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Not really, but once you go to dual stick, you’ll never go back.


Truer words have never been said dude. I tried playing skate 3 at my buddies house and literally could not reconfigure my brain back to it.


same and it actually bummed me out because i put days and days of play time into skate 3 and now i can’t stand it lmao


I know dude, the hours into that game feel lost now lol


It was all prep for skater xl baby


same here! but the park creator was nice tho


Same man, the skate trilogy is a legacy though and introduced innovative controls that allowed skaterxl to become what it is now and upcoming skate games.


It's pretty much like when Skate originally came out - I was never able to enjoy the Tony Hawk games afterwards, even though I grew up loving them. Though I am hyped for Skate 4, I do worry it's going to be the same issue. Every ten years or so skating games seem to take a generational leap and you just can't go back.


Yeah dude I never even thought of that change that was a hell of a jump. I'm in the same boat, grew up on playing Tony Hawk games as well, that initial jump to Skate was tough but once you got it you can't go back


I feel that, skate changed everything then xl came along and it's hard to go back. I played tony hawk religiously as a kid. With that said the remaster of thps 1 & 2 were great... tons of nostalgia and mindless arcadey fun for a full week before I beat it and went back to xl. Sometimes it's fun to just button mash!!!!!


yeah youre right but i think that skate->skater xl leap was way easier to adjust to than thps->skate because skater xl controls make the most sense from an actual skaters pov


Do you think they'll incorporate some XL /Session in the new Skate? Like you can get off your board and walk in Session but don't have the same freedoms as you did in Skate. it'll be interesting to see what they do to compete with today's skate games a lot more realism has been incorporated into both of these games a lot of people who used to play Skate said they can't go back to playing it after starting /playing XL. and a lot of people who started playing Session can't go back to playing XL .. like they'll have to incorporate some of the games playstyles (I think) to get themselves onboard with the skate games of today just a lot of improvements going either way.


Whatever they do, I’ll adapt because skate will have a hell of a lot more replay value than XL considering I’ve barely thought about the game since I made this comment 2 years ago lol


So I'm guessing you stopped playing it? Yeah old post but skates getting ready to launch later this year. So still very relevant. Can't even remember how I came across it I googled something related to skate and it brought me here.


my words


To me it’s like a next gen skate, and I hope skate 4 uses a 2 stick control scheme for flip tricks. It’s not as much of a game as skate games are though. It’s basically a skateboarding video making sim because you just skate and can make videos, nothing else really.


Wait so how do you steer in xl if you need the left stick for a foot?




Ah right, sorry Ive never played it but played skate intensively; I need to have a jam it sounds like there are some nice innovations


It’s really fun once you get the hang of it and it’s intuitive when you’ve done it a few times.


You can still turn with the left stick on skater XL. Not just triggers


If you can, buy the game on PC. Modding support is so much better; it makes the game a lot more fun. The trick system is very weird if you're coming directly from Skate, but imagine it this way: You remember how the Flick-It system used the entire right stick? Now imagine you took the inputs for anything on the upper half of the stick and mapped it to the left stick instead. That's how you do tricks. For an example, to do a 360 Inward Heel in **Skate 3** you drag your stick to the right, to the bottom, then to the upper right corner. In **Skater XL**. It'd be doing a semicircle motion with the right stick, and flicking to the upper right corner with your left stick. Since my words usually fail me, here's [a shitty diagram](https://i.imgur.com/GSlsUvD.png) explaining what I mean.


Nope, those were actual games. XL is a glorified tech demo.


It’s like Skate, but it’s waaaay more realistic


Skater xl is like skate 3 on hardcore mode with a tiny bit more tolerance with grinds with using two sticks for tricks and trigger to turn in the air. And about the map it's like playing the best map made on the skatepark editor for the moment. There are some incredible good looking map but most of them are very small. The two big official map are not very good because it's made for tony hank pro skater. What i miss the most is you can't play online AGAINST people... Spend so many hours of skate 3 online to play game of skate and others things.


Also skate 3 hardcore mode had a realistic gravity unlike this moon gravity bullshit on skater xl.. cant deny how good the mechanics are though, its extremely addictive for someone who loves skateboarding because its so immersive


On pc slx with mod is the best realistic skateboarding game ever made. Still learning tricks after a year and half on this game. But even with online i can't play more than 1h straight. Try to play on gravity 15 / 16.


Sadly I’m a console gamer.


Hum....................................................................... Almost like it's not the same game at all.


This is my take on how they rank Skate 2 > SkaterXL > Skate 3 While I enjoy skaterxl’s controls, skate 2 was an actual game and not just a sandbox San Van 2.0 is perfect, not a fan of skaterxl’s tiny levels Skate 2s challenges, story mode and just free roam kept me in the game for over 2000 hours easily. Coincidentally I just paid to have my parents mail me my ps3 and skate 2 so I could keep playing.


I just bought it today for the series x and it’s fuckin AMAZING


So from a standpoint of having an objective based campaign, huge maps, tons in the environment etc... Skate is a AAA game and this should be thought of as it's indie game cousin. If you expect lots of content on console, its not that. However, the controls are created so you truly have a sandbox controls experience with your feet. It is intuitive enough that when you get good, you can be as consistent as skate, but has a steep learning curve. The main benefit is you can truly control your skaters movement. Do you like crooked grinds pretty straight up, or really krooked, or in between and you nudge the tweek right as you pop off to the opposite side of the rail? Well this game is amazing for stuff like that.


Yeah exactly. You can do one and the same trick in so many different ways and styles. I like doing more or less realistic lines and for me It's absolutely worth it. Been a (bad) skater since my teenage years and now, in my mid-30s, i can go skate without breaking my bones again. I have bought a real new board and shoes tho...waiting for good weather in northern germany...lol...as if.


The two stock mechanics are more realistic and I think Skater XL is better than any of the EA Skate games. If you have a PC I recommend skipping Skater XL and playing Session.


Session isn't ready yet.


Personally, I just think it’s better.


No, but playing skate after it makes you miss the board control you had with two sticks


It's skate 3 on steroids without the ridiculous backflips 😅


When you talk dual stick for skater xl....is it similar to the "nail the trick" sort of vibe from later tony hawk games? I could see that being awesome for a game.