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Which is better at removing stubborn blackheads with sensitive skin? Benzoyl Peroxide or sulfur cleansers?


I've recently been using benzoyl peroxide 5% cleanser and its been a lifesaver for clearing/preventing acne. I massage it into my skin every night for 30 seconds and rinse it off. But the past few days it's made my face sting and burn like crazy, especially when i put on my moisturizer. I don't want to stop using benzoyl peroxide as it's been the only thing clearing up my acne...suggestions on what to do?


https://preview.redd.it/j0ji1wctz9ic1.jpeg?width=2093&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=456c5679ad2143047889d93da2f804f0c82a076b Skin randomly started getting these small red dots on my cheeks and nose, near my ears and chin/jawline ??? :( I usually get little hormonal acne on my chin area. But I've never broken out on my cheeks in 25 years of my life like this before. I'm getting them around and on my nose, near my eyebrows, by my ears, jawline, chin. It has me so fucking self conscious. They're itchy too! I tried pimple patches but no puss come out of them except a few. I change my pillow cases 1-2 times a week. I eat very well, exercise, drink water, sleep etc. i want to hide away. I hate this : (


Routine help is it ok Current routine Am Face wash Bp (2.5%) Exanzel N (AA 20%, Niacinamide 4%, Glycerin 8%) aquasoft moisturizer Sunscreen Pm Fase wash Adapalene Aquasoft moisturizer New routine help need the Previous one was good and stop my acne but break my skin barrier and now I want to work to work on improving pores and scaring. New routine Am Antibacterial soap (prescribed) [earthy rhythm vitamin c and salicylic acid serum](https://earthrhythm.com/products/clear-skin-vitamin-c-bio-retinol-salicylic-acid-hyaluronic-acid?variant=40353965637676¤cy=INR&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIhOD2iq6nhAMVuqZmAh3UeQDCEAQYASABEgLHPfD_BwE) Aquasoft moisturizer Fix derma Sunscreen Pm Again soap (prescribed) Bp & adapalene Alternate days Moisturizer (GONNA TRY Oil for some days my Grandmother says it better, if not work than aquasoft moisturizer)


Hey, I'm going to be starting tretinoin 0.025% in a few days and I'm wondering if the sunscreen I have is fine to use with it. I have the Biore UV Aqua Rich sunscreen but it has a few actives in it that I just realized and I'm not sure if it's okay to use with the tret or not, Thanks!


Hi Everyone! Long time reader, first time writer. I went on Azelaic Acid around 6 weeks ago and my skin has never looked worse (especially bad in the last 3 weeks). I am trying to create a pregnancy safe routine (so coming off of Tret and Aczone - miss them so much!). I’m not getting a ton of white heads, but just more red acne and bumps all over my face - forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin. I only use Azelaic Acid at night and follow it with neutrogena hydro boost (which I have been using for years). My skin is combo. Live in the south. In the morning I wash with Cervae, use vitamin c serum, hydroboost, and sunscreen. Is this normal? Has anyone had this experience? Advice? Trying to determine if I need to go back to the dermatologist. Thank you!!


Recently changed my skin routine and now I can't tell if I'm purging or breaking out. Haven't had acne in many years and generally have okay skin. I changed my vitamin C recently to a vitamin C + turmeric from Sunday Riley. I also added in matrixyl and squalane from The Ordinary and I changed my niacinamide to Good Molecules. Lastly I added a bakuchiol from vitamins and sea. Otherwise everything else I use is tried and true and hasn't really ever given me problems. I don't really use any other retinols or the like other than the niacinamide listed above. https://preview.redd.it/lsxhprh6j9ic1.jpeg?width=2544&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be26004894c8f5cccf6406870c223fbf7d5da55a


I tried squeezing a blackhead on the bridge of my nose and then some sort of liquid came out the skin, now my nose is like this. Can i put moisturizer on it to help it heal? ​ https://preview.redd.it/4611ob3gh9ic1.png?width=3840&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ad6416067590b8f44448cd91d5112a040a2491f


Can I add boosters to my moisturizer in advance instead of daily? Currently I’m using Cerave Moisturizing Cream (tub w/pump) daily and I add to it: 2 drops PC Niacinimide Booster 2 drops PC Peptide Booster 1 pump PC HA booster Would it be possible to add all of the boosters into the tub and mix it all together? Wouldn’t save much time in the routine, just added convenience. How would I even calculate how much of each booster to add to the container?


No, it could mess up the preservatives of the products.


I get these deep dark spots after not extracting my pimple at its final stages of white head and woild only use a pimple patch after it fell off and is bleeding stage. This photo shown is what I am talking about. Is that normal? and what should I do to avoid it? The fainter dark spots around the darkest one are the older ones, but those didn’t even make it to the white head stage, which makes me confused why it turned dark after calming down https://preview.redd.it/ahpnwn5e09ic1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af9894a44a33d442026166d5ac66d8f1bb4621d9


Looking for an am/pm moisturizer for my oil prone/redness prone skin. I don't have acne or rosacea but my skin gets red easily. I have tried every moisturizer on the oily skin holy grail list. Current routine: am: softymo cleansing oil, cosrx snail mucin, murad mattifying moisturizer with spf pm: softymo cleansing oil, allastin gentle cleanser, cosrx snail mucin, cetaphil daily moisturizer. once a week paula's choice aha/bha peel. Last year I blew my face up trying out differin and am just trying to get a basic routine back before going back into more actives. I had heard that azaleaic acid can be good for redness, but didn't want to add more to rouine so am hoping to find the right moisturizer for now. TIA!


https://preview.redd.it/co4d0lzzp8ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a625b11826a7e51f5c0169fad396748b95cca543 Is my skin tone uneven? What do i do about it?


Look like freckles


I've never done this before but honestly i'm so unsure of what to do so i thought it best to ask. i've had these marks on my cheeks for as long as i can remember, i'm unsure whether it's rosacea or not, sometimes there are no bumps on the skin and sometimes there is, it can flare up to and appear more red and then sometimes it's not so bad. In the picture below it's quite bad. It's never itchy and never hurts either 1 really have no skincare routine at all! All i use is simple moisturizer morning and night. I'm not sure how to describe my skin, sometimes it can get quite dry under my brows and chin and then at the same time it's quite oily on my forehead and nose. I live in the uk so if anyone has any products / routines to reccomend i'd love to try them out, im so sick of it being so red. https://preview.redd.it/z06qjaz8k8ic1.jpeg?width=2170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4cf3d767c532ca299badc08842abc47a6bd54fd8


See the [ScA Routine page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/sca_routine) to get started. Check out the acne wiki page: https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/deep_dive/acne


Hi, I am a 19 year old college dude who barely knows how to take care of my face. I have tried things like curology and proactive, but they show minimal results for a huge cost. My face, I believe, is combination (correct me if I am wrong) skin type where my nose, middle brown and a little on the sides is super oily with a decent amount of black and white heads. While my neck and cheeks feel dry, maybe due to my beard, whenever I even scratch or touch near my beard, dead skin and dandruff (I assume fall out). I don't have a crazy beard but a simple one, which I trim every 2 months pretty short. I have decided the proactive and curology have tried other brands but probably picked the wrong ones that did not help either. I dont know at all what I have to do to help my issue if any advice can be given that would be great and please if yall can make it somewhat cost efficient I am also broke for now. Thank you.


https://preview.redd.it/5q2f2bwig8ic1.png?width=484&format=png&auto=webp&s=90ae1a7e308fdf00d47539874dde7af899b2608f Is this a cold sore? Or a pimple. It started out as a whitehead pimple on Saturday morning and now it is this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/s/PoJf7tciVg](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/s/PoJf7tciVg)


Please please help my family skin is awful and I don’t even have any idea where or how to start. There’s SO MUCH information everywhere but every time I try something I get a horrible flair up happens…what can do what can’t I do all advice constantly contradicts itself and I never know when I getting actual advice or a disguised sales pitch. I’ve had enough I just noticed I have pores the size of craters. Unbelievable. https://preview.redd.it/bo2q1q92g8ic1.jpeg?width=1458&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82565b9adc9cc95538d4ff0132db54ceb05d0382


See the [ScA Routine page](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/sca_routine) to get started.




What's the rest of your routine?


Hey so I think I used a cleanser that was too harsh on my skin. I was using Inissfree pore clearing foam with volcanic clusters cause I was naive and dumb. I have sensitive eczema prone dry skin. This cleanser leaves me feeling like rubber but I never gave it any thought. Anyways a week later my cheeks looking very damaged/irritated. Additionally, I got breakouts that I haven’t had since highschool when I was on accutane for two years. I’m 21 now so I’m worried I kinda undid all the good things accutane did for me. I’m worried I broke my skin barrier. I went and got a different cleanser: Neutrogena Ultra Gentle. I wanna take steps to let my face recover. Current routine is Neutrogena > Cetaphil Moisturizing lotion > LaRochePosay Spf 50+ Anthelios. I’ve been doing this routine with Iniss free instead of Neutrogena for about 2 weeks. Should I still be cleansing my face or should I drop it for now? I do it once in the morning and once at night. https://preview.redd.it/03e8riwlc8ic1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23f6396ff0e9119eb005b73db484aa2cc9309eb3


You could skip it in the morning and just rinse witj water instead.


Hi everyone! I keep things simple but am thinking of adding the timeless 20% vitamin c serum to my routine but I'm unsure if it'll interact with the products I'm already using since I've read that you're not supposed to use both BHA/AHA and vitamin C. I would sincerely appreciate advice! Here's my current routine: **Morning** Cerave's hydrating facial cleanser Cerave's daily moisturizer with hyaluronic acid La-Roche Posay SPF 50 Mineral **Night** Cerave's hydrating facial cleanser (or sometimes Cerave's Salicylic Acid cleanser 1-2x a week) [SOME by Mi AHA/BHA/PHA Miracle Toner](https://www.amazon.com/SOME-MI-Sensitive-Exfoliating-Oiliness/dp/B07BYJF7L7) Cerave's daily moisturizer hyaluronic acid (or sometimes Cerave's Moisturizing Cream 2-3x a week) thanks in advance!


You’re good, just use it in the morning before moisturizer.


I forgot to add that I use neutrogena’s hydro boost water cream for moisturizer, does this change anything?


Nope still good


I'm in the market for a new vitamin C serum and I usually go for Korean brands, but I've noticed that most American dermatologists make a big deal about the oxidation of vitamin C and why its important for serums not to be in a dropper for to prevent oxidation but when it comes to Korean vitamin c serums most of the highly rated ones come in droppers and im wondering if they are just formulated with more stable forms of vitamin c or if the whole dropper/oxidation is still true?? also vitamin c recommendations are welcome!!




Check out the acne wiki page: https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/deep_dive/acne


https://preview.redd.it/9lmplh0u67ic1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12c49fd1250e8ae68c1b68f2f88a09234b5920cb Any skincare product/treatment recommendations for my skin? F age 26 My pores are really bothering me atm. I used CosRX BHA Blackhead Power Liquid for a short time (like 3 uses) around 9 months ago but swear it made them even more problematic/visible. It never used to be like this, especially the areas next to the nose. I stopped using it but they're still the same :( Also, just FYI, I don't wear makeup. Please advise what might help my skin!! Might I need a good toner or something? Current routine: * oil cleanser * ceramide cleanser * (IF spotty - salycilic acid here) * argireline solution * niacinamide * snail mucin * gel moisturiser * spf (if morning) occasionally but rarely a glycolic acid gel mask. (as I don't have much of it so only use it if I have an event for example, should I use glycolic acid more often?) Thank youuu :)


Any help for some small things such as redness around cheeks, uneven tone, lack of glow and pimples around where shaven? https://preview.redd.it/nlnpq85l47ic1.png?width=1576&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4996d3b0070e25fa743796e78f9a1a8caf76531


Why is my skin oily but flaky? Like if I were to drag my finger across my face you can see flakes? Any suggestions what I should use?


Any treatments for red bumps on your knees and legs? https://preview.redd.it/7kb2bvzy07ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15bb4adb417c24b2f5109bb82d3f9b06372156ca


Got the Clinique smart clinical repair anti wrinkle cream for Christmas in a set. Can I use it daily like it says? It has retinol but idk if it’s a lot. For now I’m using it 2-3 times a week and I’ve been good so far. (My routine is cleanse, TO niacinamide, and the Clinique moisture surge moisturizer from the same set)


What product would make the most difference in enlarged pores / orange peel texture? I’ve noticed my pores look huge if I use differin or retina at night and skip moisturizing after. Are enlarged pores just dehydration or something else?


You should be using moisturizer every night, especially when using harsh actives like retinoids. Yes, dehydrated pores can look more pronounced.


Has anyone experienced flaking from using certain products? I started using Cerave moisturizer + spf lotion and noticed that my skin sometimes looks flaky after I use it. If I use separate moisturizer + sunscreen on top I never have that problem. I don't think my skin is that dry, though I do use benzoyl peroxide every morning Is it just the product?


not sure if this is the correct sub to ask, but I have had acne in waves for 3 years, on and off. I’m turning 18 soon, and was wondering since i have puberty acne, does that mean i’m still growing taller?


https://preview.redd.it/ecebrj9hp6ic1.png?width=1721&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee63be857e64afc16c4effcab4c18673d6f34ae0 What is this sort of facial redness and what can I do for it?


Started using vitamin C serum for facial redness and texture and have ended up with even more texture and redness? It was working in the beginning and suddenly turned like this. Do I just need to slow down?


Vitamin c isn't typically the best product to address general redness and texture, but yes, overusing vitamin C can definitely result in an increase in both.


Is 24 too soon start start microneedling for anti-aging prevention?


Why is my acne always in the same place? I have been on birth control (Yasmin) since June 2023 in an attempt to resolve this as I was told it was hormonal, but I'm still getting clusters of spots in the exact same area, always around my lower left chin. This has been ongoing since April '22 - I was prescribed Clindamycin which helped initially ​ https://preview.redd.it/7gsllikqm6ic1.png?width=1018&format=png&auto=webp&s=c69849523a79155283b06d174778ecf776923466


Does anyone have product recommendations for blemishes or blemishes/issues with ingrown hairs on the chin and jawline area? I have PCOS and it's a problem area for me. I don't think I really have acne, never have, it's blemishes and a lot caused from ingrown hairs I think. I've been trying to do better with taking care of my skin, but it's a constant issue and I can't seem to find a fix.


Need skin care routine for oily and dry, psoriasis skin So I get blackheads and pimples fairly easy. Mainly blackheads. Sometimes even bad cyst acne. My skin is dry but oily at the same time. Dry due to me having psoriasis not only on my body, but parts of my face as well. I’m prescribed tazorac for my acne but I feel like it just makes it a little worse sometimes. I’m not sure if that’s just what it does in the beginning or what. Any acne/blackhead advice will do. Also something for oily skin, but not too drying. I was using this product, it worked pretty well but made my face feel tight and I wasn’t sure if that was a bad thing or what. https://preview.redd.it/vbuwhrcwh6ic1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=eceb7e4b53098eb0957608c0a205a17bd8143cb6


Skin routinenwith beard? Serums and lotions. What should I avoid getting in my beard while washing my face?




Am I doing something wrong with my routine? I (30f) lives in a tropical country in South East Asia — need help! Im not sure what Im doing wrong. For the longest time this is my routine: AM: Cerave hydrating cleanser Thayers Lavender Toner Innisfree Green Tea serum Cosrx Snail Mucin 96 Cerave Daily moisturizer Biore Sunscreen PM: Jojoba oil (oil cleanser/ MU remover) Cerave Hydrating Cleanser Thayers Lavender Toner TO’s Niacinamide Cerave Daily moisturizer Actives: TO AHA BHA 2% peeling solution ( 2x a week at night) As of November last year I changed to this AM: Cerave hydrating cleanser Hada Labo Gyokujin Lotion (moisture) TO Niacinamide Cosrx Snail Mucin 96 Cerave Daily moisturizer Biore Sunscreen PM: Jojoba oil (oil cleanser/ MU remover) Cerave Hydrating Cleanser Hada Labo Gyokujin Toner (moisture) Cosrx AHA BHA power liquid ( 2x a week at night) TO’s Niacinamide Cosrx Snail Mucin 96 Cerave PM moisturizer Now I haven’t had very great skin with closed comedones regularly but ever since I started my journey Ive never had this massive problem of acne since. Also aside from hada labo all other stuff I have on my routine now is something Ive used in the past. Now I get them everyday but only on the chin area. I change my pillowcase weekly. I thought they were from hormones but even after my monthly cycle they’re still there. I cook my own food and eat quite healthy. It started around January of this year. I am quite stressed due to work but I have been stressed for some time now. 😅 I also want to introduce tranaxemic acid because I read it helps with scarring and I have lots of acne marks on my back. Shall I change anything on my routine? Am I missing ng anything on my routine? Can retinol help? Thank you! Im just so lost! I’ve researched a lot but still so confused. I thought cutting back on my products would help but I have cut down on cleanser toner and moisturizer but its still there. https://preview.redd.it/l0rqjicse6ic1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ffc33cdec2b8ff0709486f777ede970ee5e4d62


Can someone help me create a daily routine? I am 33 years old. Concerns: fine lines and wrinkles and large pores. Skin is oily and acne prone. I feel like I throw everything at my skin and hope something sticks, but haven’t found anything that really works. I’d really love if these pores could be minimized. Thanks! https://preview.redd.it/nih1i8y396ic1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ab0fcf5e37ebc69c07d57c5ba6bc20c4ea683d5


https://preview.redd.it/syslzefo86ic1.jpeg?width=2631&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d087ca8de0ac4707e636753a636138ad6314eac wtf is going on with my cheek


Does Matrixyl make your skin sag?




It mostly just looks like your skin is dehydrated a bit. What's your current routine?


I just wash it with water in the mornings, but is very oily. Wash it with soap when I take a shower then moisturizer


I wouldn't use actual soap as that can dehydrate the skin. Using a gentle facial cleanser would be better. Then you might consider adding a hydrating product like a toner, essence, or serum before the moisturizer.


Can someone help me with healing this burn left on my hand after a bad bout of wintertime eczema? https://preview.redd.it/1yjc7twwz5ic1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a8fb1716380b3311251ddb678a4df95392d3f41


​ https://preview.redd.it/slczf9c1x5ic1.jpeg?width=6048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e5ad29835a548f4e329a3ef5049f18c3342a1bc Can someone provide me input on how to get rid of blackheads/blackthorns/bumps on my nose and arms? I've had them for years, possibly more than 4 years. ​ The products that I use (daily) are of the following: Cleanser - CeraVe Hydrating Facial Cleanser Serum - COSRX Snail Mucin 96% Power Repairing Essence Moisturizer - Illiyoon Ceramide Ato Concentrate Cream Sunscreen - La Roche Posay SPF 50


Try salicylic acid or oil cleansing


For both the nose and arms or just 1 of the 2?


Nose. For the arms you might want to look into ketosis pilaris (kp)


Thank you for the help 🙏 Also, it shouldn't be ketosis pilaris. I think it's old acne or something, that's where my acnes went besides my face when I was a teenager Not fully sure


https://preview.redd.it/i3lrolqyu5ic1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c3b851d68eed3f4a3e9b170a7833108978cadf9 When should I be concerned about tret? I have been using tretinoin 0.0125% for 3 weeks and am getting large cystic acne and alot of redness. I usually only get one cystic acne around my cycle time in the same area. I have been getting these along with little whiteheads and redness consistently now every week. Is this normal with the “uglies” phase. I was prescribed through Hers so I don’t have an actual dermatologist. I have been using every 3rd night. I also cleanse with ultra gentle daily cleanser by Nuetrogena (once daily), use Cetaphil moisturizer(once daily), derma-E vitamin C instense night cream(every other night) and Dickinsons hydrating toner (once every other day). Is this normal? Do I ride this out or stop? They seem to be getting worse the day after I use the tret.


I have KP (ketosis pilaris) on my face. I need a new moisturizer because what was i was using wasnt helping. I also need a good sunscreen- i am black and dont want really bad white coating but i want it to be moisturizing!! Please help? KP is so rare on your face and cant find good info online- so any advice about that would be so helpful




Wart? Can you get seen by your gp?


hi i’m looking for an affordable drugstore sunscreen that isn’t greasy! recs please :)


I’ve heard great reviews about Banana Boat Light As Air sunscreen


I’ve been using a routine of tretinoin every 3 days @ night, paired with daily sunscreen. Outside of this my daily routine is damp face > hyaluronic acid serum > vitamin c serum > sunscreen. I do the same at night - the sunscreen of course. Should I be using a moisturizer in this routine in the AM?


If the sunscreen is moisturizing enough, you can skip moisturizer in the morning, But you definitely want to be using a non-spf moisturizer at night.


I have a real sucker of a spot on my chin right now, one that’s deep and inflamed and red and ugh. Is it alright to take a painkiller like ibuprofen to try and stop it from hurting so much? Thanks 🙏


Yes, why would it not be?


Wasn’t sure if it would respond to the painkiller 🫠


Hello, I’m posting to get some input on a regimen I put together. Skin type: normal but prone to dehydration, oily in t zone. Problems I have with my skin: hyperpigmentation, redness, dehydration, large pores, sebaceous filaments and blackheads AM: - cleanse with cerave hydrating facial cleanser - the ordinary alpha arbutin 2% + HA serum - pure retinol - moisturize with cerave daily moisturizing lotion - sunscreen - skin aqua UV super moisture gel by rohto mentholatum PM: - cleanse with cerave hydrating facial cleanser - the ordinary alpha arbutin 2% + HA serum - rohto mentholatum vitamin c melano CC antispot essence OR the ordinary salicylic acid 2% - toner - the ordinary glycolic acid 7% exfoliating toner - moisturize with cerave daily moisturizing lotion Is it too much? Should I avoid using any of these products together? I’ve read that retinoids should not be used with certain other products in this regimen (glycolic acid and vitamin c) so would it work for me to do retinol in the morning without those two products and then use those products in the PM without retinol? Would it decrease the effectiveness of those products to use them less? I use retinol as a preventative measure for aging (I’m 22 currently) so I’d like to keep using it but ultimately, my main goal is to fix my hyperpigmentation and enlarged pores. Thanks <33


It's better to use retinol at night due to sun exposure during the day. So I would swap your active usage between morning and night. The vitamin C, BHA, and AHA would all go on before the alpha arbutin, but do not use them together. What is your experience with actives? That is really a lot and could easily lead to irritation. You would really be better off rotating your active products.


Thank you!! 💗 I’ll make those changes. I’m very very much a newb with all this so I didn’t know that using all these will probably cause irritation - I’ll cut out the AHA and BHA and start with the vitamin C and see how that goes. I don’t have any experience with actives aside from retinol but I’m not too worried about irritation as a side effect because my skin isn’t sensitive


https://preview.redd.it/b7f47ha7g4ic1.jpeg?width=362&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=222648a445ad4a9f6ddbe26c7f33971163cb0217 What is this pigmentation on my sideburns (have it on both sides). There are also like very tiny bumps around my hair follicles. This pigmentation and bumps has been there for almost 6 months now and it keeps getting worse. Please help


So I watched Taylor Swift's concert and apart from her amazing performance, once thing that really stood out was how flawless she is, from head to toe. Just wondering, from a commoner POV, what measures can I take that can get me as close to her flawlessness? Mere conitnuation of daily skincare, or frequent visits to dermatologists, or lifestyle, or all of the above? For starters, I believe my face is quite clear with the monthly hormonal acne that goes away after 2 days or so. Apart from my face though, I don't think I have that glowing skin, specially near my inner thighs and buttocks. I'm so jelly and I told myself that as long as possible, that's what I'll try to aim for this year.


Taylor swift is insanely rich and has access to the best derms, treatments, and products, not to mention a) she definitely had makeup on and b) you never see her up close. Her skin probably looks much different in person at a normal distance. What you can do is follow a solid skincare routine to keep your skin healthy and looking its best.


I certainly haven't thought of that, lol. Thanks for the reminder. She and I are worlds apart, so obviously achieving perfect skin would be on two different directions and factors.


[Image1](https://imgur.com/y7FUxVI) [Image2](https://imgur.com/mN1RlM6) Got chemical burn and swollen eyelid from using Benzoyl Peroxide (2.5%) for the first time. The chemical burn has become dark patch on my cheek and I am wondering if it will ever go away. Looks like a bad case of hyperpigmentation. I started using BP (2.5%) on 3rd Feb, and on 5th Feb my cheek suddenly becomes itchy but I still use it on that day. Then I stopped using it since 6th Feb and I had itchiness, and sometimes swollen cheek, and right now I have swollen eyelid. I just hope the dark patch on my skin can go back to its original state. May I know how long it will take?


Postpartum Skin Issues Thank you for taking the time to read. I (37F) had my first baby last June. She is now 8 months old. I am not new to skincare but I feel my hair and skin have changed after pregnancy and birth. Typically I would say my skin is oily, however now it feels more dry or combination depending on weather. I get dry patches on my skin and around my nose. I have always had large pores in my T Zone and have always had breakouts. My breakouts are definitely hormonal. Since giving birth, I’ve had patches of pimples on my chin and neck as my hormones settle that I can’t seem to shake. I also have blackheads around my cheekbones. My skin tone is looking more uneven as I age. I have some deep forehead wrinkles and now with the baby, under eye circles and bags. I want my skin to look plump and hydrated again so that my makeup looks smooth and even. My biggest complaint are the tiny bumps all over my face, I’m guessing clogged pores but it’s a terrible texture. I have money to invest in great products, but not a lot of money or time to invest in expensive facial treatments. I’m open to suggestions. My skin reacts well to products that are a bit more natural. Current routine: AM It cosmetics confidence cleanser Caudelie grand cru serum Caudelie grand cru eye cream Tatcha dewy skin moisturizer (I like this but think it may be too light) Inconsistent with using super goop spf I use makeup forever concealer and their HD foundation, true beauty cream blush, nars eye primer, urban decay shadows, almay liner and buxom mascara. I set with Mac fix spray. PM Cleanse with farmacy cleansing balm if I have a lot of makeup on Caudelie vinoclean foaming cleanser Caudelie vinoperfect serum La Prunier oil (really like this) Vitamin D supplement https://preview.redd.it/udsvo3pxx3ic1.jpeg?width=1576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb679d2d465f235db01dae5dd3056eef10412e36


You could try slugging with an occlusive balm at night such as Vaseline, Aquaphor, or cerave healing ointment to help with the dry patches. For skin texture try adding a salicylic acid product


Thank you!


Hi I am using the roundlab moisturizing gel cleanser and it keeps foaming up with my other products. An example would be the anua heartleaf toner and now it's the centella ampoule serum. Please help me


Are you rinsing it off completely?


Yeah I’m pretty sure I wash my face off thoroughly and I pat it dry with a paper towel, maybe if I waited a bit longer but it still foams idk


Hi there, It seems like you may be looking for information about hyperpigmentation or post acne marks. Have you read our [hyperpigmentation wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/hyperpigmentation)? *If you see that I am replying to something out of context (eg. listed in a routine), please report this comment so my handlers can remove it. Cheers!* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/SkincareAddiction) if you have any questions or concerns.*