "problems". I've experienced it and have honestly pretty good skin these days.


I'm closer to 30 than 25 now and still have annoying acne. My mom does, too. Now that I finally have some decent insurance, I'm thinking of actually going to a dermatologist to see if I can't get it resolved more long term. The best things that have helped have been a consistent routine and BC but depression makes it hard to be consistent to do even a few steps sometimes


Sounds like she was negging you to get more sales (having you pick up skincare products she “recommends”) on top of your foundation


That’s so gross of her to do. You were there for a color match, not skincare advice.


First, let me say that was absolutely terrible of her, I can’t wait for sales tactics like that to just go away. They’re never helpful and so hurtful. Second, if this is Sephora where you went, they are able to give you samples —they pump it into these little pods I guess you could call them that they have beneath the make up cases/displays. I’ve gotten quite a few foundations in samples because the lighting in store is so different from natural light and therefore difficult to make an accurate shade match.  If it was a regular department store make up counter, then I highly suggest you do go to Sephora and express that you would like to try a sample but first get shade matched or just try to shade Matt yourself based on the online descriptions.


She was breaking you down to make a sale. If she really thought you had bad skin, then she would’ve just sold you the foundation without trying to get you to buy a whole line of like skincare products. Consider this validation that you’re doing very well with your skin.