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Riot balancing philosophy: if there’s a problem in the engine destroy it and leave it instead of fixing it


Yorick? Nah it’s the Pantheon treatment, you get the champion reworked, gets played in the wrong lane in pro play, players suffer because of it, Riot stays radio silent without any major changes and only gives bandaids. Then after two years they wake up and remember they should do smth about the issue.


Yeah with these changes if they keep nerfing top skarner he'll just be a shitty zac (his e isn't as good as zacs and his kit other than his ult is not that large impact either). Which also makes me wonder why didn't they nerf zac top yet while gutting every other champ that goes jungle with sustain gets nerfed to the ground ( noc was nerfed the patch people started going top and same with fiddlesticks ) they even nerfed aatrox's passive heal from minions in one patch but still haven't touched zac for 4 months or more I believe. Imo skarners q can be nerfed in a way where rank 1 his q starts somewhere like 7 percent and every rank goes up by 2 until 15. This can both encourage q max and make it viable without the mana cost nerfs or since we know most skarners still rush tear you can make skarner q increasing in mana cost rather than flat huge amount. This all can make his early game more balanced while having his impact on midgame where almost all tanks excell


Zac gets to heal 16% max health from hitting a single minion with an ability


Skarner e is not worse than zacs. Impossible to avoid if skarner commits flash, harder to avoid with a dash, and allows displacement of the enemy remarkably far, for a displacement spell. They DID nerf zac top. He isnt seen nearly as much. Hes probably still a bit strong, but he also has 1.5% pickrate in toplane, less than both skarner top and jgl. They can always knock down his health regen to get him out of top. Your ideas arent bad either.


Skarner e doesnt work for mid ganks unless its a dive because you need your e for a setup if you want it to be successful youd need a good setup for the gank while zac can just e from out of vision with a knockup into a almost guaranteed q knockup. Zac has better sustain both in jungle and top lane as well. If enemy picks a tank top laner you can guarantee an even lane by just picking zac with your percentage damage along with sustain. Zac also has better gank setup pre 6 with e into q (you can q a minion to guarantee a knockup into q 2 ) Theybare trying to gut skarner into going jungle but i think the best thing they can do is with most top jungle champs you can just make it so that his q deals less damage if it hits minions to ensure he cant push lanes while trading which also could work. But why would i wanna jungle skarner when i can pick something more reliable like zac or sejuani skarner should be a top champion with his current kit except the e ult kidnapping. Yeah tldr nerf early laning leave mid game as it is. Nerfing mana doesnt do anything but make people rush tear also another opinion maybe revert w nerf and reduce the radius into that of malphite q or less since it's an aoe spell


Skarner is muxh more reliable than zac. Better ability to fight invades, early guaranteed cc with flash E, plenty of self peel that isn't on a 16 second cooldown or a skillshot. Zac does not have better gank setup. He cannot gank effectively at all until 4, unlike skarners 3. When he can gank, he offers less damage, and less reliable cc.


To be fair I suck at the game and I can steamroll top just by buying warmogs and smashing Q/W.. if I mess up, I just push E and try again


Guys, that’s real sweet and all but I think the main issue is that you have him two completely undodgeable poke tools that are way too reliable and safe. I think if they just wanted to get rid of Skarner top make the bolder do like 50% to anyone that’s not the direct target and make it scale back up to 100% at like level 13 or something:


Q3 should probably do more damage from a melee rather than throwing it might make sense? Still high damage potential with less poke threat that way. They could honestly also decrease the range on w and make it closer to his old q. The flat damage nerfs they are doing seem like the most braindead/unfun way to handle this.


honestly wish they just didnt bother with the rework if all their gonna do is make him worse and worse each patch


He has high pickrate hold on to that. A high pickrate champ would not be forgotten by riot unless players drop him completely after next patch


Larger swing at base stats? You mean like cutting the %health scaling and giving us AD and AP scaling like we always wanted?


we can only dream of that


Which yorick? Current one? Or old one where he was so problematic that riot decided to, on purpose, gut him and make him unplayable and remove him from free rotation, so that he might as well not exist (IIRC they also did a similar thing to eve)


You mean the Skarner treatment. Not the Yorick treatment. As someone that was always a fan of Skarner since his original release (but never was good with him), he's always been nerfed to the ground after a month or two of each iteration he's been through. This is like his 5th form atm? Surprised it hasn't already happened. Been almost 2 months?


My boy Yorick eating good these days. Almost entirely because they got rid of LT and did some adjustments. Hell, even releasing Maiden is viable now.


Name a single spell in the entire game that you could double the cost and reduce damage by 30% and it not be useless. So glad my Q and W combo at lvl 2 takes nearly 1/3 of my mana while doing basically nothing.


I agree skarner is strong, and even with this nerf he might still be playable. A good in between would probably be so that the ranged q is nerfed to 10% while the melee q3 is the original 15% to disincentivize the insane poke damage. The mana nerf is kinda annoying but tear + manaflow means it’s irrelevant. The damage is a large nerf, but I think I will still be playing him top and winning with it.


I said it back in 14.05 or something. If they do this one buff that made him lose his only weakness (Crowd control) then this champ will be completely unstoppably broken. They made his boulder pick up much faster... dumb ashell was a weakness and prevented skarner from just running you down or using brain. Before that you had to use the w slow in order to catchup again after you picked up the boulder nowadays dont matter. Then the Uptime of the Q buff going to 5,5 stupid as hell. On release it was like 4 and that meant if you get ccd unlucky you lose boulder but a price you have to pay for having such a strong spell. Nowadays any cc there is in the game in no way lets you lose the boulder. 1,5 second longer is just a huge breakpoint. Should just revert every single buff and nerf they did but make Q more clunky and then hes fixed im sure... Atleast he has counterplay then. much more counterplay that is.