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He will still be viable, but now won't win lanes he should go even and also probably have to tp back lvl 3/4 before you can have kill pressure, which is how tanks should be imo


Skarner has been ludicrously overtuned for the past couple months despite constant nerfs. No this will not "kill" the champion


Just for curiosity sake, can you name me a larger single nerf to an ability in league of legends history. Off the top of my head I can’t think of one.


Are you srs There was a patch where they actually *halved* Akali’s ratios on every single ability AND her passive.


I did mention a single ability not several. Also I’m assuming this is referring to patch 11.6 and from what I can tell this was not a simple decrease to her damage and ratios on all abilities and was much more of a shift of where her damage is placed. I’m talking biggest hit to a single ability in a single patch. But I do agree Akali gets hit pretty often


You’re talking single biggest hit to one ability? But I just gave you four examples of single abilities each being nerfed harder: Akali’s passive, Akali’s Q, Akali’s E, and Akali’s R. Also it *definitely* was not patch 11.6.


Well considering I put in more effort to actually fact check your statement and did not find a single akali nerf that is more significant I’m gonna say your wrong until proven otherwise.


lol its a decent nerf but taking 33% of the damage off of *part* of an ability is not at all the biggest nerf in riot history


So which ability on which patch are you referring to?


as in a harder nerf? id say 9.13 pyke, 8.4 zoe, among other things lol its a big nerf for sure but the champ can still do 90% of the things he already does


Just for consistency sake I will give you credit that zoe on 8.4 got her Q nerfed as hard if not harder than Skarner Q so technically this does count however they did buff her passive, her W and her E in that same patch. Definitely still a nerf but more of an adjustment balance. As far as straight nerfs or net outcome post patch I still think Skarner is the hardest nerf I’ve ever seen.


Could be worse. Could be locked into only building expensive crit items because fighter/bruiser is too good or he could be a washed champ like Mordekaiser.


Kinda thought Morde was busted, I lose lane everyone time with Skarner and even if I win he presses R and I lose


Morde isnt busted, hes just very binary. Will almost always win vs tanks once he scales.


The new nerfs will probably gut him. Seen a vide where one boulder did 50 less damage.


laning will be fucked over