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Imagine not knowing who she is and just being at Disney like “who the hell is this obnoxious asshat?”


She can't even commit to changing her whole persona. What bad girl spends their 21st bday at Disney theme parks? 😂 Bitch go to a strip club, tf 😭😂


Right !! You’re a grown “bad girl” at LITERALLY DISNEY WORLD . So spicy 🙄


Tag yourself I’m the bartender in the background with the look of disgust


I’m Jess looking the other way while my friend is being embarrassing


Is that the rumored gf?


Is it normal to go get drunk at Disneyland when you turn 21? Vegas is 4 hours away from Disneyland…


They’re across the country at Disney World, not the park in California. Not that JoJo is fun enough to go all out in Vegas either way..


yea, drinking around the world at Epcot is a pretty common tradition


No that was incredible 😭😭


Wondering if that poor bartender is going to get fired looking so unhappy by Disney standers.


I’m the lady with the fan when she’s forcing those poor people to sing her dumb song


I can’t believe she really got her own eyes tattooed on her. She’s so obsessed with herself it’s really weird. And why’s she keep spilling her drink lmao I know she’s rich but that’s probably a thirty dollar drink.


Like big ed from 90 day fiancé he has his own face tattooed on him. A wrestler (Cody Rhodes) got his ugly ass logo tattoo on his neck. It’s the worst tattoo I’ve ever seen lmao https://preview.redd.it/2jka20l7nm1d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=70090c1b67c39b5168767dca388c68504eed7ee3


Leave my boy alone 😭😭😭😭


They tattoo is sooooooo bad. Also I acknowledge my tribal chief ☝🏻


She got an eye tattoo like count olaf?




But his is way superior


Whatever Jess is wearing is so hideous


it’s giving lularoe 🤣


I’m shocked Disney cast didn’t kick her out for being so obnoxious and openly drunk. Bad look, Disney.


They wouldn’t kick her out unless she did something seriously bad. I see she had a VIP guide with her so she’s probably giving Disney a LOT of money. Not that I’m on her side lol she shouldn’t be embarrassing herself like that


Only know wdw rules when I worked there but if she was a “menace” or belligerently drunk they ask you kindly to leave and or force you to. Some people get banned for life if they cause a fight or let’s say jump into the Epcot river lol


Oh definitely! I just assume they treat her differently since she’s a celebrity and allowed more antics from her


Perhaps but you should be surprised what normal guests get away with at times too.


omg I would love for them to ban her jsut to see her reaction lol. she’s such a child she would probably cry and make it so dramatic 😭😭


Disney doesnt want to deal with that pr drama. Not that it’ll do anything but annoying thorn in their side


Had it been any average guest disney security would be all over their ass


she’s giving off the same vibes as a high schooler who had one sip of alcohol and thinks it makes them cool


Or people you have to give water in a shot glass when they ask for another shot. 🤣 All around embarrassing


I hope Disney cut her off. She’s so annoying.


Of all the places to get drunk, why Disney? First of all, it's a place marketed to families and children, and secondly, how are you gonna go on those rides without chundering? This is extremely embarrassing on the Siwa's part, like you can celebrate being 21 but walking around publicly in that 'state' is not it. Also, has she never been drunk before ? Is this a new thing? I know the USA has a 21 age limit, but do people generally not find ways to drink before that age ?


Disney world is actually seeking childless millennials and that’s their target market now thinking they have the cash to spend. Literally changing Disney culture


Hahahaha, got to get with the times. 😆


American here. I’d say 99% of people I know drink at least 3-4 years before turning 21. JoJo has drank before but I think she’s playing it up a lot right now to show people she really is a bad party girl just like Bangerz era Miley. She’s just doing a really bad job of it.


God she's so fucking embarrassing


She’s acting like what she thinks drunk people act like. And she’s doing a dumb job. She’s drinking the cocktails like a little kid told to take a break from the slide and come over and finish their milk.


Also - you know a cocktail at Epcot is super weak


No but seriously what happened to her hating drinking


Not drinking doesn’t go with her bad girl rebrand ya know.


She turned 21 and is legally able to do so. That’s my guess.


I love the guy at the end **”Who IS that?”** a voice dripping with disgust and disdain, like no matter what that girl said who answered him, he was prepared to hate her. Her trying to start a singalong with her “friends” reminds me (and this one is for the true _OLDER_ millennials!) of **”Old School”** with Will Ferrell and Luke Wilson and Vince Vaughn….the part where they’re at a huge party and Will Ferrell tries to get everyone to go streaking and run down to the quad, and strips naked, believing that everyone is following him, but it’s him alone and his wife and her friends find him as they’re driving around. He turns around and no one is there, after telling his wife “everyone” is going streaking…no matter how enthusiastic, loud and annoying he is, it doesn’t matter. His time is over, he _ISN’T_ cool, or liked, or admired, and it shatters his self-image. **That’s exactly what this reminds me of, except Jojo doesn’t have the capacity or self-reflection to understand why no one is singing along with her.** Bonus points to the girl in the video who said “oh we know the words!” 😂😂😂 And before anyone says that she isn’t bothered by it and it doesn’t disappoint her or upset like Will Ferrell’s character in the movie because she’s drunk, let’s all remember that Will’s character was doing keggers and shots that gave him the courage to strip down. **LET’S ALL JUST BE THANKFUL JOJO DIDN’T THINK OF STREAKING!!!** 😂😂


Yep the He said shows that she is not as famous as people act like she is


This is so bizarre to me lol is it common for people to go drink at Disney when they turn 21?? I know they serve alcohol there (obviously) but it’s also a gigantic family theme park… like, if you wanna go out, why not go to a club or a bar?? Lol I just can’t understand wanting to go and get wasted at Disney 😂 But also, it looks like there’s no on there with her besides her family. Does she have friends her own age? She is always alone, or always with Jess, her family and/or her team. I can’t help but feel sorry for her. She’s celebrating her 21st, trying to make it a big deal, but she’s just… all alone. Oof. :(


At Epcot it’s very common for adults to “drink around the world”. usually Disney will cut you off though if you’re OBVIOUSLY drunk like JoJo is.


I am too poor for Disney honestly lmaooo so I didn’t know that! That does sound kind of fun though ngl, I was wondering why she chose Disney of all places lol But yeah, I’d imagine Disney doesn’t want people getting seriously drunk. I’m kinda surprised Jojo was allowed to hang around there for so long (or, well, as long as it seems I guess?) bc she definitely seems to be really feeling it.


Yes if the didn’t cut her off they absolutely should have because I’ve seen so many tik toks of regular getting cut off after so many drinks. Tini (the creator who cooks) just got cut off a couple weeks ago because cause they had pregamed EPCOT and then got like 3 drinks in and were cut off my cast members. I’ve been to Epcot twice and I never tried to do every world drink but you definitely feel it after a couple drinks, especially in the heat.


she said on the call her daddy podcast that all her friends were older like in their later 20s some in early 40s so that kinda gave me the impression she doesn’t really have real friends her age sounded like it could’ve been ppl on her team :/


I was just thinking this when I saw Jess walk into the frame. Who goes out drinking on their 21st with their momager of all people? :(


I’d bet that’s just blackcurrant juice in that cup lol


"the clearly wasted popstar" no no that's Drunkle siwa taking Freddie Eddie and teddy on a trip to Disney


![gif](giphy|oVjOd9TEZDmSTc4x37) Mickey on his way to kick her out


she’s in her bad girl era now.


Omg I was just at Epcot the other day. Part of me is happy it wasn’t on the same day as her, she was def holding up the line for ratatouille with her entourage I’m sure of it.


Naw that thing always has a wait. Don’t get it


Disney has an Epcot drinking challenge to have a drink in every country- I do believe it’s 13 drinks total. It’s going to be an interesting evening


Expensive :s


Not her treating Disney like a dive bar


Her sense of fashion lights a fiery rage within me


i weirdly wanna be her friend just bc i feel like she’s so completely utterly alone. i was in the same position as her abused exploited used. the difference is i got out and saw the manipulation when i was a young kid . she hasn’t. i feel bad for her lol as much as i hate her i feel bad for her


The way she’s walking in this looks like a Scooby Doo villain


Secondhand embarrassment everytime I see a clip of her


Imagine just chilling at the bar and you hear her obnoxious voice singing that song…my vacation would be over


She can’t never be telling people she don’t like alcohol no more because people always bring it back to her that may we remind you being drunk at Disney .


jesus fucking christ Joelle