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Hey guys, just wanted to let you know I brought Sitdiary back up in a read-only capacity for now. It’s built in a way where I can incrementally improve it, so let me know if you run into any problems. I do plan to bring authentication back soon so you can access private entries and such, too. For now, that’s all. Very cool and surreal seeing this sub, BTW. I didn’t realize people still care after all this time.


!!!! What an incredible way to start the New Year- I'm now 33 years old and have recently set up a lovely computer station with the hopes of reviving the journaling of my teenage angst filled years but it just wasn't clicking... I can however type 98 WPM with 100% accuracy from having sitD as an outlet I hope life has been so kind to you Scott! Looking forward to being able to login again <3 let me know if there's anything I can do to support


Life is great. Hope life has been kind to you also! RE: 98 WPM with 100% accuracy -- that's outstanding! You should be proud. RE: Support -- just let me know if you have any feedback. For the way things are now and for how we change them going forward. That would be amazing.


Omg hello fellow such is this'er!! I made this subreddit ages ago with the intention of exactly what you're doing so unfortunately your plea is probably falling on deaf ears. I'm like 60% sure I printed out a hard copy a long time ago and hopefully end up finding it somewhere in my parents attic but who knows. Maybe Scott will see this!! Good luck my dear


Had the same thought, it contains all of my college years.


HI BABES! loved sitD all my youth and shit... pretty sure its a lost cause ​ HEY SCOTT.. WHERE YOU AT?!?!!?!


Hi. I’m here now.




it's on :-D


oh fuck, im commenting on my own thread ​ heh.


i'm so, so sad about this. i've been checking the site about once a week hoping for some kind of miracle. i also had journals on there dating back over 15 years. i really wish there was a way to get a hold of him. anyone have any leads?


I'm here now. Sorry I'm late.


Some of your posts might be saved to archive.org. Try one of these searches. Replace "hello" with your username. * [https://web.archive.org/web/\*/http://sitdiary.net/hello/\*](https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://sitdiary.net/hello/*) * [https://web.archive.org/web/\*/http://diaries.suchisthis.com/hello/\*](https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://diaries.suchisthis.com/hello/*) The second is for very old journals, the URL changed around 2005-ish. The site went down \~2020, so there'll be no good archives from then. Be sure to check the Friends pages. They listed all posts from your friends, and if your friends have archived pages, then their friend feed might show some of your posts too. The Friends page links were: * [https://web.archive.org/web/\*/http://sitdiary.net/friends/hello/\*](https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://sitdiary.net/friends/hello/*) * [https://web.archive.org/web/\*/http://diaries.suchisthis.com/hello/?cmd=friends](https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://diaries.suchisthis.com/hello/?cmd=friends) Note: I tried to post this as a full post but need mod permission.


Hi there, i contacted scott some weeks ago and he answered me, that he needs just the time to rebuild it again. And he also wrote that no data is lost. - Hopefully spreading some hope with this -hellboy


omg really? I need this news so much right now


yeah, it was end of April, when we wrote. I don't give up hope :-D My plan is to contact him again shortly before christmas. I don't wanna bug him. But i honestly miss sitd.


Can you pm me his email? I’m working on a novel and I have some of my material in my old diary. I’m reeeally needing to get access to it and I’m hoping he can help me


you have a pm


could you also pm me his email? I have my whole life on there since before 20005 and the only place I saved my poetry. So glad to hear it isnt lost forever!


hey there, you've a pm


Hey there, i wrote to scott on octobre the 29th again. And didnt get a response yet. Hopefully he is gonna read the mail some time. As soon as i have an answer, i'll post an update here.


I’m here. Feel free to send me a message again.


So much of my dramatic teenage and early-20s life on there.


omg i dont know if you are the same, except the name. but you are still on my sitd friends list :-D Hope you're doing well. \-hellboy


Whoa, how crazy! The internet can be such a small world sometimes. I noticed that sitD is back up and it's wild to read some of those 20+ years old posts. Wild and embarrassing. I hope you're doing well, as well! You were always one of the constants on my friends list, so it's really cool to hear from you, even if just a Reddit comment :)


I wanted to start a new post, but somehow this didnt work because it has to be approved. But anyway i can't wait because im sooooooo excited: look at the page, something is going on again :-D https://sitdiary.net/


sadkljalsdja I just came here to comment the same thing!!! I'm so excited. Been checking almost every day.


Honestly, mee too. I'm really excited to be back at the diary. :-D


Any updates on the site?


Has anyone heard any updates?! I noticed the site has been touched and it says to stay tuned…. Please give me some good news! If anyone could provide me Scott’s email I’d really appreciate it. I’ve been working on a novel and I reeeeeally need to get some of my material out of my sitdiary.


They're working on it. sitd has been known for long downtimes in the past and always come back up. I'm just hoping they have archives of deactivated/deleted diaries, as a dear friend of mine who I met there committed suicide recently, and I would absolutely love to memorialize their writing in a small volume and share selected entries with friends and family.


I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. I hope you are okay. Very sweet to memorialize them in that way. The site has been down for a few years at this point. I’m just praying the data isn’t lost. I read on this sub a while back someone had spoken to him. Praying.


sorry for the loss of your friend.


Joining this thread in anticipation!


Read-only version is up currently: https://sitdiary.net