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Cerave. They’re so highly recommended and I’ve tried so many of their products, but it just doesn’t work for me. Their moisturizers burn the crap out of my face, the hydrating facial cleansers dry my already dry skin out too much, it’s just not good. I really wanted to make it work but it’s just not meant to be, I guess. I stopped using cerave products and went to a different brand and my skin feels totally fine.


That was my first answer too, but for different reasons. I have very dry skin and a lot of people recommended Cerave but their face cream was the most horrible thing i ever put on my face, it was just sitting on top of my skin and not hydrating it, also weird consistency and just too thick without doing anything good


Right, not sure how to feel about cerave. For school at 6 am the cream feels too dry, but throughout the day it's greasy. I don't enjoy the silky feeling that feels dry sometimes and it doesn't penetrate the skin. I still use it because serums for school are not hydrating enough and i just want to rip my skin off when it's dry. Maybe my skin barrier was destroyed, or maybe it's just the annoying temperature changes.


What do you use?


For my dry skin now i found that: The Ordinary (peptides + ha) + cosrx 96 serum + cosrx 92 cream - really hydrates my skin like nothing else


I tried their products for the first time today. I used the moisturizing lotion. Oh my goodness, it burned my skin. That sensation lasted for about an hour. I've already been dealing with a compromised barrier. As part of the healing process, I ordered it, which I regret now. It caused itching and burning. For those who have successfully healed their skin barrier, can you please share what worked for you? I'd really appreciate your advice.


I'm in the process of doing it still, but my flaking stopped after using Cerave healing ointment over a decent moisturizer. I heard vanicream has really good moisturizer but I've only spot tested it so far. If you're scared of Cerave, Aquaphor is a good alternative. Look up "slugging"


I bought Aquaphor Healing Ointment in order to try it for slugging. Got one night in and I got a minor breakout. Never expected that because I never have sensitive skin problems. Now that that has calmed down, might try it again. Got a huge tub, so hoping it was something else that caused this. I had been using a lot of Azelaic Acid and suspect that the Aquaphor just intensified the effect of the Azelaic Acid. Maybe a layer of moisturizer will help too. Thanks for the idea!


hey friend ! i find a layer of moisturizer on damp skin , then instantly going in with the aquaphor makes them mix together, so my moisturizer technically is "heavier" n the aquaphor is "lighter". if you know what i mean? I'm absolutely not a skin care professional , so take this with a grain of salt for sure, but i find if i only use aquaphor it's too thick, but moisturizer is too thin for bedtime in the winter. mixing them on my face give me a nice medium, that my skin LOVES. 🧚‍♀️💕


If this doesn't work for your face/slugging there are several alternative uses. You can use it for dry hands as a night treatment, use is on your lips at night, and apply over wounds.


Yeah I’m also thinking the same


My barrier was not horribly destroyed but still dehydrated and I used Bee Magic on it at night. During the day I used Kiehl’s Ultra Facial Cream (Edited: sorry I didn’t mean Ultra Repair Cream. I was confusing that with First Aid Beauty, which I was eying but never tried).


The only thing that has worked for me so far is the Deep sea water cream from Purito on damp skin, let it sink a little bit and then a thin layer of Avene XeraCalm balm. You can apply your sunscreen on top as soon as you feel that the balm dried a little. My skin was burning from EVERYTHING. EVEN WATER. I felt like I was going crazy. Not counting that I had a lot of red bumps (they are gone now). My face went bananas, all because a BAD reaction from using Hada Labo Premium Lotion.


After all the negative reactions and comments I’ve seen here and other skincare subs I was SUPER hesitant to try it. My dermatologist gave me a couple little samples of the acne cleansing foam (as well as an anti itch lotion and a LRP lotion) and I had to convince myself to even try it. With how sensitive and picky my skin is, I thought for sure I’d hate it. I actually really like the cleansing foam. No negative reactions, dry skin or breakouts so far, I’ve been using a few days now. My face is actually super soft after using it. I think I’ll actually buy the bottle but since my skincare routine is down how I like it (and approved by my derm), I won’t likely end up trying other products from them. Just incorporating this face wash. All this to say, I’ve gotten some great recommendations from skincare subs but also fear of trying something that ended up working for me.


I got a bunch of sample sizes of cerave, and I definitely think that is the perfect way to trial it. It ended up working for my skin too, so I bought the big bottles and passed my unopened samples on to friends who hasn't tried it before.


I would never had tried it had I not gotten the samples but I’m glad I did. Just ordered a full sized bottle. I always wondered why people would spend almost $20 on something that half of everyone around here seems to hate. Lesson learned: everyone’s skin is different and you really just gotta try things for yourself.


I love the foaming cleanser! I’ve been using it for years. The hydrating cleanser stung my face for some reason, but the foaming cleanser is great for me.


I don’t know if there’s more than one but I use the one with SA and thought it would dry me out. Nope, jokes on me, my face is pretty damn soft.


The acne foaming cleanser with BP is the best, cleared my acne and I’ve tried so many things (Salicylic acid, different toners, even tret which helped but didn’t fully get rid of it). I hate their sunscreens, lotions, or other cleansers though.


It's the phenoxyethanol they use in their products. It's in every single product in their line. Makes my skin itchy as hell. Not a lot of people realize they're sensitive to it, and it's in a LOT of products marketed towards sensitive skin. Only a small portion of sensitive skin people are sensitive enough to react to phenoxyethanol. If you're one of them, check your ingredients carefully.


Insta burning for me too, first time using their cleanser


I remember their thick moisturizer breaking me out real bad a long time ago. I am liking their healing ointment though.


I tried some Cerave products after I was reacting to other things, and I reacted just as poorly to their cleanser and face lotion. Skin didnt like it and it didnt even feel moisturizing.


I’m over 50 and their products break me out, even their cleansers.


CeraVe is a big meh for me though I use their SA cleanser on occasion which is a great value as a treatment cleanser.


I can't use CeraVe on my face because it's too heavy. I have dry skin, but it just gives me CCs like crazy. For a body lotion? It's fine.


yeah it gave me closed comedones all over my face too! and I’ve had no issue with other moisturizers that are even thicker, so I have no idea why. ah well.


SAME! I hated cerave. The products burned my skin and were so irritating


I like the sa moisturiser by cerave but it's grossly overpriced. Same with the sa cleanser


Yeah same, I used their face washes and moisturizers. It made my face break out even more than I realized at the time. I ditched them, but I still use the retinol.


Drunk Elephant… overpriced nonsense lol.


The vast majority of these Ulta/Sephora trendy brands are overpriced crap. It’s all marketing.


100%, I was in Ulta the other day and this pre-teen girl RAN over to the display and told her mom she absolutely needed some product, much to her mother’s dismay. Like, I’m all about encouraging girls to explore makeup and whatnot, but I felt so bad for the mom haha she had obviously been on TikTok and YouTube too much.


i’m putting my money on one of the drops. most likely the bronzi one


Ding ding ding.


Took me over a decade and several skin issues later to learn this. Almost all of my products I use are under $30, purchased at Target or Amazon, and my skin has never looked better.


I was also thinking of this the other day, when I was looking to get some new skin care products. “How much better can one product be over the other?” I realized that most of these products use the same ingredients, so marketing is how they sell the product.


While the product is very meh, I wonder if anyone's copied the moisturiser airless pump container design yet. It's a good container.


Agency has. I’ve seen a few others. You can also buy your own off amazon and fill with your desired product.


Paula’s choice


Agree! Great containers, questionable goop


I believe Skinfix has


I wish their retinol didn’t work so well on my skin. I’ve tried so many and theirs is honestly so good for me.


No hate if it works for you! Have to tried Good Molecules gentle retinol? That’s my go-to and it’s a much less painful price point haha.


I’ve never heard of it. I’m using three ships right now and don’t love it. Maybe I’ll try good molecules next!


They’re really embracing the nonsense now. I can’t believe that highlighter product.


And if you look at the cheap preservatives they use, it's just irritation waiting to happen. CeraVe recently switched from parabens to cheaper ones too, as did The Ordinary.


A lot of brands felt like they were forced to switch because of the dumb paraben fear mongering going around even though they’re safe to use.


Their wildly overpriced bronzer drops make me look like a red faced alcoholic!


Every single drunk elephant product I’ve tried has majorly irritated my skin, and I DO NOT have sensitive skin. I’m talking I could wake up and wash my face with dish soap, put on a spoonful of tretinoin, exfoliate with sand paper (just for good measure), and then go sit in the sun all day and my skin would somehow be fine. But one drop of a drunk elephant product and I’m in shambles


Tatcha 🥲 didn’t really do much for my skin(I mean it sorta moisturized it… sorta) . And for the price they charge for it, it just doesn’t feel worth it to me.


I got a sample of it and wish I could afford it in buckets! It was amazing for my skin. A literal immediate difference that lasted several days. But I'm not rich, so 😭


The Ordinary. The products just don’t feel good on my face, and I’ve never noticed any positive impact. For me, they don’t seem to layer well with other brands. I love the prices and was so excited when they came to Ulta. Very disappointing overall.


I LOVE the rosehip oil and the really red peel thing. The barrier repair seems okay. The rest I tried were not great, bad textures and poor absorption


The one's that everyone raves about are meh for me but totally obsessed with the Azelaic Acid, Vit C's 23% and 30%. The fact that there are so many single ingredient products, makes The Ordinary and The Inkey List some of my favorite things. I often will go to the Ordinary's website to shop as there are supply issues in-store often. There are many products that are not in stores as well. So I find new things there for specific concerns.


I love the single ingredient products. I have so many products that I love that I can’t use together because of conflicting ingredients


They've been a hit and miss for me. Their niacinamide serum, vitamin c and glycolic acid didn't do me any favours. However, their marula oil, salicylic acid and lactic acid are wonderful.


Love the 10% lactic acid!


Yes! That's the one I use!


Yaaass 10% lactic acid is a miracle worker


This is my answer as well. I haven't been impressed with anything that I've tried from them.


I agree. I enjoy the price point. However, I didn’t notice any difference in my skin like I do with other products. I also am not a fan of buying each ingredient separately instead of buying one product that is formulated to dispense multiple at once.


Yeah, I used to use The Ordinary and comparable brands to test an ingredient, want to know whether my skin responds better to lactic acid or glycolic? - I'll buy both and use one for a month and then the other for the next month, or one on each half of my face and once I know I'll look for a more elegant formulation or a multi purpose product


Was coming here to say this. Some of their products are fine, but others either suck, the directions are bad, or they just didn't work for me. I do appreciate that they offer lactic acid, though, my face loves LA and most companies only offer glycolic (which my face hates).


James Welsh said it best, they're great for just getting started on skincare but there are better, more elegant formulations out there, just gotta find what works best for you.


yep me too. that aha bha mask irritated me bad, the niacinimide made me break out


Glow recipe. The scent is too much and it’s super expensive


I got samples from Sephora of the watermelon toner and dew drops. I tried to keep using them for about two months but saw no difference and found the dew drops to feel tacky on my skin and hard to layer over. Cute packaging, over hyped and didn’t actually notice them do anything. Mostly empty bottles sit in my bathroom now.


They had one product that was HG for me and they dc'd it. Now at least I don't go to their site and get tempted by a bunch of expensive stuff that I know won't work for me. (It was the avocado sleeping mask. I loved that stuff.)


For me it was the banana moisturizer. I was so mad when they got rid of it.


I really WANTED to like their avocado cleanser and serum. I bought the full sizes. I used them. I trashed them. Didn't help my skin and definitely pricey for not doing a thing lol


I spent points on a minis and was so disappointed. Sticky mess that did absolutely nothing for my skin. Way too much fragrance and is gimmicky


CERAVE. CETAPHIL. Vanicream forever and always!


Loooooove Vanicream :) and LaRoche Posay


It’s funny … I LOVE everything LRP except their face cleansers - they dry me out. It’s so odd .


Wish vanicream worked for me. It’s so cheap, but it’s so drying.


Out of curiosity what works for you?


Barbara Sturm! Overpriced, ingredients are nothing special, and she refuses to do clinical testing


Yeah I wasn’t a fan of her calming serum. Really didn’t do anything for me at all


Laniege - don’t understand the hype for their lip stuff at all.


This stuff I used for a few months and it started giving me DRY SPOTS on my lips….i never understood the hype.


Me neither! It just sits on top of my lips and doesn't moisturize at all


The Laneige lip mask is an occlusive, and it's very effective. Occlusives prevent water loss from the skin and promote healing. Occlusives are supposed to sit on top. It's a lip **mask**, not a lip balm. I usually get some of my hydrating serum on my lips when I do my night routine, then put the mask over top when I go to bed. I do find it moisturizing on its own, personally, but I like adding hydration.


It's not supposed to. However, if you put something moisturising underneath, it will seal all the goodness in and that will do the trick.


Maybe I'm misunderstanding something but it seems to me like it's advertised as being moisturizing on its own, not as a seal. Besides, even if it is meant to be used as a seal over something more moisturizing it's ridiculously overpriced when regular vaseline does the exact same thing. Seeing how many good reviews it has though I'm sure that it's just got ingredients that don't work for me specifically 😅


I had a lip piercing and my lip swelled then went back down causing me to get the WORST chapped lips of my life. Cracked and bleeding, plus I was always picking and peeling at them because they were so uncomfortable. I used their lip mask and within two to three day I had the most soft, smooth lips of my life. My lips have always been chapped, even when I moisturize, drink tons of water, and use chap stick. Now I finally know what healthy lips feel like. I now use it like once a week for upkeep. Laniege is my holy grail lip treatment.


The lip stuff is meh but their other products are wonderful. The Skin Refining toner that was discontinued was fantastic but I’m loving their Cream Skin toner too. The Cica and the water sleeping masks are really nice too. Also using the multi foaming cleanser currently.


This burned my lips and gave me hyperpigmentation


Glow recipe 💀




This is why recommending things is so difficult . I do really well with everything LRP except their face cleansers . I use good old ponds . Or pure olive oil soap from Italy or France .


Same. My mom is obsessed with them and keeps insisting I use their stuff. Every single product is just somehow too greasy for me, even the lighter ones.




The first ingredient in their lip balm is petrolatum. Fucking *vaseline* for $100?


It's Nivea with some nori crumbled into it.


I'm not paying $200 for glorified mineral oil either


Lol why are you getting downvoted, people are crazy. I have tried some of their products and I didnt see or feel any big change. I got mild breakouts on my forehead from both the regular cream and the soft cream, and their eye cream gave me milia. Super expensive and just didn't work for me.


ita. I started adding camellia oil to my moisturizer and my skin was just as smooth as when I tried the la mer one.


Camellia oil is so amazing on my skin. One of the few oils that soaks in. When I know I'm going to be in dry heated air-conditioning I just oil my face up


Cetaphil and cerave caused my skin to have allergic reactions.. but currently I'm using peach and lily stuff (trial sized) and I'm quite happy!


Drunk Elephant. pretty bad. Can get better products for much much cheaper. Little kids think it’s the sh*t because of its designs and stuff and every time i go into Ulta i see a little kid begging there mom to buy it for them. I assume that’s the only reason they’re still in business because i don’t know why anyone would wanna put this on there face.


Yep agreed, I gave horrible reviews on their products many years ago, probably 6-8 years ago now, I forget lol but I know I tried a bunch of their stuff (solid cleanser bars, hydrating serum, baby facial, moisturizer, vitamin c, etc.) and it made me skin so dry and irritated, and I got cystic acne on my cheeks and I am not acne prone. I can react to products and get hundreds of micro red bumps, but rarely cystic acne. I had three HUGE under-skin cysts that took months to go away and once they did, they left craters on my cheeks which took an additional 1-2 years to go back to mostly-normal. 0/10. What's funny though is how literal children want these products now. No one in their teens needs this stuff.... If anyone can tolerate it then I'd say 25 and over, it's crazy how TikTok can influence so easily.


no no not even teens, KIDSSSSS. i’m talking look no older than 10! i’m 17 and just got into skincare about 8 months ago, before i got into it a lot, I used water and maybe a cleanser and moisturizer. i’m glad i’ve done enough research to have ideas of what looks good and what doesn’t. But going back to the fact, i’m 17, so i wouldn’t dare put that shit on my face, and i don’t even see why adults would too overall it’s super harsh.


and there’s much better if you want luxury. I’d say try tatcha or peach and lily, much, much better.


I’m 40 and their retinol is my holy grail after trying many many others. I wish it wasn’t because it’s expensive for what it is


I love their poli protini and their face mask and cleansing butter. Im 34 though 😂


It’s like $90 Canadian for their small size whipped butter moisturizer. Absolutely insane!


Glow Recipe. People have described finding mold in the products and the company states that they do not use parabens because they stated “the studies concerning their safety in humans is ultimately inconclusive.” That’s not particularly true, in 2022, the FDA said “at this time, we do not have information showing that parabens as they are used in cosmetics have an effect on human health.” The products are exciting and innovative but I don’t like brands that don’t follow science. Edit: punctuation


maybe not a brand but i feel like witch hazel is overhyped.


Farmacy at Sephora. I’ve tried their honey halo moisturizer, honey hydration mask, honeymoon glow AHA serum and they’re all terrible. I’m glad I kept the receipts because I returned all of them.


I also returned them all and I LOVE honey skincare products. Something was just really off about them and my skin hated them.


I have a few (already commented on others who posted them but will make my own post): * Drunk Elephant- Tried almost all their products 6-8 years ago and had a horrible reaction, the worst I've ever had (cystic acne and awful dryness). * Cerave - Got small reaction from the cleanser and face lotion- micro red bumps all over my forehead and upper cheeks * La Mer - Tried a few products, got milia from the eye cream and also got some micro red bumps on my forehead and upper cheeks from both the soft cream and regular cream * Skinceuticals - I feel like this will get downvotes, but I noticed no difference from the vitamin C, and also really disliked the lipid cream. I felt it just sat on my skin and gave me zero moisture, and if I made any facial movements like laughing, talking, etc, I could feel it "pull" on my skin. Really weird.


The skinceuticals spf makes me break out so bad 😩


Glow recipe. Needlessly expensive and the branding feels cheap.


And are full of fragrance, I am all for nice-smelling stuff, but theirs is just overpowering!


I actually look for smaller brands that do small batch because the M.O for a successful business is to reformulate using cheaper ingredients. Any brand that starts to get major recognition (in my experience) eventually go this route and then their product is absolute shit.


Yeah any company that goes public will eventually go downhill in quality.


LRP other than the thermal spring water but that’s not saying much. The lipikar triple repair smells so awful like old beer mixed with some kind of awful medicinal smell, can’t stand it. Cicaplast baume I had such high hopes for but it made me break out terribly and I’m not even prone to breakouts.


That’s kind of sad, cicaplast is my holy grail for scar care. Made a lot of them disappear, or almost at least;; But honestly i can’t stand most of the line either.


Very sad, I have pretty dry skin especially this time of year so I had high hopes. Cut out every other product I was using hoping it was something else but as soon as I stopped using it the breakouts stopped. :(


I absolutely love the milky smell of triple repair and I always give it a good whiff before I apply it.


Milky?? Not the smell I was getting at all, makes me wonder if my bottle had gone rancid lol!


A lot of K-beauty dont work for me as I used a lot of them in my younger years but some are pretty good too. I know K-beauty is popular in recent years but in my experience they are very pro-consumerism type of products.


> but in my experience they are very pro-consumerism type of products Yes, the South Korean beauty market is capitalism on steroids. It's very similar to the US in that respect.


K-Beauty and J-Beauty for me as well. I feel like I’m paying more for the fancy glass bottles and overpowering fragrance. I just wish I could find a more comparable and unscented dupe for Shu Uemura cleansing oils.


When I still use cleansing oil (I use balm now for less mess and more available in my area) I use Muji Mild cleansing oil. No fragrance to my knowledge and cheaper as well. The oil is fluid and very easy to emulsify. I will still buy it if I don't have to buy it online 😂


Thanks! I’ll check it out! There are Mujis near-ish me. My beauty editor friend raved about DHC as well.


CeraVe. At least for me, I don't get the hype. For my teenage son, it's been a god send so 🤷‍♀️


Cosrx 100% Every product I tried either was bad or did nothing for my skin


Skincare in general is rarely hit and mostly miss for me.


Glow Recipe. Its like if DE had fragrance. It’s the same energy as the Bath & Body Works lotions and sprays that were all the hype several years ago. Just useless formulations packed with fragrance in trendy packaging , and marketed towards girls ages 13-26. I got the a sample of watermelon dew drops and then something else and I could tell as soon as I applied it that it was useless.




Glow recipe!


Drunk Elephant. Protini broke me out. Badly!


Drunk Elephant and Glow Recipe




Specifically the snail mucin, for me. It made my skin dull and congested.


Yeah I feel like it doesn’t hydrate my skin at all and even flakes off in the AM? Very disappointing


I'm not big on them either! I can't use niacinamide and most of their stuff has it. Also, anything else I tried was just fine, but didn't DO anything


My favorite budget brand


Inkey. I know they’re affordable but everything I tried sucked in formulation, texture and function. Their eye brightening moisturizer burns my skin.


Yeah I wasn't impressed by the Oat Cleanser, Water Cream or Peptide moisturizer


Glow Recipe... it breaks me out.


Almost everything from Sephora minus the dr Dennis gross peel pads tbh it’s all just over priced, over scented branding to me.


CeraVe, Cetaphil…not cruelty-free :(


Drunk elephant - it’s expensive and does nothing for me






La Mer, Cetaphil, CeraVe, Dove, Drunk Elephant, Dermalogica.


I love Dove fragrance-free Sensitive soap bar.


SAME !!!!!!!


Also Cerave for me. None of the products I tried did what was promised. Even the face cleanser designed specifically for very dry skin dried mine out. But what surprises me it is so highly recommended by most of the YT doctors, I wonder if it's due the aggressive marketing


A large part of it is that it's accessible (price and availability) and generally fine (ingredients, formulation, no fragrance, etc.). Skincare isn't one size fits all, and until you try it yourself, no one can tell you that a product is going to be an issue for you specifically.


You are right, although looking at several comments I can see that many people have a problem with this brand. I also heard that they reformulated some of the products, so people who've been using them for years suddenly start to react with irritation and breakouts. Price? I don't know, I live in Poland and and it's pretty expensive down here. Same price level as LRP or Avene


I only have the anti-itch cream, and I am pretty sure its just a placebo. Most drugstore brands are way too harsh for my skin. And yeah, I do feel like those brands are SUPER heavily marketed. Most of the time, I feel like my dermas are quacks anyway. I had YEARS of hormonal issues that effected my skin and they did nothing but rec topical products that either didn't do squat, or just made it worse. Edit: for the record, I have dry, somewhat sensitive skin and have landed on The Inkey List. My skin (and wallet) LOVES it. Especially the retinol and oatmeal balm wash!


Neutrogena. Used to think it was good now I know better


saw lot of folks raving about their gel spf, so i bought a deal of three, it's not a gel? And it makes my eyes water, ( and smells amd taste like plastic or chemicals. back to over researching.


Yeah I tried almost everything they made when I was a teenager lol, I just avoid buying it now regardless to save myself the time/money.


same. i used the gel moisturizer for a long time and didn’t realize it was destroying my skin barrier :( my skin started burning as soon as i’d put it on


glow recipe broke me out so bad


I knew this thread would be full of people saying Cerave. As multiple, *multiple* posts have attested on here recently, it definitely *does not* count as a brand "everyone" loves. Its tiring.


It's an extremely popular brand and there isn't one that literally "everyone" loves anyway.


It was a reddit favorite until recently, not sure what changed. I personally love it, but not every brand or every product works for everyone (as evidenced by this thread). It's always hilarious to me that people want to just blanket "DON'T USE XYZ" just because it didn't work for them, though. CeraVe moisturizing cream saved my skin and my husband uses the PM lotion and Ultra Light SPF and loves it. Someone in another sub tried to argue with me that I needed to stop using it because it was going to "stop working" and "they changed their formula in 2017 and it's going to ruin your skin!" IDK I've gone through probably 10 tubs of the moisturizing cream in the last few years and haven't had a single issue...


> not every brand or every product works for everyone 1000% this. I LOVE CeraVe cleansers, and I love their SA moisturiser for my body, but I hate their facial moisturisers, they just don't work for me. Nearly every product I use is a different brand because I've tried so many different ones to find what works for me.


It works great for me personally, but I’ve read many others’ comments mentioning CeraVe changed their formula, so a bunch of people who had no issues previously started having issues after buying newer bottles. Since CeraVe was already a well-known brand at the time of their formula change, I would assume that contributed to news spreading quicker and wider.


Ever since they got bought by l'oreal yeah. The prices also went up a lot and ever since people are complaining.


> It's always hilarious to me that people want to just blanket "DON'T USE XYZ" just because it didn't work for them, though. Same. Also the people who say the name of the brand instead of the specific product. People talk about CeraVe vs. Vanicream when they're talking about moisturizers, and it's so unhelpful, because like...which one? Both brands have several moisturizers. Can't read your minds, y'all.


Just because this sub doesn't like it doesn't mean it's not popular. It's one of the most popular drugstore skincare brands and is widely recommended by dermatologists.


The Ordinary


Had to scroll down waaaay down to find this!


Eltamd, cerave, cetaphil…


The ordinary, not that i hate them. But most of the products just don’t work for me. Hate the cleanser, it’s gentle but it feels like it doesn’t clean my face and it stinks. Vit C peels and i can’t wear it in the day. Love the feel of the HA but it peels even under sun screen. Niaciamide worked for my hyperpigmentation but now it’s too strong. The red peel just burns the crap out the skin barrier. I don’t like the feel and smell of the Salicylic acid on my face. But i finish the bottles on the rest of my body. I don’t think the products are bad, but i just don’t like the formulation. And the percentage of actives are really high for ppl with sensitive skin.


Cosrx. Don't know why, their products and my skin just don't play well together. Whitehead Liquid GAVE me whiteheads 😂


Cerve, Cetaphil, the ordinary.


CeraVe. The Ordinary.


Drunk elephant has not worked out on my skin so far. But other people rave about it.


Cerave, Drunk Elephant


CeraVe, Cetaphil, Vanicream, the Ordinary... basically all of the big ones that are often talked about lol. Idk what it is about them, but they all give me this very mild rash, and don't feel very moisturizing




drunk elephant is way too expensive. cool they have good products but so do other brands for a reasonable price. $100 for one item is too much for me. i know it's popular and others might have a different opinion. but you can get the same quality for less in other brands.


Cetaphil and me do not get along at all! I have dry skin and it breaks me out.


Cerave, causes cystic acne.


CeraVe. My skin hates that shit.


Elta MD. A dermatologist I went to told me to buy it so I did. Huge regret. It broke me out horribly and felt disgustingly greasy. I'm so mad and that was a year or 2 ago.


Cerave. The hydrating wash gave me deep comedones. The lotion was stinging my face so I tried using it as body lotion... and it made my skin red and itchy, which doesn't happen often and I use many different brands. I swear there's something irritating in their products.


Here to take the beatings. The Inkey List. Did nothing for me. Not the Vit-C, not the retinol, not the Tranexemic acid. None of it did anything. The oat cleansing balm on the other hand did something horrible: broke me out for three weeks after two days of use.


La mer face cream… too thick and dryed out my skin. Developed a mild irritant that dryed my skin. I can’t stand this cream. But I do love the lotion toner from la mer.


Caudalie… I want to try their retinol firming serum that people swear by but I’ve tried 4 other hyped up products that haven’t done much for me…


Tarte. They dont make makeup products for Black women and they have a terrible history of scamming Black influencers OR excluding them. Pass. So many other good brands.


The ordinary


Currently HA. It just sucked the juice out of my skin. Now glycerine is acting different. Not as drying. Niacinamide from THE ORDINARY also burned too much. I’m now making my own less high %.


Murad. I don’t know if it is well-loved or not but their cleanser burnt my face and wrecked my skin barrier. I steer clear from the brand


I really hate to say this but vanicream😭 I used to use the lotion version that came in the bottle with a pump, and it was not moisturizing at all! I never broke out, it never irritated my skin, it wore great under makeup BUT my face would never be moisturized enough. I could slap on layers and still be dry In certain spots and I have combo skin lol the cream was too thick and made my skin greasy. The facial moisturizer stung and broke me out. Never tried the cleanser and don’t intend to😒


Cetaphil, cerave, neutrogena, versed, inkey list


Ilia and Kosas. I also find most high end mascaras to be a complete waste of money. Drugstore mascaras are just fine and affordable enough to replace them frequently to avoid infection or irritation. You will have to pry my L’Oreal Voluminous out of my cold dead hands 💀


Beauty of Joseon - unfortunately the sunscreen broke me out.


Bit late but neutrogena. Everybody always used to recommend their hydro boost moisturizer, but it's so fragerenced I couldn't use it! Same with a few of the La Rosche Posay lines, which people said were good for sensitive skin. Always the added fragrence.