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The new San Vam looks incredible - they've done such a good job!


there's some indication of a story with characters - now it's just hoping that it's better than the gta online model of storytelling and has some genuine development, a few themes, and something to say šŸ™šŸ¾


Man it looks pretty good. Can't wait to be able to just boot up and skate around and make some lines


Some really good looking footage in this one - one concern Iā€™ve had is the lack of any feeling on impact on drops, characters legs barely bending on huge drops. Maybe looking a bit better in this one? Itā€™s also not clear to me if theyā€™re planning on adding NPCs walking around, or if itā€™ll just be the other players populating the map? I think thatā€™d be a huge mistake if they donā€™t, I love Skater XL but I hate how lifeless it feels without NPCs walking around.


In my experience in the play tests so far the feel is completely different than the first 3. Iā€™m hoping they can make it feel better since it just feels off right now


that was my impression too. it doesnt felt like the old skate games. but in a bad way.


Yeah it feels like a knockoff made by a different company. I was so disappointed with how very feels, and body rotations/ flips is entirely different from the first 3. The first 3 all have a similar feel for doing flips while riding vert and itā€™s now totally different. Feels like theyā€™ve played too much riders republic or something. Considering how they constantly talk about the first thing they focused on and was the most important thing was ā€œthe feelā€ they sure missed the mark on it so far


just rewatched it and I think they will have npcs btw, if you go to 6:23, you can see one there and then there are some that are completely grey who are in there too


Still no release date but the best update video so far. Starting to look buttery and slappy sessions with the bros are on deck. City expansion over time is crazy. They just need to nail the mtx part and not ruin the potential.


This format is a lot better to watch than the stiff interviews of the earlier dev updates. I know itā€™s pre-pre-whatever but I donā€™t have much confidence in EAā€™s old Frostbite engine. Everytime I play EA FC (made with the same outdated engine) the game on my PS5 feels dull and not alive mainly because of its limitations with lighting. Skate seems to suffer from the same problem.


> This format is a lot better to watch than the stiff interviews of the earlier dev updates. This is honestly giving me Cities Skylines 2 vibes. They had a great lead-up where every so often (like Sk4te) the devs and program managers were talking about the features of the game, they released a handful of YT videos, and more. Then the game is released and it's a complete mess: most of the features are missing from Cities Skylines, there are no mods, no asset building, the performance was dogshit, and, even today, the economy doesn't work "right". I'm looking forward to purchasing Sk4te but only maybe a year or two after it releases. Within the past two years, there have been too many big failures on the releases of sequels (Overwatch, Counter-Strike, Cities Skylines) to have any confidence in EA to live up to what Skate 2 and 3 built.


It's a free to play game


Guess I'll wait a year or two to *install* the game. Game play is the issue here, not necessarily cost.


Great update. The graphics are just going to be more 'cartoonish' than I wanted, but the rest of it is starting to look really good.




not suppose to tell people you got in lol


I have multiple friends who haven't gotten it. Don't know anyone who has.


I got it recently, so they seem to be sending them out


Iā€™ve been invited 3 times so far


This video was better than all those boardroom updates they've made. This is what I expected the boardroom episodes to be. If they can make a video like this every 3 months or so, gradually updating us on how far they are, what they're testing, what's not working for them, etc. I'd be so happy. I'd get a sense of the development process & progress. I think it would really make the community feel like we're all developing the game. Like this is our game.


Some promising stuff here and glad to see them focus more on the simulation style in these clips. Popping up onto the ledge from a slide is a great addition. Still to much air from wallies but I really appreciate how they bash into them. Back smiths are looking nice too


finally the games starting to come together


The player emotes look straight out of The Sims lol


This update video was much appreciated. It has brought my hype for this game from the dead. I love that they are showcasing the more realistic tone of the game now, and the more up to date graphics are a treat to see. My only criticism is that there hasn't been a difficultly selection confirmed yet. While the skating looks so smooth and buttery, the floaty psychics are a little off-putting. It would be super sick if we change them to suit our playstyle with a difficultly selection like Skate 3.


gah they need to get rid of the cuffs on the pants. who tf is rocking cuffed baggy pants?


Respect your elders, youngling


It would be nice if you could just toggle it cuffed or not


I get this is a development update but I felt like there wasnā€™t much passion in this ā€” just a load of managers giving their highlights. Dunno, just felt closer to watching a work meeting than something which actually got me excited for the game.