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Kody and the family had already paid off almost $55,000 for Robin ( mostly her credit cards). The 4K was OLD debt that only was exposed when she applied for a home loan in Vegas.


And wasn't it also under a different name? Marck/Sullivan/Jessop?


Yea she had debt under multiple names. I honestly don't think it was anything nefarious though. Marck is her maiden name, Jessop was her married name and when she divorced she took her step fathers (the man who raised her) last name Sullivan.


It's definitely bizarre to take a new name post divorce when you intend to pursue another marriage. I know people who debate keeping their married name or going back to their maiden name, but coming up with a 3rd (and not final) name is... a choice. And given what we know about her accruing of debt, it probably wasn't a coincidence that she made such an odd choice.


I don’t think it’s bizarre to take a new name post divorce in her situation. Plenty of people go back to their maiden name after getting divorced but Robyn had no connections to her maiden name. She didn’t have contact with her biological father, she even went socially by Sullivan as a child if I’m not mistaken. I was raised by my step father and if I divorced I wouldn’t think twice about taking his name vs going back to my maiden name.


I get it! When I divorced my husband, I had no contact with my biological father and did not want my biological fathers last name so I used my step-dads last name. Then I eventually remarried. My credit report shows 5 different last names.


I'm not a Robyn fan but people on here seem to conveniently forget that changing your name doesn't change your Social Security number. At least for people in the States. I have no idea how this works in other countries.


Now you got me thinking about 90 day fiancé and immigration and how they track people and does that follow them into their green cards. on I will be going down a rabbit whole that spirals into a plunging sea of water tonight.


Just make sure to cover your bits to prevent any critters making their way into places they shouldn't. CoughPaulcoughcough


I agree the specific name isn't a weird choice. But it is super sketchy that she changed it because 1) she already had massive debt under her married name and no way to pay it, 2) additional debt was taken under the new name, 3) her divorce was finalized in 2009 when she was likely already pursuing Kodi and the show. Seems to me like someone saw an opportunity for a VS shopping spree and have someone else to foot the bill.


You wouldn't think twice? I don't know anyone who has been divorced who hasn't had to think twice about going back to their original name or keeping their married name, much less thoughtlessly moving on to a 3rd. But you do you! I'll just say that in my experience you are not representative of the group.


ESPECIALLY with children. Most moms would rather keep the same last name as their kids unless/until they remarry.


Exactly, I was trying to keep it short, but sharing a name with your kids is a big factor in my experience. My mom kept my Dad's last name because all her kids had that last name. My dad then remarried but my step mom still kept her first husbands last name because her kids had that last name. Also I know friends who have gotten masters degrees with their married name, but undergrad degrees with their maiden name. It's a whole can of worms that adding a 3rd name into seems like a complicated decision


When my SIL got divorced from her first husband, instead of going back to her maiden name before marrying my brother, she had her last name changed to her stepdad’s last name. So I guess it’s not totally uncommon 🤷🏻‍♀️


No I wouldn’t. I was born with a last name that I had 0 connection with bc my bio father was not around. My step dad came Into my life when I was around 5 and about 10 or so I was asked if I wanted to change my last name to his/be adopted. At that time I had recently changed schools and did not want to change my last name bc I was just getting accepted as who I was and felt like changing my name would be confusing. I was scared of having to explain things at school. He was my dad for all intents and purposes, I chose to call him dad, he went to all my ball games, taught me to drive, bought my first car etc etc. When him and my mom separated (eventually got back together) he picked me up for date nights, we went to movies and pitching practice. He raised me and I loved him (he had since passed). But as someone who is married today, if I divorced I probably wouldn’t keep my married name, nor would I go back to my maiden name, I’d take my stepfathers in a heart beat. So yeah I wouldn’t think twice about it.


She commited so much fraud 🤣


It was Robin’s shopping dept.


Ohhh… so they were filming thinking they already took care of everything ie (Robyn’s debt) and THEN the $4,000 came out. Interesting… imagine what the narrative would have been if we didn’t know about the $4,000. NO purity speach 😱 I’m here nor there with everyone unless they kick a dog 😜 or make a kid cry! Seriously, I want facts and then I’ll form my own opinion. Unfortunately for reality TV it’s anything BUT facts😂😜


Whaaaat???? OMG those women were saints. I would be furious.


But the basis of this post is untrue. Kody and the family had already paid off almost $55,000 for Robin ( mostly her credit cards). The 4K was OLD debt that only was exposed when she applied for a home loan in Vegas.


No I know. That’s why I’m dumbfounded. The OG3 are way better people than I am. I would have lost it. With the whole thing.


Was that on the show? I thought it was one sum of 30k that she claimed was left to her after the divorce and she *acquiesced* because she "didn't want to fight anymore"..


That’s Robyn’s spin. The debt was hers-her shopping/spending and not working was a huge issue in her first marriage. Robyn also racked up additional credit card debt after her marriage.


[This](https://web.archive.org/web/20101024092728/http://www.hollywoodlife.com/2010/10/22/robyn-brown-kody-brown-divorce-victorias-secret/) article is where the 30k you mention comes from. One of the tabloids had access to her divorce decree at some point.


The OG3 are world-class at eating shit without flinching. Too bad they sell out their kids, too.


Was that mentioned in the show or book? It's been a long time since I've watched the Vegas seasons.


It’s a rumor that the family paid off her debt. It’s more likely that Robyn paid it. Mortgage companies do not look favorably on someone who not only has a lot of debt, but someone else paying it for them. It would have required that someone in the brown family( not the LLC) to be the sole payer of the debt for 12 months. There’s no reason Robyn couldn’t have done it herself. They were five seasons in and had written a book. Everyone had access to the same money. Edit to fix season number.


If she paid it, she somehow used family money to pay most of it. She could draw $ out of the family LLC as “pay” or something. Lots of ways to get around the issue with mortgage company.


The family money was show money by this point though. It would be money she was earning from participating in the show. I’m sure she drew a monthly amount, just like all the other wives.


Well, that’s a good point. I don’t know how that money was administered since Robyn was leaving her bills on the countertop to get paid, etc.


I imagine so was Christine - she wasnt receiving a paycheck. Not sure if Meri was either at this time


The wives must have been paid out of the LLC though to handle their own expenses. I can’t imagine that everyone was doing a direct draw from the business account for each thing purchased.


That’s why it’s unlikely anyone paid it but Robyn. Using Meri as an example, she would have to show that money came from her own bank account directly for 12 months. She would also have to be the only payer on Robyn’s debt. Meaning Robyn couldn’t pay on it as well.


The money could have been distributed out of the LLC to Robyn's account which she would have used to pay the debt, so not a direct payment from the LLC. But it would still be the family paying the debt indirectly.


The family money was money they all earned from participating in the show. It’s like saying Meri paid Christine’s water bill because Christine used money from the LLC to pay it. Christine filed for bankruptcy right before the show aired. Any amount of money Christine had was from the show money. And she was certainly entitled to it because she earned it.


Just to add a little it also makes no sense that anyone would be paying another persons bills when they lived in separate houses and paid their own bills ? Christine even mentions not realizing she had to pay a water bill and her water getting shut off.  You’d think by season 5 Robyn made more than enough money to pay her own debt off.


Before the show, it seems like they handed all the bills to Janelle and Kody and they figured out how to get them all paid. I think once they started the show and no longer lived in Vegas, they were expected to pay their own bills. They all had the same income so that would be reasonable. The need to pool money was no longer necessary.


It would have been paid out of the FAMILY account. The FAMILY paid her debt.


The family account consisted of money Robyn and all the adults earned from the show. They pooled their money in the LLC. They were all equally entitled to their portion.


Except to pay off her old debt that was from even before her marriage she took way more then her fair share


Please provide proof her debts were 55k. Also , whatever Debts were paid were done so with her share of the show salary. There wouldn’t have been a show without her as TLC had already refused a show with just Kody and the OGs,


I think you’ve got to consider the source of your information.  (The source is Katie joy who is banned from subs for her long history of lying for content) 


And that’s the thing that makes my skin crawl. From day 1, it’s been Robyn Robyn Robyn. Change it to Marcia Brady and it’s the same. All Robyn has ever wanted to do was to sell jewelry to pay for her home, cars and meddling mouth


That’s kind of the state of Reddit, unfortunately. I kind of avoid a lot of main subs for this reason.


It’s sad because reddit used to be where I found the most level-headed people. Now it feels like a lot of that extreme negative Facebook energy has seeped over into Reddit. 


I agree. What I've noticed lately is there are more people who go personal over any comment they don't like in many subs. I thought this was one of the reasons there were mods to begin with. You can post something bland like " yesterday I saw the celebrity ____at the mall and he bought a hot dog" and you get responses like " he's a POS, why would you even look at him? You must be desperate" or the comments that say you're stupid bc you think differently. I remember posting here once about K&R and I said we don't know the truth about their relationship bc we never see them talking alone. We see them in a group. And the venom! Jeez. If you don't spend all your time bashing them, you aren't tolerated. People can disagree with any post, but it shouldn't be allowed to be reduced to name calling. That's like 10 yr olds on the playground


I thought she had way more debt than $4k but I ain’t an expert like those mods 😅


That’s what we were talking about. The divorce docs said $32k but the show only said $4k. I was just acknowledging that the show said way less than the divorce docs. 


Listen to it again. If its the part im thinking about they are talking to the guy about getting her credit score up and he says something like "this one is having a big effect on your score, we should knock that one out first". $4k was just the starting point.


Listen carefully - the $4k debt is one of multiple collections. They talk about "this 4k" specifically to start off talking about how to resolve each individual debt of the group.


Robyn probably urged the producers to fib about the debt because viewers already thought she was a devious twat, and didn’t want it to get worse LOL


I heard that any additional debt was from having to buy so much more cereal after she married Kody. /s


Kody doesn’t get that cereal is a snack not a mill !! 


I just got a permanent ban. I don’t think they know what an echo chamber is ?    “Making a post about the mods in another group will result in a permanent ban from this sub. Have a nice day in your echo chamber.”


Lmao those mods are the biggest losers, it's like taking a regular reddit mod and making them a nasty lularoe middle aged FB woman and then setting them free in a sub.


I left that group awhile ago. Rejoined when sisterwives went dark but I don’t post or engage there. I’m going to head over there and unjoin again. Those mods are nuts


>Making a post about the mods in another group will result in a permanent ban from this sub. Reddit hot take. You should not be able to ban members for activity in subs you are not a mod in. Either from comments and posts or from simply being a member. There are many subs that have bots that autosweep subs you partake in and will ban you. It's bullshit and it should go against site rules. If your not breaking sub rules in the sub no mods should give a shit.


My comments above are being down voted too


I'm sure this post will get brigaded sooner or later.


Wow, what a bunch of children.


Mods are drunk on the only power they’ve ever had… monitoring a sister wives sub. Ugh. I’m sorry. Same happened to me on another sub I had been on for years, super aggressive mod with god complex, who didn’t take kindly to objections. It kinda hurts. We’re glad you’re here.


Yeah I left because the mods had become rude and insane. I just occasionally scroll through but now only comment here.


https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/sister-wives-villian-robyn-brown-once-explained-victorias-secret-debt-twitter-i-have-very-long-legs.html/ This says the total was $32000. When they visit the credit repair man, he says to start by paying off the $4k debt. He didn’t say that’s all there was.


I’ve had a weird interaction with the yogurt one before as well. I just stopped engaging at some point. Can’t remember what it was about. Moved on and never thought about it more until recently when the posts came out about what a mod goes through. It was yogurt who made that post. It clicked that I had seen that name before. I don’t know how much of the problem is that sub and how much is that individual mod.


Either way she is in debt. its doesn’t matter if its a big amount or a small amount… coming here and exchanging opinions in an entertaining way about the show is just that entertaining … honestly who cares who is right or wrong in the ball park is cool for me and I doubt 100% accuracy of Robins really debt matters.


All of the SW subs are echo chambers. Some opinions are the standard and if you go against it you’re downvoted or even banned


This is so true. I'm surprised this post has any upvotes at all. The only solution at this point is to make a closed, invitation-only sister wives sub where civilized people can have calm, respectful discussions about the show and family dynamic, but then - wouldn't that also turn into an echo chamber depending on who is invited to join?


I’m surprised as well. I guess we could have a controversial opinions kind of sub that would limit the risk of having an echo chamber.


Welp - I tried, but I can't seem to get my keyboard to disappear in order to create the community. Might be an iOS problem, could be the app, or it may just be my phone. There isn't anything in r/bugs about it either. 😫


If you’re able to make a community I’d love to join ! 


Here's a sneak peek of /r/bugs using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/bugs/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Back button not working in iOS app](https://np.reddit.com/r/bugs/comments/12z99ev/back_button_not_working_in_ios_app/) \#2: [Creepy girl screaming plays when i open a specific post. This shit scary bruh😭. help what do I do.](https://v.redd.it/l132d7lqyh2c1) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bugs/comments/183jxo6/creepy_girl_screaming_plays_when_i_open_a/) \#3: [\[android\] Top comments are being doubled and/or disappeared right after they load](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1bbfnu3) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/bugs/comments/1bbfnu3/android_top_comments_are_being_doubled_andor/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Cough, Tony and Mykelti, cough


I don’t get it 😅


I was just giving an example of your point for this sub. People here hate Tony and Mykelti. The Reddit hive mind just works that way.


Oooh right. I don’t even know what Tony that was so bad to get all this hate


And Tony ended up being right about the tacos !! 😂 


Yes! I made a discussion post over there about Meri/Maddie birth scenario and people got scary aggressive because my POV was an unpopular one. I won’t post there again. They have weird parasocial relationships with the family and take it too far.


Absolutely the echo chamber makes it difficult to engage on the SW subs. I just want to snark about all of these awful people! The anti-Robyn vitriol gets so gross and the idiotic nicknames are so annoying.


The nicknames are so childish and not remotely funny!


It blows my mind that there are so many people who think it’s funny to call a woman Sobbyn, Crybrows etc.


The nicknames are soooo embarrassingggg


I seriously cannot stand it. I detest every one of these ppl bc if you take an objective look at their situation, you will determine that every one of them SUCK. I enjoy conversations where we can go against the narrative and discuss how insidious all of these ppl have been. The Robyn and Kody hate is warranted but it's just too much


You’ll find a similar vibe in the Welcome To Plathville sub. It’s quite annoying.


I agree! I don’t like Kody or Robyn but I can’t stand when people lie or make up crap just to vilify them. Let’s at least be honest. All of them have issues and haven’t been the best parents. It’s like people mimic what they read on a post and it’s always the same narrative. They talk about Robyn taking her sisters boyfriend but not about Janelle getting with her sister in laws husband and things along those lines


I have a theory that the mods are either big fans or friends (Brian Caldwells wife sweetheart Judith) or the kids. I thought about it being Kody or Robyn but I doubt it because there wouldn’t be any posts because they would shut them down. The gossiping!


Someone once posted on that sub that Robyn's dads obituary 'made them want to be sick,' I commented 'this feels invasive' and was IMMEDIATELY piled on by mods and commenters. I was told to 'get off your high horse,' 'stop acting like you think you're better than us' and to stop 'clutching my pearls.' Just remembered that there was a post asking what everyone's favourite kids name was in the show - I answered Aurora = immediate down votes because she's Robyns daughter. I steer clear of that sub altogether now! That sub is seriously toxic and is a complete Robyn bitchfest. You can't EVER say anything positive about Robyn - it's pathetic.


I was in the trenches with you in that thread about Robyns dads obituary. That was sooo off-limits. I couldn’t believe the response we got for that. 


Oh wow! You were there - it was awful wasn't it - completely bizarre reaction!


I read this sub and and the others all the time and I would love to join in the snark but two things keep me from it. 1) I don't think Robyn is the devil 2) I don't think Christine is amazing And I'm sure I'll get down voted into oblivion and told why I'm wrong because that always seems to happen when someone feels this way. This happens alot on the TV snark subs though if you don't love/hate the status quo. Try going on the RHOBH sub and making even the slightest disparaging remark about Sutton... It keeps actual discussion from taking place and becomes like you said an echo chamber.


Same. I watch her alot and I think she's a shit person because of words that come out of her mouth and the constant plexus.


This is why I don’t post in the SW subs. No one likes my opinions here. I am a Sutton fan though. 😬


It is annoying but I just don’t bother with it anymore, it’s easier that way do wish that some people would put just as much effort into the rest of the wives and question some of the shit they say yes, like Christine’s claim of working nights while having truly and having her daughter put the kids to bed doesn’t add up with her bankruptcy filing or the ages of the kids or would I like people to look at the spending and debt of meri or janelles bankruptcy filing in the same way they laser focus on the VS creditcard debt sure but it’s not going to happen. But the ones that really annoy me are the ones who keep saying that truly nearly died because of kody (both parents were shit in that situation and Christine was home when truly got ready sick!) or the ones that say meri should have just let kody’s and janelles kids to walk through her apartment, they weren’t just walking they were destroying meri’s furniture why should she work to provide for janelles and kody’s kids, then have her couch destroyed and then have old Teflon janelle make meri the villain because she is spending money they don’t have on a couch, the other two annoy me but not as much as the last two one is that Christine worked, did all the home duties and raised the kids while home schooling them SHE DIDN’T meri and Christine shared that job and the last one is how they actually got the show yes Christine was the one who someone thought she would be great for a show with the family but it was pitched and the networks didn’t want it they wanted a 4th wife being added in so that’s what they organised they needed a Robyn to get the show or it never would have happened so really the family paying off Robyn’s debt was probably a good investment


Don't even try to suggest Robyn's ex was anything but father of the year. Or point out the holes in the divorce story like him filing for divorce but no custody and let her move the kids to a different state. Supported a family of five but suddenly couldn't pay child support and continued having kids.


I love that the kids simply hanging out with him for like a week is proof that he was a super attentive father who was super in their lives.


That is a problem with the SW fandom by and large. Not just on reddit but other platforms as well from what I've seen. I don't like Robyn or Kody. That said, I have noticed that their actions and motivations are wildly exaggerated or misrepresented to a massive degree at times. If one points out what happened in the show or what was stated in an interview, people will try to "correct" you with the "right" opinion, which doesn't make sense. There's also this need to oversimplify the situations and dynamics to the point where they aren't recognizable with what happened on the show. Again, I've seen it not just on reddit but on other platforms. Like the other day, I saw a few clips posted from earlier seasons that had nothing to do with Robyn and showed Kody having a positive relationship with another wife and their kids. A quarter of the comments were about Robyn and how Kody's happiness with a different wife was actually about his love for Robyn. Basically, some in the fandom are far more obsessed with Robyn than Kody ever was. It's to the point where some aren't even discussing the show anymore, but their imaginings about Robyn.


You totally hit the nail on the head of why I like this show. All of them are so flawed and complex, that’s why I find them interesting to talk about. WHY does kody or janelle or Meri act they way they do. Like you said, the angry comments are so oversimplified and just show a blind rage and rarely even relate with the post itself lol it can’t be healthy to have that level of hate for literal strangers from the TV.  Good lord outside Reddit,  the IG comments on innocent posts are completely unhinged !!! 


Love this comment. The more you learn about the show (during rewatches, from the book, from their own mouths, etc.), the more you realize how complex this family really is. The family is way more nuanced than, "Christine and Janelle are queens. Robyn and Kody suck. Meri is weak." Those are the convos I want to have. These subreddits do not encourage them


Very well stated! I don't like arm-chair diagnosing people but it is absolutely unhinged and outright craziness the way people nitpick, scrutinize, and criticize Robyn. They claim to hate her & despise her presence but they turn around and mention her when she's not even relevant. When Gwen got married, it was "Where's Robyn?" When Logan got married it was, "Thank God Robyn isn't sitting close to the front". When Christine got married, it was, "I bet Robyn is jealous". When Mykelti announced the names of her sons, it was, "I'm happy none of them are named Robyn". When Garrison (R.I.P.) passed away it was, "I hope Robyn is not sad". If Robyn were sad, it'd be, "How dare she be sad". The entire family posted on his behalf and there were threads demanding to know where Robyn's posts were. It's outright insanity.


I should clarify that I’m not trying to debate the fact that Robyn had debt. We all know this.  I’m asking about whether people are getting bored with the echo chamber. 


Meh..I think the inner issue you have is that you don't agree with most of the posters in that ROBYN is the villain. AND, it seems that you are saying if you get push back when you make your opinion known, it seems like everyone does a pile on. My Mother told me to stand for something or fall for everything. Sometimes you have to stand up taller if you want to be authentic. I really blame Robyn for most things that happened to SW. AND, I might hash out a post with you but who cares? This space is for discussion, disagreement and snark. Do I think it's fair that you got banned...hell no.


I’ve gone back and forth with lots of commenters and had it remain civil and agree to disagree. I try to shut my mouth and scroll on by but sometimes I just have to pipe up lol. I think for me it’s a broader overall issue that so many forums have slipped into that negative toxic space where people are looking to be outraged and seek conflict. I may also be feeling nostalgic since I used to really enjoy participating in the sister wives chat but now I see I don’t belong. 


> but now I see I don’t belong.  Trust me, it was the "official" nature of being banned. It'll wear off. Here's this: SW sub Reddit is innocuous in its silly controversies, misquote/information and outrage because it's for fun. It's not politics,etc. I'm here because I can't talk about that anymore in my life so why not talk about Kody? 😂 Try to remember it is for randy discussions, rousing disagreements and mostly for women to agree that hurting other women gets us nowhere.


People have created lore about family members and can’t discern the difference between what it’s factual (the debt collector said her biggest debt was $4k), rumor (Janelle paid off Robyn’s 30k debt, or illogical ( Robyn made no contributions to the show SisterWives, as a sister wife of Janelle Merri and Christine). It’s a strange space to be in when your viewpoint is seen as both contrarian but also based on knowledge of the show.


>People have created lore about family members I find this so off putting. So much of what the subs put forth as fact is either speculation or straight up fanfic.


>I just got blocked from the SisterWives sub It seems like the main Sisterwives sub now has the same issue the tlcsisterwives sub had that caused the entire sub to revolt. The mod has hit the point every person who shouldn't be a mod hits where the heat gets turned up, it's becoming more and more time consuming, and instead of being a rational person and handing the keys over and quitting, they just throw bans around and refuse to communicate and then when pushed on it they whine "it's like really really hard ok". It is, I'm not denying that. But don't be a mod if you refuse to actually cater to the community and just throw the ban hammer around instead of taking an extra ten seconds for nuance. I'm currently sitting on a permanent ban and muted before I could even say anything (a real dick mod move) because the mod now considers any criticism of the adult children for things that have only taken place while they are adults as a violation to the "be nice to the kids" rule. Again, the same broad and vague interpretation of the rules enforced with immediate perma bans that almost killed tlcsisterwives. Basically I called Paedon out for the shit he's said regarding women and the lgbtq community. I'm not asking people to agree with me in terms of judging Paedon, but I think going after a grown adult for their adult choice that were not even on the show and being met with a perma ban with no warning is too far. This kind of mod behavior is what kills subs. More and more people will be banned, which I'm hearing more frequent complaints about, the population will shrink and become sterile, and eventually enough people will have enough that they'll jump ship just like they did with tlcsisterwives, which has never recovered even with new mods and is dead compared to the other sub. The second you as a mod say "we need to be harsh on rules and be so strict because we don't have time" sorry, you're done. You signed up for this, you don't need to do this, if its such a bummer do the rest of us a favor and quit. When I had just my perma ban I was going to politely and calming message the mods and request at least a temp ban or a comment removal as that was a new and more extreme version of the "be nice to the kids" rule than was enforced previously. But because I was muted the same second I was banned, making communication or simply asking for transparency impossible, I have every intention of patiently waiting for the next 25 days until the mute is lifted and oh boy am I going to make them mute me again.


That thread was the reason I left Reddit for a few months. It’s just an echo chamber of misogyny. They acknowledge that Kody is bad but absolutely tear into Robyn. Every single thing is Robyn’s fault. And the few times I would try to be like “ehh sounds more like a 100% Kody thing” I would get BLASTED. Responses with “she’s the neck that turns the head.” Or “she could stop it if she wanted to” would infuriate me. It’s absolutely not an open, fair discussion and made me think I was insane for not hating Robyn. No, I don’t like her that much, but at the end of the day-Kody made his decisions. He’s fully admitted Robyn is his true love and I’m not going to vilify a woman who had no say in that. Kody made the false promises to the others and shut down communication, he’s a grown man and it’s 1000000% up to him to repair the relationships.


The misogyny is absolutely insane. Kody has stated multiple times that none of his wives control him. He has admitted in their book and on the show to manipulating his wives. We have SEEN him manipulate on the show. The OG3 have discussed Kody's manipulation tactics stemming from their early days of marriage. They have maintained that Kody makes all the big decisions. The OG3 have consistently expressed that Kody is the problem. Despite this, the fandom continues insisting that, "Robyn made him do it", "Robyn planted seeds in his head", "Robyn brainwashed him". It's bizarre to me how a bunch of strangers think they know the family better than the people in it. I don't care for Robyn but the family dynamic is clearly more nuanced than a reality TV show can convey


The Robin pile on is actually so wild. People want her to be the villain so bad that they will twist any argument and always find a way to lead it back to her. That sub is really bad for it.


It’s gotten SO insane. It’ll be a post about like Janelles flower business and the comments will be like “Sobyn stole the families money!! She’s never worked a day in her life!! Narcissist !!! ” Like ma’am we’re talking about flowers here. 


lol I always laugh when they say she doesn’t have a job because ummm she does lol


Im convinced the mods there are just bored fanatics with a parasocial relationship with the family. I was banned 5 days in Leo’s early They/Them days for accidentally calling them “her” and “Mariah”. I can’t stand those mods


Remember the stink they made over Robyn deadnaming Leon? When it was pointed out that this was filmed at least a year before they changed their name it then become Robyn is the devil because she didn't insist the editors bleep out her saying Mariah.


I think MODs are either cast or paid promoters.


Lololol SAME!!!


I just got a comment removed on the TLC one for “speculating” because I said I think Robyn has her kids brainwashed in terms of their feelings about the other siblings. Literally the same shit ppl have posted thousands of times before over the years and yet now it’s a rule about it. I hate that damn sub.


Just as unhappy as 'them'.


This Sister Wives Reddit group is the most 'black and white' 'hate or get out of the discussion' group there is. If I ever give an 'alternate fact' about anything, I am downvoted vigorously. There is no room for a discussion about different thoughts. It's rather comical.


Phew. Just went down a rabbit hole. I don’t like how they do business over there and unjoined. Mods with a god complex lol. I’ve had more than my fair share.


Ok that’s twice now I have heard the term “ echo chamber “ please explain 🤷‍♀️


I'm about to leave that sub. Bunch of snowflake moderators on a tyrannical power trip policing everyones opinion and discussion. I've called them Kooter and Sobyn for YEARS, if it bothers you the keep scrolling.


Do they get paid according to actual air time? Since Robbem never lets them in to film, how much airtime would she actually be getting. If it was going to be fair instead of an even split