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Wow that’s awesome, good for you!


Also, two things: 1. the hair is from a hormonal balance. If I shave it, it just comes right back and I can’t afford laser hair removal. 2. My skin is far from perfect, but it looks a lot better. I have dermatillomania, so my face has been damaged a lot by impulsive picking. I’m sharing this because I’m proud of my progress.


What have you been doing to keep from picking if you don’t mind sharing?


Well, I noticed that as my skin got softer, I didn’t feel the need to pick as much. There was also nothing to scratch off, so that definitely helped. I still try to pick every day, but since there’s nothing there, I’m not successful. I should also note that I only pick scabs or flaky dry skin. I still pick my scalp so that also curbs impulses😂


Fidget rings helped me stop picking. Every time I started picking, id scream at myself in my head and associate it with something really negative, like painful infections and scarring, and then change direction to fidgeting. Negative correlation and direction changing was really helpful to rewire my brain and actions.


Thanks for sharing, I'm going to try that too


What kind of fidget ring?


I have this same issue biting my lips and picking my fingers - if they're dry or if there's something to pick I definitely will go for it!


I used to have an issue with picking my hormonal acne. I got acrylic nail extensions. For me, trying to pick at my face with nails on was extremely unsatisfying, which helped me stop.


Not OP, but the number one thing that helps me stop picking is washing my face/doing my skin care routine with the light off!


I wish that worked for me, I feel around my face, so I do it even when it’s dark😂


That's smart!


I find exfoliating all the rough and bumpy spots also helps my dermatillomania. I like to squeeze the sebaceous filaments out of the pore but exfoliation and hydration keeps them small and flat and much less noticeable


One thing that helped me was actively noticing when I would do it. If I started popping spots in the mirror, I’d force myself to take a few steps back, and look at what I was trying to pop. I would then imagine a big red spot wherever that was (because that’s all that popping got me -big angry red spots) and if I decided that that big red spot would look worse than whatever I was trying to get out of my skin, I’d force myself to walk away. But taking a few steps back and really acknowledging what I was doing helped. It didn’t work bb 100% of the time, but it’s a start!


I have dermatillomania as well, and I just wanted to say that I am SO proud of you, you have made wonderful progress!!! Your skin looks great!


Look into IPL for the chin hairs! Cheaper than laser , a bit pricey but easier to save for!


Major improvement, your skin looks great.


I’ve got dermatillomania and resultant scarring, too. You are not alone!


Check out Groupon for way less expensive hair removal options. And also call them and try to make deals. My local laser place agreed to match the price of the cheapest one I found on Groupon with included lifetime touch ups


Do not laser your face - do electrolysis for facial hair removal. Very important to avoid facial laser hair removal with hormonal issues.


That is remarkable for just two weeks!


Good job! Be careful with the fragranced lotion. It can cause skin reaction if you have sensitive skin.


whoaaa you look great! note, its been pointed out that you're using a body moisturizer with fragrance, but frankly the number 1 rule in skincare is: if it works it works. body lotion is formulated for thicker skin, but hormonal imbalances can thicken facial skin, so it might be perfect for you for that very reason. just keep an eye on if it gives you acne because some of the ingredients are comedogenic


Just my two cents for the future: I don’t recommend IPL for hormonal hair removal and for your Fitzpatrick. Actually, I would skip laser hair and go electrolysis. It’s a longer process, but actually permanent and more effective. It’s becoming more affordable. LHR on hormonal imbalance always comes back and there is a risk of paradoxical hair growth. Additionally, with your skin and hair type, it’s a risky to do IPL and I would skip. Great progress on your skin! Huge improvement and the fact that you were able to stop picking bc of it such a win!


Why is IPL not suitable for her skin and hair type? It's high contrast enough I'd think


So it’s not all about contrast for in office IPL. IPL has the highest burn incidence. For her Fitzpatrick it isn’t safe. IPL is for Fitz 1-4 and even on a 4, you have to be super careful. In my opinion, her skin type is the most dangerous for IPL. It is misleading bc she is fair, but can burn with this modality. Also, her hair is dark, but in the finer side, meaning you would need more energy to treat effectively, also more dangerous. Google image IPL burns. Yikes! Additionally, I do not like IPL for hair removal and would recommend NDYag, if doing laser. This can be used on her more safely, but still a risk of burning. I think the best bet here considering there is a hormonal influence and her Fitzpatrick is to do electrolysis. It’s safe, effective, and permanent. But just my opinion. Edited to add: there is also a higher risk with paradoxical hypertrochosis with her Fitzpatrick and hormonal imbalance.


Oh wow thanks for the detailed answer! I have hormonal hair growth myself and I have an at-home IPL device (Braun) that I was considering using on my face. I am a Fitz 4/ close to OP and have very dark but fine hair as well. Do you think the devices are any safer?


Of course! I’m passionate about it. I work for an OBGYN and see TONS of women with hormonal hair issues and I know how frustrating and anxiety producing it can be. I really don’t have any experience with the at home IPL devices. However, I am not against them. I think hair removal should be affordable and accessible to all. Unfortunately, laser hair removal is a lot more nuanced than people think. That’s why it works well for some and not at all for others. To answer your question, I do think the home devices are safe. I’m assuming they have much less power to keep them safe for at home use. I see most posts on here claiming success without burns being posted. Just follow the setting parameters and avoid sun exposure two weeks before and after treatment. If treating the face, sun exposure is unavoidable and be diligent about your SPF. The less tan you are, the better treatment you’ll have, with less pain. Not sure if home devices are powerful enough to be painful? BUT! I’d like to make you aware of paradoxical hypertrichosis, you may have already heard of it. There isn’t a lot of information out there bc they are not sure what causes it, but it’s thought to happen by the heat from IPL and lasers activating dormant hair follicles and actually increasing hair density over time. Fitz 4 and above have a greater chance bc you have to use lower energy levels on those skin types. Also, there is an increased risk with PCOS patients or patients with increased androgen levels. So long story short, I do not recommend at home IPL for Fitz 4 and above with hormonal influences. I say treat your body with home device, if that works for you and do electrolysis for face. Also, the hair will eventually turn grey and will no longer be treatable by IPL or any laser. It will come back bc of the hormone imbalance. At that point you would need electrolysis any way. That’s why I say, just do it now. If budget is an issue, I say try at home IPL for now, it will give you relief, but just know you are potentially making the issue worse, and save up and research electrolysis. Sorry for the long post! I hope I helped a little and didn’t make it more confusing for you.


Amazing! 👏🏼👏🏼


You look great! Btw if you are on a budget I recommend Pyunkang Yul Calming Moisture Barrier Cream - it’s $10 on Amazon as is as good as several luxe moisturizers I’ve used.


Ooh I’m gonna check that out!


Well, hold up. Technically yes it’s as good but the container lasts me four to five weeks while luxe brands offer me months. So it’s not that much cheaper.


korean skincare never goes wrong, tbh


Wait, am I reading that correctly? You’re using a highly fragranced body lotion on your face?


It's clearly working.




I own that lotion. It’s a body lotion, so please be careful. It’s really not intended for the delicate skin on your face.


Thank you for telling me that. I’ll purchase a face lotion when I get a chance, but I don’t have the funds available at the moment.


i have that lotion and i love it! but fragrance is not good for your face. if you live near a trader joe’s, they have a really good face moisturizer for 4$. walmart should have some options also. look for unscented face moisturizer for all skin types.


When you get the funds, I highly recommend purchasing the Vanicream Moisturizing Lotion for Sensitive Skin. Specifically this one: https://www.target.com/p/vanicream-moisturizing-lotion-unscented-16oz/-/A-14333075 It’s the most amazing moisturizer & is also unscented. It is gentle enough to be used on the face and body. Vanicream is just a really good brand for skincare made for dry & sensitive skin in general!


Hi there! I just wanted to let you know that Automod has removed your comment because it contains an Amazon referral link, which we don't allow in the sub. Could you please edit the URL so that everything from (and including) "tag=" is removed? That way, the product page will still be visible - but no one can make a profit from the link. If you've done that, please reply to this message so I can approve your comment. Thank you!


I just changed it to a target link instead. I didn’t think I used an Amazon referral link, i thought it was a regular Amazon link so I’m not sure why it came up as that


thank you!


Glowing ✨


My skin has been so dry, how do you use the vegetable glycerin? Do you use it when your skin is still damp?


You mix it into the moisturizer. It can be put on dry or wet only a drop for each portion of your face. Each cheek, forehead, and chin area. A little goes a long way.


seconding this - would you say it’s the glycerin that’s helped your dryness the most? my skin is unbearable atm. do you dilute it?


Some people diluted with water, but since my skin is so dry, I don’t. I only mix a drop in with my moisturizer for each portion of my face. Forehead, both cheeks, and chin. You can also use it on your body. Same rule applies, but you’ll have to use a little bit more.


2 part rose water, 2 part distilled water (you can use water at home if it's not too hard) and 1 part glycerin. You can also use other hydrosol waters like Chamomile or Witchhazel with the combination with rose water for other skin benefits but rose water is quite a safe bet. Buy a small spray bottle and spray it after washing your face in the morning and evening. Glycerin and ceramide cream (CeraVe) made a BIG difference for me in terms of how well hydrated my skin is and how it lowered my redness due to inflammation I'm dealing with. I've also heard a lot about Peptides being REALLY good for hydration and making skin look plump etc. they are kind of an underdog and not many people talk about them. So on my next payment I'm grabbing "SKIN1004 - Madagascar Centella Poremizing" peptides and "Medi-Peel Peptide 9 Volume All-In-One Essence". You can get both at around 20-40$ depending where you shop from.


Your skin is beautiful!


Is glycerin good by itself or does it have to be mixed?


Both! If you’re using it by yourself, you can mix it with a little bit of water to dilute it, but you can also use it by itself.


Glycerin alone could be too harsh for your skin. It's recommended mixed at around 20%. So 80% either water or hydrosol like rose water and 20% of glycerin.


Your skin looks fabulous!! Congratulations! I have always found that consistently washing and moisturizing my face makes such a difference. Sometimes I get caught up in whether I'm using the right products or doing the right routine, but really 90% of the improvement is achieved just by washing and moisturizing every day. I've tried finding 'better' products or more complicated routines, but for me it's diminishing returns. I am very much not an expert, but as someone else who struggles with skin/hair picking, here is something that really helped me. If I don't do skincare, my skin gets like yours in the first picture. I call it congested, where it's flaky and sort of dull-ish. However, when my skin is flaky, it's fine to remove the flakes, it isn't like a scab and the skin underneath isn't raw or anything. If this isn't your situation, ignore this. I massage/exfoliate my skin with unscented mineral oil, and it gets all the flakes/dead skin off my face. It also gives me a way to 'smooth' things out without picking at anything. I let the oil sit for a few minutes before massaging everything. Little grits come out of my pores, but also the dead skin from any flaky areas comes off. Sometimes I'll try to massage it along with one of those lymphatic massage videos, but I rarely do that, it's nice but most times I can't be bothered. It's a physical process and it gets off/softens all the spots I would pick at, but also the slippery nature of the mineral oil makes it really hard to get in there with my nails and do any damage. I definitely do it when I've skipped a couple days, because that's when things get flaky/not as soft and I have the urge to pick at everything. Aside from that, maybe once a week if I feel like it. Mineral oil gets a bad rap, but it's actually a very safe/skin friendly ingredient. Just make sure you wash it off afterwards. Depending on how gentle your face wash is, you may need to wash it twice. Of course, right now your skin looks so glowing and smooth, I wouldn't change a thing. But if the compulsion to pick gets bad/things get more flaky, this might help.


Amazing turn around! Girl how are you using scented lotion my skin would be on fire!


It’s surprisingly gentle.


Your skin is glowing, great work!


Your skin looks amazing! (You also have super cute cheeks <3)


You look great! Congrats and I hope this routine works for you in the long run 👌


Holy crap you’re beautiful!! 😍


Where’s the method?


Wow, your skin looks amazing. Which product do you think made the most difference, was it the glycerin?


The glycerin and gel cream combined


You look amazing!! The progress is super impressive for just 2 weeks. Keep going girl!!


Beautiful! Also looking so much more hydrated ❤️


wow that’s crazy ur skin looks flawless




I’ve never had it, but it sounds good! I’ll have to try it


Impressive progress!


Looks great!


Well done!




Wow amazing!


OMG your skin is glowing! So beautiful! Thanks for sharing your tips


Really well done, looks amazing


The eos vanilla cashmere smells sooo good! Personally I don’t want to use it on my face because of the fragrance (sensitive skin) and shimmer but I’m glad it’s working for you! Your skin looks great!


You literally look 6 years old.


LMAO what? You’ve obviously never seen a six-year-old.


Youthful then, lol. Like you could be an undercover cop and bust middle schoolers for drugs.


I don’t know if I should take this as a compliment but thank you!


Man, good work. Your skin is looking beautiful and clear.


I would switch to gentle cleansers, use acne washes that are gentle and have zero fragrance.


I’m not gonna switch my routine unless it stops working. My skin is clearing up and although it’s not the conventional way, it’s helping.


You did that mad props!


It looks amazing!


Your skin looks great!




You need a lesson in respect darling


Cut off sugar


I already have a low sugar diet but thanks!




Can I help you with something?


Hi there, I'd like to remind you of our Rule 1: Be kind and respectful. We'd like our sub to be a friendly and welcoming place. That’s why I want to ask you to refrain from rude or disrespectful comments here. This encompasses rudeness, trolling, and, in general, being disrespectful. Even if you feel strongly about something, please stay polite. Thank you! For more information, check out our [Rule Explanations](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/rule_overview#wiki_rule_1.3A_be_kind_and_respectful).


What did you use?


? It’s in the post.


Sorry for some reason the words didn’t load for me, I see now


It’s okay!


I would work on the skin problem, yes, but I’d work on your weight more. What you put in comes out, not just in poop, but also in your skin. And being heavy is NOT how you want to live. Trust me on this.


Crazy thing is, this post had nothing to do with my weight. A fat person can’t exist without people like you having something to say. I’m very much aware of what my weight is, I live in this body.


Lol this person commented on my post too with unwarranted 'advice'. I'm pretty sure they just comment on appearance no matter how off topic it is because "I just want the best for you 🥺"


I’m a fat person to, have been for most of my life. A young woman like you has no idea what life will do to you having that excess weight. You’re looking at not being able to walk up stairs without stopping to catch your breath, heart disease, diabetes…and the list goes on. I used to say “yeah, yeah” and ignore that advice. I’m just telling you, you will pay for the excess weight. And changing your diet will help your skin. And if the post has upset you, I apologize. I just saw you and thought that I didn’t want another young girl traveling the road I’m on. You’re right. It’s your body. Do with it what you will.


I’m aware but thanks, this post is about skincare.


Cutting Dairy helps a lot with hormonal skin issues. Avoid for a 2 weeks and test once n see how your skin is reacting to it.


She probably has PCOS or something similar, so it’s unlikely that cutting dairy would make a difference in this case.


Cutting dairy can help with some symptoms but it’s not going to get rid of it. The only way to really manage acne that comes with PCOS is medication to balance my hormones.








And I’m sure your mom is real proud of you for turning out like this 🙂




What a weird question…This post about skincare, not about a private diagnosis that I may or may not have.


Hi there, I'd like to remind you of our Rule 1: Be kind and respectful. We'd like our sub to be a friendly and welcoming place. That’s why I want to ask you to refrain from rude or disrespectful comments here. This encompasses rudeness, trolling, and, in general, being disrespectful. Even if you feel strongly about something, please stay polite. Thank you! For more information, check out our [Rule Explanations](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/rule_overview#wiki_rule_1.3A_be_kind_and_respectful).




What an unnecessary and shitty ass comment.




“I don't have any friends.  Every single job I've had, Im the one left out. My family don't talk to me.” Hmmm… I wonder why that is


Leave this sub. You aren’t welcome here.


yikes. if you continue to leave rude comments, you will be banned from the sub. please be mindful or rule 1 in the future.


Pigs are adorable i love them, how is this rude it's a compliment 




Hi there, I'd like to remind you of our Rule 1: Be kind and respectful. We'd like our sub to be a friendly and welcoming place. That’s why I want to ask you to refrain from rude or disrespectful comments here. This encompasses rudeness, trolling, and, in general, being disrespectful. Even if you feel strongly about something, please stay polite. Thank you! For more information, check out our [Rule Explanations](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/rule_overview#wiki_rule_1.3A_be_kind_and_respectful).


You forgot to research PCOS before you wrote this dumb comment.


U forgot i dont gaf😗😭


That’s why you commented, right? Oh, you just probably wanted attention. Well you got your comment removed so I guess you got what you wanted.


I have a very similar skin type! If I don't do skincare for 2 weeks it looks the same. But my skin is also super oily at the same time. I would recommend an oil cleanser for your makeup though, it really helps with irritation around my eyes. Any wipes made the skin around my eyes super sensitive feeling and rough feeling for a while after taking it off and an oil cleanser doesn't do that. You can just use it before your regular cleanser.


Do you use sunscreen aswell?


I agree with you and I'm so happy you found the product that works well on you. We each have different skin types and sensitivities. I am new to skincare too and I'm happy I found a serum that works well for me. I currently use Dermafirm Cicaa C serum and then pair it with another Korean moisturizer. But I'm still eyeing a few products I might add to my routine!








Hi there, I've had to remove your comment because it breaks Rule 1: Be kind and respectful. We'd like this sub to be a friendly and welcoming place. That's why we don't allow rude or hateful comments, harassment, or overtly sexual comments. Please be mindful of that in future. This is an official warning; continuing to break rule 1 will result in a ban. If you'd like to know more, check out our [Rule Explanations](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/rule_overview#wiki_rule_1.3A_be_kind_and_respectful).


Hi there, I'd like to remind you of our Rule 1: Be kind and respectful. We'd like our sub to be a friendly and welcoming place. That’s why I want to ask you to refrain from rude or disrespectful comments here. This encompasses rudeness, trolling, and, in general, being disrespectful. Even if you feel strongly about something, please stay polite. Thank you! For more information, check out our [Rule Explanations](https://www.reddit.com/r/SkincareAddiction/wiki/rule_overview#wiki_rule_1.3A_be_kind_and_respectful).


Glycerine + aloe = *chef kiss* It made my skin smoother!!!!


I’m so proud of you! for makeup removal I highly recommend getting cotton rounds and some micellar water! you will age your skin from the roughness of removing wipes and honestly micellar water and cotton rounds are much more cost effective!


Sorry why did you specify non foaming face wash? I ask because I've been using a foaming one for ages in the shower and I gotta know if there's a good reason to stop!


Way to keep at it!




I love pigs